You Just Might Be A Liberal…

Are you not sure that you’re a liberal? Well, there’s an easy way to find out. You might be a liberal if…

1) ….Your newspaper calls people “bigoted” for being worried about bringing Syrian refugees to America, but you won’t run pictures of Muhammad because you’re afraid Muslims might kill you for it.

2) ….You think every man accused of sexual assault is guilty until proven innocent except Bill Clinton.

3)….You insist that anyone who questions global warming hates science even though you don’t understand any of the science behind it yourself and you say we have to do something about climate change primarily because you want to impress your liberal friends.

4) ….You are terrified that holding terrorists at Guantanamo Bay who are trying to murder Americans might make the other terrorists who are trying to murder Americans mad.

5) ….You believe there’s a “Republican War on Women;” yet you are okay with aborting baby girls for any reason, think any man who says he identifies as a woman should be able to use the women’s bathroom and you want to put Bill Clinton back in the White House.

6) ….You claim to constantly hear Republican “dog whistles” that 99% of the population misses; yet you’d deny you’re racist for insisting that black Americans aren’t competent enough to get an ID to vote.


7) …You think there’s a possibility that Obama might be able to have a productive conversation with radical Islamists who want to kill us, but dialogue with the NRA is impossible.

8)….You believe Hillary Clinton is telling the truth. About anything. Ever.

9) ….You simultaneously believe the police are violent trigger-happy racists who shoot people for no good reason and that we should disarm the populace so that only the government has guns.

10) ….You went to a talk given on your campus by a conservative just so you could scream at him for “invading your safe space.”

11) ….You think Chris Kyle was a monster for killing so many enemies of America while Bowe Bergdahl deserves to be treated with respect and compassion after deserting his unit.

12) ….You believe you’re a caring and compassionate person because you advocate giving other people’s money away to people you hope will vote for candidates you like.

13) ….You believe that anyone who dislikes Barack Obama must hate him because he’s a minority, but your hatred of Ted Cruz and Clarence Thomas is perfectly justifiable.

14) ….You think you are a sophisticated person with a deep understanding of complex political issues, but sum up every one with some variation of, “Republicans are evil, racist, and they hate you while liberals like me are nice!”

15) ….You think it’s vitally important to increase the number of Muslim immigrants coming to America so they can inform on all the other Muslims who are planning terrorist attacks.

16) ….You blame the Republicans for the failure of Obamacare even though none of them voted for it.

17) ….Your first response to a terrorist attack committed by radical Islamists who’ve sworn allegiance to ISIS is to try to disarm every law-abiding gun owner in the country.

18) ….You think an unemployed, white factory worker who’s struggling to feed his family has some sort of racial privilege compared to Barack Obama, Melissa Harris Perry or Al Sharpton.

19) ….You say fences don’t work and gun-free zones do, but if Republicans wanted the fence around the White House taken down and demanded that the Secret Service be disarmed, you’d accuse them of trying to get Obama killed.

20) ….You believe Bruce Jenner is a woman, Rachel Dolezal is black and Elizabeth Warren is an Indian.

21)  Food in any way can be a “microagression” based on race, religion, sex, or ethnicity.

22) Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength. Guns kill people so getting rid of Guns will kill less people.

23) The Power of Life and Death is “Pro-Choice”.

24) Any immigration is good no matter how it was done and anyone opposed to any immigration of any kind is “racist”.

25) A Religion is a Race, unless they are Christians, then they are just bigots.

26) Utter the word “islamophobia” and mean it.

27) Anything with a (D) after their name is ok and can do anything they want because it’s better than they alternative.

28) Democrats Lie, but it’s your fault not theirs.

29) A Tax is a Penalty, even after it’s ruled a Tax it’s still a Penalty.

30) “What Difference Does it Make?”

31) It was the fault of a You Tube Video.

32) That the Media is not biased and that people like Hillary and Barack are “moderates” and any Republican is “extreme”.

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel
Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell
Political Cartoons by Steve Kelley
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

The Greatest Snark of All

“To the students of color at Mizzou, we stand with you in solidarity. To those who would threaten their sense of safety, we are watching.

Yeah, they want safety from people who would disagree with their cry baby narcissism… Mommy Government make them stop! 🙂

<span class='image-component__caption' itemprop="caption">Students at Yale stand in solidarity with Mizzou. </span> Ken Yanagisawa Students at Yale stand in solidarity with Mizzou. 

The guy who started it is from a 1%er multi-million dollar capitalist family….

Oh, and it’s a Hoax, just like “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot”. Gee, no one saw that coming…Least of all Zombie Liberals.

Nice COMMUNIST Symbology. Learn that in College did we? 🙂


SO with that, Matt Walsh:

Dear Walmart,

I am writing to inform you of a terrible attack I suffered in one of your stores this week. The assault against me was so violent and oppressive that I had to immediately retreat to my healing space, where I lay whimpering on the floor for three and a half days, barely able to move or breathe. I emerge now, courageously, only because I must see that those responsible are made to answer for their crimes. I feel deeply triggered even speaking about it, but I must soldier on, in the name of #Justice.



It all started in the parking lot of my local Walmart. I was walking from my car to the store, minding my own business, when suddenly another customer, a man, walked up and accosted me. I should pause here and apologize to the transgender, agender, nongender, pangender, bigender, trigender, and quasigender communities if they feel offended or victimized because I’m labeling this individual a man. To be honest, he never mentioned his gender identity, and I would be the last person to ever assume anything about anyone. But in this case I feel comfortable guessing that the entity in question was a man because, in my experience, only cisgender white Christian Republican middle class heterosexual men are ever guilty of doing anything wrong. Anyway, I don’t really believe in labels, except for the five or six labels I just used in the previous sentence.

So, back to the incident. The man came alongside me, out of nowhere and without invitation, and immediately started sharing opinions with me. They were bad opinions. Opinions I didn’t like. Opinions that were different and confusing and scary. Opinions that shouldn’t exist. Opinions that made me feel delegimitized and otherized and vaporized. Literally vaporized. The opinions were like a death ray that zapped me and reduced me to ash and rubble.

Somehow, in the midst of this barrage, I was able to let out a desperate shriek. “STOP,” I yelled. “STOP. DEAR GOD. STOP.” He looked at me and even his look was offensive because I could tell in his head he was still thinking opinions that weren’t my opinions. “HOW DARE YOU DEVALUE MY LIFE EXPERIENCES,” I shouted.

He told me he had no idea what that meant. I could tell he’d never been to college. I put up my hands – just like they teach us in college – and started screaming “SAFE SPACE, SAFE SPACE, I’M IN MY SAFE SPACE” over and over again.

I thought that was the end of it. They told me in college nobody is allowed to think differently, and if anyone ever does think differently, all I need to do is run to my safe space. Everyone has to respect my safe space, which isn’t to be confused with my healing space, although my healing space must also be respected.

But these defenses were useless against the man. He only upped the ante. He insulted me. INSULTED ME. Do you understand what I’m saying to you? He formed words with his lips and ejected sounds from his throat and those sounds came out in the form of insults. He called me names. All kinds of names. All kinds of terrible, awful names. I’d repeat them here but I fear it would only cause others to experience the trauma I am now suffering.

I ran away from the man. I ran away as fast as I could, but he was still shouting words, and I felt like I might never escape. Eventually I made it into the store. In a haze of anxiety and confusion I grabbed several items from the shelf and tried to leave without paying for them. The manager stopped me. I explained to him that I’d just been insulted by some guy outside. He said he’s sorry about that but it doesn’t mean I get to steal.

Steal? STEAL? I’d just been mugged by opinions and insults moments earlier, and now I was being accused of doing something that I was in the process of doing? I couldn’t believe it. I couldn’t believe any of it. Is there no end to the intolerance?

I have been meditating on this series of tragedies ever since that day. It has become clear to me, especially in light of the inspiring protests at the University of Missouri, that I have no choice but to demand the immediate resignation of Walmart CEO Doug McMillon.

You might call me ridiculous. You might say this story sounds at least partially fabricated. You might say that even if it isn’t, it has nothing to do with the CEO of the company, nor does it have anything to do with the company at all. You might say this was one unpleasant man who said unpleasant things, and there’s no reason why anyone from Walmart should have to answer for it. You might say there’s really no reason why anything at all should be done, frankly. People say mean things to other people sometimes, you might say. There’s not always a remedy or a recourse, nor should we try to find one, you might say.

But you are only saying this because you are white and privileged. I myself do not identify as white. My mother’s step-dad’s aunt’s hairdresser’s cousin visited an Indian reservation in the 50s, so I naturally consider myself part Cherokee — or Mohican or Aztec or whatever. Indeed, I suspect the man at Walmart probably chose to attack me because he harbors bigotries against Native Americans. At one point he even said “I harbor bigotries against Native Americans.” I know that doesn’t sound like something an actual person would say, even if they do harbor bigotries against Native Americans, but anyone who accuses me of exaggerating obviously harbors bigotries against Native Americans.

So I must insist that Doug McMillon take responsibility for fostering an environment where people feel comfortable having bigotries and opinions in the parking lots of his stores. I can’t point to any one specific thing Mr. McMillon has done to create this issue, but that is precisely the problem. His inaction is the real outrage here.

Indeed, what has Mr. McMillon done? What has he done to stop people from saying mean things in and around the nation’s Walmarts? Has he posted signs reminding us not to share our opinions with one another? Has he officially declared Walmarts to be No Insult Zones? Has he made any attempt to give his customers a true understanding of the impact hurtful words have on marginalized populations? Has he set up safe spaces in his stores where those dealing with the effects of unpleasant phrases and ideas can go to regroup and share their feelings? Has he followed the progressive lead of the University of Missouri and established racially segregated healing spaces so that different minority groups can be vulnerable around others who share their authentic racial experiences? Has he instituted mandatory inclusivity and sensitivity seminars for all of his employees and customers? Has he conducted awareness campaigns to make people aware of things? Has he then followed those awareness campaigns with awareness awareness campaigns to make people aware of the awareness? Has he even taken the basic step of offering free Yoga classes in the back of every Walmart to help his customer de-stress?

Has he done any of this? No? Nothing? Exactly.

At this point, the only recourse is for Mr. McMillon to issue a public apology, resign his post, forfeit his severance, donate all of his money to a hippy commune or public university of my choice, burn his house down, and live the rest of his life under a bridge. I can see no other solution.

Next, I am forced to demand the manager of my local store resign and repay me the money he made me hand over for the items I tried to allegedly steal. Also, I demand that the governor of Maryland be arrested, the president impeached, the U.N. disbanded, and Australia nuked into oblivion. All of these people, organizations, and countries did nothing to stop that man from insulting me, and they must all pay the price, even in their own blood if necessary. I wish it did not have to come to this, but it isn’t my fault. I’m simply a man who reasonably expects to only ever encounter sweetness and smiles and happy thoughts, as is my constitutional right.

Going forward, once the requisite blood sacrifices have been made to atone for the opinions and insults of one man, I make the following further demands:

  • I demand that anyone who has been injured by emotional or mental violence be permitted to purchase products without paying for them. People cannot be financially burdened during such a difficult time. To achieve social justice, aggrieved minorities must be given free stuff. They teach this on the first day of college.
  • I demand that Walmart corporate offices hire new staff according to an arbitrary quota formula I will devise. I’ll get back to you with the specifics, but I know for sure that there should be at least 12 Native Americans, 24 black Americans, 37 homosexuals, 321 transgenders, and 600 bisexual Hispanic feminists holding high ranking positions in your company. This is just obvious. Companies that are not run by victims cannot understand victims, and if they cannot understand victims, they cannot prevent victims from being victimized, which is really the primary job of every company and every person everywhere.
  • I demand that Walmart greeters be replaced with therapeutic asexual cuddlers. It is appalling that I ran through your store with tears streaming down my cheeks and not one – not ONE – employee offered to cuddle me and make me feel better. Every employee should be given consensual cuddle training, and there ought to be at least two specialists stationed by the entrances and exits of the stores. Again, this is obvious stuff.
  • I demand that Walmart identify marginalized employees and customers and immediately make them general managers of their own stores.
  • I demand that all customers and employees be required to ride electric scooters so that the elderly and the morbidly obese don’t feel otherized.
  • I demand that Walmart develop a strategic five year plan to end hurting and sadness. During this process, you must cooperate and consult with the Social Justice Diversity Tolerance Outreach and Inclusiveness Center, which is an institution you’ll also have to create and fund and operate and staff.

I am hereby beginning a #HungerStrike until my demands are met. Some might call me a #HeroForSocialJustice but I like to think I’m just a regular guy who’s finally taking a stand. Heroically.

You have 12 hours to do everything I’ve commanded, or else your stores will be flooded with a racially and sexually diverse group of young, well-dressed, upper middle class protesters who will hold signs and chant slogans and Tweet about the oppression you’ve brought upon them.

The clock is ticking.


A #Victim

AMEN, my brother. 🙂

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

Grand Re-Opening

 Since I have been obsessed with this case for the last week+ because of the Left’s amoral attempt at the destruction of a business for the sole purpose that they don’t agree with the Left’s agenda.

The hate the Left poured into this little town with their “gotcha” journalism and their viciousness should not go unchallenged.

The majority should stand up to these bullies.

The Left has only one modus operandi- They bring a Nuclear weapon to a knife fight. You disagree with them and they just nuke you. That’s it.

And they have their schoolyard gang, The Liberal Media, who will back them up and make your life a living hell for opposing them.

That’s there idea of “tolerance”. You tolerate their rule over you completely or else.

They have cowed people for a long time with their disagree with me you’re a “racist”, a “bigot”, a “homophobe”, “islamophobic” or “misogynistic”.

It’s all very extreme. No chance for discussion or dialogue when the first thing they do is nuke you, intimidate you and bully you.

And the Left thinks they are on the side of morality and righteousness so you deserve to be nuked for disagreeing with them.

As Mike Adams put it a few days ago: As usual, their views on the issue are driven by emotion, not reason. That is because liberalism is not really a political philosophy. It is a stage of arrested emotional development.

They are bratty, nasty 5 year old bullies who want what they want when they want it because they want it and you a poopie head for not letting them have it.

The level of pure hatred I’ve seen on more Leftist websites has been amazingly vicious. They have even taken to questioning  the gays who contributed to the GoFundMe for Memories Pizza as to whether they were even gay, gay enough, brainwashed or just plain stupid because no legitimately gay person would ever have compassion for evil religious nutters who just want to oppress them.

This small example, a small town, family-owned pizza joint, showed the world (but not the Left-they are oblivious) just how broken this society is and just how Us vs. Them is almost all that remains.

Especially, with the Left. You’re either 100% with us (or don’t oppose us in any way) or else!

The Irony is appalling…So with that, a little sun must shine (until the Left decides to eclipse with their hate this is). 🙂

WALKERTON, Ind. (AP) — A northern Indiana pizzeria that closed after its owner said his religious beliefs wouldn’t allow him to cater a gay wedding opened Thursday to a full house of friends, regulars and people wanting to show their support.

“It’s a relief to get going again and try to get back to normal,” said Kevin O’Connor, owner of Memories Pizza.

The aftermath of a Liberal nuclear holocaust, the survivors pick up and try to resume their lives.

O’Connor closed the shop for eight days after comments by him and his daughter, Crystal, to a local television station supporting a new religious objections law. The law, which has since been revised, sparked a boycott of Indiana.

O’Connor said the criticism hasn’t changed his beliefs. He said gays are welcome in his restaurant in the small, one-traffic-light town of Walkerton, 20 miles southwest of South Bend, but that he would decline to cater a same-sex wedding because it would conflict with his Christian beliefs.

“I’d do the same thing again. It’s my belief. It’s our belief. It’s what we grew up on,” he said. “I’m just sorry it comes to this because neither one of us dislike any of those people. I don’t hold any grudges.”

A crowdfunding campaign started by supporters raised more than $842,000 with donations from 29,160 contributors in 48 hours. O’Connor said he hasn’t received the money yet, but said he plans to give some to charity and use some money to make improvements to the restaurant.

The 61-year-old father of eight who has owned the restaurant for nine years said he never thought about taking the money and retiring.

“I enjoy it. I don’t want to leave here,” he said. “I want this to be something that my daughter can enjoy.”

Crystal O’Connor said the amount of money was overwhelming.

“We were like, ‘Stop! Stop! Stop!'” she said.

“It was really making us uncomfortable,” her father said.

The restaurant reopened about 4 p.m. Thursday. He says that within an hour, all eight tables were filled and six people were waiting for carryout orders. There were no protests as of 7 p.m.

Jeanne and Ken Gumm from outside LaPorte, about 20 miles northwest of Walkerton, said they had been waiting for the pizzeria to reopen so they could show their support.

“We couldn’t wait to get down here,” said Ken Gumm, 66, a tank truck driver. “To us this whole thing isn’t about gay marriage. It’s mostly about freedom of religion.”

Not to the Left, to them it’s about defying their holy crusade to destroy anyone who stands in their way to ultimate power for they are the saviors of mankind (in their heads) whether you like it or not! 🙂

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

 You could say the same thing about The Left, curiously enough… 🙂

Coffee Liberalism

I have to laugh at Starbucks. I haven’t drank coffee in over 30 years so I have no investment whatsoever in their business, but I just have to laugh.

Some White Liberals elitist executives (90% of Starbucks corporate leadership are white) thought it would be a real “feel good” moment to get people to “talk” about race relations at their stores.

“So how do you feel about the plight of the black youths today?” with your cafe’ latte “and that’ll be $6.


Only the mind of a hippy liberal would have thought this was a good idea.

Well, they had good intentions, the liberals would say.

Well, the road to hell is paved with good intentions, Just look at Obama!

Typical of Liberals.

We’ll all just sit around drink our double mocha Caffè macchiato and pontificate about race in America with our customers (said with a pompous posh British upper class voice).

Did anyone ask the Baristas about putting their necks on the chopping block? Of course not. Corporate thought it was a “good idea” to “do something positive” for the public at large.

Then they pass out “the test” to see how racist you really are and how guilty the hippie Leftist can make you feel. 🙂


It’s like Democrat Debbie (Wasermann-Schultz) tweeting out “tell me your favourite Democrat policies” and failing to understand that she just invited herself to be nuked.

But the doey-eyed hippy white guilt liberals just don’t understand that life is not as simple minded as they are.

It made them “feel good” about themselves so we want to make other feel good too.


The fact that what they did was in fact JUST AS RACIST as the stuff that made them feel sad and that they didn’t know that is hilarious!

Is taking your coffee “black” racist?? 🙂

“Over the last few months, I have tried to seek out other influential people who have a greater understanding than I do of the issue of race and racial injustice in America.” CEO of Starbuscks said. Yeah, they were all white and all Liberal (or racist black people like Al Sharpton) “intellectuals” no doubt.

Schultz argued that the idea is to have a “positive effect on the national conversation” and help people understand that everyone has their unconscious biases.

Unfortunately, like most Liberals he doesn’t understand his own, but projects them at others.

The backlash over Starbucks’ dumb #racetogether campaign, in which employees are “encouraged” to discuss racial issues with their customers, arrived quickly. Among the numerous questions: whose dumb idea was this? Did the corporate honchos at Starbucks take into consideration whether their employees were well-equipped to have difficult conversations about race? Were they aware that they could be placing their baristas into hostile situations that they’re unprepared to diffuse? Was this the ultimate form of White Guilt? Or was the coffee company trying to capitalize off the growing news and discussion over racial issues in America?

Maybe they gave them “sensitivity” training? A video or two?? Nah, they just threw them to the wolves because it made THEM “feel good” because they were “doing something”. Which is the excuse for most Liberal ideas that fail miserably.

Naturally, people turned to Corey DuBrowa, Starbucks’ Senior Vice President of Communications, to find answers to these questions:

Yes: DuBrowa, a middle-aged white man, who was part of a corporate team that commanded their baristas to discuss race issues with their customers, deleted his Twitter account after people tried to discuss race issues with him.

In a statement to PR Week, DuBrowa said that he would come back on Twitter, but only when people stopped being so gosh darn negative to him:

DuBrowa explained that he shut down his Twitter account for a simple reason.

“My Twitter account was targeted around midnight [on Tuesday], and the tweets represented a distraction from the respectful conversation we’re trying to have around Race Together,” he said.

Translation: “Distraction”: People aren’t doing what we wanted them to do, which was of course was to fess up about how guilty they are of being racists.

Translation: “respectful conservation”: Hey! you’re suppose to be 100% in  agreement with me and do as we say or else I’ll take my marbles and go home…

DuBrowa added that he will be back on the social network soon, and Starbucks has announcements planned for its annual shareholder meeting on Wednesday that will provide more details about and context around Race Together.

Translation: The corporate PR people will be working overtime to try and fix/spin this mess and we’ll roll out our pig with some new lipstick soon!

David Calpo, an ordinary citizen responder, on the article from Mediaite above hit on the head:

Subatomic-particle-thin-skinned extreme-leftist execs who shut down social media accounts just because prospective customers ask them difficult questions about idiotic policies are JUST the kind of people that need to be training their employees how to handle situations beyond their own and their company’s core competency that they themselves initiate. What could POSSIBLY go wrong?!?!

They had the best of intention and it made them “feel good” so what could possibly go wrong! 🙂

Liberalism in microcosm.

These baristas seem to know that customers are supposed to patronize businesses, businesses are NOT supposed to patronize their customers. (But it made management “feel good” about “doing something”).
One Grande Bold Coffee please, hold the white guilt. 🙂

Political Cartoons by Steve Breen
Political Cartoons by Steve Kelley
Political Cartoons by Dana Summers

Is taking your coffee “black” racist??

Political Cartoons by Ken Catalino
Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

Stop Picking on Me!

“With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans,” Clinton responded, raising her voice at Johnson, who continued to interrupt her. “Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk last night who decided to kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, Senator.”

Yeah, there’s just this massive lying that went on for weeks and months. Nothing too serious.

Nothing to see here. Stop picking on me!

Gee, when  George W Bush did something similar with “Yellow Cake from Niger” (an “intelligence failure”) the Left spend years trying to “get him” and impeach him and destroy him utterly.

Here, they just want us to leave them alone and stop picking on them. Poor Bastards.

They just lied like a Persian rug. But because they are the superior race that can never be wrong and never ever take responsibility for being wrong it’s just being nasty to call them on the carpet for lying.

She blames Congress (aka Republicans!, after all, doesn’t every liberal politician) for a lack of funding for the embassy. Yet it it was the State Department itself that decided that the security would be pulled.

The “War on Terror” was over. We won! 🙂

“The Only Person That’s In Jail Right Now Is The Filmmaker” Rep. Dana Rohrbacher.

And He didn’t even do it! 🙂

As a reminder:

“I want to take a moment to take moment to address the video circulating on the internet that has led to these protests.

“To us, to me personally, this video is disgusting and reprehensible. It appears to have a deeply cynical purpose: to denigrate a great religion and to provoke rage,” Clinton said. “But as I said yesterday there is no justification, none at all, for responding to this video with violence.”

The Obama administration also used $70,000 in taxpayer money to purchase an advertisement apologizing for the video on Pakistani television. The ad included an official message from the President of the United States Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Clinton said, adding that she directed the response to the attack on 9/11, briefed President Obama and stood in the Rose Garden with him when he called it “a terrorist attack” on 9/12.  

And we won’t even get into Ambassador Rice who was dutiful stooge who lied repeatedly on TV for days on end and was obvious promised  a promotion if she did so when she was nominated for his Cabinet not long after. Fortunately, for us she didn’t get her booby prize.

But yet for weeks on end they blamed an Internet trailer and some of the more extreme on the left blame the “Congress” (aka Republicans) for it when that excuse was exposed as utter hogwash.

Today Clinton washed her hands of the situation, saying she did not choose Rice and did not help with talking points for her media appearances.

“People have accused Ambassador Rice and the administration of misleading Americans…nothing could be further than the truth,” Clinton said. “I wasn’t involved in the talking points process.”

Clinton also said that nobody in the administration was or is “stuck on talking points.”


An incumbent president covered up the truth about the murder of a U.S. ambassador and three other American personnel during the climax of his re-election campaign, even puppeteered his United Nations ambassador to echo the lie on five TV shows, all to cover up the incompetence of the Obama administration’s counter-terrorism policies.

Anything that distracted from Obama’s re-election message that “Osama bin Laden is dead” couldn’t be let out if the president’s re-election was to be assured.

Moreover, in Hillary’s afternoon testimony an unrelenting Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., reduced her to floundering that “I may be going beyond my brief here,” and to contradicting sworn testimony by deputy assistant secretary of state Charlene Lamb that the State Department observed what was happening at the U.S. facility in Benghazi in close to real time.

Instead of apologizing to the American people for the lies and her disheveled management of the State Department, Hillary used her testimony to shout at Republicans with a teary eye on 2016.

Exposing deceitfulness and incompetence in government makes a huge difference, Madam Secretary. (IBD)

But she a Liberal and Liberals are supposed to be able to get away with anything, after all because they are the superior life form capable of so much more than you petty little people.
Reps. Dana Rohrabacher, Matt Salmon and Mo Brooks mentioned the anti-Islam film originally blamed for the attack. Clinton danced around the subject by saying the investigation into what happened in Benghazi is ongoing. (townhall)
Aside: I voted for Matt Salmon when he ran against Janet “Big Sis” Napolitano for governor of Arizona. Love that guy.
 “We have no doubt they were terrorists, they were militants, they attacked us, they killed our people but what was going on and why they were doing what they were doing is still unknown,” Clinton said.
So if you have no doubt they were terrorist why were you blaming a Los Angeles Internet Filmmaker for WEEKS??
Oh right, there was a re-coronation to complete. 🙂
Then ends justify the means, after all.
This tedious waltz between culpability and blamelessness permeated the entire affair. Mrs. Clinton said she is ultimately responsible for Libya but that none of the particular failures manifested there were her fault. She claimed that heads have rolled at the State Department, but the three individuals who were removed from their posts remain on paid administrative leave. She assured Congress that the State Department was acting on umpteen recommendations of a review board, but maintained, broadly, that the system worked.
We had an Ambassador named Christopher Stevens
He died! he died!
Obama said he was killed by protestors
He lied! he lied!
Why oh why is my Ambassador dead?
Could it have been terrorism  instead?
I had a 3 others named Security
They died…
(apologies to Lisa Simpson) :0

Political Cartoons by Chuck Asay

Political Cartoons by Robert Ariail

 Political Cartoons by Steve Kelley

Political Cartoons by Chuck Asay

 Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

That Easy Road

“I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.”– Thomas Jefferson

The greatest lesson Mom ever taught me, though, was this one: she told me there would be times in your life when you have to choose between being loved and being respected. She said to always pick being respected, that love without respect was always fleeting -- but that respect could grow into real, lasting love.

Now, of course, she was talking about women.

But I have learned over time that it applies just as much to leadership. In fact, I think that advice applies to America today more than ever.

I believe we have become paralyzed by our desire to be loved.

Our founding fathers had the wisdom to know that social acceptance and popularity is fleeting and that this country’s principles needed to be rooted in strengths greater than the passions and emotions of the times.

Our leaders today have decided it is more important to be popular, to do what is easy and say “yes,” rather than to say no when “no” is what’s required.

In recent years, we as a country have too often chosen the same path.

It’s been easy for our leaders to say not us, and not now, in taking on the tough issues. And we’ve stood silently by and let them get away with it.

But tonight, I say enough.

I say, together, let’s make a much different choice. Tonight, we are speaking up for ourselves and stepping up.

We are beginning to do what is right and what is necessary to make our country great again.

We are demanding that our leaders stop tearing each other down, and work together to take action on the big things facing America.

Tonight, we choose respect over love.

We are not afraid. We are taking our country back. -Gov Chris Christie.

As I have said many a times, the Truth doesn’t care if you like it. It’s still the truth.

10 years ago I was facing a mountain of debt that I had no hope of fixing. Then I looked at myself and my situation very honestly.

I didn’t like what I saw. But unlike today, I didn’t blame others and then just keep doing it because it was there fault. I didn’t take the easy road.

Sure my ex-roommate had a lot to do with my nearly bankruptcy, but I also was responsible for helping him do it!

I decided that “It is what it is” and I don’t have to like it. But I do have to do something about it.

My parents come from the Depression as young kids and World War II as young adults. They came from an industrious, hard working, background.

I was rediscovering my roots.

I worked 2 jobs from 7:30am to 1am 5 days a week for years. My parents also saw that I had finally risen to the challenge but didn’t help me until years down that road.

I remade my life. From near bankruptcy (I had $125 in the bank and a rent payment for more than that in 2 weeks) nearly every week for 3 years to owning a home with a job with a 401K and a pension plan.

Now that was hard work. And it’s FAR from over. Far from over. But, I used to joke that it would have benefited me if I could have had a microwave in the passenger seat of my car because then I could eat commuting between jobs and get a longer nap (which was an hour). I settled for fast food and microwave dinners. Not the healthiest choice. But it was what it was.

But now I have an obsessive work ethic that drives my boss crazy.

I made the choice.

My ex-roommate is probably still living with his mother wondering why the universe doesn’t bow down and kiss his lazy ass brilliance.

That’s the difference.

And I see that today also.

And I applaud any politician who will stand up and not only tell you the truth about the shit we’re in, but actually wants to do something about it.

Mind you all the “roommates” want to complain to you about how mean you are.

Tough Crap. Tough Love. Tough Times.

My parents survived them so can we. But the spoiled brats have to grow up.

The Truth is what it is. You don’t have to like it.

16 Trillion in Debt isn’t going to go away if you just talk to it nicely and try to reason and appease it.

8%+ unemployment for nearly 4 years is going to go away if you keep savaging the people you want to hire them and sabotaging the workers who want to work rather than just sit on their buns watching Ellen all day.

Medical Costs must be controlled, but Obamacare is not the solution. It’s throwing napalm on the fire.

Inflation will not go away.

And most importantly, not everything in the universe is all about you! You are NOT the center of the universe and everyone must kiss your royal ass.

Get over it.

Then go out and do something extraordinary, not sit around blaming others.

Life ISN’T Fair. Never will be. Deal with it!

And anyone who says they can make it “fair” is a DAMNED LIAR!

“A government big enough to supply you with everything you need, is a government big enough to take away everything that you have….”–Thomas Jefferson

“My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government.”–Thomas Jefferson



Michael Ramirez Cartoon

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell


Audiences at a graduation ceremony were left aghast when Congressman Barney Frank told a black degree recipient that his graduation gown finally gave him a hoodie that he could wear ‘and no one will shoot at you’.

The Democrat made the controversial remarks while speaking at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth graduation on Sunday.

And no one in the Liberal Media will bat an eye.

Barck Obama’s Dreams of My Father: Here’s a quote from pages 100 and 101:
To avoid being mistaken for a sellout,I chose my friends carefully.The more politically active black students.The foreign students.The Chicanos.The Marxist Professors and the structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets.We smoked cigarettes and wore leather jackets.At night,in the dorms,we discussed neocolonialism,Franz Fanon, Eurocentrism,and patriarchy.When we ground out our cigarettes in the hallway carpet or set our stereos so loud that the walls began to shake,we were resisting bourgeois society’s stifling constraints.We weren’t indifferent or careless or insecure.We were alienated.

Thomas Sowell: “Education” is a word that covers a lot of very different things, from vital, life-saving medical skills to frivolous courses to absolutely counterproductive courses that fill people with a sense of grievance and entitlement, without giving them either the skills to earn a living or a realistic understanding of the world required for a citizen in a free society.

The lack of realism among many highly educated people has been demonstrated in many ways.

When I saw signs in Yellowstone National Park warning visitors not to get too close to a buffalo, I realized that this was a warning that no illiterate farmer of a bygone century would have needed. No one would have had to tell him not to mess with a huge animal that literally weighs a ton, and can charge at you at 30 miles an hour.

No one would have had to tell that illiterate farmer’s daughter not to stand by the side of a highway, trying to hitch a ride with strangers, as too many college girls have done, sometimes with results that ranged all the way up to their death.

The dangers that a lack of realism can bring to many educated people are completely overshadowed by the dangers to a whole society created by the unrealistic views of the world promoted in many educational institutions.

It was painful, for example, to see an internationally renowned scholar say that what low-income young people needed was “meaningful work.” But this is a notion common among educated elites, regardless of how counterproductive its consequences may be for society at large, and for low-income youngsters especially.

What is “meaningful work”?

The underlying notion seems to be that it is work whose performance is satisfying or enjoyable in itself. But if that is the only kind of work that people should have to do, how is garbage to be collected, bed pans emptied in hospitals or jobs with life-threatening dangers to be performed?

Does anyone imagine that firemen enjoy going into burning homes and buildings to rescue people trapped by the flames? That soldiers going into combat think it is fun?

In the real world, many things are done simply because they have to be done, not because doing them brings immediate pleasure to those who do them. Some people take justifiable pride in working to take care of their families, whether or not the work itself is great.

Some of our more Utopian intellectuals lament that many people work “just for the money.” They do not like a society where A produces what B wants, simply in order that B will produce what A wants, with money being an intermediary device facilitating such exchanges.

Some would apparently prefer a society where all-wise elites would decide what each of us “needs” or “deserves.” The actual history of societies formed on that principle — histories often stained, or even drenched, in blood — is of little interest to those who mistake wishful thinking for idealism.

At the very least, many intellectuals do not want the poor or the young to have to take “menial” jobs. But people who are paying their own money, as distinguished from the taxpayers’ money, for someone to do a job are unlikely to part with hard cash unless that job actually needs doing, whether or not that job is called “menial” by others.

People who lack the skills to take on more prestigious jobs can either remain idle and live as parasites on others or take the jobs for which they are currently qualified, and then move up the ladder as they acquire more experience. People who are flipping hamburgers at McDonald’s on New Year’s Day are seldom flipping hamburgers there when Christmas time comes.

Those relatively few statistics that follow actual flesh-and-blood individuals over time show them moving massively from one income bracket to another over time, starting at the bottom and moving up as they acquire skills and experience.

Telling young people that some jobs are “menial” is a huge disservice to them and to the whole society. Subsidizing them in idleness while they wait for “meaningful work” is just asking for trouble, both for them and for all those around them.

Now the Liberal Thought Police will coming to your door because remember, Liberals “evolve” when they are two-faced hypocrites after all.  So you need to “evolve” and be “re-educated”. 🙂

From each according to his ability, to each according to his need (or needs)- Karl Marx

You are “entitled” to a “living wage”, health care, a car, a home, a big screen tv, and lots of money you never earned…

Chuck Norris: On May 23, President Barack Obama told more than 1,000 jubilant, uniform-prepped-and-polished graduates of the U.S. Air Force Academy that the world has a “new feeling about America.” He declared: “I see it everywhere I go, from London and Prague to Tokyo and Seoul to Rio and Jakarta. There’s a new confidence in our leadership.” If only it were true.

Obama boasted, “We can say with confidence and pride: The United States is stronger, safer and more respected in the world.”

“Stronger, safer and more respected”?

“Stronger,” as in Obama’s plan to initiate more than $500 billion in automatic cuts to the defense budget over a decade, starting next January. Bloomberg Businessweek reported that the Democratic-controlled Senate voted May 24 to authorize another reduced spending package for the Pentagon.

“Safer,” as in the report card from the Bipartisan Policy Center, including many of the original 9/11 Commission members, which reported on national preparedness 10 years after those catastrophic terrorist attacks: “Our country is undoubtedly safer and more secure than it was a decade ago,” but “we fail to achieve the security we could or should have.” The report concluded that the federal government has failed to meet nine of the 9/11 Commission’s 41 recommendations.

“More respected,” as in The Washington Times’ report that according to a poll by even two left-leaning groups, “a majority of Americans say the United States is less respected in the world than two years ago and believe President Obama and other Democrats fall short of Republicans on the issue of national security.”

In February, Gallup reported that “Americans continue to express much greater dissatisfaction than satisfaction with the United States’ position in the world, and their views have improved little since hitting a low point in 2008.”

Why do we have such a weak, unsecured and disrespected U.S.?

Maybe a significant reason is that Obama paraded U.S. weaknesses and mistakes to the world in his 2009 “apology tour.” (Check out to see The Heritage Foundation’s report on the top 10 decries of America by Obama.)

Sandwich all of those apologies and countless others since then with the apology in March for the unintentional burning of Qurans in Afghanistan and we have a perfect recipe for America’s global disrespect and dissolution.

Mr. President, you don’t build national or leadership strength, safety and respect by groveling and groping.

If you want examples of how America could become “stronger, safer and more respected,” then look no further than to our amazing, exemplary, courageous U.S. military personnel — especially those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom and republic, including some of the people I met on my two trips to Iraq. They are the ones who truly create the good U.S. qualities and deserve the credit for them.

One thing we can say for sure: Though the federal government and this administration have weakened our standing in the world and despite the lack of leadership by the commander in chief, our dedicated service members are responsible for strengthening our republic. To all who have served or are serving our great country, I salute you!

My father fought and was wounded in World War II, in the Battle of the Bulge. I served in the U.S. Air Force in Korea. I am also an honorary Marine. My brother Aaron served in the U.S. Army in Korea. And our brother, Wieland, served in the Army in Vietnam, where he paid the ultimate price June 3, 1970. Wieland was posthumously awarded the Bronze Star with “V” device (first oak leaf cluster) for his heroism. His name is etched among those of more than 58,000 other fallen service members on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington. (Go to to watch my 91-year-old mother speak about Wieland in her interview on Fox News Channel’s “Huckabee.”)

It’s fitting for a soldier like Wieland that Memorial Day falls every year a week or so before the anniversary of when he gave his life for the cause of freedom. Though we didn’t win the Vietnam War, my brother did not die in vain, just as the case is with other service members today.

Whether they be for our freedom or another’s, the words of Jesus are true for all: “There is no greater love than this: that a man lay down his life for another.”

About such patriots, Gen. George S. Patton was right: “It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather, we should thank God that such men lived.”


Notable Quotables

“I got to say to the women out there, whether you’re a Republican, a Democrat or Independent, if you’re a self-respecting human being, please vote for President Obama. And for the men who care about women, do the same thing.”-Sen. Barbara Boxer.

Well, since I’m already a “racist” and “stupid” “self-respect” is the last thing I need. 🙂

“Organizing in our communities is going to be more important this year than last election for a simple reason,” Vice President Joe Biden says in a web campaign ad released today by the Obama reelection campaign. “As the guys on the other side have shown and promised, they’re going to spend several hundred million dollars carpet bombing the President with negative ads and there is really only one antidote to that and that is face to face contact with the voters.”

And Obama was trying to raise more money than an President EVER, for what? another 2008 love-in?

I guess all those Anti-Mormon, “Silver spoon” comments aren’t ads so they don’t count. 🙂

You thought 2008 was bad for negative ads, Obama has NOTHING BUT negative ads because there isn’t anything positive to say unless his strategy is going to be 2008 redux and blow even more smoke up your ass! 🙂

It’s another round of “Vote for me. The other guy’s an Asshole!”. But that’s the Republicans fault I’m sure. 🙂

“The fact is this president has been so respectful of the Republicans in Congress. He has given them every opportunity for the executive and the legislative branch to work together, to have a solution that has bipartisan support. He has been criticized by some for taking the time that it takes to find out that they’re never going to give him a break, which is a compromise,” House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said at her weekly press conference.

Ah, Nancy, the Left’s favorite ‘comedian’. Everything that comes out of her mouth is a joke.

So excluding them from the Obamacare cramdown, even when they had their photoshoot “summit” (and then promptly did whatever the hell they were going to do anyways) and the countless dozens of bills they have ignored from the House.

Oh, and then there’s the demonizing of Republicans for everything that they (The Democrats) have done wrong from the last 4 years.

Oh, and lest we forget, it’s been 3 years and 2 days (1,098 days total) since the US Senate passed a budget and willfully and scornfully refuses to even bother to show up to a Bi-Partisan meeting.

Just stand around hold breath and till you turn blue with your arms crossed defiantly. Very mature.

Now that’s “respect” Liberal style. Complete contempt and with “respect” like that who needs disrespect.

In a speech in the Senate in 2008, then-Senator Obama said that federal spending had to return to the “fiscal responsibility of the 1990s.”

Well, so much for that. 🙂

But then again, it’s the Republicans/Bush/”the rich”‘s fault anyhow.

You just have to laugh, otherwise you’d cry. But that’s Orwellian Liberal Politics for you.

With that, some sober and actually thoughtful quotes.

The 25 Best Quotes From Thomas Sowell
Thomas Sowell is not only one of the finest columnists in the business, he’s a prolific author, a brilliant economist, and he has an incomparable knack for simplifying complex concepts that few other human beings can match. Enjoy the distilled wisdom!

25) “Since this is an era when many people are concerned about ‘fairness’ and ‘social justice,’ what is your ‘fair share’ of what someone else has worked for?”

24) “Imagine a political system so radical as to promise to move more of the poorest 20% of the population into the richest 20% than remain in the poorest bracket within the decade? You don’t need to imagine it. It’s called the United States of America.”

23) “Four things have almost invariably followed the imposition of controls to keep prices below the level they would reach under supply and demand in a free market: (1) increased use of the product or service whose price is controlled, (2) Reduced supply of the same product or service, (3) quality deterioration, (4) black markets.”

22) “What sense would it make to classify a man as handicapped because he is in a wheelchair today, if he is expected to be walking again in a month and competing in track meets before the year is out? Yet Americans are given ‘class’ labels on the basis of their transient location in the income stream. If most Americans do not stay in the same broad income bracket for even a decade, their repeatedly changing ‘class’ makes class itself a nebulous concept.”

21) “There are few talents more richly rewarded with both wealth and power, in countries around the world, than the ability to convince backward people that their problems are caused by other people who are more advanced.”

20) “The poverty rate among black married couples has been in single digits ever since 1994. You would never learn that from most of the media. Similarly you look at those blacks that have gone on to college or finished college, the incarceration rate is some tiny fraction of what it is among those blacks who have dropped out of high school. So it’s not being black; it’s a way of life. Unfortunately, the way of life is being celebrated not only in rap music, but among the intelligentsia, is a way of life that leads to a lot of very big problems for most people.”

19) “The first lesson of economics is scarcity: there is never enough of anything to fully satisfy all those who want it. The first lesson of politics is to disregard the first lesson of economics.”

18) “Each new generation born is in effect an invasion of civilization by little barbarians, who must be civilized before it is too late.”

17) “The vision of the anointed is one in which ills as poverty, irresponsible sex, and crime derive primarily from ‘society,’ rather than from individual choices and behavior. To believe in personal responsibility would be to destroy the whole special role of the anointed, whose vision casts them in the role of rescuers of people treated unfairly by ‘society’.”

16) “No one will really understand politics until they understand that politicians are not trying to solve our problems. They are trying to solve their own problems — of which getting elected and re-elected are number one and number two. Whatever is number three is far behind.”

15) “Life has many good things. The problem is that most of these good things can be gotten only by sacrificing other good things. We all recognize this in our daily lives. It is only in politics that this simple, common sense fact is routinely ignored.”

14) “There is usually only a limited amount of damage that can be done by dull or stupid people. For creating a truly monumental disaster, you need people with high IQs.”

13) “Civilization has been aptly called a ‘thin crust over a volcano.’ The anointed are constantly picking at that crust.”

12) “We seem to be moving steadily in the direction of a society where no one is responsible for what he himself did, but we are all responsible for what somebody else did, either in the present or in the past.”

11)” For the anointed, traditions are likely to be seen as the dead hand of the past, relics of a less enlightened age, and not as the distilled experience of millions who faced similar human vicissitudes before.”

10) “It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.”

9) “Intellect is not wisdom.”

8)” The charge is often made against the intelligentsia and other members of the anointed that their theories and the policies based on them lack common sense. But the very commonness of common sense makes it unlikely to have any appeal to the anointed. How can they be wiser and nobler than everyone else while agreeing with everyone else?”

7) “Much of the social history of the Western world, over the past three decades, has been a history of replacing what worked with what sounded good.”

6) “Experience trumps brilliance.”

5) “The problem isn’t that Johnny can’t read. The problem isn’t even that Johnny can’t think. The problem is that Johnny doesn’t know what thinking is; he confuses it with feeling.”

4) “One of the consequences of such notions as ‘entitlements’ is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.”

3) “Weighing benefits against costs is the way most people make decisions — and the way most businesses make decisions, if they want to stay in business. Only in government is any benefit, however small, considered to be worth any cost, however large.”

2) “In short, killing the goose that lays the golden egg is a viable political strategy, so long as the goose does not die before the next election and no one traces the politicians’ fingerprints on the murder weapon.”

1) “There are no solutions; there are only trade-offs.”


The Audacity of Hype

More From The TSA and Homeland Security  that can’t seem to locate the border but they are very focused on YOU! 🙂

The Transportation Security Administration isn’t just in airports anymore. TSA teams are increasingly conducting searches and screenings at train stations, subways, ferry terminals and other mass transit locations around the country.

“We are not the Airport Security Administration,” said Ray Dineen, the air marshal in charge of the TSA office in Charlotte. “We take that transportation part seriously.”

The TSA’s 25 “viper” teams — for Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response — have run more than 9,300 unannounced checkpoints and other search operations in the last year. Department of Homeland Security officials have asked Congress for funding to add 12 more teams next year.

According to budget documents, the department spent $110 million in fiscal 2011 for “surface transportation security,” including the TSA’s viper program, and is asking for an additional $24 million next year. That compares with more than $5 billion for aviation security.

TSA officials say they have no proof that the roving viper teams have foiled any terrorist plots or thwarted any major threat to public safety. But they argue that the random nature of the searches and the presence of armed officers serve as a deterrent and bolster public confidence.

“We have to keep them [terrorists] on edge,” said Frank Cilluffo, director of the Homeland Security Policy Institute at George Washington University in Washington. “We’re not going to have a permanent presence everywhere.”

Especially not the Border. You won’t be able to know ehen we’ll pop up and arrest YOU. So we all need to move to the Border because then they won’t be able to find us.

But critics say that without a clear threat, the TSA checkpoints are merely political theater. Privacy advocates worry that the agency is stretching legal limits on the government’s right to search U.S. citizens without probable cause — and with no proof that the scattershot checkpoints help prevent attacks.

“It’s a great way to make the public think you are doing something,” said Fred H. Cate, a professor at the Indiana University Maurer School of Law, who writes on privacy and security. “It’s a little like saying, ‘If we start throwing things up in the air, will they hit terrorists?’ ”

And there was no one better at Theatre than Governor Janet Napolitano. She was getting hammered about the border so she rushed the National Guard down there and went “see I am doing something” but the problem was they had no ammo, no guns and strick order to no engage anyone!

They were political theater. Nothing more. And when that came out she blew that off too.

So this leopard hasn’t changed her spots, she’s just gone national.

Thomas Sowell: Nothing illustrates the superficiality of our times better than the enthusiasm for electric cars, because they are supposed to greatly reduce air pollution. But the electricity that ultimately powers these cars has to be generated somewhere — and nearly half the electricity generated in this country is generated by burning coal.

The 2012 Republican primaries may be a rerun of the 2008 primaries, where the various conservative candidates split the conservative vote so many ways that the candidate of the mushy middle got the nomination — and then lost the election.

Because morality does not always prevail, by any means, too many of the intelligentsia act as if it has no effect. But, even in Nazi Germany, thousands of Germans hid Jews during the war, at the risk of their own lives, because it was the right thing to do.

In recent times, Christmas has brought not only holiday cheer but also attacks on the very word “Christmas,” chasing it from the vocabulary of institutions and even from most “holiday cards.” Like many other social crusades, this one is based on a lie — namely that the Constitution puts a wall of separation between church and state. It also shows how easily intimidated we are by strident zealots.

If you don’t like growing older, don’t worry about it. You may not be growing older much longer.

What do you call it when someone steals someone else’s money secretly? Theft. What do you call it when someone takes someone else’s money openly by force? Robbery. What do you call it when a politician takes someone else’s money in taxes and gives it to someone who is more likely to vote for him? Social Justice.

When an organization has more of its decisions made by committees, that gives more influence to those who have more time available to attend committee meetings and to drag out each meeting longer. In other words, it reduces the influence of those who have work to do, and are doing it, while making those who are less productive more influential.

Anyone who studies the history of ideas should notice how much more often people on the political left, more so than others, denigrate and demonize those who disagree with them — instead of answering their arguments.

The wisest and most knowledgeable human being on the planet is utterly incompetent to make even 10 percent of the consequential decisions that have to be made in a modern nation. Yet all sorts of people want to decide how much money other people can make or keep, and to micro-manage how other people live their lives.

The real egalitarians are not the people who want to redistribute wealth to the poor, but those who want to extend to the poor the ability to create their own wealth, to lift themselves up, instead of trying to tear others down. Earning respect, including self-respect, is better than being a parasite.

Of all the arguments for giving amnesty to illegal immigrants, the most foolish is the argument that we can’t find and expel all of them. There is not a law on the books that someone has not violated, including laws against murder, and we certainly have not found and prosecuted all the violators — whether murderers or traffic law violators. But do we then legalize all the illegalities we haven’t been able to detect and prosecute?

In the 1920s, Congressman Thomas S. Adams referred to “the ease with which the income tax may be legally avoided” but also said some Congressmen “so fervently believe that the rich ought to pay 40 or 50 per cent of their incomes” in taxes that they would rather make this a law, even if the government would get more revenue from a lower tax rate that people actually pay. Some also prefer class warfare politics that brings in votes, if not revenue.

Can you imagine a man who had never run any kind of organization, large or small, taking it upon himself to fundamentally change all kinds of organizations in a huge and complex economy? Yet that is what Barack Obama did when he said, “We are going to change the United States of America!” This was not “The Audacity of Hope.” It was the audacity of hype.

Photo Opportunity

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

In an interview with Steve Kroft for this Sunday’s “60 Minutes” conducted today, President Obama said he won’t release post-mortem images of Osama bin Laden taken to prove his death.

“It is important to make sure that very graphic photos of somebody who was shot in the head are not floating around as an incitement to additional violence or as a propaganda tool,” said the president.

“We don’t trot out this stuff as trophies,” Mr. Obama added. “The fact of the matter is, this is somebody who was deserving of the justice that he received.”

In explaining his choice not to release the photo, Mr. Obama said that “we don’t need to spike the football.” He said that “given the graphic nature of these photos it would create a national security risk.”

Since out Dear Leader is as dishonest as the day is long that makes people suspicious.

Besides, he’ll get some flunky to do so he’s not personally responsible and he can feign outrage. That is more like how our Dear Leader works.

After all, it’s likely that the “enhanced interrogation techniques” (aka “torture”) led to the information that led to Bin Laden and the Left will NEVER admit to that one!!

Even if it true.

The core conflict is the White House’s “desire to kill bin Laden but also to have the world think we did so respectfully and politely,” said Eric Dezenhall, founder of Dezenhall Resources, a PR firm. “I’m in the PR business, and I don’t think guys like me have the alchemy to persuade the public that something is the opposite of what it is,” he said, adding, “spin only gets you so far.”

This claim “reveals a certain discomfort with this side of life….[and] a belief system that says displays of strength are immoral, that it is somehow immoral to defend yourself or neutralize an enemy with force,” even when conducted skillfully and with minimum civilian damage, Dezenhall said.

A politically correct assassination. Amazing…
Of course, in the Arab world a show of strength is considered a great thing, a sign of weakness not at all.

The administration’s two-sided policy also explains their controversial decision to use Islamic ritual when disposing of his body at sea. “We were absolutely within our rights to go after the most wanted man in the world…it needs to be recognized that this [killing] is seen as a good thing throughout the world,” Carney said Wednesday. “Yet, because of who we are, we took extraordinary measures to show the kind of respect that was shown in his burial,” he added.

“I was offended they wanted to give him religious recognition” after he had killed so many Muslims and non-Muslims, and even after the administration has repeatedly called him a extremist, said Zuhdi Jasser, a former Navy doctor and the Muslim founder of the Arizona-based American Islamic Forum for Democracy. Jasser, who is seeking to combine Islam with Western ideals of personal liberty, said he would have declined to participate in the Islamic rituals used during the disposal of Obama’s body. (DC)

When hasn’t our Dear Leader had at least 2 faces on ever issue at ever time??

And there there’s the far left nuts. The ones with a virulent case of Bush Derangement Syndrome.

“So when does Seal Unit 6, or whatever it’s called, drop in on George Bush? Bush was responsible for a lot more death, innocent death, than bin Laden. Wasn’t he, or am I wrong here?,” liberal radio talk show host Mike Malloy said on his show Monday evening. (RCP)

Nice. 😦

But don’t worry, our “unity” president will get right on it, after he continues to rake in the cash for his Billion Dollar Re-election Campaign.

Although Obama said he opposes use of the photos as trophies, he is traveling to New York today for a televised wreath-laying ceremony at Ground Zero.

No Photo. But massive Photo-Op.

After all, it’s not all about HIM, is it… 🙂

But at least he has his priorities straight! 🙂

So has he been deified yet?

Political Cartoons by Chuck Asay

A Dithering Madness

So the Congress is trying to pass yet another Continuing Resolution. This time for 3 weeks.

The Democrats want to cut as little possible. They don’t want to do anything really.

The Republicans are too chicken to cut what needs to be cut.

Japan is calmly approaching Nuclear Meltdown.

The Libyan Civil War has the rebels on the run from Khaddafi (and everyone is still talking, just talking, about a No-Fly Zone).

Iran is ramping up it’s involvement in the area.

The Border patrol is firing bean bags at Cartel members with AK-47’s!

Gas is $4 a Gallon in many places and like going higher.

We are $14 Trillion in debt.

By next month we’ll have the highest corporate tax in the industrialized world (meaning we are the least attractive place to locate a business!- hows that for jobs!)

And what is our dear Leader doing?

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

He’s Golfing, picking his March Madness chart for College Basketball for ESPN (all #1 seeds by the way-no risk there), and doing re-election campaign fluff interviews!

Denial it seems is the name of the game.

I am not happy.

Sen. “Up” Chuck Schumer: “Speaker Boehner wouldn’t have been able to pass this short-term measure without Democratic votes, and he won’t be able to pass a long-term one without Democratic votes either,” Schumer said in a statement. “It’s time for him to abandon the Tea Party, and forge a bipartisan compromise.”

Roll over, give in, and give up. Do as we say or else!
If you want to get anything done, you have to kiss our ass!
Asked about Schumer’s remarks, a spokesman for Boehner sought to put the spotlight back on Democrats. “If he’s looking to criticize someone, Senator Schumer should buy a mirror. It is the Democrats who run Washington that have refused to provide any spending plan other than the status quo, and the status quo just isn’t acceptable to the American people,” said Boehner spokesman Michael Steel.
Little Neros fiddle while Rome burns!
We will be dithered to death.
Political timidity will kill us.
Childishness and ideology gamesmanship and both side trying to punk the other side is all we seem to have left.
It’s a game of “Gotcha!” for the purpose of TV commercials for 2012 re-election campaigns.
And on the “lighter side” children in Madison, WI will have their school day lengthened by 20 minutes for the rest of the year because their teachers were playing hookey and protesting their own greed at the Capitol.
The District received over a 1,000 of the fake doctor’s notes.
The School Board reached an agreement with Madison Teachers Inc. over the weekend that allowed the district to set the makeup calendar. The agreement also ensures teachers with unexcused absences will not be paid for those days and that teachers who submitted fraudulent sick notes will be suspended.
What do you want to bet the Union will protest that too! 🙂
So that will be 20 more minutes of Socialist Union-Loving instruction (after all, teaching the “history” of the Union is required in the classroom in Wisconsin).
And if the working parents object to to this, tough crap. They are a Union and they are far more important than you, after all.
Comment on a blog about this: IT’s ALL for SHOW!! The texbooks weigh a TON, COST a BUNDLE and are full of empty FLUFF and the teachers don’t even get the kids through them. PArents are so EASILY FLATTERED by an A in VAPID. THe schools have found it EASY to feed them lies about the skill levels of their kids.
I said 20 years ago when I was in Education, studying to be a teacher, that the tests back then were less than inspiring. ( I was “not allowed” to finish my “education” because I was not a good fit for them, by the way)
“I barf it at you, you barf it back at me and we proclaim both of us as smart” was the phrase. 🙂
Nothing’s changed.
When were the divorce proceedings between home and classroom filed anyway? And who filed them, and why? It can be argued that the current traumas of education proceed from that divorce: further testimony to the general understanding that it’s the kids who get hurt worst in divorce.The divorce between home and public school classroom — accomplished by the end of the ’70s — was a national calamity. To put it another way, once public education lost in great degree the robust support of the middle class, there was nowhere for things to go but downhill. And so they have slid for decades. Teachers parading around the Wisconsin capital like Jimmy Hoffa’s truck drivers? It not only wouldn’t have happened in ye olde days — it didn’t happen. 

The moral collapse of the middle class is pretty much what seems to have happened. As Whittaker Chambers noted in a different context, “History hit us like a freight train.” We all, suddenly, wanted liberation instead of restraint and order and discipline — the prerequisites of good education. Someone at the top has to pass the word down the line: Here’s what we’re doing today, no back talk. What we were “doing today” wasn’t always, in abstract terms, the best thing to be found out there, but it made for generally fruitful outcomes. Parents supported it, passing down to children the obligations of self-discipline. (Bill Murchison)

Now it’s just about the “self”. ME ME ME ME ME ME!!!!!
And that’s the way Washington is also.
Make it look good, but don’t actually do any real work or make any real progress. Just make it LOOK LIKE you did.
And then proclaim your greatness and move on to avoiding the next thing.
Yet, we’ve heard PLENTY ofwell-educated parents just shrug and say, “Well, I’m not paying for it, so, so what?” They pay for it later when their Junior Slacker arrives back at home at 21 with no job or skills.
But at least they’ll have their cell phone, Twitter account, and 99 weeks of unemployment, free government health care and be able to suck on their parents health insurance until they are 26.
Life is good!
Yes, teachers unions are arrogant; it hurts to see teachers laid off — that, too. And that isn’t the end. The good teachers who still show up for work, compact or no compact, don’t deserve the opprobrium and the turmoil in which so many are forced to operate. Lord, help ’em, they deserve better. And so — here is the genuinely grievous part — do the kids. (Bill Murchison)
But they are too busy standing next to the Teachers yelling obscenities and carrying hateful signs  at rallies to kiss the teacher’s ass and screw theirs.
How do they know any better, it’s not like anyone taught them manners, respect or discipline!!!
What, Me worry?
Perish the Thought! 🙂

New calculations applied to a U.S. Senate report reveal the Environmental Protection Agency’s plan to combat global warming through regulation of greenhouse gases would theoretically take over $700 trillion, seven times the world’s gross production, to drop the earth’s temperature only 1 degree Celsius.

The report released last year


by Sen. James Ihnofe, R-Okla., then-ranking minority member of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, quotes the EPA’s own stats and experts to break down the numbers, including one researcher who called the Obama administration’s plan “absurd.”

Numbers-crunchers estimate that would amount to roughly 700 warehouses filled with $100 bills, or a stack of the bills nearly 70 miles high.

The EPA’s new regulations, which began earlier this year, are part of a “tailoring” plan that begins with requiring some of the largest emitters of carbon dioxide – such as power plants, refineries and large industrial plants – to obtain operating permits based on their greenhouse gas emissions.

Later this year, and continuing through 2016, the emissions standards will be scaled down, requiring more and more emissions sources to obtain operating permits.
But don’t worry, be happy!
Happy Happy Joy Joy!!

Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler

Political Cartoons by Dana Summers

Hu Dat?

Chinese President Hu Jintao emphasized the need for cooperation with the U.S. in areas from new energy to space ahead of his visit to Washington this week, but he called the present U.S. dollar-dominated currency system a “product of the past” and highlighted moves to turn the yuan into a global currency.

The Chinese pouch our industrial base because Liberals hate business and make regulations, ObamaCare, and are just generally hostile to business so they go to China to compete in the world economy and they get it from the Chinese too, but they can’t come back because the Liberals will just sack them if they do.

The “soak the rich”, “CEO’s are evil”, “Corporate fascism” of the Left has consequences.

Class Warfare has consequences.

So China has our debt. Our Industrial Base. And now they want to be the big Dog.

And what will President Obama do about it?

Likely bow and apologize and grovel. Be “reasonable”.

We aren’t any better than them, we are all equal.

I guarantee the Chinese don’t think so.

On the economic front, Mr. Hu played down one of the main U.S. arguments for why China should appreciate its currency—that it will help China tame inflation. That is likely to disappoint Washington, which accuses China of unfairly boosting its exports by undervaluing the yuan, making its products cheaper overseas. The topic is expected to be high on U.S. President Barack Obama’s agenda when he meets Mr. Hu at the White House on Wednesday.

They are the barbarian hordes who have come in an sacked the over-bloated, decadent, Roman Empire – US.

Mr. Hu’s responses reflect a China that has grown more confident in recent years—especially in the wake of the global financial crisis, from which it emerged relatively unscathed.

They don’t respect us. They just see us as the big target to pick off and if they can get others to value the Yuan over the Dollar as the universal currency stick a fork in US we’re done.

So what will the Liberals do about it?

Nothing. Why would they? We are no better than than them. They are no better than us. We aren’t special. We ARE Greedy. And Corporate America is EVIL.

We deserve it.

The Chinese are Wal-Marting us. They deliberately undersell to drive the smaller competition away (in this case to China, India — anywhere but here!).

He called for an international financial system that is more “fair, just, inclusive and well-managed.”

Sound like a Liberal does it?

Sound like we can do it better because we are smarter-than-you Liberalism?

Fascinating isn’t it?

“The current international currency system is the product of the past,” he said, noting the primacy of the U.S. dollar as a reserve currency and its use in international trade and investment. (WSJ)

Add to that 70%+ of our Oil comes from people who want us dead. And what is the Liberal response?

Oil Moratoriums, Drilling Bans, and State Park set-asides that prevent US from supplying our own oil.

After all, Oil is EVIL!

So the Liberals turn to their “feel good” ‘green jobs’.

The Department of Labor has issued several million dollars in grants to community colleges and specialized universities around the country to train students for “green jobs” in renewable energy fields. While the grants are supposed to fund the future “rank and file” workers of the renewable energy industry, there’s a glaring problem the DOL seemingly overlooked — those jobs are either non-existent or scarce.

A former college official who has applied for these grants and has in-depth experience working with the Department of Labor and the Department of Education told The Daily Caller that colleges will often fudge expected job placement numbers just to get extra government cash.

“On ground level – it’s a real struggle – my grant writers came to me and honestly said, ‘I don’t have any job projections, what do I tell them?’ You do your best to make up job numbers,” said the former college official, who wished to remain anonymous to prevent jeopardizing future job opportunities. “But it’s not like lying – it’s just guessing what we might be able to do in a best case scenario, but you don’t say it’s not likely for many jobs.”

The former college official told TheDC that, though his college received five different “green jobs” grants from the Department of Labor to train students, no program has been set up yet.

They’re being given to universities and community colleges to train students in technical or associate degree programs to work in yet-to-be-developed fields. Many of the grants are promised to colleges that pledged to push “green jobs” or “new energy technology,” but don’t go into much more detail about how they plan to go about doing that.

That’s ok, when they graduate with their head full of liberal ‘green’ mush they can stay on unemployment for 99 weeks. Stay on their parent insurance dole until 26. And then apply for welfare from the state because they can’t find a job and blame it all on evil Corporate America!

But they will have Obamacare!

Or they could go to China and get a job there. 🙂

So what, it “feels good”!! And it’s not evil Corporate America!!

But even plants that make solar panels (see – move to China to compete.

“Solar manufacturers in China have received considerable government and financial support and, together with their low manufacturing costs, have become price leaders within the industry,” said Michael El-Hillow, President and Chief Executive Officer, about the company’s decision. “While the United States and other western industrial economies are beneficiaries of rapidly declining installation costs of solar energy, we expect the United States will continue to be at a disadvantage from a manufacturing standpoint . . . Although production costs at our Devens facility have steadily decreased, and are now below originally planned levels and lower than most western manufacturers, they are still much higher than those of our low cost competitors in China.”

After all, the Chinese have the world’s largest collection of solar panel manufacturers. 🙂

So China is making our Over-expensive, not-yet proven-to-be-efficient wave of the future hippie-liberal ‘green tech’  and our “green jobs”.

Talk about “shovel ready”.

They are just Chinese shovels!!

So we have very little industrial base. We have little domestic oil and energy production and our own companies leave because they can’t be competitive here.

Thank you, Class Warfare and Environmentalist  Whacko Liberals!

Mad yet?

You should be.

But don’t tell the Liberals, they will just have go off in a fit of rage and burst a few blood vessels and have a conniption about the evils of Corporate America, Oil, Wal-Mart, and Big Oil!

They’ll even foam at the mouth and spit poison! 🙂

But don’t worry, The Chinese will undoubtely come up with a cheaper solution for that too.

Just as the Visigoths did. But the big difference is that the Liberals will be handing out the torches!

After all, it’s George W. Bush’s, Palin, Beck, Limbaugh, Republicans, “The Rich”, Conservative’s  Fault! 🙂

Political Cartoon

Political Cartoon


November is Coming!

I have been a “racist”, a “bigot”, a “moron”, “stupid”, and “idiot”, a “terrorist”, a “Nazi”,”whacky”, “fearful” “ignorant”, “astroturf”, and “dumb” ad infinitum in the last 2 years. But now I’ve been elevated to “enemy” of the State!

I’m so proud. 🙂

“If Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, ‘We’re going to punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us,’ if they don’t see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election, then I think it’s going to be harder and that’s why I think it’s so important that people focus on voting on November 2.”–President Obama on Univision Radio.
I’m officially an “enemy” of the State. I couldn’t be more proud. 🙂
The Good Book tells us that pride goes before a fall, and with the midterm elections looming perhaps nothing encapsulates the truth of this maxim more than the leadership of the Democrat Party and its constituency of liberal media elites. The Left’s inability to engage opposing views with seriousness and respect and their unwillingness to tolerate divergent opinions within their own ranks reveal an ugly intolerance lurking beneath their veneer of open-mindedness, an intolerance that has fueled the continued, rapid growth of the Tea Party and all but sealed the electoral fate of many Democrats come November 2nd.
Look at Juan Williams, a rather center-left guy, is fired mostly because he appeared on FOX.  That’s the “enemy” camp, you know. 🙂
The Tea Party phenomenon, in particular, has the likes of Matthews, Maddow, and Olbermann sputtering with outrage and confusion. These commentators simply can’t fathom how anyone could support the ideas advanced by such backward neanderthals! President Obama and the Democratic leadership are similarly irritated by the ongoing success of the movement, and have – like their ideological brethren in the media – concluded that the only possible explanation for the American public’s lack of support is a combination of ignorance, fear, stupidity, and the evil influence of shadowy special interest money. (Ken Connor)
And Speaking of Money…

For a White House that bet the ranch on a massive government pump-priming plan, it has all turned out to be a complete failure. The scheduled economic recovery has simply not occurred.

And that’s why a Republican Tea Party tsunami lies just over the horizon. That tidal wave could be even greater than current polling suggests.

It should have been recovery summer, according to the president and his followers. But it is now officially a recovery slump. The entire command-and-control economic philosophy of the Obama Democrats has proven to be a big bust. And they’ll pay a very big price for this.

In fact, the last two GDP reports have averaged less than 2 percent growth, something that qualifies as a growth recession, not a recovery.

Even worse, the GDP deflator — the broadest inflation measure — came in at 2.2 percent in the third quarter, following a 2 percent reading in the second quarter. That means inflation is rising faster than real output. Stagflation.

The Bernanke Fed should take notice of this on the eve of its quantitative-easing pump-priming exercise, expected to be announced the day after the election. We are actually experiencing a mini version of a stagflationary growth recession.

The spending, taxing, and regulating policies of the Democratic Congress and administration have blocked growth, putting the Fed in a position to provide even more money to chase fewer goods. But in classic Milton Friedman terms, even though the economy is mired in stagnation, that’s still an inflationary prescription.

On top of all that, the depreciating-dollar policies of the Fed have led to a boom in commodity prices, including food and energy — things ordinary Americans pay for in the course of their typical week.

When the economy came in at 5 percent in the last quarter of 2009, and at 3.7 percent in early 2010, it looked like a recovery scenario. This, of course, followed the Fed’s massive $2 trillion stimulus plan and the more than $1 trillion fiscal stimulus. But those sugar highs quickly evaporated as growth slowed to 2.7 percent in the spring and 2 percent in the summer.

Meanwhile, a stubbornly high unemployment rate of 9.6 percent was supposed to have dropped to 8 percent last year and 7 percent by the end of this year, according to the president’s Council of Economic Advisers. But it didn’t. The so-called stimulus failed to stimulate.

Actually, unemployment is much worse for regular workaday folks. Counting marginal part-time workers and discouraged workers, unemployment is 17.3 percent. And this year, while the president promised 1.5 million new jobs, nonfarm payrolls have grown by only 613,000, and actually have fallen over the past four months.

The trouble with the whole Obama mindset is the notion that government can run the economy. That idea has failed. It is business that runs the economy, including entrepreneurs and risk-takers. Yet the animal spirits have been stifled, while the producers have been laughed at, mocked, and insulted.

The Obama class-warfare campaign against business and investment has created a wall of worry and a refusal to invest in the future. The incentive model of growth, where it must pay more after tax and regulatory costs to work, produce, and invest, has been discarded by Obama’s extreme left-liberal Keynesianism. Predictably, higher costs — including the cost of Obamacare, probably the single-greatest barrier to growth and jobs — have forced the most productive factors in the economy to hole up and virtually shut down.

But the whole Tea Party movement of free-market populism represents an attempt to re-oxygenate the economy by unclogging the blood vessels of entrepreneurship with a major rollback of spending, taxing, and regulating. This Tea Party philosophy is derided daily by the Democrats, but it represents a bull’s-eye in terms of creating future economic growth.

Fortunately, the Republican Party has returned to this Reaganesque message. This is the single most important theme in the GOP comeback. (Larry Kudlow)

I hope the Republicans stay there and don’t decide to “compromise” or “get along” with the Liberal Democrats because a Liberals definition of “bi-Partisan” is that you agree with them and let them do whatever the hell they want.

This is one “enemy” (The Liberals) that does need to be defeated and not appeased in any way. Total and unequivocal surrender is required.

Not that the hubris-laden messianic Liberals and their brethren in the Ministry of Truth will do that, mind you. 🙂

Political Cartoon by Jerry Holbert

Cynical Ploy

Political Cartoon by Eric Allie

Stimulus: President Obama’s new plan to cut taxes on all but those most likely to create jobs is little more than an exercise in class warfare to divide Americans and win votes — not to get the economy growing again.

Much was made of Obama’s “compromise” on taxes, including his plan to keep lower rates on the 98% of Americans who earn less than $250,000, and spend $180 billion or more to cut some business taxes and invest in more infrastructure repair.

The president’s supporters say this is a good plan — giving Republicans the tax cuts they want while letting average Americans keep their current tax rates. Only the “rich” get hit.

This plan is actually quite cynical, as even the New York Times tacitly admits, saying Obama “intends to cast the issue as a choice between supporting the middle class or giving breaks to the wealthy.” In short, it’s not really about jobs at all. It’s about politics.

Obama, though himself wealthy, seems to truly hate the private-sector rich — believing the neo-Marxist pap that as a “class” they create nothing, but rather exploit the rest of us.

When he told Joe the Plumber during the 2008 campaign that he wanted to “spread the wealth,” he was at least telling the truth.

In fact, the wealthy are the nation’s creators, innovators and job makers. The small businesses they run account for more than four of every five new jobs. Obama’s tax hikes target them — and you.

As economists Kevin Hassett and Alan Viard recently noted, “Fully 48% of the net income of sole proprietorships, partnerships and S corporations reported on tax returns went to households with incomes above $200,000 in 2007.”

A recent National Federation of Independent Business survey found that 50% of the small-business owners who employ 20 to 249 workers fall in the top two income brackets. They’re the “rich.”

So half of all small-business profits — maybe more — will be hit by Obama’s tax hikes. And guess what? They’ll respond predictably by not expanding their businesses or doing more hiring. If Obama’s plan is passed, expect no meaningful job growth for years.

For two years, we’ve heard repeated verbal assaults leveled at successful people to make the rest of us resent their success — like the canard that the rich don’t pay their “fair share” of taxes.

Well, as the National Taxpayers Union recently reported, the richest 1% of Americans earn 23% of all income and pay almost twice that — 40% — toward income taxes. Meantime, the bottom 50% take home 12% of the income and pay only 2.9% of the taxes.

Fair? Since 2002, the year before President Bush’s 2003 across-the-board tax cut went into effect, the share of taxes paid by the wealthy has risen every year. As for Democrats’ claim that the tax cuts “benefited only the wealthy,” 7 million new U.S. jobs were created from 2003 to 2008. How’s that stack up to Obama’s record of 4 million lost and counting?

Instead of emulating past success, Obama continues to push policies that scapegoat the rich while using “stimulus” spending to enlarge government, enrich unions and subsidize favored industries.

To their credit, Republicans have countered with a far better plan — one that freezes tax rates at the Bush levels and rolls back spending to the pre-stimulus levels of 2008. This would have a truly stimulative effect on the economy. It would be even better if the tax changes were made permanent and future spending were cut.

Until something is done to convince businesses that Washington is capable of fiscal sanity, few companies will willingly commit huge amounts of capital to new investments and jobs.

Like the rest of us, they want tax and regulatory relief, entitlement reform and smaller government. Until they get it, they’ll sit on the sidelines waiting for the craziness to end.

As the New York Times last weekend described the new Democratic “firewall” approach, “A national campaign trumpeting Democratic accomplishments on health care, education and Wall Street regulation has given way to a race-by-race defensive strategy.”

Joe Sixpack’s inevitable reaction to such a change in tack is simple: If ObamaCare, more money for teachers unions and preserving too-big-to-fail on Wall Street are so great, why not run on these things?

Instead, the party whose theme song used to be “Happy Days Are Here Again” is battening down the hatches.

“Small businesses drive economic growth, not government,” he added, “but ObamaCare and a slew of upcoming tax hikes are going to make it harder for our district’s small businesses to stay afloat.”

The hyperspending that was supposed to provide jobs has failed — yet those in power plan more of it.

But don’t worry, Obama’s new stimulus-that-isn’t-a-stimulus will solve everything.

After all, Obama was on the TV yesterday touting that “3 Million people had jobs” because of him.

Isn’t he amazing! 😦

The fact that they are union and government union apparatchiks kind of got lost in the ra-ra speech. 🙂

That and the millions of people who have lost their jobs SINCE he came to power. They don’t matter.

Obama characterized Republicans as pandering to corporations, millionaires, special interests, and credit card and insurance companies. He asserted they did “not having a plan to govern” and praised the values that “we Democrats believe in.”

The president recalled the principles upon which America was founded — “values of self-reliance and individual responsibility” and “a country that rewards hard work. A country built upon the promise of opportunity and upward mobility” — and contrasted them with his characterization of the Republican attitude in Washington. “They’re asking us to settle for a status quo of stagnant growth, eroding competitiveness, and a shrinking middle class.”

Said Obama, “This country is greater than the sum of its parts — America is not about the ambitions of any one individual, but the aspirations of an entire people and an entire nation.”(Politics Daily)


We also hoped for a chance to get beyond some of the old political divides -– between Democrats and Republicans, red states and blue states -– that had prevented us from making progress. Because although we are proud to be Democrats, we are prouder to be Americans -– (applause) — and we believed then and we believe now that no single party has a monopoly on wisdom.

We’re just way smarter than you and if we just explain why 2000+ page government takeover bills that we never even read are great then you’ll just love us!

“I ran because I had a different idea about how America was built.”

“Yes, our families believed in the American values of self-reliance and individual responsibility, and they instilled those values in their children. But they also believed in a country that rewards responsibility; a country that rewards hard work; a country built on the promise of opportunity and upward mobility.”

Just don’t be too upwardly mobile or successful or you’ll be an evil “rich” person!! And you’ll cross over to the Dark Side! 🙂

It’s amazing he can say this with a straight face. But then again, he is so much better than you.

It was an America where you didn’t buy things you couldn’t afford (They just expect government handouts to do it for them because they are entitled); where we didn’t just think about today -– we thought about tomorrow. An America that took pride in the goods that we made, not just the things we consumed. An America where a rising tide really did lift all boats, from the company CEO to the guy on the assembly line.

That’s the America I believe in.


He’s other deeply, deeply cynical and manipulative and/or delusional and  just thinks his soaring charms and rhetoric will override the reality of what he and democrats have actually been doing.

What matters is scoring cheap,soaringly cynical, disingenuous, arrogant and deeply divisive political rhetoric that sounds good and makes you feel good.

I just feel sick. 😦

The Ditch of Tolerance and Debt

Michael Ramirez Cartoon

Free Speech: The speaker of the House wants to know how opponents of the Ground Zero mosque are being funded. When Americans can be investigated for their opinions, our republic has arrived at a dangerous place.

This is how tyrants act, not U.S. lawmakers — especially those two heartbeats from the presidency. Elected and appointed officials in this country have a duty to tolerate dissent, and in some cases even promote it. Our constitutional safeguard of free speech is one of the principles that sets us apart from repressive nations.

Should the speaker get her way, that will be some drawn-out probe. The number of Americans she would charge with being the “opposition” is considerable.

A Sienna Research Institute poll found that 63% of New York state voters are against the Cordoba House. When polling all Americans, CNN found that 68% oppose the mosque, and Time discovered that 61% don’t like the idea. Only 29% told CNN they favor the plan, while 26% in the Time poll said they support it.

No matter how odious an idea or speech may be to those in power, the state doesn’t have the moral standing to punish or re-educate those who express unpopular positions or annoy the authorities.

Anyone who wasn’t chilled by her statement is part of the problem.(IBD)

But the New TIME Magazine Cover: Is America Islamophobic?

Now that’s your “tolerant” Ministry of Truth.  who don’t even read, understand,or just ignore their own Polls!! 🙂

But don’t worry, the Left doesn’t even call it a Mosque anymore, you notice, in large part they just call it a “Community Center” or a “community outreach” center.

So the PC Thought Police have struck again.

And if this whole thing is about tolerance why is the Left and the Mosque supporters the most intolerant of dissent and least willing to listen?? 🙂

Washington (CNN) — Memorial crosses erected along Utah public roads to honor fallen state highway troopers have been found unconstitutional by a federal appeals court.

A three-judge panel of the 10th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals ruled Wednesday that the 14 large crosses would be viewed by most passing motorists as “government’s endorsement of Christianity.”

“We hold that these memorials have the impermissible effect of conveying to the reasonable observer the message that the state prefers or otherwise endorses a certain religion,” concluded the Denver, Colorado-based court. The state of Utah and a private trooper association have the option of appealing to the U.S. Supreme Court.

While placed on public land and with the state’s permission, the crosses themselves are privately owned and maintained. The state expressly noted it “neither approves or disapproves of the memorial marker.”

But that’s Christianity!  That’s Evil! That’s the real objection.

Maybe they should have erected mini-mosques as memorials then the Left would have no problem with them. 🙂

Because, remember, just like “sensitivity”, the Left will tell you how you are supposed to feel and think and anything else is “insensitive”. Same here, “tolerance” is what is defined by the Left not be logic, reason, or consistency.

No one one Left will understand their own hypocrisy. Face that fact.


Congressional Budget Office (CBO), in its mid-year budget update, has projected that the 2010 budget deficit will be the second highest on record since the end of World War II, eclipsed only by the deficit of 2009.

The CBO says that the total 2010 deficit will reach $1.3 trillion, down slightly from 2009’s $1.4 trillion record. All told, CBO projects that the government will run up a total of $6.2 trillion in new deficits between 2011 and 2020.

Making it over $20 Trillion, double what it was in 2007 and 4 times what it was 20 years prior! a 400% rise in a generation!

But don’t worry it’s all George W Bush and The Republicans Fault! 🙂

During his speech, the president likened Republicans to the “folks who drove the car into the ditch.”

“And so we decided, you know what, we’re going to do the responsible thing,” he said. “We put on our boots, we got into the mud, we got into the ditch. We pushed, we shoved, we’re sweating. They’re standing on the sidelines sipping a Slurpee, sort of watching us, saying, ‘Well, you’re not pushing hard enough,’ or ‘Your shoulder is not positioned the right way,’ giving us a whole bunch of advice on how to push — not lifting a finger to help.

“And finally we get this car up back on the road again, and finally we’re ready to move forward again,” Obama said. “And these guys turn around and say, ‘Give us the keys.’ Well, no, you can’t have the keys back — you don’t know how to drive.”–President Obama

So, children, you can’t hand the keys back to those morons. You have to trust me, I know what I’m doing. 🙂

And I’m so much smarter, and so much better than you! 🙂

Yeah, the car is back on the road alright, it has a whole in the gas tank, the fuel system is running rich, the steering wheel veers violently to the Left, the muffler has a hole in it and is dragging on the ground. The windows are broken, the transmission needs an overhaul,  and the tires are bald.

But it runs. And you should have more respect and reverence for your Elite Superiors, you ungrateful louts! 🙂

And it’s all George W Bush’s Fault after all! 🙂

Relative to the size of the economy, the 2010 deficit will reach 9.1 percent of the Gross Domestic Product, according to the CBO’s projection. The deficit in 2009 was 9.9 percent of GDP.

“As was the case last year, this year’s deficit is attributable in large part to a combination of weak revenues and elevated spending, associated with the economic downturn and the policies implemented in response to it,” the CBO explained.

The current economic downturn is expected to last for several more years, the non-partisan office said, predicting that unemployment will not fall to around a healthy 5 percent until at least 2014.

Oh goody, just in time for the Health Care Mandate and the other taxes to start kicking in!!!

Rejoice!! 🙂

After a year and half of “stimulus” and bailouts gone bad, what has the shift towards higher government spending and an encroaching nanny state cost you? This year, it has cost you 231 days out of your life, or 63 percent of 2010.

Every year, the Americans for Tax Reform Foundation and its Center for Fiscal Accountability calculate the day on which the average American has paid off his burden of federal, state and local spending and regulations. This year that day falls on August 19, a full eight days later than last year’s date.

That was yesterday folks! Rejoice! 🙂

Federal spending, always the largest contributor to the Cost of Government Day, cost taxpayers 104 days this year. This is up from 90 days in 2008, when Cost of Government Day fell on July 16. This is to say that the ill-conceived spending policies of the past two years have cost taxpayers over a month of their lives, and show few signs of abating.

President Obama has proposed spending $3.8 trillion in 2011, a 40 percent increase from pre-bailout, pre-“stimulus” levels. (Daily Caller)

And they want to raise taxes in a recession…sorry “Summer of Recovery”.  Hope 2.0…Recovery from what? a Marxist drunken stupor?

Does it kind of remind you of Hollywood rehab, where they go and attend a rehab then come out and do it all over again and go back to rehab and then come and do it again, ad nauseum…?

But don’t worry, if you’re mad about it,remember  it’s all George W. Bush’s Fault you islamophobic,racist,insensitive, ignorant low country moron! 🙂

Listen to your Masters, the Insufferably Superior Left. 🙂

They are just better, smarter, more tolerant, and sensitive than you could ever be.

And that’s just the facts, ma’am. 🙂