15 Years Later

I can sum up where we are as a country 15 years after nearly 3,000 people were slaughtered by terrorists and continued to be killed by Omar Mateen and others…


is the prejudice, hatred, or bigotry directed against Islam or Muslims.

it’s not just a matter of microaggressions or the perception of mistreatment, although these can take a serious toll — hate crimes against Muslims are at an alarming high. American Muslims are now approximately six to nine times more likely to suffer these kinds of attacks. (VOX- a very liberal site).

They are the victims.

The 10’to 100’s of thousands killed by Islamic terrorists in the last 15 years are moot.

Orlando. San Bernadino. Fort Hood. Et al.

Our Leaders can’t even say “islamic terrorist”. You can’t say it without being labelled a bigot.

Twitter: RIP to all the victims and RIP to all the muslims who lost their lives in the aftermath because of islamophobia. #NeverForget

That is where we are 15 years later. Afraid to even mention the real enemy so we fight within ourselves over the words.


7 Year Rash

Today is the 7th Anniversary of this blog. For a long time this year I considered making this one my last because, quite simply, The Stupid Have Inherited the Earth. Intelligence and Common Sense (let alone <gasp> Logic) are Politically Incorrect. Hell, some Leftists have decreed that just saying “politically incorrect” is Politically Incorrect. 😦

So instead I thought I’d revisit one of my favorites from the last 7 years.

This also goes out the #NeverTrump -ers who are so mindlessly obsessed with hating Donald Trump that they are willing Hillary into the White House.

Hate never felt so Right. 🙂

And a special shout out to the Sabotage Republicans (The Establishment ones and their followers) WHO ALSO want Hillary.

The Generations (and possibly permanent) of damage you want to inflict on what’s LEFT of this country is so short-sighted you deserve her.

It will be YOUR fault.

Agree with me or else!

To the future or to the past, to a time when thought is free, when men are different from one another and do not live alone — to a time when truth exists and what is done cannot be undone: From the age of uniformity, from the age of solitude, from the age of Big Brother, from the age of doublethink — greetings! -George Orwell

So with that in mind, cast your mindless adherence to January 21, 2012  and this Blog and see yourselves currently in it also.


They are just a zombie hoard.

Remorseless. Merciless. Incapable of shame, morals or ethics.

They want want what they want when they want it and because they want it and will do anything to get it. Relentlessly.

And what they want is YOU. You to be either converted or cow-towed to their every whim. To do whatever they want when they want it.

Evidence John King, the CNN Liberal Moderator of the South Carolina Debate. He opens the debate with a salicious question to Gingrich about his “open marriage” and Gingrich blows him to bits for it and the crowd goes wild.

He did this to prove his “courage” to stand up to the evil “right wingers” and puff out his chest that he was “journalist” and was going to bravely confront the issue. Meanwhile, anything remotely damaging to President Obama is ignored with great speed and spin.🙂

2016: Just Like they do with Hillary. The Debate will be set up to show that Trump is grumpy, unstable and mean. The fact that Hillary is a congenital, sociopathica Liar has no bearing on the debates whatsover.

Their will be more Candy Crowley moments than ever.

And the Zombie hoard will eat it up like candy. “Brains…”

“In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act”.- George Orwell.

And their has never been more deceit now than ever in American History and more mindless Zombie Hoards out to make sure “What difference does it make, anyways?”

Rush Limbaugh (who I rarely get a chance to listen to because of my work schedule): Now, let me tell you one thing here, folks: You cannot shame the mainstream media. If any of you are thinking that the media learned a lesson — if any of you believe that the media finally had it handed to ’em, if you believe that the media had their eyes opened and they are fully awake now and they understand what they’re dealing with — forget it. John King is proud of what happened last night. John King is a hero in the Main Street media because he didn’t back down, because he continued to illustrate how it is that the media does really control the agenda. That was a demonstration of the power they hold over every public figure’s head, that they choose to hold like a guillotine. John King… There may even be some jealousy and envy within the journalist ranks (well, not journalists; within the Democrat Party ranks) because John King is a guy that got in Newt’s face, stared him down — and the fact that Newt told him off? It’s a badge of honor. If you are thinking that John King was embarrassed and ran away with his tail tucked between his legs and learned his lesson and it’ll never happen again? Ah, ah, ah, ah. You cannot shame the mainstream media. They are proud of this. They delight in their power to destroy candidates that they don’t like.

And they don’t like anyone who doesn’t cow-tow to them.

2016: They made THEIR Choice. Now it’s you’re Zombie duty to vote for it or else.

“At the end of the day the message to every conservative who hasn’t run for office is: “You want a piece of this? You want some of this? You want Brian Ross hounding you and your ex-wife and then you want me asking you about it on national TV the next night? Come on in. We’re ready.” That’s the message from John King and CNN last night, and do not doubt me on this.”

2016: look at the evidence, every time new “evidence” comes out about Hillary they bury it. Every time Trump even raises his voice or say one less than perfect political phrase they are on it like flies on shit and they stick to it like super glue and blow it up.


So the alternative is to cow-tow. To live in fear of the Liberal wrath.

2016: To acquiesce. Given in, the Ministry of Truth has the system rigged.

Hell, the Democrats got caught rigging the Primary, blatantly.

No one really cared.

The Zombie Hoard just went, “oh” and moved on. The Media covered it up.

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz was sacrificed.

End of Story.

#2: Hillary is caught re-handed on the Email Scandal. The FBI even says so. But since Comey has connections to Clinton and doesn’t want to have a mysterious “accident” she is not prosecuted.

Future Hillary Supreme Court Nominee Loretta Lynch, Attorney General and Clinton Cronie refuses to prosecute her.

Other people not connected to Clinton aren’t so lucky.


And the reaction from the Zombie Hoard, “Yawn”.

Hillary is still leading in the Polls!


The Food Police. The TSA. The EPA. The Justice Department. Homeland Security. The FCC.

Because if they can’t make you a zombie, they can at least make you a peasant in fear of your Masters who will not challenge them or not have the power to challenge them.

“[…]you don’t have to be Sun freakin Tzu to know that real fighting isn’t about killing or even hurting the other guy, it’s about scaring him enough to call it a day.”
― Max Brooks, World War Z: An Oral History Of The Zombie War

They’ll just turn your children into zombies instead. 12 years of Grade School and 4 years of College is a lot of Zombie Voodoo time after all. And “getting them while they are young” is entirely within the Zombie Liberal playbook. Make them a zombie before they even know what one is and then make them as immune as possible to any anti-virus and get them addicted to their own Kool-Aid. Feed it to them constantly through the Media and the Internet.

2016: They’ll DEMAND Segregation, “Safe Spaces”, “Diversity” and “Inclusion” mindlessly and will trample Free Speech because they don’t want to be “offended”.


WAR (Class, Gender, Race, Religion) IS PEACE


Hell, even white people getting a tan will set the little zombie off…

What it does is illustrate that they can be dealt with. But you can’t beat ’em. They’re not gonna be shamed. They’re not going to be shamed into stopping the coverage of conservatives as they do it. It’s going to continue. No matter what kind of shame you think they suffer in a contest like that — no matter how much money they lose, no matter how many of them get fired, no matter how many magazines or TV stations or newspapers get shut down — they are not gonna change. They are hard-core, leftists”

And as I have said over and over again, they are have no morals or ethics because they are governed not by logic and reason but by emotions, mostly the most basic of primitive emotions, Fear, Lust (for power), anger, jealousy, ENVY, etc. –Raw emotions.


Which is why when you engage them they sound and act like an immature 5 year old. And as we all know from childhood development the child has to develop a sense of shame by have having boundaries and limitations and consequences. And if they don’t, they will grow up with little to no sense of shame.


2016: “Microaggressions” anyone?

They are usually called sociopaths. I can call them Liberal Zombies.

2016: And the #Never Trumpers and Establishment RINOs.

Liberals have no shame. They want what they want when they want it because they want it.

2016: And the #Never Trumpers and Establishment RINOs.

“…one of the upsides that isn’t gonna happen is the media saying, “Gosh, we’ve been so mean to these people and so unfair. You know, maybe we ought to start being fair.” That’s not going to happen.

Liberals talk about being “fair” which means you’re being unfair to them and should do what they want.

Liberals talk about “compassion” but it’s to make you feel guilty, not them, and to do what they want.

Liberals will talk about “bi-partisanship” but that just means you have to compromise your principles so they can do what they want.

“Diversity” means you’re evil and need to do what they say to repent for your sins.

2016: “Inclusion” Means you include everything THEY say and do it without hesitation.

They are a remorseless hoard. They want what they want when they want it and on their terms only.

Give them everything they want or they’ll cry, scream, bitch, moan, pout and lash out at you.

2016: “White Privilege” anyone?

That is their primitive zombie hoard mentality. And they want YOU.extremists

“Lies are neither bad nor good. Like a fire they can either keep you warm or burn you to death, depending on how they’re used.”
― Max Brooks, World War Z: An Oral History Of The Zombie War

“Most people don’t believe something can happen until it already has. That’s not stupidity or weakness, that’s just human nature.”
― Max Brooks, World War Z: An Oral History Of The Zombie War

“Often, a school is your best bet-perhaps not for education but certainly for protection from an undead attack.”
― Max Brooks, The Zombie Survival Guide

“Remember; no matter how desperate the situation seems, time spent
thinking clearly is never time wasted.”
― Max Brooks, The Zombie Survival Guide

“I think that most people would rather face the light of a real enemy than the darkness of their imagined fears.”
― Max Brooks, World War Z: An Oral History Of The Zombie War

“They feel no fear, why should you?”– Max Brooks

“The zombie may be gone, but the threat lives on.”
― Max Brooks, The Zombie Survival Guide

Get rid of one zombie, and 10 more will take it’s place. So you have to be ready to do battle constantly.

Look at 2010. The Democrats suffered the worst defeat in 80 years. Does it look like they learned ANYTHING?


As a matter of fact the zombie hoard is even tighter, even more determined than ever. They want it EVEN MORE.

So if we defeat then in 2012 will they go away?


2016: They weren’t defeated. Even more hoards joined them. So if they are beat in 2016 will they finally be defeated and go away.


They will just keep coming back like a remorseless zombie hoard until you are overwhelmed.

Which is why you will have to fight them all of your days, your kids days and their kids days until the infection is wiped out.

But like any good zombie plaque it only takes 1 to re-ignite it and spread it all over again.

And these zombies have Media and Internet outlets! (and Europe!)

“Looking back, I still can’t believe how unprofessional the news media was. So much spin, so few hard facts. All those digestible sound bites from an army of ‘experts’ all contradicting one another, all trying to seem more ‘shocking’ and ‘in-depth’ than the last one. It was all so confusing, nobody seemed to know what to do.”
― Max Brooks, World War Z: An Oral History Of The Zombie War

“The only rule that ever made sense to me I learned from a history, not an economics, professor at Wharton. “Fear,” he used to say, “fear is the most valuable commodity in the universe.” That blew me away. “Turn on the TV,” he’d say. “What are you seeing? People selling their products? No. People selling the fear of you having to live without their products.” Fuckin’ A, was he right. Fear of aging, fear of loneliness, fear of poverty, fear of failure. Fear is the most basic emotion we have. Fear is primal. Fear sells.
― Max Brooks, World War Z: An Oral History Of The Zombie War

The Democrat Party in a nutshell.


My own personal Fourth Orwellian Precept (which includes WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, and IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH).

“If you believe you can accomplish everything by “cramming” at the eleventh hour, by all means, don’t lift a finger now. But you may think twice about beginning to build your ark once it has already started raining”
― Max Brooks, The Zombie Survival Guide

“When I believe in my ability to do something, there is no such word as no.”
― Max Brooks, World War Z: An Oral History Of The Zombie War

“. . . show the other side, the one that gets people out of bed the next morning, makes them scratch and scrape and fight for their lives because someone is telling them that they’re going to be okay.”
― Max Brooks, World War Z: An Oral History Of The Zombie War

“This is the only time for high ideals because those ideals are all that we have. We aren’t just fighting for our physical survival, but for the survival of our civilization. We don’t have the luxury of old-world pillars. We don’t have a common heritage, we don’t have a millennia of history. All we have are the dreams and promises that bind us together. All we have…is what we want to be.”
― Max Brooks, World War Z: An Oral History Of The Zombie War

“…We were a shaken, broken species, driven to the edge of extinction and grateful only for tomorrow with perhaps a little less suffering than today. Was this the legacy we would leave our children, a level of anxiety and self-doubt not seen since our simian ancestors cowered in the tallest trees? What kind of world would they rebuild? Would they rebuild at all? Could they continue to progress, knowing that they would be powerless to reclaim their future? And what if that future saw another rise of the living dead? Would our descendants rise to meet them in battle, or simply crumple in meek surrender and accept what they believe to be their inevitable extinction? For this alone, we had to reclaim our planet. We had to prove to ourselves that we could do it, and leave that proof as this war’s greatest monument. The long, hard road back to humanity, or the regressive ennui of Earth’s once-proud primates. That was the choice, and it had to be made now.”
― Max Brooks, World War Z: An Oral History Of The Zombie War

The Future is yours. So is living through “The Walking Dead” and “1984” for real.



Gee, it took less time than I thought.

Now to the “Don’t do as I do, do as I say” Liberal category.

Apparently, Liberals are mad that Omar Mateen was a Muslim, and he dared to proclaim he was a ‘radical’ muslim to boot. Then the most evil being on Earth (according to Liberals of the moment) supplanting the Devil himself, George W Bush, dared to rub their collective faces in it.

That being Donald Trump.

That galls them no end.

The presumptive Republican nominee tweeted that Omar Mateen’s slaughter of 49 people at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, proves he was right about the threat of Muslim terrorists and that the ban he proposed on all Muslims entering the country—something he later referred to as a suggestion—would have somehow prevented Mateen (a U.S. citizen) from committing this atrocity.

Trump is also apparently calling on President Obama to resign for not saying the three magic words “radical Islamic terrorism,” nevermind the fact that Obama called it an “attack on all of us.” lynch3

U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch has told the gay community “we stand with you” and insisted that investigators are continuing to follow leads on the gunman and mass shooting at the Pulse nightclub…

She wouldn’t give specifics about the investigation or a possible motive. She said “people often act out of more than one motivation” and called the June 12 massacre at the gay club “clearly an act of terror and an act of hate.” She added that a motive may never be known. (WFTV)

Of course not. How could we ever know his real motive? Just because Mateen explained exactly why he did it to anybody who’d listen, that doesn’t mean it’s really why he did it.

So Mateen claim proclaim it to the heavens above and depths below.

But Liberals will refuse to admit to it. Because we all know that they are NEVER wrong. It’s always someone else’s fault. They are the vastly superior form of Life on this planet and you should bow down on your knees and grovel at their toes because you are so not worthy of their enlightenment.

So if reality is wrong, in their view, then you are wrong to insist that it is wrong.

In this case, Donald Trump.

He was right. And that galls them.

But what galls them much more is that he’s crowing about it.

NEVER LET A CRISIS GO TO WASTE!!  someone once said. 🙂

After all, it’s not like the Democrats haven’t been abusing their power for their own agenda.

john lewis

The childish sit-in, with it’s ARMED Security, catered meals and fundraising appeals was childish enough, don’t you think?

But remember, kiddies, you can’t do as they do! Just do as they say!

what they mean

So don’t ever use a Crisis for your own gain, unless you’re already a Liberal. 🙂

For Trump, mass murder and tragedy are often opportunities to plug a political belief or flaunt the fact that he got a hasty prediction right.

Yeah, and those Gun Control/Strip Due Process Bills Dem-Boys?… 🙂

Not only is Trump rushing to profit politically from Orlando; he is also bulldozing the truth to do it.

This would be laughable, if I didn’t know that the earnest little Liberal who wrote it was 100% serious about his outrage that a non-Liberal politicians was taking political advantage of a tragedy.

How dare you use our playbook against us! That’s not “fair”!! 🙂

Waaaahh!!! Make him stop!

even maherso if


The Onslaught


Investigators probing gunman Omar Mateen’s massacre at least 49 people at a popular gay nightclub in Florida are trying to determine whether terrorism, homophobia or both pushed him over the edge. (NBC)

It sure as won’t be Terrorism. The Agenda doesn’t permit that outcome.

The heavily armed assailant who killed 50 people in a packed nightclub early Sunday in the deadliest shooting spree in U.S. history pledged allegiance to the Islamic State before he was killed in a hail of gunfire, authorities said.

Federal authorities identified the shooter as Omar Mateen, 29, a New York-born resident of Fort Pierce, Fla., who worked for the security firm G4S.

FBI special agent Ronald Hopper said Mateen made allusions to the Islamic State in a communication with law enforcement before he was killed by police. Hopper said agents had investigated Mateen in 2013 and again in 2014 regarding terror threats, but lacked sufficient evidence in both cases to pursue charges.

Still can’t be terrorism. The Agenda doesn’t allow it to be that.

President Obama called the massacre “an attack of terror and an attack of hate.” But he’ll blame anyone but Muslims.

Gun Grabbers Unite!


See, this is why a guy should be allowed in the Women’s Bathroom!

The facts haven’t stopped some, however, from blaming the carnage on the “Christian right.” Chase Strangio, a lawyer for the ACLU’s LGBT & AIDS Project, is convinced they’re the real enemy.

CNN’s Sally Kohn also weighed in on Sunday’s terror attack as being spawned by supposed Christian bigotry.

In case you’re wondering whether Strangio, Kohn and other progressive figures have apologized, after more reports have surfaced proving Sunday’s deaths came at the hands of radical Islamic terrorists, one look at the rest of their Twitter timelines will disappoint you. (Townhall)

Strangio: “Don’t use Queer deaths for your hate”

Good thing they are the “tolerant” ones. 🙂

Muhammad Musri, president of the Islamic Society of Central Florida, thanked law enforcement officials for their efforts and cautioned against any rush to judgment because the alleged killer was a Muslim, according to media reports. (USA TODAY)

Don’t worry,it will be the Christians fault in the end, regardless.

They will be also be too busy blaming the NRA and Right Wing “Homophobes” to care about you, Mr. Musri.

So what if he worked for a Security Firm had all the legal permits. That’s irrelevant to the Agenda.

But we don’t want to jump to conclusions, when our Agenda is being serviced. We want to have a slow, methodical beat down on it.

CO-Worker: “Something would set him off, but the things that would set him off were always women, race or religion. [Those were] his button pushers.” 

The Left has sure been focusing all of it’s efforts in that direction…

The Pink Pistols, an LBGTQ group dedicated to protecting the gun rights of gay and transgendered individuals, has issued a response to the Orlando terror attack and to calls for gun bans. The group is urging the public not to jump to conclusions and to focus on the violent acts carried out by ISIS follower Omar Mateen, not on the tool he used. 

“The Pink Pistols gives condolences to all family and friends of those killed and injured at Pulse,” First Speaker of the Pink Pistols Gwendolyn Patton said in a statement. “This is exactly the kind of heinous act that justifies our existence. At such a time of tragedy, let us not reach for the low-hanging fruit of blaming the killer’s guns. Let us stay focused on the fact that someone hated gay people so much they were ready to kill or injure so many. A human being did this. The human being’s tools are unimportant when compared to the bleakness of that person’s soul. I say again, GUNS did not do this. A human being did this, a dead human being. Our job now is not to demonize the man’s tools, but to condemn his acts and work to prevent such acts in the future.” (Townhall)

Not on The Agenda.

all together now…




Bacon as a Hate Crime

LAS VEGAS (AP) — The FBI is offering a $5,000 reward for information that helps them find the person who put raw bacon on the door handles of a Las Vegas mosque.

The FBI said in a statement Wednesday that agents are trying to find the man seen in a surveillance video putting the meat on the entrances of the Masjid-e-Tawheed mosque. Authorities call it a desecration of the Islamic worship center.

The Quran, the holy book of Islam, prohibits Muslims from eating pork, and pigs have been used to taunt or offend Muslims.

Both the FBI and Las Vegas police say they’re investigating the case as a possible hate crime.

Police are trying to figure out who is going around stealing baby Jesus statues from outdoor nativity scenes in various New Jersey towns.

Five churches in four neighboring towns have had their statues stolen in the last two days. Towns include Kearny, North Arlington, Lyndhurst and Clifton. Police are trying to figure out whether the crimes are connected. (ABC13 NJ)

Nor is… WHITE PLAINS – A baby Jesus statue placed in a manger at a White Plains church has yet to be  found after it was discovered stolen on Christmas morning.

Nor….On the night before Christmas, someone reportedly stole the infant Jesus statue from the outdoor Nativity scene at the church, 234 Spring Garden St, Easton Pa.

This is NOT a hate crime because Christians are evil oppressors, right?

But bacon bits on a Mosque is a Hate Crime. Fascinating… 😦


PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — Oregon bakery owners who denied service to a same-sex couple have paid $135,000 in state-ordered damages — after refusing to do so for nearly six months.

The Bureau of Labor and Industries says Aaron Klein, co-owner of the Portland-area bakery, dropped off a check Monday for $136,927.07. That includes accrued interest. Klein also paid $7,000 earlier this month.

Damages were awarded in July for emotional suffering caused by Sweet Cakes by Melissa, which two years ago refused to make a wedding cake for Laurel and Rachel Bowman-Cryer. The bakers said their refusal was prompted by religious beliefs.

Is where the Religious People are the Perps because they aren’t Politically Correct! Hmmmm…..

Patheos.com: Even though the fine is now paid, they’re still appealing the decision, somehow claiming that discriminating against gay customers was an injustice to them as Christians. Because being an oppressor is the worst.

Las Vegas police spokesman Larry Hadfield said the bacon was wrapped on the door knobs, and was also found on the ground and fences.

Good thing it wasn’t Pizza or a Wedding Cake! Next Up, Lesbians at the door! 🙂

Officials at the mosque couldn’t immediately be reached for comment.

The FBI said the incident happened about 3:15 a.m. Dec. 27. The culprit is described as a white man wearing a dark blue hat, jacket and black-framed glasses. He had black or dark brown hair with long, thin sideburns.

The site west of the Las Vegas Strip wasn’t damaged, and no one was hurt. The mosque was empty at the time, and the case was reported by members who came to worship later that morning.


You Just Might Be A Liberal…

Are you not sure that you’re a liberal? Well, there’s an easy way to find out. You might be a liberal if…

1) ….Your newspaper calls people “bigoted” for being worried about bringing Syrian refugees to America, but you won’t run pictures of Muhammad because you’re afraid Muslims might kill you for it.

2) ….You think every man accused of sexual assault is guilty until proven innocent except Bill Clinton.

3)….You insist that anyone who questions global warming hates science even though you don’t understand any of the science behind it yourself and you say we have to do something about climate change primarily because you want to impress your liberal friends.

4) ….You are terrified that holding terrorists at Guantanamo Bay who are trying to murder Americans might make the other terrorists who are trying to murder Americans mad.

5) ….You believe there’s a “Republican War on Women;” yet you are okay with aborting baby girls for any reason, think any man who says he identifies as a woman should be able to use the women’s bathroom and you want to put Bill Clinton back in the White House.

6) ….You claim to constantly hear Republican “dog whistles” that 99% of the population misses; yet you’d deny you’re racist for insisting that black Americans aren’t competent enough to get an ID to vote.


7) …You think there’s a possibility that Obama might be able to have a productive conversation with radical Islamists who want to kill us, but dialogue with the NRA is impossible.

8)….You believe Hillary Clinton is telling the truth. About anything. Ever.

9) ….You simultaneously believe the police are violent trigger-happy racists who shoot people for no good reason and that we should disarm the populace so that only the government has guns.

10) ….You went to a talk given on your campus by a conservative just so you could scream at him for “invading your safe space.”

11) ….You think Chris Kyle was a monster for killing so many enemies of America while Bowe Bergdahl deserves to be treated with respect and compassion after deserting his unit.

12) ….You believe you’re a caring and compassionate person because you advocate giving other people’s money away to people you hope will vote for candidates you like.

13) ….You believe that anyone who dislikes Barack Obama must hate him because he’s a minority, but your hatred of Ted Cruz and Clarence Thomas is perfectly justifiable.

14) ….You think you are a sophisticated person with a deep understanding of complex political issues, but sum up every one with some variation of, “Republicans are evil, racist, and they hate you while liberals like me are nice!”

15) ….You think it’s vitally important to increase the number of Muslim immigrants coming to America so they can inform on all the other Muslims who are planning terrorist attacks.

16) ….You blame the Republicans for the failure of Obamacare even though none of them voted for it.

17) ….Your first response to a terrorist attack committed by radical Islamists who’ve sworn allegiance to ISIS is to try to disarm every law-abiding gun owner in the country.

18) ….You think an unemployed, white factory worker who’s struggling to feed his family has some sort of racial privilege compared to Barack Obama, Melissa Harris Perry or Al Sharpton.

19) ….You say fences don’t work and gun-free zones do, but if Republicans wanted the fence around the White House taken down and demanded that the Secret Service be disarmed, you’d accuse them of trying to get Obama killed.

20) ….You believe Bruce Jenner is a woman, Rachel Dolezal is black and Elizabeth Warren is an Indian.

21)  Food in any way can be a “microagression” based on race, religion, sex, or ethnicity.

22) Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength. Guns kill people so getting rid of Guns will kill less people.

23) The Power of Life and Death is “Pro-Choice”.

24) Any immigration is good no matter how it was done and anyone opposed to any immigration of any kind is “racist”.

25) A Religion is a Race, unless they are Christians, then they are just bigots.

26) Utter the word “islamophobia” and mean it.

27) Anything with a (D) after their name is ok and can do anything they want because it’s better than they alternative.

28) Democrats Lie, but it’s your fault not theirs.

29) A Tax is a Penalty, even after it’s ruled a Tax it’s still a Penalty.

30) “What Difference Does it Make?”

31) It was the fault of a You Tube Video.

32) That the Media is not biased and that people like Hillary and Barack are “moderates” and any Republican is “extreme”.

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel
Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell
Political Cartoons by Steve Kelley
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

Holiday placemats for Social Justice

The Libs got caught with their hand in the Orwellian Cookie Jar again. But don’t worry, they ‘meant well’ so its not their fault and they won’t learn a blessed thing from this screw up. 🙂

Harvard apologized this week after people complained about the social justice placemats the College’s Office for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion passed out.

The university apologized on Wednesday for the “Holiday Placemats for Social Justice,” a misguided attempt to help students navigate winter break with curious family members after a tumultuous semester at many colleges nationwide.

Misguided. Misconstrued. Misquoted. Misinterpreted.


The placemat provides “tips for talking to families” so you can explain 1) why black students aren’t “complaining,” they’re protesting at colleges for safe environments, 2) why the U.S. should take in Syrian refugees, 2) why Harvard changed the house “master” title, and 4) why white people don’t get the same treatment as black people do by the police.



Naturally, they won’t take their OWN “sagely” and “tolerant” advice.

In the middle of the placemat, there are more general tips for talking to family members: “listen, breathe, ask, affirm and speak.”

The placemats offered helpful responses like: “When I hear students expressing their experiences of racism on campus, I don’t hear complaining. Instead I hear young people uplifting a situation that I might not experience.”

You white male privilege asshole! (who has a White Male Asshole of RICH father who can afford to send their little cherub of Liberal Joy to Harvard in the first place!).

Their parents dropped $200k on tuition and all they  got was a lousy placemat!!

Now, that struck many people as liberal coddling, and a Harvard Crimson column argues that the diversity office should be addressing such issues “in a less shallow and simplistic manner.”

It continues:

The handout shamefully parallels a similar tendency among activists to conflate well-meaning people who have the audacity to hold contrary opinions with racists and demagogues. Either you toe the party line, or your justifications don’t matter because you are too white, too male, or too privileged in some other way. Opponents of Yale activism are portrayed as racist, and those with concerns about Syrian refugees are painted as Islamophobic.

Even for those of us who agree with the handout on all its issues, this is an area for concern. There must be debate on these issues, at Harvard’s tables and in our homes. Presenting unglorified talking points not only wrongly attempts to stifle debate, but also stands in stark contradiction to the mission of the College to transform students “with exposure to new ideas, new ways of understanding, and new ways of knowing.”

In a column for The Harvard Crimson , student Idrees M. Kalhoon pointed out that the text for the placemats was taken word-for-word from a similar credited poster created by the group Showing Up for Racial Justice, whose aim is to move “white people to act as part of a multi-racial majority for justice with passion and accountability.”

Stop being Racists! you white privilege bastards! 🙂

Rich kids with too much “diversity” on their hands.

Amid a national storm of college protests over racism, Harvard University released a “diversity report” that called for sweeping administrative changes on campus. That very same day, someone put tape over the faces of black professors in their law school portraits.

The act was a disheartening reminder that protesters still have a lot of work to do.

Rinne-Julie Fruster, an organizer from Lasell College, in Newton, Mass., said there’s a misconception in higher education that students of color shouldn’t complain because they’re privileged to even be getting a degree.

“It’s good to hear from students at many different schools who feel that way, that they’ve been silenced by the privilege we’re seeing as having,” she said, “and who can speak out against it.”

But the power students earned in the past has gradually been eroded over time, Johnston said. Students need to win it back by making demands like the one recently launched by Boston College activists, who want students represented on the hiring committee for the school’s new executive director of the Office of Institutional Diversity.

“When students want more power in the universe, they have to fight not only to get it, but also to keep it,” he said. “So that’s something they’ll have to consider to not repeat what happened in the past.” (Boston.com)

Thanks for nothing, MLK! 🙂

And apparently the placemats got such blowback that Harvard had to issue a statement apologizing:

December 16, 2015

Dear Harvard College students,

We write to acknowledge that the placemat distributed in some of your dining halls this week failed to account for the many viewpoints that exist on our campus on some of the most complex issues we confront as a community and society today. Our goal was to provide a framework for you to engage in conversations with peers and family members as you return home for the winter break, however, it was not effectively presented and it ultimately caused confusion in our community. On behalf of the Office of Student Life and the Freshman Dean’s Office, we offer our sincere apologies for this situation.

Academic freedom is central to all that Harvard College stands for. To suggest that there is only one point of view on each of these issues runs counter to our educational goals. We appreciate the feedback that we have received about this initiative. Moving forward we will, with your continued input, support the growth and the development of independent minds.


Stephen Lassonde
Dean of Student Life

Thomas Dingman
Dean of Freshmen

So endeth the lesson they won’t learn.

as Ron White says “You can fix just about anything, but you can not fix stupid.” or ‘well-intentioned’ poltical correctness. 🙂
Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

You will Be Lynched

The day after a horrific shooting spree by what appears to be a radicalized Muslim man and his partner in San Bernardino, California, Attorney General Loretta Lynch pledged to a Muslim advocacy and lobbying group that she would take aggressive action against anyone who used “anti-Muslim rhetoric” that “edges toward violence.”

Yeah, the violence that killed 14 people is politically correct violence so don’t you dare react negatively to it, you Islamophobe!

Speaking to the audience at the Muslim Advocates’ 10th anniversary dinner Thursday, Lynch said her “greatest fear” is the “incredibly disturbing rise of anti-Muslim rhetoric” in America and vowed to prosecute any guilty of what she deemed violence-inspiring speech.

“The fear that you have just mentioned is in fact my greatest fear as a prosecutor, as someone who is sworn to the protection of all of the American people, which is that the rhetoric will be accompanied by acts of violence,” she said.

“Now obviously this is a country that is based on free speech, but when it edges towards violence, when we see the potential for someone lifting that mantle of anti-Muslim rhetoric—or, as we saw after 9/11, violence directed at individuals who may not even be Muslims but perceived to be Muslims, and they will suffer just as much—when we see that we will take action,” said Lynch.

After touting the numbers of “investigations into acts of anti-Muslim hatred” and “bigoted actions” against Muslims launched by her DOJ, Lynch suggested the Constitution does not protect “actions predicated on violent talk” and pledged to prosecute those responsible for such actions.

“I think it’s important that as we again talk about the importance of free speech we make it clear that actions predicated on violent talk are not America,” said Lynch. “They are not who we are, they are not what we do, and they will be prosecuted.”

Assuring the pro-Muslim group that “we stand with you,” Lynch said she would use her Justice Department to protect Muslims from “violence” and discrimination.

“My message not just to the Muslim community but to all Americans is ‘We cannot give in to the fear that these backlashes are really based on,'” said Lynch.

It is painfully clear that, like her predecessor Eric Holder, Lynch is far more concerned with promoting the social justice agenda than protecting the Constitutional rights of American citizens. What exactly is speech that “edges toward violence”? What exactly are “actions predicated on violent talk”? In the end, it is whatever she decides it to mean.

UPDATE: Loretta Lynch, at a press conference yesterday, termed the San Bernardino shootings a “wonderful opportunity” to change the nature of police work:

    We’re at the point where these issues have come together really like never before in law enforcement thought and in our nation’s history and it gives us a wonderful opportunity and a wonderful moment to really make significant change. (Daily Wire)


The NYDN (New York Daily News) struck again on Thursday, blaring that the NRA was enabling domestic terrorism. Never let a crisis go to waste, right? What better way to garner wall to wall media coverage than to implicate the left’s favorite punching bag. Katie has already detailed the NYDN’s attempt to lump in the NRA with terrorists. To those who make these despicable claims, your right to defend yourself is really just a masked effort to arm radical Islamists.

This kind of reaction is standard procedure now. President Obama’s response to the Paris terrorist attacks was to point his finger across the political aisle and declare that Republicans, his fellow citizens, were actually helping ISIS recruit more fighters. No change in strategy. No call to unite the country. And while the American people strongly reject his refugee plan, the President directs his party and his liberal allies in the media to ignore the real enemy of the American people. Our President took the moment to accuse fellow law-abiding citizens of aiding the murderous caliphate that has prospered under his leadership, or lack thereof.

Oh, and don’t even think about mentioning the radical Islamist ideology that just fueled a terrorist attack on our soil. That would be Islamophobic

Disagree with the left, and you’re picking the side of the terrorists. This is really what they’re boiling it down to. But if that’s all they’ve got, at least they’re consistent.


Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson
Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

It’s Worse than We Thought

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
It’s reality but not as we know it

John Hawkins: How radical, weird and out of touch have liberals on college campuses gotten since Obama came into office? It’s worse than you ever thought and although there is an almost unlimited number of problematic incidents to choose from, these 15 are particularly effective at getting across how bad things have become.

1) “College Students Say Remembering 9/11 Is Offensive to Muslims…. The everything-is-offensive brand of campus activism has struck a new low: Students at the University of Minnesota killed a proposed moment of silence for 9/11 victims due to concerns—insulting, childish concerns—that Muslim students would be offended.”

2) “Portland State University Offers Course Teaching How to ‘Make Whiteness Strange’…According to Portland State University Professor Rachel Sanders’ ‘White Privilege’ course, ‘whiteness’ must be dismantled if racial justice will ever be achieved. The course description states that ‘whiteness is the lynchpin of structures of racial meaning and racial inequality in the United States” and claims that ‘to preserve whiteness is to preserve racial injustice.’ Students taking the course will ‘endeavor to make whiteness strange.’ In order to make whiteness strange, the description says students must ‘interrogate whiteness as an unstable legal, political, social, and cultural construction.’”


3) “A University in the San Francisco Area Actually Told Students To Call 911 if They Were Offended….Administrators at a Catholic university in the San Francisco Bay Area have rescinded an official school policy instructing students to clog up the regional 9-1-1 emergency reporting system to report ‘bias incidents.’

The school is Santa Clara University, reports Campus Reform…Until this month, however, Santa Clara administrators have been instructing students to report ‘bias incidents’ using the emergency service reserved for dispatching police, firefighters and ambulances.

‘If the bias incident is in progress or just occurred: ALWAYS CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY,’ the Santa Clara website instructed students in fierce, all-capital letters.”

4) “Educators in the Volunteer State are very concerned that students might be offended by the usage of traditional pronouns like she, he, him and hers, according to a document from the University of Tennessee – Knoxville’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion.

…For all you folks who went to school back when there were only him and her – here’s a primer: some of the new gender neutral pronouns are ze, hir, zir, xe, xem and xyr.”

5) “A Professor at Polk State College has allegedly failed a humanities student after she refused to concede that Jesus is a ‘myth’ or that Christianity oppresses women during a series of mandatory assignments at the Florida college. According to a press release from the Liberty Counsel, a non-profit public interest law firm, Humanities Professor Lance ‘Lj’ Russum gave a student a ‘zero’ on four separate papers because the 16-year-old did not ‘conform to his personal worldviews of Marxism, Atheism, Feminism, and homosexuality.’ The law firm has called for a full, private investigation of the professor and the course curriculum.”

6) “College Codes Make ‘Color Blindness’ a Microaggression…wait, what?…. UCLA says “Color Blindness,” the idea we shouldn’t obsess over people’s race, is a microaggression. If you refuse to treat an individual as a ‘racial/cultural being,’ then you’re being aggressive.”

7) “The phrase ‘politically correct’ is now a microaggression according to the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. The university’s ‘Just Words’ campaign is the work of UWM’s ‘Inclusive Excellence Center’ and aims to ‘raise awareness of microaggressions and their impact’—microaggressions like ‘politically correct’ or ‘PC.’”


8) ) “‘American,’ ‘illegal alien,’ ‘foreigners,’ ‘mothering,’ and ‘fathering’ are just a handful of words deemed ‘problematic’ by the University of New Hampshire’s Bias-Free Language Guide….Saying ‘American’ to reference Americans is also problematic. The guide encourages the use of the more inclusive substitutes ‘U.S. citizen’ or ‘Resident of the U.S.’ The guide also tries to get students to stop saying ‘Caucasian,’ ‘illegal Immigrant,’ ‘mother,’ ‘father’ and even the word ‘healthy’ is said to shame those who aren’t healthy.”

9) “Late yesterday afternoon, ACLJ filed a lawsuit on behalf of Brandon Jenkins against officials of The Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC) in Maryland for denying Brandon admission to its Radiation Therapy Program in part due to his expression of religious beliefs. As one faculty member explained to Brandon, on behalf of CCBC, the ‘field [of radiation therapy] is not the place for religion.’”

10) “A California school co-founded by a firebrand who once called for an ‘intifada’ in the U.S. has become the nation’s first accredited Muslim college.”

11) “According to Coastal Carolina University, sex is only consensual if both parties are completely sober and if consent is not only present, but also enthusiastic. This is a troubling standard that converts many ordinary, lawful sexual encounters into sexual assault, and it should frighten any student at CCU.”

12) “Clemson University apologizes for serving Mexican food…Students took to Twitter to call the event culturally insensitive and to question the school’s efforts to promote diversity….Clemson Dining issued an apology to ‘offended’ students after hosting a ‘Maximum Mexican’ food day.”

13) “All-Women’s College Cancels ‘Vagina Monologues’ Because it Excludes Women Without Vaginas.”

14) “The ‘Black Lives Matter’ leader who landed a teaching gig at Yale University delivered a lecture this week on the historical merits of looting as a form of protest, backing up his lesson with required reading that puts modern-day marauders on par with the patriots behind the Boston Tea Party.”

15) “Assistant Dean (at Cornell) Tells a Project Veritas Investigative Journalist that the University Would Allow an ISIS Terrorist to Hold a ‘Training Camp’ on Campus, Saying: ‘It Would be Like Bringing in a Coach to do a Training on a Sports Team.'”

BE AFRAID of the Crybaby Generation, Be very Afraid.

By Candelight

To the delight of the crowd, all of the candidates in Saturday night’s debate positioned themselves as aggressively pro-immigrant and drew a sharp contrast between their outlook and that of the Republicans.

“The fact of the matter is — and let’s say it in our debate because you will never hear it from that immigrant-bashing carnival barker Donald Trump — the truth of the matter is net immigration from Mexico last year was zero,” former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley said in response to weighing immigration reform against the need for border security.

He’s never going to be the nominee, but he has the same sentiment as Hillary and Bernie.

Clinton added that she has reviewed Obama’s executive action and is convinced “that the president has the authority that he attempted to exercise with respect to Dreamers and their parents.”

Net Zero Gain: The number of families illegally crossing the southern U.S. border has more than doubled over the same period last fall, prompting concern about a new surge of migrants from Central America.

Many more unaccompanied children are also crossing, with 4,476 apprehended in September — an 85% increase over that month in 2014, according to new Border Patrol data.

“If that trend even continues a little bit, if things start to go up in February as they usually do, we could be looking at things getting really high, and by spring, you’re seeing an emergency,” said Adam Isacson, a senior associate at the Washington Office on Latin America, a human rights advocacy group.


As I write, Paris is under curfew for the first time since the German occupation, and the death toll from the multiple attacks stands at 158, the vast majority of them slaughtered during a concert at the Bataclan theatre, a delightful bit of 19th century Chinoiserie on the boulevard Voltaire. The last time I was there, if memory serves, was to see Julie Pietri. I’m so bloody sick of these savages shooting and bombing and killing and blowing up everything I like – whether it’s the small Quebec town where my little girl’s favorite fondue restaurant is or my favorite hotel in Amman or the brave freespeecher who hosted me in Copenhagen …or a music hall where I liked to go to hear a little jazz and pop and get away from the cares of the world for a couple of hours. But look at the photographs from Paris: there’s nowhere to get away from it; the barbarians who yell “Allahu Akbar!” are there waiting for you …when you go to a soccer match, you go to a concert, you go for a drink on a Friday night. They’re there on the train… at the magazine office… in the Kosher supermarket… at the museum in Brussels… outside the barracks in Woolwich…

Twenty-four hours ago, I said on the radio apropos the latest campus “safe space” nonsense:

This is what we’re going to be talking about when the mullahs nuke us.


Almost. When the Allahu Akbar boys opened fire, Paris was talking about the climate-change conference due to start later this month, when the world’s leaders will fly in to “solve” a “problem” that doesn’t exist rather than to address the one that does. But don’t worry: we already have a hashtag (#PrayForParis) and doubtless there’ll be another candlelight vigil of weepy tilty-headed wankers. Because as long as we all advertise how sad and sorrowful we are, who needs to do anything?

With his usual killer comedy timing, the “leader of the free world” told George Stephanopoulos on “Good Morning, America” this very morning that he’d “contained” ISIS and that they’re not “gaining strength”. A few hours later, a cell whose members claim to have been recruited by ISIS slaughtered over 150 people in the heart of Paris and succeeded in getting two suicide bombers and a third bomb to within a few yards of the French president.

Visiting the Bataclan, M Hollande declared that “nous allons mener le combat, il sera impitoyable”: We are going to wage a war that will be pitiless.

Does he mean it? Or is he just killing time until Obama and Cameron and Merkel and Justin Trudeau and Malcolm Turnbull fly in and they can all get back to talking about sea levels in the Maldives in the 22nd century? By which time France and Germany and Belgium and Austria and the Netherlands will have been long washed away.

Among his other coy evasions, President Obama described tonight’s events as “an attack not just on Paris, it’s an attack not just on the people of France, but this is an attack on all of humanity and the universal values we share”.

But that’s not true, is it? He’s right that it’s an attack not just on Paris or France. What it is is an attack on the west, on the civilization that built the modern world – an attack on one portion of “humanity” by those who claim to speak for another portion of “humanity”. And these are not “universal values” but values that spring from a relatively narrow segment of humanity. They were kinda sorta “universal” when the great powers were willing to enforce them around the world and the colonial subjects of ramshackle backwaters such as Aden, Sudan and the North-West Frontier Province were at least obliged to pay lip service to them. But the European empires retreated from the world, and those “universal values” are utterly alien to large parts of the map today.

And then Europe decided to invite millions of Muslims to settle in their countries. Most of those people don’t want to participate actively in bringing about the death of diners and concertgoers and soccer fans, but at a certain level most of them either wish or are indifferent to the death of the societies in which they live – modern, pluralist, western societies and those “universal values” of which Barack Obama bleats. So, if you are either an active ISIS recruit or just a guy who’s been fired up by social media, you have a very large comfort zone in which to swim, and which the authorities find almost impossible to penetrate.

And all Chancellor Merkel and the EU want to do is make that large comfort zone even larger by letting millions more “Syrian” “refugees” walk into the Continent and settle wherever they want. As I wrote after the Copenhagen attacks in February:

I would like to ask Mr Cameron and Miss Thorning-Schmidt what’s their happy ending here? What’s their roadmap for fewer “acts of violence” in the years ahead? Or are they riding on a wing and a prayer that they can manage the situation and hold it down to what cynical British civil servants used to call during the Irish “Troubles” “an acceptable level of violence”? In Pakistan and Nigeria, the citizenry are expected to live with the reality that every so often Boko Haram will kick open the door of the schoolhouse and kidnap your daughters for sex-slavery or the Taliban will gun down your kids and behead their teacher in front of the class. And it’s all entirely “random”, as President Obama would say, so you just have to put up with it once in a while, and it’s tough if it’s your kid, but that’s just the way it is. If we’re being honest here, isn’t that all Mr Cameron and Miss Thorning-Schmidt are offering their citizens? Spasms of violence as a routine feature of life, but don’t worry, we’ll do our best to contain it – and you can help mitigate it by not going to “controversial” art events, or synagogues, or gay bars, or…

…or soccer matches, or concerts, or restaurants…

To repeat what I said a few days ago, I’m Islamed out. I’m tired of Islam 24/7, at Colorado colleges, Marseilles synagogues, Sydney coffee shops, day after day after day. The west cannot win this thing with a schizophrenic strategy of targeting things and people but not targeting the ideology, of intervening ineffectually overseas and not intervening at all when it comes to the remorseless Islamization and self-segregation of large segments of their own countries.

So I say again: What’s the happy ending here? Because if M Hollande isn’t prepared to end mass Muslim immigration to France and Europe, then his “pitiless war” isn’t serious. And, if they’re still willing to tolerate Mutti Merkel’s mad plan to reverse Germany’s demographic death spiral through fast-track Islamization, then Europeans aren’t serious. In the end, the decadence of Merkel, Hollande, Cameron and the rest of the fin de civilisation western leadership will cost you your world and everything you love.

So screw the candlelight vigil. (Mark Steyn)

We are but candles in a Liberal wind(bag)…

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell
Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson

Ahmed,A Clock, Katy & God

Once upon a time, a boy took an alarm clock out of its case and stuck it in a suitcase to create an object looking very much like a bomb, was arrested for it, and the Twitter world went nuclear. Did it matter that children have been expelled for the far less serious offense of chewing their pop tarts into the shape of a gun? No. Because this boy was named “Ahmed” and he was Muslim, and America is this supposedly anti-Islamic place. Or something.

The fallout from Ahmed’s situation was blown out of proportion, all because he was named Ahmed and was a Muslim…and a bit of a jerk.

Well this week, we have an entire group of 7th graders suffering religious oppression in school. None of them brought suitcase clocks that looked like bombs, nor did they chew their pop tarts to form the shape of Mohammed. Perhaps if they had, you’d have heard about them long before now. Also, ISIS would’ve tried to kill them, ala Pam Gellar’s group in Texas. But you haven’t heard of this story before. And unlike little Ahmed with his dismantled alarm clock he put into a suitcase for reasons we cannot speculate upon because racism, these kids probably won’t get invited to the Obama White House.

The 7th Grade assignment? Deny God is real or… fail.

“She told anyone who said fact or opinion is wrong and that God is only a myth,” Wooley says in her statement. “She started telling kids that they were completely wrong and when kids would argue she had told them that we would get in trouble.”

She added: “When I tried to argue she told me to prove it and I tried to offer things such as the Bible and stories that I’ve read before from people who have died and went to Heaven, but have come back and told their stories.”

Wooley says the discussion became a heated classroom argument that prompted one child to slam her books on her desk and another student to go home crying…

“For her to tell me my religion was wrong shocked me,” Wooley says. “To me there is a God.”

Let’s play a little game. What if the paper asked, “Is Muhammad real?” Or, “Is Allah real?” Five points to the first person who can guess what would’ve happened to the teacher. Five points. Ready…go!

If you guessed “Islamaphobia” would be plastered in 24/7 wall-to-wall coverage, and for the next two weeks we’d be lectured on sensitivity and the merits of Islam, go give yourself five gold stars and ten crescent moons. Because you’re smart. But when Christianity is under attack? Meh. That Jesus guy with his cross?

Also, when we heard all about little Ahmed and the bomb thing, we all heard about “Islamophobia” which begs an important question. Do we even have a word for prejudice against Christians? Christianphobia? Anybody mention it lately? Don’t worry. Christmas is coming. They will.

Of course it’s totes okay to persecute the Christians if you’re a leftist. A) Christians don’t tend to blow people up who draw their leader and b) Christians believe in all that right and wrong stuff about morality and doing the right thing. To a leftist, someone believing in right and wrong is a giant threat against their hedonistic ways of baby butchery and thinking marriage is between two people who can naturally make babies. Which is the real reason they’re being targeted… (Crowder)

The Agenda is The Agenda. The Narrative is The Narrative.

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Embedded image permalink

Naturally, it was the non-liberal media’s fault for blowing this out of proportion (unlike Ahmed and the Clock) so when the issue wouldn’t go away… You get the half-hearted Liberal response that yeah, we did it but we didn’t meant to, it was taken the wrong way….blah blah blah. Exactly, what the Liberals won’t do if the shoe is on the other foot.

On October 26, two West Memorial Junior High parents contacted the school’s principal to share their concerns over a classroom activity that they felt questioned students’ religious beliefs. The school principal immediately investigated and determined that the classroom activity included an item that was unnecessary for achieving the instructional standard. The activity, which was designed to encourage critical thinking skills and dialogue by engaging students in an exercise wherein they identified statements as fact, opinion, or common assertion was not intended to question or challenge any student’s religious beliefs.

Katy ISD says the teacher explained that a commonplace assertion exists when there is room for debate. [The district also said] the worksheet will not be used again in classrooms and that students did not get graded on that assignment.

The teacher is distraught by this incident, as some commentary has gone as far as to vilify her without knowing her, her Christian faith, or the context of the classroom activity.

Now the Teacher is the “victim”!!

Nancy Pelosi is a “devout” Catholic who pushes Planned Parenthood at ever turn. So that means nothing.

Still, this does not excuse the fact that this ungraded activity was ill-conceived and because of that, its intent had been misconstrued.

I have a degree in Education, and it’s the teacher’s job to go over the lesson plan and the assignments ahead of time.  This apparently wasn’t done, or is it just that they didn’t manage to sneak this one past?

Screening for bias or questions that can be misinterpreted is part of the teachers job. I had an ENTIRE SEMESTER course on writing test questions alone. It’s not easy, but it’s your job.

As a result, the activity will no longer be used by the school, and the teacher has been advised and appropriate personnel action will be taken.

Meaning, NOTHING will happen. It’s not like they are going to screen for Liberal Bias now. 🙂

The school regrets any misconceptions that may have resulted from this teacher-developed classroom activity and assures its school community that the religious beliefs of all students and staff are welcomed and valued at West Memorial Junior High.

Half-hearted, mealy mouthed response after getting caught doing it. Let’s downplay it as much as possible.

Unlike Ahmed & The Clock.

But that’s hardly going to stop the Secularist Liberal for their appointed arrogance and feelings of superiority of all.

So, I’ll give the atheists the last word:

There’s a controversy currently brewing in Katy, Texas, because that question about God’s existence is being used as evidence for Christian persecution.

That accusation is being made by seventh-grader Jordan Wooley, who said the statement about God was a fact. Her teacher correctly told her that was the wrong answer. Now, Wooley claims she is being forced to choose between her grades and her faith.

If that sounds like the plot of the next God’s Not Dead movie, that’s because it’s just as ridiculous. But that’s the narrative conservative websites are pushing.

Yeah, the narrative the Left is pushing is not relevant here…. 🙂

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
Political Cartoons by Henry Payne

Censor Thyself

“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”― George Orwell

Stossel: Support for the idea that it’s good to hear all opinions, even offensive ones, is thin. A plurality of Americans now support laws against “hate speech.”

“I may not agree with you, but I will defend to the death your right to make an ass of yourself.”
― Oscar Wilde

Conservatives once wanted to ban Playboy magazine, violent rap lyrics and offensive depictions of Jesus. Leftists then were right to fight such bans, but today leftists encourage censorship in the name of “tolerance.”

“If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”
― George Washington

Scientist Matt Taylor helped land a probe on a comet for the first time in history. But because he explained his achievement while wearing a T-shirt that had cartoons of sexy women on it (designed by a female friend of his), writer Rose Eveleth of The Atlantic tweeted that Taylor “ruined” the comet landing. The public outcry against him was so great that he cried at an apologetic press conference.

 Silicon Valley entrepreneur Brendan Eich created JavaScript and helped start Mozilla Firefox. But when activists discovered that he’d once donated $1,000 to support California’s Proposition 8 banning gay marriage, they attacked him as “a hater.” A year and a half later, Eich still can’t find a job.

When Eich donated the money, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton opposed gay marriage, too. But in just five years, such opinions have become so “unacceptable” that a tech genius is ostracized by his own industry.

As long as the leftist mobs don’t use law or violence, they’re still engaged in free speech. Private employers can impose most any speech rule they choose. The First Amendment applies only to government. But now some government officials are as eager to censor as the leftist mobs.

“Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.”– Harry S Truman

After the owners of Chick-fil-A said they oppose gay marriage, the mayors of Chicago, San Francisco and Boston said Chick-fil-A is “not welcome” in their cities. San Francisco’s mayor said, “The closest Chick-fil-A is 40 miles away and I strongly recommend they not try to come any closer.”

Since mayors may influence permits and zoning, their threats aren’t idle. And no new Chick-fil-A outlets have opened in those cities. This is a clear violation of the First Amendment, although the politicians seem oblivious to that.

Of course, much worse than today’s left are those who censor through violence. Al Qaeda’s magazine names people who should be killed, chirping, “A bullet a day keeps the infidel away.”

Writers and artists heed the threats. CNN, NBC and the New York Times will no longer show Mohammed cartoons.

“I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.”
― James Madison

“Because if you don’t stand up for the stuff you don’t like, when they come for the stuff you do like, you’ve already lost.”
― Neil Gaiman

I was surprised that liberal commentators were so eager to cave in to the terrorists’ threats. Chris Matthews said, “Wanting to pick a fight with Islam is insane.”

Such cowardice just invites more censorship.

“Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.”
― Benjamin Franklin

When the TV series “South Park” was censored by its own network for depicting Mohammed, a fan of the show, liberal cartoonist Molly Norris, showed her support by drawing her own cartoons of Mohammed. For doing so, she received death threats. Fearing for her safety, she went into hiding.

Columnist Mark Steyn was appalled that “Her liberal newspaper — the way they put it in announcing that she’d gone, ceased to exist , was: ‘There is no more Molly.'” She hasn’t been heard from in five years.

“The only way we’re going to move to a real sense of freedom is if every time somebody puts a bullet in a cartoonist for drawing a cartoon of Mohammed,” says Steyn, “every newspaper … displays that picture.”

Steyn argues that societies that censor create more violence by driving hate speech underground.

“You can have a society with free speech where I call you names, and you do rude drawings of me, and I say you’re a hater, and we hatey-hatey-hate each other,” said Steyn on my TV special, “Censorship in America,” but “the alternative is the Muslim world where there’s no open debate, and so there’s nothing left to do but kill and bomb and shoot.”

Free speech matters. If we give in to those who would shut us up, the censors will push and push until we have no freedom left. If we’re going to sort out which ideas are good and which are bad, everyone must be allowed to speak.

 “To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.”
― Theodore Roosevelt

“Hypocrites get offended by the truth.”
― Jess C. Scott

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

Life or Death: The Liberal Agenda Edition

Life or death was determined by the answer to a single question: are you a Christian?

That was the question asked by an anti-Christian gunman who stormed into a classroom at Oregon’s Umpqua Community College.

Eyewitnesses say the shooter targeted Christians.

Well, at least he was a politically correct nutjob. 🙂 Imagine the outrage from the Liberal Media if he asked them if they “Homosexual or not?” before killing them. Wooo Doggie! It would be on 24/7 for weeks and he would have gotten even more of that fame he craved.

I guess he didn’t quite think his hatred through completely. 🙂

Kortney Moore was inside the classroom. She told the Roseburg News-Review that the shooter ordered students to get on the ground – and then told them to stand up and state their religion.

“And they would stand up and he said, ‘Good, because you’re a Christian, you’re going to see God in just about one second,” Stacy Boylan said in a televised report. “And then he shot and killed them.”

Imagine if it were “Allah” and Islam, the “Islamophobia” headlines would be massive.

His 18-year-old daughter was struck in the back by a bullet – that traveled down her spine. She survived. Miss Moore, too, survived.

Davis Jaques, publisher of the Roseburg Beacon News, said he received a text message from a student who said she was inside the classroom.

“The shooter was lining people up and asking if they were Christians,” the message read. “If they said yes, then they were shot in the head. If they said no or didn’t answer, they were shot in the leg.”

Christians were martyred for their faith — on American soil — a fact mostly ignored by most of the Mainstream Media and the White House.

Well, Christians are evil, oppressive religious psychos who just want to rule a theocracy in this country after all. They are politically incorrect and we aren’t supposed to have sympathy for the Politically Incorrect.

The New York Times only mentioned that the gunman inquired about people’s “religions” and one cable television news channel opined that the shooter’s motive was unclear.

The Agenda Narrative dial on their Thought Police filters was dialed up to “High”.

President Obama’s behavior in the aftermath of the massacre was quite frankly unpresidential. Instead of calling for religious tolerance — he delivered an unhinged tirade on gun control.

“Somebody somewhere will comment and say Obama politicized this issue,” the president said. “Well, this is something we should politicize.”

Never Let a Crisis Go To Waste, especially when it’s that Agenda!


Liberals are delighted when there’s a mass shooting because as Rahm Emanuel famously said, “You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.”

Of course, they’d deny they feel that way, but before the blood even cools on the floor after a mass shooting, liberals are always working en masse to take advantage of the situation. After the shooting in Oregon, Barack Obama immediately took to the airwaves to declare that, “This is something that should be politicized.“

…and that’s what it is: pure politics because inevitably, nothing liberals ever seem to suggest would make mass shootings happen less frequently. In all fairness, that’s because what liberals really want is total gun confiscation, but taking that position would cement the Democrat Party out of power for a generation.

So, if you ask Democrats what gun control law would prevent mass shootings, they inevitably lock up the same way they do when they’re asked to name a noteworthy accomplishment of Hillary Clinton that would qualify her to be President.

Of course, there are policies that would help prevent these shootings and save lives, but liberals have no interest in discussing the trade-offs any of them would require because it doesn’t further their agenda. Worse yet, they don’t want to take any measures to prevent mass shootings because fewer deaths would undercut their ultimate goal of total gun confiscation.

Given that most shootings (including the latest one) seem to happen in gun-free zones, getting rid of gun-free zones would seem to be a smart first step in stopping these shootings.

After all, people having guns is evil. Only Government should have guns so that they can point them at you and demand you do as you’re told. How dare you want to defy that!

After the shooting in Charleston, people latched onto the fact that the killer took a picture with a Confederate flag and they speculated that might have had something to do with the shooting.

In this case, maybe we should ask whether the incessant hate rhetoric that liberals aim at Christians influenced the killer.

But I reckon it’s politically incorrect to address the persecution of Christians.

Absolutely. If a Gunman runs into a room and kills everyone and yells “Allah Ackbar” repeatedly, it’s “workplace violence” after all.

If a Lesbian orders a Pizza for wedding and they say “no” it’s hatred personified and that story will run for a month non-stop.

But shooting Christians, because they are Christians, is just “gun control”. Nothing more.

That could explain why the White House has expressed less than passionate outrage over the near-genocide of Christians in the Middle East. And that could also explain why his administration has failed to secure the release of an American pastor being tortured in an Iranian jail.

Christians are evil. And the “compassionate” “sensitive” Liberal only cares about those who are with or on approved list for the THE AGENDA and Christians most certainly are on their “Most Evil” naughty list so deserve nothing but their contempt and scorn.

Good riddance to bad politically incorrect rubbish.

“Radical Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam in a country like America where we have a separation of church and state.” – Rosie O’Donnell

And all Christians are “radicals” and no Muslim is ever “radical” in their eyes but moral equivalency is one of the Liberal’s favourite talking point hoaries.

In a country where the Boy Scouts are being persecuted out of existence, the Obama administration has gone to court to try to force the Little Sisters of the Poor to violate their beliefs and liberals are sneering at Christians on a regular basis, no one should be surprised that someone responded to all that hate by murdering Christians for their faith.

Except the Leftists themselves. Remember, they are Holier than Thou, even though their sneer on religion, and smarter than you, at least in their own heads.

These days “lambs being led to the slaughter” is not exactly a politically correct narrative.

Unless you’re talking about what Liberals think Conservatives want to do everyone that is.

I cannot even begin to imagine the courage it took for our fellow believers to stand — knowing that to do so — would require the ultimate sacrifice.

Me either.

But their families can take comfort in knowing that after they took their last breath on Earth, they took their first breath in Heaven. (Todd Starnes & John Hawkins)

They deserve more than many.

Political Cartoons by Chip Bok
Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler

The Angry Left

Bernie Sanders is angry. Who is he angry at? Rich people. Why rich people? That’s not clear.

But has been the mantra of The Left for a generation at least. A generation brought up on this garbage. Garbage in, garbage out.

At Liberty University, Sanders complained about a small number of people who have “huge yachts, and jet planes and tens of billions” while others “are struggling to feed their families.” In Madison Wisconsin, Sanders called for a “political revolution against greed.”

So what’s the connection between people who have “tens of billions” and people who are “struggling to feed their families”? For the most part it’s a positive one. In a capitalist system, people get rich by meeting other people’s needs. Because some people are rich, other people find it easier to feed their families.

Take the world’s richest man, Bill Gates. When I was a student at Columbia in the 1970s, I remember a friend showing me a fantastic hand held device. It could add, subtract, divide and multiply. And it only cost $400. Today, I can sit in bed with my lap top, which in 1970 dollars cost less than $400. I can buy and sell goods on eBay, conduct personal banking, purchase airline tickets, book hotel rooms and even work the New York Times crossword puzzle – in large part because of Bill Gates.

Take the world’s richest woman, JK Rowling. When she wrote the last Harry Potter book or helped on the last Harry Potter movie was she making anyone worse off? Was she taking food out of the mouths of babes? Or was she bringing entertainment and pleasure to millions of people?

Is Bill Gates greedy? There’s no evidence of that. He is giving all his money away in ways that are curing diseases that kill children all over the world. More generally, I have never met a truly creative person who was motivated by greed. But even if greed were the motivation, we need more of it – as long as it’s meeting our needs.

So what’s Sander’s complaint? Here are his own words:

“99 percent of all new income today (is) going to the top 1 percent.”

In 2007, “the top 1 percent of all income earners in the United States made 23.5 percent of all income,” which is “more than the entire bottom 50 percent.”

“Today the Walton family of Walmart own more wealth than the bottom 40 percent of America.”

When Sam Walton was alive, he was one of the world’s richest men. Yet he wore blue jeans and drove a pickup truck. No one in Bentonville, Arkansas even knew he was rich until they read about it in Forbes. Is Walmart making it harder or easier for people to feed their families? You be the judge.

As has been said many times, The Left is only interested in the Narrative, not the truth.

Muslim kid brings homemade electronic device to school and the School system freaked out because of all the school violence.

The Left doesn’t give a crap about that. It’s all about the fact that he’s a Muslim.

Then it came out that it was all a setup by a Muslim “activist” father who set up the whole thing.

The Left doesn’t care. It’s all about “racism” to them because that fits their Narrative and what THEY want to be true.


Behind the rhetoric on the left, there is one persistent theme, always implicit, never explicit. Leftist rhetoric is designed to encourage people to believe that the reason they are poor are because other people are rich. And this kind of rhetoric is not confined to politicians who know nothing of basic economics. Paul Krugman, Joe Stiglitz, Jeffrey Sachs and other well-known economists are just as guilty. They invariably imply that “all property is theft,” a staple of barn yard Marxism. Yet, on rigorous examination, this idea is silly. Most of the people on the Forbes 400 list are self-made or next generation of self-made billionaires.

But the truth doesn’t matter, to The Left.

Writing in the Dallas Morning News, Cullen Godfrey asks: why do we demonize billionaires?

And usually, not Democrat Million and Billionaires. Nor, say, NFL player millionaires, just the owners.

They didn’t steal our money. They earned our money by providing us with the things that we want and that make our lives better. The Forbes 400 list includes names such as Oprah Winfrey, filmmakers Steven Spielberg and George Lucas, Jeff Bezos (Amazon), Phil Knight (Nike), Elon Musk (Tesla), Charles Schwab, Ralph Lauren and Michael Ilitch (Domino’s Pizza). Of course, there are those with inherited wealth, but the vast majority on the list are first-generation, self-made billionaires, and those with inherited wealth have, as a rule, been excellent stewards of their good fortune.

Like Jeremy Corbyn, the new Labour Party leader in Britain, Bernie Sanders is appealing to our worst instincts. His is not the message of compassion and love. His is the message of resentment, jealousy and hate.

The hallmarks of the Left.

What would he do? Tax capital. He hasn’t given us a figure, but if he goes along with the 90 percent income tax rate favored by Paul Krugman or the 80 percent rate proposed by Thomas Piketty, Bill Gates may never have been able to start Microsoft. Sam Walton may never have given us Sam’s Club.

I’m not sure The Left would care about that.

As I wrote at Forbes earlier this week, the left is intellectually bankrupt. While appealing to our basest emotions, they have no real solutions to any real problems. In fact, their “solutions” would almost certainly make the poor more poor.

But they make them “feel” empowered. Perception is not reality, but it works for them.

There is, however, a proposal from the right of the political spectrum: tax consumption rather than saving, investment and capital accumulation. As I wrote previously:

[W]hen Warren Buffett is consuming, he’s benefiting himself. When he’s saving and investing, he’s benefiting you and me. Every time Buffett forgoes personal consumption (a pricey dinner, a larger house, a huge yacht) and puts his money in the capital market instead, he’s doing an enormous favor for everyone else. A larger capital stock means higher productivity and that means everyone can have more income for the same amount of work. So it’s in our self-interest to have very low taxes on Buffett’s capital. In fact, capital taxes should be zero. That means no capital gains tax, no tax on dividends and profits — so long as the income is recycled back into the capital market. We should instead tax Buffett’s consumption. Tax him on what he takes out of the system, not what he puts into it. Tax him when he is benefiting himself, not when he is benefiting you and me.

But the Left Politicians are only interested in Taxes that benefit THEM.

Tranforming America

In this presidential cycle, voters in both parties, to the surprise of the punditocracy, are rejecting experienced political leaders. They’re willfully suspending disbelief in challengers who would have been considered laughable in earlier years.

Polls show more Republicans preferring three candidates who have never held elective office over 14 candidates who have served a combined total of 150 years as governors or in Congress. Most Democrats are declining to favor a candidate who spent eight years in the White House and the Senate and four as secretary of state.

And going in larger numbers for the complete Socialist package with little baggage, Bernie Sanders.

Psephologists of varying stripes attribute this discontent to varying causes. Conservatives blame insufficiently aggressive Republican congressional leaders. Liberals blame Hillary Clinton’s closeness to plutocrats and her home email system.

But in our system the widespread rejection of experienced leaders ultimately comes from dismay at the leader in the White House. In 1960 Richard Nixon, after eight years as vice president and six in Congress, campaigned on the slogan “Experience counts.” No one is running on that theme this year.

Nixon could, because over the preceding quarter-century the majority of Americans mostly approved of the performance of incumbent presidents. Presidents Roosevelt, Truman and Eisenhower still look pretty good more than 50 years later.

Barack Obama doesn’t. His deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes recently said that the president’s nuclear weapons deal with Iran was as important an achievement of his second term as Obamacare was of the first. Historians may well agree.

These two policy achievements have many things in common.


Both were unpopular when proposed and still are now. In March 2010 Speaker Nancy Pelosi said that people would know, and presumably like, what was in the bill after it was passed. But most Americans didn’t like it then and most don’t today, five and a half years later. As for the Iran deal, Pew Research reports it has only 21 percent approval today, much lower than Obamacare in 2010.

But since both are on THE AGENDA, they and The Ministry of Truth are happy.

What “the American People” want is irrelevant nowadays. It’s what The Agenda wants, whether it’s The Democrats or The Republican Elite RINOs.

Both Obamacare and the Iran deal were bulldozed through Congress through legislative legerdemain. Democrats passed Obamacare by using the temporary 60-vote Senate supermajority gained through a Minnesota recount and the wrongful prosecution of Sen. Ted Stevens. After they lost the 60th vote, they resorted to a dubious legislative procedure.

The Agenda is The Agenda.

This year Obama labeled the Iran treaty an executive agreement, and Congress concocted a process requiring only a one-third-plus-one rather than a two-thirds vote for approval. Only 38 percent of members of Congress supported it. Many, such as House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer, did so only after saying that they never would have accepted it in negotiations.

But the Republicans, allegedly in control of Congress,  willfully submitted to this slight of hand rather than stand on the principles that got them elected in the first place.

And they have done this REPEATEDLY. The Minority (Democrats) are still in control of Congress.

In 2008 Obama promised he would “fundamentally transform” America, and Obamacare and the Iran deal are indeed fundamental transformations of policy –transformations most Americans oppose.

But are on THE AGENDA, so they must be.

Obamacare assumed that financial crisis and recession would make most voters supportive of, or amenable to, bigger government. But as National Review’s Ramesh Ponnuru points out, polling doesn’t show that. Obama assumed that if America could “extend a hand” to such propitiated enemies as the mullahs of Iran, they would become friends with us. Most Americans think that’s delusional. No wonder voters are angry.

So he goes out an gets more Illegals to vote for Democrats instead. After all, it’s about the power of Homo Superior Liberalis. The Agenda is The Agenda.

Republican voters are frustrated and angry because for six years they have believed they have public opinion on their side, but their congressional leaders have failed to prevail on high visibility issues. Their successes (clamping down on domestic discretionary spending) have been invisible. They haven’t made gains through compromise because Obama, unlike his two predecessors, lacks both the inclination and ability to make deals.

Rigid Ideologues and weak spined Republicans will do that.

So Republicans who imposed harsh litmus tests in previous presidential cycles (like asking candidates if they’ve ever supported a tax increase, or if they’ve ever wavered in their opposition to abortion) are flocking to Donald Trump, a candidate who would fail every one of them. They are paying little attention to candidates — Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Scott Walker, Chris Christie, Bobby Jindal — who advance serious proposals to change public policy.

Because, we don’t believe them. The proof is in the Jar Jar Boehner and Mitch The Ditch pudding.

In polls, Democratic voters have stayed loyal to the president. But to listen to their candidates (and maybe-candidate Joe Biden) you would think we are in our seventh year of oppression by a right-wing administration. You don’t hear much about the virtues of Obamacare or the Iran deal — or “choice.”

Of course not, it’s still, Vote for Me, the “other guy” is an asshole. The “other guy” is still the fear mongering and “Bush” narratives. Grandma is still going be thrown out in the street by evil White, Male, Rich Republicans. The candy is still going to be stolen from babies by evil, heartless Conservatives.

The narrative hasn’t changed because The Democrats haven’t changed.

Most Americans hoped the first black president would improve race relations. Now most Americans believe they have gotten worse.

White Guilt has bit them in the asp!

And so a president who came to office with relatively little experience has managed to tarnish experience, incumbency and institutions: a fundamental transformation indeed. (Michael Barone)

those dame dirty nukes! Agree with me or else!

Political Cartoons by Ken Catalino
Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

Never Forget

When I see young kids these days, one of the thoughts I have is, that they don’t have connection to this history and the Politically Correct will water it down to nothing because it’s not Agenda Correct to remind people that every single terrorist was a Muslim.

So, as I do every year on this date. I remind people, “Oh yeah, that happened today”

Because, unlike Hillary, It does matter.

9/11, 9/11 Quotes, September 11th Quotes, 9 11 Quotes And Sayings, 9 11 Quotes Remembering, 9/11 Quotes Remembering, September 11th Attacks, September 11th Quotes And Sayings

So how many Leftist out there want to call me a racist for singling out Muslims? 🙂

How children are oblivious to this day’s importance because The Ministry of Liberal Education has watered this down to insignificance by now?

How many Liberals have banned this from their collectivist memory and are absolutlely sure it was a plot cooked up President Bush?

On just as a reminder this also happened…

But don’t worry, that was our fault. These Libyan muslims just happened to passing by the Consulate in Benghazi on 9/11 with their Rocket Launchers, Snipers, grenades, and Molotov cocktails and remembered that they saw a You tube video in June and got pissed off at that very moment and wam! 4 people are dead because of it.

That’s the Obama/Hillary story.

But don’t worry, it’s all a partisan witch hunt by right wing extremists now. 🙂

The Real Enemy

As Obama get’s his Agenda Scout Merit Badge for caving in to the communists in Cuba, the “JV team” ISIS continue to rape, pillage, and creatively kill anyone who isn’t them.

Good thing Global Warming is a bigger threat, don’t you know.

So the following is politically incorrect.

Thursday, The New York Times published a disturbing piece about the Islamic State having enshrined “a theology of rape,” specifically against women and girls who aren’t Muslim. In other words, if the female isn’t Muslim, it’s totally fine to assault her, sell her, and keep as property.

It’s amazing they would publish the piece in the first place. This is Al-Jazeera America, before the channel actually existed.

The opening paragraphs are harrowing, describing the rape of a 12-year-old girl:

In the moments before he raped the 12-year-old girl, the Islamic State fighter took the time to explain that what he was about to do was not a sin. Because the preteen girl practiced a religion other than Islam, the Quran not only gave him the right to rape her — it condoned and encouraged it, he insisted.He bound her hands and gagged her. Then he knelt beside the bed and prostrated himself in prayer before getting on top of her.

When it was over, he knelt to pray again, bookending the rape with acts of religious devotion.

Good thing he didn’t order a Pizza, then the Left might get their panties in a wad.

“I kept telling him it hurts — please stop,” said the girl, whose body is so small an adult could circle her waist with two hands. “He told me that according to Islam he is allowed to rape an unbeliever. He said that by raping me, he is drawing closer to God,” she said in an interview alongside her family in a refugee camp here, to which she escaped after 11 months of captivity.

The systematic rape of women and girls from the Yazidi religious minority has become deeply enmeshed in the organization and the radical theology of the Islamic State in the year since the group announced it was reviving slavery as an institution.

And here I thought the only slavery left was “white privilege”. 🙂

Interviews with 21 women and girls who recently escaped the Islamic State, as well as an examination of the group’s official communications, illuminate how the practice has been enshrined in the group’s core tenets.

The trade in Yazidi women and girls has created a persistent infrastructure, with a network of warehouses where the victims are held, viewing rooms where they are inspected and marketed, and a dedicated fleet of buses used to transport them.

A total of 5,270 Yazidis were abducted last year, and at least 3,144 are still being held, according to community leaders. To handle them, the Islamic State has developed a detailed bureaucracy of sex slavery, including sales contracts notarized by the ISIS-run Islamic courts. And the practice has become an established recruiting tool to lure men from deeply conservative Muslim societies, where casual sex is taboo and dating is forbidden.

Good thing Obama care about “human rights” like Gay Marriage and Abortion, he has his priorities straight. 🙂

The rest of the long form piece is riddled with equally barbaric and appalling details that revolve around the topic of sex slavery.

And you though just being against Planned Parenthood’s harvesting and selling of fetal baby parts was “a war on women”.

In August of 2014, thousands of Yazidis fled the forces of the Islamic State by heading to the Sinjar Mountains. The conditions were abysmal, with little shade, food, water, and other essential supplies. In all, 20-30,000 Yazidis remained trapped on top of the mountain. U.S., British and Iraqi aircraft had been dropping supplies at the time to aid the beleaguered group. The U.S. was considering air evacuations for the refugees. By December of 2014, the Kurds relieved the siege on Sinjar.

Yet, for CNN’s Chris Cuomo, the New York Times piece might promote stereotypes.

“Let’s finish this part of the discussion on a point that you feel often needs to be made,” Cuomo said to Muslim woman’s rights activist Qanta Ahmed. “This feeds the impression that these Muslims are animals, savages and their faith makes them that way.”

“And it feeds an impression of what Islam is,” he continued. “What is your response to that?”

Ahmed didn’t seem overly concerned about the point Cuomo raised, and instead strongly critiqued radical Islam. “This is Islamism at work,” she said. “We’ve talked a lot about this on this show. Islamism is totalitarianism… totalitarianism, that means absolute domination of the self.”

Oh, Obama and The Democrats, just without the violence, rape and murder.  No wonder the Leftist can’t comprehend it, so let’s replay that…

“This feeds the impression that these Muslims are animals, savages and their faith makes them that way,” he said.

Muslim women’s rights activist Qanta Ahmed aptly noted that the end goal for these Islamists is one thing: totalitarianism.

The same as the Democrat Party. How fascinating is that. Maybe that’s why they are for “human rights” only when it suits their agenda but are utterly incapable of getting the littlest bit annoyed about beheadings and rape. Not to mention what Arabs and Persians due to gays and don’t go there about Gay Marriage…

“This is Islamism at work …there Islamists are dominating to extinction girls and women; it’s very calculated,” she said.

So is Obama. He just doesn’t do it with overt violence. 🙂

At the same time, ISIS is raping 12-year-olds and justifying it through religious means. They’re engaging in sex slavery. These aren’t stereotypes or brash over-generalizations; they’re actually happening. Saying that the members of the Islamic State are animals and savages not only fits the bill, one could argue that it’s overly generous given the utter evil they’re partaking in on a daily basis. I mean, is this even up for discussion?

But Obama and Co. can’t even conceptualize the idea of “radical Islam” because of their Thought Police filters that prevents such a thoughtcrime from passing their lips.

You would think that one would come to that conclusion after the various execution videos they’ve released; the beheadings of Americans James Foley and Steve Sotloff; or when they blew up a baby. (Townhall)

But not Obama and The Democrats. Nope. That Thoughtcrime has not been breached yet. They continue to stay strong in the face such pressure.

You can’t paint a religion as “radical” based on just a few nutters, not unless their Christians that is, then it’s not only acceptable, it’s the truth. 🙂

Good thing they didn’t blow up an Abortion Clinic then they’d be “right wing” religious extremists and then you might annoy them!

The Left is blinded by their ideology and will fight to every last drop of your blood to prove just how superior their vision is.

Political Cartoons by Robert Ariail

The JV Team

Obama, “The analogy we use around here sometimes, and I think is accurate, is if a jayvee team puts on Lakers uniforms that doesn’t make them Kobe Bryant,” Obama told Remnick. “I think there is a distinction between the capacity and reach of a bin Laden and a network that is actively planning major terrorist plots against the homeland versus jihadists who are engaged in various local power struggles and disputes, often sectarian.”

The Islamic State has once again displayed the depths of its brutality by releasing a video showing the executions of prisoners by drowning in a cage, wearing exploding necklaces and being locked in a car and shot with a rocket.

They just blew up an Iraw food market killing 62 people.

“Just like they spy on muslims, we are spying on them, watching their employees, watching their soldiers, recording their movements and taking their location information and passing it on to the soldiers of the islamic state,” the anonymous male member told TheBlaze.

“they have no security just like their employees and military personnel have no OpSec,” he continued, “they are people who like to brag and boast and this is to our advantage.”

“the brothers don’t need to attack them in military bases or secured buildings,” the hacking group member added. “they can now turn up in their houses. in their homes. this is war, what did you expect? u think u can bomb the islamic state and we don’t do nothing back? soon, very soon you will see.”

When asked exactly what could be expected to be seen “soon,” the member replied, “you will see when US military and government personnel start getting beheaded in their homes.”— ISIS Cyber hackers.

Homeland Insecurity: The FBI’s arrest of a group of New Jersey and New York Muslims trying to organize a “small army” for the Islamic State leaves little doubt we are facing a full-blown Islamic insurgency inside our borders.

According to a just-released federal criminal complaint, five young Muslim men tied to IS were busted conspiring to recruit a small army for the terror group in New Jersey and New York.

The busts bring to 70 the number of IS-inspired terrorists arrested in this country in homeland plots.

Meantime, the FBI reports that all 56 of its field offices have active investigations against other IS suspects.

It’s now clear we’re besieged by a Fifth Column. Yet the White House fatuously insists these are unrelated, unconnected, isolated, one-off “lone wolf” incidents.

Federal agents don’t see it that way. They see all these “lone wolves” running in the same religious pack.

On Monday, agents charged Nader Saadeh, a 20-year-old Jordanian immigrant from Rutherford, N.J., with providing material support to IS. Saadeh’s 23-year-old brother, Alaa, along with at least three other Muslims were also arrested in connection with the IS cell.

The complaint says the devout Muslims “discussed building a small army” to attack non-Muslims. In a recorded conversation, one suspect fretted about NSA surveillance and suggested they leave America, to which another suspect stated: “Why? We already infiltrated.”

“Saadeh sent electronic messages expressing his hatred for the United States and desire to form a small army that would include their friends,” the Justice Department said in a statement. “Saadeh posted on his Facebook page images of ISIL’s flag and the flag of the Islamic caliphate.”

The FBI added Saadeh posted anti-American messages online and repeatedly downloaded IS videos and praised the terror group’s atrocities, including beheadings, burnings and the murder of French cartoonists.

He agreed offending the Muslim prophet Muhammad is “reason to encourage Muslims to kill whoever does that.” Some of the IS suspects arrested earlier allegedly were scouting New York landmarks as possible terror targets, including the George Washington Bridge.

Perhaps most chilling, the radicalization of the Saadeh boys appears to have had the blessing of their Jordanian father, who had been deported from the U.S. along with Saadeh’s mother after “sustaining criminal convictions.” The FBI says the father advised one of his sons to “delete everything off his phone” to avoid federal authorities detecting their plans.

The 16-page complaint notes that agents and informants observed “changes in Saadeh’s appearance and behavior” that coincided with his pledging allegiance to the Islamic State. From late 2014 through April of this year, it says he:

“Frequently researched Islamic writings and often studied the Quran.”

• “Grew out his beard and dyed it red,” mimicking Muhammad.

• “Began to fast, and stopped drinking, smoking and eating foods that were not permissible under Islamic law.”

• “Began praying five times a day.”

• “Wore traditional Muslim attire in place of the Western clothing he had previously worn.”

• Became “offended and agitated by any conversation or mention of any religion other than Islam.”

• “Converted (others) to Islam.”

These details provide valuable investigative clues for local authorities trying to ferret out other radicalized jihadists in the Muslim community.

Saadeh’s increased piety fits a pattern among IS and other terrorist recruits. The Boston marathon bombers and the Chattanooga shooter underwent the same transformation. The more religious indoctrination they absorbed, the more radical they became.

The FBI complaint contradicts White House claims the terrorists aren’t motivated by religion.

It also suggests that rooting out this problem will require putting more mosques under surveillance.

But That’s Racist! 🙂

Gee, aren’t you glad your President think the Global Warming Hoax is more a threat than these guys (which he has step up bombing attacks on from Turkey by the way).

Makes me feel safe. 🙂

Political Cartoons by Henry Payne
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden

A Mosque See

While I was at the Phoenix Convention Center where 10’s of thousands of geeks and nerds are gathering to celebrate real diversity and community for Phoenix Comic Con…

The uber-uber-Liberal AZ Republic (know as “The Repulsive” by anyone not on the fringe Left) is stoking the embers of another Draw Mohammed fight that the Left hopes ends in violence.

A self-professed patriot (read: Muslim hater (emphasis mine, it was in the original piece)) is planning a rally tomorrow in front of a northwest Phoenix mosque.

All wrapped up in the American flag and the First Amendment, Jon Ritzheimer says he certainly doesn’t want to incite violence.

So naturally, he’s planning a Mohammed Cartoon Contest at his rally, which takes place tomorrow evening, right around the time of the mosque’s weekly prayer service.

Because he really wants to pick a fight and get people injured or killed. He’s a reckless, politically incorrect arsehole, right? 🙂

After all, to the Leftist there are ONLY two kinds of Speech: Their Approved Politically Correct Speech, and “Hate Speech” which is defined as anything that isn’t Approved Politically Correct Speech.

So you either abide by their rules of speech or you’re a “hater”. End of discussion.

Also, Muslim hate Christians, and Leftists hate Christians, so it’s marriage made of strange bedfellows, since the Islamic Radicals they are so worried about would kill them just as easily as a “hater”.

But the left looks past that and focuses on your “hate” not theirs. After all, they are the saintly ones.

“This will be a PEACEFUL protest in front of the Islamic Community Center …,” Ritzheimer wrote on a Facebook page set up for the event, Freedom of Speech Rally Round II. “People are also encouraged to utilize there (sic) second amendment right at this event just in case our first amendment comes under the much anticipated attack.”

Don’t you mean much hoped for attack, Jon?

Naw, the Left is the one who wants the attack, so they can go “see, we told ya so!” you’re a hater and you incited these Muslims with YOUR hate Speech!

Gee, I guess we need to order a Gay Cake and Pizza for the Leftists to feel better. 🙂

Everyone is encouraged to bring American Flags and any message that you would like to send to the known acquaintances of the 2 gunmen. This Islamic Community Center is a known place that the 2 terrorist frequented,” Ritzheimer wrote.

It’s also a known place where people of faith worship as they choose. We can do that in America, Jon.

Does that kind offer extended to Christians? Because we all know they HATE gays and they preach it from the pulpit so they are all evil!! 🙂

So I’m guessing a serious discussion about religion and freedom thereof is probably off the table during this rally.

The LEFT would actually engage in such a discussion without the usual holier-than-thou condescending emotive-only childish ad hominems and insults they usually hurl at “haters”? Not to mention going into it believing that anyone who disagrees with them is a “hater” and an “idiot” or “stupid” is always the best basis for a reasoned debate.

While it’s considered an insult to draw images of the Islamic prophet, I would certainly defend Ritzheimer’s right to do so if he was really making a stand for free speech. But this isn’t about free speech. It’s about provoking an attack and, of course, promoting Ritzheimer.

There’s a lot that could be said about this guy’s methods. But Usama Shami, speaking to Dana, already said it best, noting that he respects the protesters’ right to free speech.

“Everybody has a right to be a bigot. Everybody has a right to be a racist. Everybody has a right to be an idiot.”

‘Nuff said about “a serious discussion”. The Left is incapable of it.

I’m going back to the Convention Center today to celebrate life, diversity and love. I’m sure the world will not end, but the Left will sure try and make sound like it if you don’t kowtow their every command.

I’ll let the Left go on their quest for more and more bigots to shame into silence in the name of “tolerance” and “diversity”.

Oh, and that little thing called Free Speech. All speech, not just what’s approved by the Left.

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

Live Free Speech or Die

The following haqs NOT been approved by the Social Justice Ministry of Truth and as such you should understand that reading it is Thoughtcrime punishable by derision and shame-mongering by the “tolerant” and “diversity” loving Leftists of America.

We’d rather die than “live” on our knees, begging permission to exercise the right God gave us to say whatever we damn well please, whenever we damn well please, and in the manner we damn well please. And those who want to shut us up better be equally committed if they want to succeed.

After Garland, they went too far. They showed their hand and their goal, a world where they decide who gets to say what. Imagine the same hysterical social justice drama queens who shriek about microaggressions getting to decide what you can and can’t say. Just understand, you fascist bastards, that if you want to be Nazis, you’ll need to do what the Nazis did and find some armed thugs – yeah, I’m using the word “thugs” whether you like it or not – to come stop us. Tell them to wear Kevlar.

Garland and the sorry aftermath of terrorist apologetics that followed were a warning to every freedom-loving American, as well as an illustration of what one freedom-loving American with training and a Glock can do against the forces of totalitarianism. These jihadi savages tried to silence and intimidate all free Americans. They failed.

Progressives mutter without conviction about how they can’t support violence, but … but … but, in fact, they do support violence. It’s not just their chilling with bomb-planting guys around the neighborhood and free passes for the looters in Ferguson and Baltimore. They support whatever it takes to silence us.

When the Democrats in Congress vote to repeal the First Amendment, or when they babble about outlawing what they label “hate speech,” what these leftist elitists seek to do is to empower a government they control to send armed men to stop us from saying what they have determined we may not say. They can’t stand up to the truth we speak; they have to suppress it or scamper away like roaches caught in the light.

No. You see, we aren’t giving up our right of free speech or, for that matter, any other rights you leftist schmucks deem inconvenient.

Those miserable losers in Garland weren’t just a couple of carcasses. Shot down in the street by a free American who was not intimidated, who was not afraid, who absolutely, positively was not going to back down even when outnumbered and outgunned, their dead bodies are a symbol. They are a symbol of our resolve, proof that we will not surrender, we will not submit, and we will not allow our God-given rights to be stolen from us by anyone, not Seventh Century savages, not Gucci-wearing liberal narcissists, and not twisted social justice warriorettes taking out on the rest of humanity their lingering disappointment that no boy wanted to be seen with them at the prom.

To the gutless and cowardly who would gladly submit to dhimmitude, whether imposed by the jihadi creeps or the progressive cadres, we can say only that we pity you. We pity the fact that every day you have to wake up and look in the mirror and see the face of a man, or woman, or whichever of the 567 other gender identities the freakshow left has manufactured, who is more concerned with personal safety than with personal dignity. Pathetic.

Maybe preserving your life is worth living as a slave, but we reject your craven choice. God did not put us on this Earth to be the minions of some oligarchy of malignant punks, obedient and afraid. You want to clasp a figurative collar around our necks? You better hire a whole bunch of dudes who are a whole a lot better at close quarter combat than those clowns in Garland. And you sure won’t find any tactically proficient future stormtroopers in the local university’s Womyns’ Studies Department or sipping cosmos at some Manhattan cocktail party.

You want to turn America into the fascist state of your dreams? Remember Lexington and Concord? No, you don’t, because you were too busy taking courses in Socialist Tap Dance to squeeze in a history course. So let me break it down for you: You’ll need to fight. And you putzes don’t have the skill or the guts to do it.

The jihadis can’t fight, and you leftists won’t. You progressives thought you could just slowly nibble away at our rights, gnawing off a bit here and a bit there, slowly, so we wouldn’t notice. You thought you could shame, bully, and browbeat us into the figurative cattle cars for carriage off to the giant reeducation camp you wanted to make of our culture. Who needed men in black with guns? We were supposed to willingly, even eagerly, submit. But that’s not going to happen.

Oh, you came so close. For so long, we wrongly imagined that your lies about racism, sexism, Islamophobia, and all the rest were just part of some big misunderstanding. Sure, we knew you were wrong, that we were being falsely accused, but we thought you were at least sincere, if misguided. Except now the mask is off.

Racism? You don’t care. Ask Clarence Thomas about your love of minorities who don’t toe your line.

Sexism? You don’t care. Ask any of Bill Clinton’s victims, who you eagerly sacrificed to save your progressive knight.

Homophobia? Poverty? Corporate abuses? Civil rights? You care nothing about any of them. You leftists just want control. You trash gays who get between you and power, and ignore the gays being murdered in the Middle East because that oppression isn’t useful to you. You keep the poor poor and addicted to your paltry handouts so you can maintain a docile voting bloc. Corporate abuses are terrible right up until the big companies start paying off your candidates. And civil rights? Gimme a break. The First Amendment stopped being useful back in January 2009, so now you’re eager to drown it like Mary Jo Kopechne.

We’re done. You fascists, whether Islamo- or liberal, want to shut us up? Then you better be ready to rumble, because submission isn’t one of the options. We will speak free or die. (Kurt Schlichter)

Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden