7 Year Rash

Today is the 7th Anniversary of this blog. For a long time this year I considered making this one my last because, quite simply, The Stupid Have Inherited the Earth. Intelligence and Common Sense (let alone <gasp> Logic) are Politically Incorrect. Hell, some Leftists have decreed that just saying “politically incorrect” is Politically Incorrect. 😦

So instead I thought I’d revisit one of my favorites from the last 7 years.

This also goes out the #NeverTrump -ers who are so mindlessly obsessed with hating Donald Trump that they are willing Hillary into the White House.

Hate never felt so Right. 🙂

And a special shout out to the Sabotage Republicans (The Establishment ones and their followers) WHO ALSO want Hillary.

The Generations (and possibly permanent) of damage you want to inflict on what’s LEFT of this country is so short-sighted you deserve her.

It will be YOUR fault.

Agree with me or else!

To the future or to the past, to a time when thought is free, when men are different from one another and do not live alone — to a time when truth exists and what is done cannot be undone: From the age of uniformity, from the age of solitude, from the age of Big Brother, from the age of doublethink — greetings! -George Orwell

So with that in mind, cast your mindless adherence to January 21, 2012  and this Blog and see yourselves currently in it also.


They are just a zombie hoard.

Remorseless. Merciless. Incapable of shame, morals or ethics.

They want want what they want when they want it and because they want it and will do anything to get it. Relentlessly.

And what they want is YOU. You to be either converted or cow-towed to their every whim. To do whatever they want when they want it.

Evidence John King, the CNN Liberal Moderator of the South Carolina Debate. He opens the debate with a salicious question to Gingrich about his “open marriage” and Gingrich blows him to bits for it and the crowd goes wild.

He did this to prove his “courage” to stand up to the evil “right wingers” and puff out his chest that he was “journalist” and was going to bravely confront the issue. Meanwhile, anything remotely damaging to President Obama is ignored with great speed and spin.🙂

2016: Just Like they do with Hillary. The Debate will be set up to show that Trump is grumpy, unstable and mean. The fact that Hillary is a congenital, sociopathica Liar has no bearing on the debates whatsover.

Their will be more Candy Crowley moments than ever.

And the Zombie hoard will eat it up like candy. “Brains…”

“In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act”.- George Orwell.

And their has never been more deceit now than ever in American History and more mindless Zombie Hoards out to make sure “What difference does it make, anyways?”

Rush Limbaugh (who I rarely get a chance to listen to because of my work schedule): Now, let me tell you one thing here, folks: You cannot shame the mainstream media. If any of you are thinking that the media learned a lesson — if any of you believe that the media finally had it handed to ’em, if you believe that the media had their eyes opened and they are fully awake now and they understand what they’re dealing with — forget it. John King is proud of what happened last night. John King is a hero in the Main Street media because he didn’t back down, because he continued to illustrate how it is that the media does really control the agenda. That was a demonstration of the power they hold over every public figure’s head, that they choose to hold like a guillotine. John King… There may even be some jealousy and envy within the journalist ranks (well, not journalists; within the Democrat Party ranks) because John King is a guy that got in Newt’s face, stared him down — and the fact that Newt told him off? It’s a badge of honor. If you are thinking that John King was embarrassed and ran away with his tail tucked between his legs and learned his lesson and it’ll never happen again? Ah, ah, ah, ah. You cannot shame the mainstream media. They are proud of this. They delight in their power to destroy candidates that they don’t like.

And they don’t like anyone who doesn’t cow-tow to them.

2016: They made THEIR Choice. Now it’s you’re Zombie duty to vote for it or else.

“At the end of the day the message to every conservative who hasn’t run for office is: “You want a piece of this? You want some of this? You want Brian Ross hounding you and your ex-wife and then you want me asking you about it on national TV the next night? Come on in. We’re ready.” That’s the message from John King and CNN last night, and do not doubt me on this.”

2016: look at the evidence, every time new “evidence” comes out about Hillary they bury it. Every time Trump even raises his voice or say one less than perfect political phrase they are on it like flies on shit and they stick to it like super glue and blow it up.


So the alternative is to cow-tow. To live in fear of the Liberal wrath.

2016: To acquiesce. Given in, the Ministry of Truth has the system rigged.

Hell, the Democrats got caught rigging the Primary, blatantly.

No one really cared.

The Zombie Hoard just went, “oh” and moved on. The Media covered it up.

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz was sacrificed.

End of Story.

#2: Hillary is caught re-handed on the Email Scandal. The FBI even says so. But since Comey has connections to Clinton and doesn’t want to have a mysterious “accident” she is not prosecuted.

Future Hillary Supreme Court Nominee Loretta Lynch, Attorney General and Clinton Cronie refuses to prosecute her.

Other people not connected to Clinton aren’t so lucky.


And the reaction from the Zombie Hoard, “Yawn”.

Hillary is still leading in the Polls!


The Food Police. The TSA. The EPA. The Justice Department. Homeland Security. The FCC.

Because if they can’t make you a zombie, they can at least make you a peasant in fear of your Masters who will not challenge them or not have the power to challenge them.

“[…]you don’t have to be Sun freakin Tzu to know that real fighting isn’t about killing or even hurting the other guy, it’s about scaring him enough to call it a day.”
― Max Brooks, World War Z: An Oral History Of The Zombie War

They’ll just turn your children into zombies instead. 12 years of Grade School and 4 years of College is a lot of Zombie Voodoo time after all. And “getting them while they are young” is entirely within the Zombie Liberal playbook. Make them a zombie before they even know what one is and then make them as immune as possible to any anti-virus and get them addicted to their own Kool-Aid. Feed it to them constantly through the Media and the Internet.

2016: They’ll DEMAND Segregation, “Safe Spaces”, “Diversity” and “Inclusion” mindlessly and will trample Free Speech because they don’t want to be “offended”.


WAR (Class, Gender, Race, Religion) IS PEACE


Hell, even white people getting a tan will set the little zombie off…

What it does is illustrate that they can be dealt with. But you can’t beat ’em. They’re not gonna be shamed. They’re not going to be shamed into stopping the coverage of conservatives as they do it. It’s going to continue. No matter what kind of shame you think they suffer in a contest like that — no matter how much money they lose, no matter how many of them get fired, no matter how many magazines or TV stations or newspapers get shut down — they are not gonna change. They are hard-core, leftists”

And as I have said over and over again, they are have no morals or ethics because they are governed not by logic and reason but by emotions, mostly the most basic of primitive emotions, Fear, Lust (for power), anger, jealousy, ENVY, etc. –Raw emotions.


Which is why when you engage them they sound and act like an immature 5 year old. And as we all know from childhood development the child has to develop a sense of shame by have having boundaries and limitations and consequences. And if they don’t, they will grow up with little to no sense of shame.


2016: “Microaggressions” anyone?

They are usually called sociopaths. I can call them Liberal Zombies.

2016: And the #Never Trumpers and Establishment RINOs.

Liberals have no shame. They want what they want when they want it because they want it.

2016: And the #Never Trumpers and Establishment RINOs.

“…one of the upsides that isn’t gonna happen is the media saying, “Gosh, we’ve been so mean to these people and so unfair. You know, maybe we ought to start being fair.” That’s not going to happen.

Liberals talk about being “fair” which means you’re being unfair to them and should do what they want.

Liberals talk about “compassion” but it’s to make you feel guilty, not them, and to do what they want.

Liberals will talk about “bi-partisanship” but that just means you have to compromise your principles so they can do what they want.

“Diversity” means you’re evil and need to do what they say to repent for your sins.

2016: “Inclusion” Means you include everything THEY say and do it without hesitation.

They are a remorseless hoard. They want what they want when they want it and on their terms only.

Give them everything they want or they’ll cry, scream, bitch, moan, pout and lash out at you.

2016: “White Privilege” anyone?

That is their primitive zombie hoard mentality. And they want YOU.extremists

“Lies are neither bad nor good. Like a fire they can either keep you warm or burn you to death, depending on how they’re used.”
― Max Brooks, World War Z: An Oral History Of The Zombie War

“Most people don’t believe something can happen until it already has. That’s not stupidity or weakness, that’s just human nature.”
― Max Brooks, World War Z: An Oral History Of The Zombie War

“Often, a school is your best bet-perhaps not for education but certainly for protection from an undead attack.”
― Max Brooks, The Zombie Survival Guide

“Remember; no matter how desperate the situation seems, time spent
thinking clearly is never time wasted.”
― Max Brooks, The Zombie Survival Guide

“I think that most people would rather face the light of a real enemy than the darkness of their imagined fears.”
― Max Brooks, World War Z: An Oral History Of The Zombie War

“They feel no fear, why should you?”– Max Brooks

“The zombie may be gone, but the threat lives on.”
― Max Brooks, The Zombie Survival Guide

Get rid of one zombie, and 10 more will take it’s place. So you have to be ready to do battle constantly.

Look at 2010. The Democrats suffered the worst defeat in 80 years. Does it look like they learned ANYTHING?


As a matter of fact the zombie hoard is even tighter, even more determined than ever. They want it EVEN MORE.

So if we defeat then in 2012 will they go away?


2016: They weren’t defeated. Even more hoards joined them. So if they are beat in 2016 will they finally be defeated and go away.


They will just keep coming back like a remorseless zombie hoard until you are overwhelmed.

Which is why you will have to fight them all of your days, your kids days and their kids days until the infection is wiped out.

But like any good zombie plaque it only takes 1 to re-ignite it and spread it all over again.

And these zombies have Media and Internet outlets! (and Europe!)

“Looking back, I still can’t believe how unprofessional the news media was. So much spin, so few hard facts. All those digestible sound bites from an army of ‘experts’ all contradicting one another, all trying to seem more ‘shocking’ and ‘in-depth’ than the last one. It was all so confusing, nobody seemed to know what to do.”
― Max Brooks, World War Z: An Oral History Of The Zombie War

“The only rule that ever made sense to me I learned from a history, not an economics, professor at Wharton. “Fear,” he used to say, “fear is the most valuable commodity in the universe.” That blew me away. “Turn on the TV,” he’d say. “What are you seeing? People selling their products? No. People selling the fear of you having to live without their products.” Fuckin’ A, was he right. Fear of aging, fear of loneliness, fear of poverty, fear of failure. Fear is the most basic emotion we have. Fear is primal. Fear sells.”
― Max Brooks, World War Z: An Oral History Of The Zombie War

The Democrat Party in a nutshell.


My own personal Fourth Orwellian Precept (which includes WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, and IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH).

“If you believe you can accomplish everything by “cramming” at the eleventh hour, by all means, don’t lift a finger now. But you may think twice about beginning to build your ark once it has already started raining”
― Max Brooks, The Zombie Survival Guide

“When I believe in my ability to do something, there is no such word as no.”
― Max Brooks, World War Z: An Oral History Of The Zombie War

“. . . show the other side, the one that gets people out of bed the next morning, makes them scratch and scrape and fight for their lives because someone is telling them that they’re going to be okay.”
― Max Brooks, World War Z: An Oral History Of The Zombie War

“This is the only time for high ideals because those ideals are all that we have. We aren’t just fighting for our physical survival, but for the survival of our civilization. We don’t have the luxury of old-world pillars. We don’t have a common heritage, we don’t have a millennia of history. All we have are the dreams and promises that bind us together. All we have…is what we want to be.”
― Max Brooks, World War Z: An Oral History Of The Zombie War

“…We were a shaken, broken species, driven to the edge of extinction and grateful only for tomorrow with perhaps a little less suffering than today. Was this the legacy we would leave our children, a level of anxiety and self-doubt not seen since our simian ancestors cowered in the tallest trees? What kind of world would they rebuild? Would they rebuild at all? Could they continue to progress, knowing that they would be powerless to reclaim their future? And what if that future saw another rise of the living dead? Would our descendants rise to meet them in battle, or simply crumple in meek surrender and accept what they believe to be their inevitable extinction? For this alone, we had to reclaim our planet. We had to prove to ourselves that we could do it, and leave that proof as this war’s greatest monument. The long, hard road back to humanity, or the regressive ennui of Earth’s once-proud primates. That was the choice, and it had to be made now.”
― Max Brooks, World War Z: An Oral History Of The Zombie War

The Future is yours. So is living through “The Walking Dead” and “1984” for real.



Constitutional conservative Ted Cruz  was interrupted by numerous standing ovations during a powerful CPAC address on Friday before an energized crowd, a fiery speech delivered without notes or teleprompter.

“So, Donald Trump is skipping CPAC,” Cruz said in his opening sentence, causing a roar of boos directed towards Trump, who announced that he would be skipping out on his scheduled speaking spot on Saturday. “I think somebody told him Megyn Kelly was going to be here. Or even worse, he was told there were conservatives that were going to be here,” he said to raucous applause. “Now, none of you have a degree from Trump University,” Cruz joked, taking a jab at the bloviating billionaire and reality TV actor who is being sued for fraud by 5,000 former students who believe they were scammed.

“The men and women here are a grassroots army,” Cruz told the CPAC audience. “The men and women here love liberty. And let me tell you, as dire as things are, people are waking up all over this country. And help is on the way!” he shouted to loud cheers.

Ted Cruz contended that the election is about three main topics; jobs, liberty and security.

“It’s easy to talk about making America great again,” Cruz said, taking a shot at Trump’s often repeated campaign slogan. “You can even print that on a baseball cap. But the question is, do you understand the principles that made America great in the first place?”

“The heart of the economy is not Washington, D.C.; it is not New York City, the heart of the economy are small businesses all over this country,” Cruz said. “You want to hammer the economy? Crush small businesses like we’ve done the last seven years. And if you want to unchain the economy, lift the boot of the federal government off the backs of the necks of small businesses,” Cruz proclaimed.

Ted Cruz directly addressed the anger and frustration felt by Republican voters who have been let down by politicians who say one thing to get elected, but upon arriving in Washington, immediately begin breaking their promises and not fighting for the issues they told voters they would fight for.

“Now, I understand that a lot of people in this country are angry. I get being angry — I’m angry too. For far too long politicians in both parties have lied to us. They make promises on the trail then they go to Washington and they don’t do what they said.”

Cruz said that there’s no example of this than the hot-button issue of immigration, which he calls a law enforcement, a national security and an economic issue, saying when you allow 12 million illegal aliens in the country, you take jobs away from American citizens and it also has the effect of driving down wages.

“There’s a natural question to ask during the Gang of Eight battle — Where was Donald? Donald was funding the Gang of Eight. He gave over $50,000 to five of the eight members of the Gang of Eight. And last night, Donald’s on stage promised all of us to be ‘flexible’…Flexible is code word in Washington, D.C., for ‘They’re getting ready to stick it to you.” 

(ed: which also included Marco Rubio)

Cruz promised to repeal “every word of Obamacare,” implement a flat tax and abolish the IRS, rein in the federal regulators, stop amnesty, and secure the borders. He asserted that the economy would drastically improve with more and better-paying jobs.

He spent considerable time talking about the importance of replacing Justice Scalia with a principled constitutionalist and warned that America is only one liberal Supreme Court justice away from losing much of the First and Second Amendment.

The riled-up crowd gave Ted Cruz perhaps his loudest applause and longest standing ovation when he announced his attitude toward the nation of Israel, an issue where Donald Trump has said he would be neutral between America’s strongest ally in the Middle East and Palestinian terrorists.

“As president, I have no intention of staying neutral. America will stand unapologetically with the nation of Israel,” Cruz shouted, seemingly at the top of his voice.

After Ted Cruz’s 2016 CPAC speech, he took several questions from FOX News’ Sean Hannity and said that he agreed with Bernie Sanders on one issue, that the relationship between big business and the government is corrupt, but disagrees with the solution.

“If the problem is that government is corrupt, the answer isn’t more government,” Cruz said.

Cruz then explained the differences between how the economy performed under Ronald Reagan vs. Barack Obama.

“Reaganomics: You start a business in your parent’s garage. Obamanomics: You move into your parent’s garage.”

The Zombie Apocolypse

4 years ago I did a blog on Democrats as Zombie and I think it’s time to revisit it.

For all you Republicans and Independents who say “I will never vote for____” because they aren’t pure enough for you consider the alternative.

The Zombie Apocalypse.

The mindless, brainless, all devouring Democrats who will eat your brain and your soul to satisfy their appetite for power in the name of “equality”, “fairness” and “diversity”.

And surely you can’t be against that now can you? 🙂

And they will keep coming like a Zombie Hoard.

Even if someone other than Hillary or Bernie wins The Hoard (including the Media) will keep coming. They will keep pressing. All the evils of the world will be laid at the feet of the Republican. They will take NO responsibility for anything. NOTHING. EVER.

It was all YOUR fault, and always was and always will be. In 2016 it’s still Bush’s fault that Obama (and the RINOs) spent $9 Trillion+ in debt. Though Obama recently blaming it on not passing Universal Government Run Healthcare just shows you how much a Zombie Hoard they are.

They waited 90 years for ObamaCare. They will never let it go. Even if the Republican nullifies it, they will bring it up again at any and ever chance.

They don’t care what you think. They only care what they think. They only care about making you do or think what they want.


The Zombie Hoard doesn’t care. It wants what it wants when it want and because it wants. End of Story.

And 4 years from now if they lose this year expect to see even more hyperbole about how bad things are no matter how they are. If the Democrats are not in total control of everything and everyone it’s “bad” by universally agreed Zombie groupthink. Reality is not a concept they understand or care about. Perception is reality.

They’ve been at this for decades. They were trying to destroy Reagan when the economy was booming because they got no benefit from that.

It’s all about them.

That’s why they are a Zombie Hoard.

Single-minded to the point of a zombie obsession.

They want Brains. Your Brains. They want them all. And Forever.

There is no reasoning with a Zombie.

Do you think if Hillary gets indicted that the Hillary Zombies will care for even 1/10000000000000th of a second?


It’s all a Republican “witch hunt”.

There is compromising with a Zombie. You just get eaten more slowly.

You get a RINO Virus that devours you from the insider. 🙂

They have to be beaten. Then 2 years from now they have to beaten again. And 2 years after that, and 2 years after that, ad infinitum.

Freedom from the Zombie Hoard is eternal vigilance.

And you can’t do that if you let pettiness or pride get in the way. They will just eat you alive.

Pride goeth before a fall.

Look at all the poor schmucks who refused to vote for McCain (who was a lousy candidate and a Major RINO to boot) and thought they’d “teach” the Republican Establishment a lesson or two and we’d get a better candidate in 2012.

We Got Obama, Boehner, and Mitt Romney instead.

The virus was eating you alive.

Then you came back for 2nds in 2012. Mitt wasn’t good enough so you stayed home and Obama won again because the Zombie Media Hoard covered for him.

Look at 2010. The Democrats suffered the worst defeat in 80 years. Does it look like they learned ANYTHING?

Did the Republican Establishment??

As a matter of fact the zombie hoard is even tighter, even more determined than ever. They want it EVEN MORE.

So if we defeat then in 2016 will they go away?


They will just keep coming back like a remorseless zombie hoard until you are overwhelmed.

Which is why you will have to fight them all of your days, your kids days, and their kids days until the infection is wiped out.

But like any good zombie plaque it only takes 1 to re-ignite it and spread it all over again.

Now you face the real prospect that Donald Trump will be the Republican nominee.

I’m not a fan of Trump. But compared to the other two Socialists I will bet on that risky horse over the evil I do know.

So be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.

So you’re either with The Hoard, or Not. There is no in-between. No squish. No compromise.

The fate of The Supreme Court rests on this election. The next 40 years of The Constitution rests on defeating the Zombie Hoard.

The Zombie Hoard certainly will give you NO quarter. They are relentless. They are ruthless. They are unrelenting. And Forever.

Previous Blog : https://indyfromaz.wordpress.com/2012/01/21/the-zombie-hoard/

“[…]you don’t have to be Sun freakin Tzu to know that real fighting isn’t about killing or even hurting the other guy, it’s about scaring him enough to call it a day.”
― Max Brooks, World War Z: An Oral History Of The Zombie War

“…We were a shaken, broken species, driven to the edge of extinction and grateful only for tomorrow with perhaps a little less suffering than today. Was this the legacy we would leave our children, a level of anxiety and self-doubt not seen since our simian ancestors cowered in the tallest trees? What kind of world would they rebuild? Would they rebuild at all? Could they continue to progress, knowing that they would be powerless to reclaim their future? And what if that future saw another rise of the living dead? Would our descendants rise to meet them in battle, or simply crumple in meek surrender and accept what they believe to be their inevitable extinction? For this alone, we had to reclaim our planet. We had to prove to ourselves that we could do it, and leave that proof as this war’s greatest monument. The long, hard road back to humanity, or the regressive ennui of Earth’s once-proud primates. That was the choice, and it had to be made now.”
― Max Brooks, World War Z: An Oral History Of The Zombie War

“What it does is illustrate that they can be dealt with. But you can’t beat ’em. They’re not gonna be shamed. They’re not going to be shamed into stopping the coverage of conservatives as they do it. It’s going to continue. No matter what kind of shame you think they suffer in a contest like that — no matter how much money they lose, no matter how many of them get fired, no matter how many magazines or TV stations or newspapers get shut down — they are not gonna change. They are hard-core, leftists”–Rush Limbaugh (2012)

Choose Wisely.




The Stupid Have Inherited The Earth

After 2,323 Blogs that started on August 31st, 2009 I am quitting. I may pick it back up some day.

I just don’t have any passion for this anymore. No one is listening. No One Cares. There is no “dialog” or “debate” anymore.

There’s just your way or the highway.

In 1995 someone ask me to sum my view of America. I said, “Unenlightened Narcissism”.

Now, a whole generation later, its more true now than it was before.

Millenials Love Socialism. They don’t even understand it. But at least it’s not Capitalism. 😦

What has undermined faith in our economic system and the very values needed to sustain it?

Much of the blame goes to crony capitalism, which is when government provides special favors to some people or businesses, and picks winners and losers in the marketplace. Cronyism certainly predates capitalism itself, as past rulers rewarded family and friends for eons. But it’s unfortunate that cronyism remains alive and well in a democratic society that trumpets the values of the free market. From tax breaks to no-bid contracts, crony deals wreak havoc on markets and capitalism both ethically and economically. Crony capitalism creates an uneven playing field and benefits the few over the many. (CNBC)

Both Parties are to blame for that. Its how the game has evolved. But it won’t change under Socialism one bit. You’ll trade your “free” security for freedom. And Millenials don’t seem bothered by that at all. Mostly because they don’t know any better. The Socialist in charge of Education for the last several generations were not generous with their “diversity” of knowledge and history.

My cynicism wins.


We’ll either have a Republican Braggart (Crony Capitalist) or a Corrupt Socialist/Communist for the next President and no one seems to care anymore.

So I’m going to use the time for this blog in the morning for more productive uses.



But it seems that most people want it, not even knowing what it is.

The Constitution is dead.

So I am outta here!


Same old Story

Fiscal Policy: Stop us if you’ve heard this one: Republicans propose pro-growth tax reform to boost the economy, and liberals indignantly shout out: “tax cut for the rich.”

Everyone knows the current tax code is a millstone around the neck of our economy. Almost all the Republicans running for president have admirable tax plans, and one of the best is the flat tax proposed by Texas Sen. Ted Cruz that would lower business taxes to 16% on net business income and 10% on personal income — wages, salaries, capital gains and dividends.

The Tax Foundation says it would boost wages, output and net income about 10% over the next decade — which is an extra $2.5 trillion in GDP and millions of new jobs.

Right on cue, the leftwing Tax Policy Center has trashed the plan, calling it a tax cut for the rich and an $8.6 trillion increase in the debt over 10 years. And the lapdogs of the liberal media ate it up.

The TPC has about zero credibility on these issues. Its tax models predicted the Reagan tax cuts would lead to massive revenue losses and that the Clinton-era capital gains cut would blow a hole in the deficit. In both cases revenues didn’t shrink — they swelled. And the share of taxes paid by the rich soared in each case.

But the TPC’s shattered crystal ball doesn’t let history get in the way of a good story — especially if the theme is class warfare.

The center relies on what is called “static analysis.”  It assumes the economy will not grow much if tax rates are lowered and savings and investment are encouraged through a less-punitive tax code. But if the tax rate on working and investing is lowered, then expect more work and more investment. History bears this out again and again.

TPC says high-income taxpayers would get an average tax cut in 2017 of about $6,100, while the poor would save only $46. But most of the poor in the bottom one-third pay almost no income tax at all. How do you cut income taxes for people who don’t pay income taxes?

Nothing could be less fair than our current wreckage of a tax code. The people at the bottom of the income ladder don’t have jobs, don’t have paychecks and don’t have income outside of welfare benefits. The TPC can never seem to figure out what Ted Cruz said when he introduced his flat tax: “The best way to help the poor is with a job — not a government handout.” (IBD)

sowell- liberal caresowell-complain

The Death Trolls

The Liberals had quite a party this weekend. The Death Trolls were partying like it was 1922 and the Communist Revolution.


Said no Liberal Ever.

So has Obama appointed Loretta Lynch yet? She properly Black -Not an evil Uncle Tom Conservative (Doubleplusgood), She’s a Woman, and a Left Ideologue who will stay the Partisan course no matter what the nasty, old, white guy Constitution says…

Retirement is one thing. Death is quite another. Antonin Scalia leaves behind a wife, children, grand children, friends, and other family. Life is something we should all be respectful of, even when we disagree with the politics of the person.

But plenty of people who politicize everything disagree. It is the measure of how miserable a person’s life is that they would politicize the death of someone who served his country with distinction because they disagree with him.

Not everything is political. Death will come to us all. Therefore, we should work hard to not make death a political issue, even if it is the death of one we disagree with. We then only incentivize others dancing on our own graves when that day comes. We will not all become Supreme Court justices. We will not all become someone of note. We will not all merit even a Wikipedia entry. But we all will die. So show some class.


“I feel bad for his family” and “That guy was a homophobic, racist jerk” are not mutually exclusive sentiments. — Brooklyn Spoke (@BrooklynSpoke)

Scalia was a retrograde bigot who, just this week, voted with his colleagues to kill climate regs and the planet. I don’t care how he rests.— Bae Talese

Scalia *gleefully* shat on minorities of all stripes while he was alive. No one owes him respect and decorum now that he’s dead.— Bae Talese

Wow, Scalia died. it’s not cool to speak ill of the dead, so RIP to one of the BEST racist, fascist enemies of democracy & humanity.— dave ciaccio

Wow, TWO Supreme Court openings! (I assume Thomas will be buried alive with Scalia)

— Drew Magary

The party of “compassion”, “sensitivity” and “tolerance” strikes again. 🙂

Ann Coulter: [The Republicans know] “if they screw us over one more time, on something as big as this, Trump gets another ten million voters right there.”

But how likely are they to stand on principle? Really…



The End

Well, it is the end and The moment has been Prepared for.

My Prediction: Supreme Court Justice Eric Holder today helped the Left disband The Constitution of The US to be replaced by the Orwellian Diversity, Fairness, and Inclusion Contract on America.

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has died, the San Antonio Express-News reported on Saturday afternoon. He was 79.

Scalia passed away in his sleep while on a hunting trip in Marfa, Texas. Foul play is not suspected.

But the Foul stench of Sith Lord Obama is going to smell up the place for generations.

But Paul Ryan and The Republican will stop him….Really? If that’s our only hope then we need help, serious help.

No, it’s campaign season, and Hillary Clinton is fired up. Unfortunately, she’s fired up about who should nominate a judge to replace the late Antonin Scalia on the United States Supreme Court. Harry Reid and his coalition, which very likely includes the president himself, are urging President Obama to put up a nominee as soon as possible, while Mitch McConnell and crew maintain that the next president should make the decision.

Clinton has weighed in, and, as usual, the “progressive who gets things done” takes a shot at conservatives.

Mind you, she NOTHING BUT PARTISAN Herself.

Talk about NEVER LET A CRISIS GO TO WASTE!!  I’m surprised they haven’t got a nominee already (hence the Holder allusion at the beginning of this blog) for entirely partisan reasons.

And we all know how much the Left respects The Constitution. 🙂

It’s certainly no surprise that the No. 1 trending topic in the United States tonight is #Scalia, but why is Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas trending just a couple of steps behind?

The Liberals are on Death Watch. They are praying as hard as their non-secular hearts can go for all the Conservatives to just DIE!

Leftists, ever tolerant, loving assholes that they are, want him to die this weekend too.

— Amy Curtis (@moderncomments)

They have your best interests and the interests of The Founding Fathers and the Constitution at their core. 🙂

Their care and compassion overflow this Valentine’s Day with Love. 🙂

The love of Death to your enemies.

This is going to sound cold, but one down, one to go. Uncle Ruckkus (Clarence Thomas) needs to go next. Then our country can start healing.

— George freeman (@Numbers28)

Spread the Love. Here Comes Big Brother to give you Bear Hug. After all, The Constitution and Conservatives are the evil that must be exterminated for real compassion, caring and sensitivity to take over.:)

Now we just need the Grim Reaper to take out Clarence Thomas and Mitch McConnell and there’ll be #DancingInTheStreets! 😃👍

— Rosetta_GhoSTONED ;D (@RedRoseQueen1)

So a moment of silence for the end. She was a grand country, but the rot is nearly complete.

Conservatives will be hunted down and “re-educated”.

The End is nigh.

(if you’re expecting the Establish Republicans or Paul Ryan to save you…Why?)

The Difference


Via John Hawkins at Townhall:

10) Conservatives believe that individual Americans have a right to defend themselves and their families with guns and that right cannot be taken away by any method short of a Constitutional Amendment, which conservatives would oppose. Liberals believe by taking arms away from law abiding citizens, they can prevent criminals, who aren’t going to abide by gun control laws, from using guns in the commission of crimes.

9) Conservatives believe that we should live in a color blind society where every individual is judged on the content of his character and the merits of his actions. On the other hand, liberals believe that it’s ok to discriminate based on race as long as it primarily benefits minority groups.

8) Conservatives are capitalists and believe that entrepreneurs who amass great wealth through their own efforts are good for the country and shouldn’t be punished for being successful. Liberals are socialists who view successful business owners as people who cheated the system somehow or got lucky. That’s why they don’t respect high achievers and see them as little more than piggy banks for their programs.
7) Conservatives believe that abortion ends the life of an innocent child and since we believe that infanticide is wrong, we oppose abortion. Most liberals, despite what they’ll tell you, believe that abortion ends the life of an innocent child, but they prefer killing the baby to inconveniencing the mother.6) Conservatives believe in confronting and defeating enemies of the United States before they can harm American citizens. Liberals believe in using law enforcement measures to deal with terrorism, which means that they feel we should allow terrorists to train, plan, and actually attempt to kill Americans before we try to arrest them — as if you can just send the police around to pick up a terrorist mastermind hiding in Iran or the wilds of Pakistan.

5) Conservatives, but not necessarily Republicans (which is unfortunate), believe it’s vitally important to the future of the country to reduce the size of government, keep taxes low, balance the budget, and get this country out of debt. Liberals, and Democrats for that matter, believe in big government, high taxes, and they have never met a new spending program they didn’t like, whether we will have to go into debt to pay for it or not.

4) Conservatives believe that government, by its very nature, tends to be inefficient, incompetent, wasteful, and power hungry. That’s why we believe that the government that governs least, governs best. Liberals think that the solution to every problem is another government program. Even when those new programs create new problems, often worse than the ones that were being fixed in the first place, the solution is always….you guessed it, another government program.
3) Conservatives are patriotic, believe that America is a great nation, and are primarily interested in looking out for the good of the country. That’s why we believe in “American exceptionalism” and “America first.” Liberals are internationalists who are more concerned about what Europeans think of us and staying in the good graces of the corrupt bureaucrats who control the UN than looking out for the best interests of this nation.2) Conservatives, most of them anyway, believe in God and think that the Constitution has been twisted by liberal judges to illegitimately try to purge Christianity from the public square. We also believe, most of us anyway, that this country has been successful in large part because it is a good, Christian nation and if our country ever turns away from the Lord, it will cease to prosper. Liberals, most of them anyway, are hostile to Christianity. That’s why, whether you’re talking about a school play at Christmas time, a judge putting the Ten Commandments on the wall of his court, or a store employee saying “Merry Christmas” instead of “Happy Holidays,” liberals are dedicated to driving reminders of Christianity from polite society.

1) Conservatives believe in pursuing policies because they’re pragmatic and because they work. Liberals believe in pursuing policies because they’re “nice” and make them feel good. Whether the policies they’re advocating actually work or not is of secondary importance to them.

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell
Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson
abolished slavery-hate

The Mission is Clear

As long as you say what The Left/PC Crowd want you to say that is…

Students at Gonzaga University say they were told that an upcoming lecture by a conservative speaker will not be open to the public because he is “homophobic” and “anti-immigration.”

“I was told that the reason that his speech is not allowed to be open to the public is because … Dinesh D’Souza’s beliefs are contradictory to Gonzaga’s ‘social justice’ mission and they do not want the public to question why the school brought him in,” Ben DuBois of the Gonzaga chapter of Young Americans for Freedom told YAF on Monday.

Gonzaga’s Mission Statement:

Central to the Jesuit, Catholic, and humanistic mission of Gonzaga University is a deep-seated commitment to issues and practices of social justice and becoming persons for others. A minor in Solidarity and Social Justice gives students the opportunity to enact these values.

The introductory, elective, and capstone courses are purposefully designed to “educate students for lives of leadership and service for the common good” and “foster a mature commitment to dignity of the human person, social justice, diversity, intercultural competence, global engagement, solidarity with the poor and vulnerable, and care for the planet.” 

In addition, these courses teach students to employ key themes of Catholic social teaching in their analysis of justice issues. Among these themes are the fundamental right to life, the right to participate and to work, and the principle of subsidiarity.

The SOSJ curriculum is designed to expose students to various humanistic skills and habits of mind and heart. For example, students engage in ethical reasoning in philosophical/theological elective courses. They evaluate information, perform critical analysis, and solve problems in social science elective courses. SOSJ students integrate ideas across disciplines, explore new perspectives, engage in reflection, and become agents for social change in the capstone class. (Gonzaga.edu)

“For example, he is ‘homophobic’ and ‘anti-immigration’,” DuBois said he was informed by Director of Student Involvement Colleen Vandenboom, adding that she also told him that in the course of researching D’Souza, the administrators had deemed him “a ‘nasty guy’ who is ‘way out there’ and has been ‘caught in many lies in his past.’”

Sound like the childish rationalization of a Leftist you know? Yep…

Consider this:

From Gonzaga.edu – As part of a program sponsored by KSPS Public Television honoring the life and legacy of renowned civil rights leader and Gonzaga Law School alumnus Carl Maxey, Gonzaga Law will host the public forum, “Civil Rights in Washington: The Post-Maxey Era” at 10 a.m., Friday, Feb. 19 in the Barbieri Courtroom.

The panel discussion, which is free and open to the public, will be moderated by Jim Kershner, author of the biography “Carl Maxey: A Fighting Life,” and includes as panelists Emily Chiang, legal director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Washington State; GU Law Professor Jason Gillmer, associate dean for faculty research and development and the John J. Hemmingson chair in civil liberties; Raymond Reyes, GU chief diversity officer; Dwayne A. Mack, Carter G. Woodson chair in African American history at Berea College and author of “Black Spokane: The Civil Rights Struggle in the Inland Northwest.”

Gonzaga Law is proud to be a partner in helping to tell the story of Maxey, who overcame enormous odds to change attitudes about civil and gender rights in Eastern Washington and a tireless fighter for racial equality and justice at the state and national level. Co-sponsors include ACLU of Washington state, Humanities Washington, KSPS, Loren Miller Bar Association, NAACP Spokane, Spokane County Bar Association-Diversity Section, Washington State Minority and Justice Commission, and the YWCA of Spokane.

DuBois says he asked to speak directly with the administrators behind the decision—the Dean of Students, Director of Campus Security and Public Safety Scott Snider, and Director of Community and Public Relations Mary Joan Hahn—but that the request was denied.

Homo Superior Liberalis doesn’t have to explain anything to you neanderthals.

He also noted that a number of previous events featuring “blatantly liberal subject matter” have been open to the public, including a “Dream Week” in support of illegal immigrant students, lectures on Islamophobia and xenophobia, a pro-Palestinian play, and International Day of Tolerance Celebrations.

The Agenda is The Agenda. Freedom Liberal Speech is paramount. All must hear it.

“It’s pretty clear that only conservatives are closed to the public,” he remarked, adding that when he brought the apparent inconsistency to administrators’ attention, they could only provide one counter-example of a conservative event that was open to the public, and even that took place several years ago.

The Narrative is The Narrative. The Truth is irrelevant.

Gonzaga, however, disputed portions of DuBois’ account in a statement to Campus Reform, confirming that the February 24 event will only be open to students, faculty, and staff, but maintaining that the decision was made in the interest of maintaining decorum on campus, and was fully consistent with past precedent for similar events. The university did not address, either to confirm or deny, any of DuBois’ specific claims regarding the administrators’ personal feelings about D’Souza.

Dinesh D’Souza at Gonzaga University

February 24, 2016 @ 7:00 pm9:00 pm

“The parameters of this event are in line with Gonzaga’s longstanding and common practice of balancing a broad spectrum of viewpoints while providing a supportive learning environment,” the statement claims. “Since September of 2013, GU student organizations and clubs have hosted 3,485 events, with 63 percent of those events open only to members of the Gonzaga community.”

Lies, damned Lies, and statistics, anyone?

“While we are very much a part of the Spokane, Inland Northwest and global communities, our events at their core are intended to advance an exemplary learning community that educates students for lives of leadership and service for the common good,” said Colleen Vandenboom, Ph.D., Assistant Dean of Student Involvement and Leadership. “We strive to invite the public to many student events, but as a practical matter we need to have reasonable limits.”

Yeah, we don’t Conservatives to be seen to be popular now do we. They are the Enemy of The University establishment.

Vandenboom explained that while “we want to promote discussion and learning,” they wish to do so “in a supportive learning environment,” (Aka PC) and that the controversy surrounding D’Souza’s appearance suggested to them that it would be unwise to open the event to the public.

The controversy being that he’s not Politically Correct and he might confuse the tiny minds of Liberals with reality and truth.

“We’ve heard from those who advocate Mr. D’Souza’s visit with the College Republicans be open to everyone, and we’ve heard from those who believe he should not be allowed on campus,” Vandenboom said. “We believe this approach where members of the University community can hear Mr. D’Souza, ask him questions and have an open dialogue in a supportive setting strikes the right balance—particularly for students.”

We want to sound fair in our censorship. When we invite the next radical Leftist and the people who think he “should not be allowed” object we’ll call them racists, homophobes and tell to shut the hell up. 🙂

Campus Reform was unable to reach DuBois for comment on the university’s response.

Liberal First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of Any religion,and mocking or hindering the free exercise thereof is required and sanctioned; or abridging the freedom of LIBERAL PROGRESSIVE speech, or of the LIBERAL PROGRESSIVE press; but abridging those who are not us  is always in the interest of the good of society; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble to worship the LIBERAL PROGRESSIVES and protest it’s enemies, any assembly otherwise in opposition must therefore be “terrorism” “bigotry” or “racism”, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances against ANYONE who defies us, has exercised “White Privilege”, and to seek “social justice” at all costs.

Gonzaga reached out to The Fix with its own statement, reprinted in full below, implying that D’Souza’s closed lecture was a compromise with those who wanted to ban him entirely from campus.

Clarification regarding Dinesh D’Souza address at Gonzaga

Gonzaga is welcoming political commentator Dinesh D’Souza to campus to speak on Feb. 24.  This event is sponsored by the College Republican student organization. The event is open to the Gonzaga community – students, faculty and staff.  It is not open to the general public.

The parameters of this event are in line with Gonzaga’s longstanding and common practice of balancing a broad spectrum of viewpoints while providing a supportive learning environment. Since September of 2013, GU student organizations and clubs have hosted 3,485 events, with 63 percent of those events open only to members of the Gonzaga community.

“While we are very much a part of the Spokane, Inland Northwest and global communities, our events at their core are intended to advance an exemplary learning community that educates students for lives of leadership and service for the common good,” said Colleen Vandenboom, Ph.D., Assistant Dean of Student Involvement and Leadership. “We strive to invite the public to many student events, but as a practical matter we need to have reasonable limits.”

As with all events, the decision to have Mr. D’Souza speak on campus was made after careful consideration and review of Gonzaga’s Events Policy, Vandenboom said.

Congruent with this policy, “Our responsibility is to our students,” Vandenboom said. “We want to promote discussion and learning, and do so in a supportive learning environment.”

“We’ve heard from those who advocate Mr. D’Souza’s visit with the College Republicans be open to everyone, and we’ve heard from those who believe he should not be allowed on campus,” Vandenboom said. “We believe this approach where members of the University community can hear Mr. D’Souza, ask him questions and have an open dialogue in a supportive setting strikes the right balance – particularly for students.”

Who Needs a Constitution

Conservatives have long accused academics of shredding the Constitution, figuratively speaking, but a Project Veritas sting operation recently caught them doing it literally.

Undercover video released last week showed administrators at Yale, Cornell, Syracuse, Vassar and Oberlin agreeing to rip up copies of the Constitution handed out off campus after an investigator posing as a student described the document as “triggering” and “oppressive.”

“Well, I think that the Constitution means things to different people; like you said it is a flawed document and the people who wrote it are certainly flawed individuals in my mind,” Cornell lead Title IX investigator Elizabeth McGrath says on the video.

Ms. McGrath agrees to rip up the hand-held copy of the Constitution and run it through a shredder after the female “student” asks, “Is there any way that maybe like we can get rid of it somehow or I can just see that like maybe it will be like therapy for me, like if you can like shred it or something?”

Project Veritas president James O’Keefe, known for his undercover video operations against ACORN and the National Public Radio, said the videos showed that the willingness to cut up the Constitution was “not an isolated incident.”

“Using a shredder, scissors, and bare hands to destroy the U.S. Constitution, makes you stop and think: where did we go wrong?,” said Mr. O’Keefe in a Thursday statement. “In this latest investigative series we have been to five schools so far and the results have been frightening at each one.”

Only Cornell reacted the videos with an official statement. Joel M. Malina, Cornell vice president for university relations, said that the administrator, “whatever her personal views,” was “appropriately focused on addressing the apparently urgent need of the person before her and not on any larger political context.”

“The Project Veritas video released today would have you believe an employee was helping a student make a political statement by denigrating the U.S. Constitution,” said Mr. Malina in a Thursday statement. “In fact, the video shows a ‘reporter’ misrepresent herself as a student with a mental health crisis. Under the guise of addressing her mental health issues, the ‘student’ asked the employee to help her shred the document she brought with her that was the apparent source of her anguish.”

At Oberlin, spokesman Scott Wargo called the episode “deplorable” in a comment to the Oberlin Review.

“Posing as a student in crisis, secretly recording a private conversation and then strategically editing the footage in order to support a specific, predetermined agenda is deplorable,” Mr. Wargo said.

College Fix editor Jennifer Kabbany agreed that the investigator had put up the administrators to destroying the Constitution copies, and that none volunteered to do so until it was suggested.

“So they are, on some level, trying to ease her ‘pain,’” said Ms. Kabbany in a Friday commentary. “And in fact that is part of their job descriptions.”

At the same time, she said the biggest surprise was that the administrators actually fell for the Project Veritas con, which she said reveals something about the “whiny” attitude of students on college campuses.

“Because in the end, you have got to laugh out loud at these videos as you listen to this chick moan and groan over the Constitution,” she said in a Friday commentary. “It the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever heard, and these officials swallow it hook, line and sinker.”

Mr. O’Keefe, who makes a cameo dressed up as a copy of the Constitution, said he was also surprised that the operation worked.

“When this idea came up in our newsroom about campus administrators shredding the Constitution because it’s a trigger against students, we didn’t think people would actually fall for it,” he told Campus Reform. “We underestimated just how stupid and politically correct these people are.”

Not necessarily “stupid” just committed to their “superior” ideology and blinded by Orwell to not see it.


Rock Meet Hard Place

You have to feel for the Republicans (unless your a Liberal then the only feeling you have is a seething hatred and nothing else) because they are stuck between a rock and a hard place.

UPDATE: Congressional Republicans have passed legislation to repeal Obamacare for the first time.

They know it’s an empty gesture because King Obama would never sign it.

But they have to do it to make the Rebel elements in the party happy.

But a lot of them also figure it’s a stunt to curry favor made by the disingenuous RINOs.

Both are likely true.

The Republicans spent so many years, especially under Jar Jar Boehner, being the Capitulation Weasals that they were no one quite believes them.

I know I don’t, YET. But it’s a good start.

The legislation would also significantly reduce taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood, redirecting those dollars to other women’s health clinics and organizations that aren’t languishing under an ethical cloud amid credible allegations of criminality.  (When poll question wording includes the important point that no women’s health funding is actually being cut, a majority of Americans support the move).  A recent undercover journalistic investigation exposed the abortion giant’s grisly practice of harvesting and selling body parts from late-term fetuses.  The videos show Planned Parenthood officials discussing the profits associated with this endeavor, as well as altering abortion procedures in order to obtain more intact organs — both of which are illegal.  A whistleblower also alleged that aborted children were picked apart and sold without their mother’s consent, another violation of the law.  Separately, Planned Parenthood has come under fire for its active promotion among young people of the notion that an individual’s ‘right’ to sexual pleasure supersedes his or her obligation to inform a partner of an HIV-positive status.  Republicans argue that taxpayers should not subsidize an organization that engages in these horrific abortion-related activities, and that pushes breathtakingly dangerous sexual ethics.

On Obamacare, the GOP says it is keeping its word to voters and fighting on behalf of the majority of Americans who continue to oppose the failing law.  A recent Gallup survey showed that uninsured Americans — who still number in the tens of millions — are most likely to disapprove of the so-called “Affordable” Care Act, largely because they can’t afford it.  The law has broken most of the biggest promises upon which it was sold, is actively harming real people, and is hurting the US economy, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office — which has also just concluded that repealing the law would substantially reduce deficits:

    “CBO: ObamaCare repeal bill would reduce deficits by half a trillion dollars over 10 years”
    — Mark Hemingway (@Heminator) January 5, 2016

The New York Times reported this week that many Americans have run the math and determined that paying Obamacare’s individual mandate tax is more affordable than paying through the nose for costly coverage that doesn’t even kick in until after consumers fork over thousands in out-of-pocket costs. Meanwhile, a recent survey finds that more than one-quarter of American households have struggled to pay medical bills over the past 12 months, several years into the full implementation of the “Affordable” Care Act.  Among this group, a majority was insured:

    Kaiser/NYT: 62% of people who can’t afford to pay their medical bills are insured. pic.twitter.com/xVjqwlFjRS
    — Phil Kerpen (@kerpen) January 5, 2016

For the umpteenth time, coverage does not equal care — and being insured to does not mean your healthcare-related financial hardships disappear.  Indeed, under Obamacare, expensive compulsory coverage may very well exacerbate affordability woes.  Parting thought: Of the many worthy provisions in the soon-to-be-vetoed repeal legislation (exhibit A in the case for electing a Republican president), only one element will actually be the law of the land in 2016.  One of the bright spots of December’s ugly omnibus spending bill was an extension of the 2015 rollback of funding Obamacare bailout-style programs, which were designed to hide the true costs of the law for several years by defraying insurer losses with huge sums of taxpayer money.  This successful push to protect taxpayers and force policy transparency, spearheaded by Marco Rubio, constitutes a rare Obamacare win for conservatives.

But we have to start somewhere. King Obama will not relent on his Agenda one bit. He’s incapable of that.

So we have to force him to defend his Royal Majesty until we get someone that isn’t King Bernie or Queen Hillary.

Then maybe the American People have a chance. Maybe.

Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler

Free Speech Lesson

First Amendment, US Constitution: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

You’d think a law professor would know that the First Amendment, by its very nature, protects speech that is deeply unpopular.

But the interim vice chancellor for inclusion, diversity and equity at the University of Missouri has apparently not brushed up on the Bill of Rights since he took his position this fall.

Amid the racial tensions on the University of Missouri’s campus that culminated last semester, a school administrator is promoting “inclusive terminology” and stating that the First Amendment does not give people the right to say whatever they wish.

In an interview with the Economist published over the weekend, Mizzou Interim Vice-Chancellor for Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity Chuck Henson criticized defenders of the First Amendment for leading the backlash against the recent changes at the school — including the resignation of President Tim Wolfe, who is white. Henson also asserted that the First Amendment does not give people the right to say “hateful things.”

It most certainly does, Mr. “LAW” Professor.

The Economist reported:

Yet the First Amendment does not give people a free pass to go round saying hateful things, points out Mr. Henson. To help students and faculty realise this, Mizzou has developed a new guide to ‘inclusive terminology’ which ensures a healthy level of respect for all minority groups. It includes terms such as ‘adultism’ (prejudice against the young), ‘minoritised’ (when under-represented groups are made to feel inferior) and intersextionality (obscure). Some will see this stuff as movement in the right direction. But it is also likely to increase the ire of those who watched the protests and thought they saw a group of privileged college students complaining about how terrible their lot is.

Henson, who is also a law professor, received immediate criticism.

“The idea that the First Amendment does not give a ‘free pass’ to say ‘hateful things’ is demonstrably incorrect,” Ari Cohn, a lawyer with the Foundation of Individual Rights in Education, told TheBlaze Monday. “Speech that might be considered ‘hateful’ is entitled to full First Amendment protection unless it falls under one of the very narrow categories of unprotected speech defined by the Supreme Court.”

“History has taught us that the right to free speech is an essential tool for oppressed minorities,” Cohn continued. “It would be tragically ironic to curtail free speech in the pursuit of remedying oppression.”

FIRE, a nonprofit organization that focuses on civil liberties in academia, has assigned the University of Missouri a “red light” speech code rating. According to the organization, that rating means the public school has a least one policy that clearly restricts speech.

Henson told the Economist that he has received multiple death threats since assuming his leadership position at the university.

Cohn said that death threats do fall under the narrow definition of what constitutes a “true threat” and would be subject to disciplinary action or prosecution.

“But Mizzou may not, consistent with the First Amendment and decades of legal precedent, ban merely hateful speech, or mandate respectfulness and civility,” he said. “The university may certainly encourage students to be respectful and nice to one another by using its own speech and educating students, but it may not enforce such values at the expense of students’ rights.”

Prior to winter break, the university published a series of posts to its website that reaffirmed the school’s commitment to fostering a free exchange of ideas and its support of civil liberties, including free expression.

As Long as it’s politically correct, that is. 🙂

University officials declined to comment to TheBlaze on Henson’s allegations of death threats he has received. A Mizzou police department spokesperson told TheBlaze that the local police department would typically conduct a criminal investigation into any death threats brought to its attention. If the threat was found to have been made by university personnel or a student, then punishment would be handed down through the “proper channels.”

But “hate speech”, especially to a Progressive is more than just “death threats” it usually just involves disagreeing with their Agenda or being Politically incorrect. 🙂

Unfortunately, the Department of Education under the Obama administration has been much more aggressive, granting itself new powers and redefining harassment in such broad language that virtually any offensive speech could be considered a matter of federal oversight.

The biggest and most noticeable change in campus censorship in recent years has been the shift in student attitudes. Today, students often demand freedom from speech rather than freedom of speech.

The Liberals got beat in court on Speech Codes years ago so they just decided that teaching self-censorship to the Crybaby Generation was more effective because them THEY would demand it and they have.

These troubling results were echoed by a November 2015 global survey from Pew Research Center finding that a whopping 40 percent of U.S. millennials [ages 18–34] believe the government should be able to punish speech offensive to minority groups (as compared to only 12 percent of the Silent generation [70–87 year-olds], 24 percent of the Boomer generation [51–69 year-olds], and 27 percent of Gen Xers [35–50 year-olds]).

So welcome to Orwell’s 1984 where the idiot students are demanding limits to free speech without even understanding “free speech” to begin with.

But I’m just and white guy, after all.

I am a right wing Bigot, misogynist, hater and a racist for even opposing it. 🙂









Patience is a Virtue Lost

Derke Hunter: There’s a reason liberals have been so successful in advancing their agenda in the past few decades. It’s not just electoral victories – they’ve played a part, and it’s easier to make things happen if you win elections. But the main factor in their victories is one thing we conservatives are losing sight of: patience. 

ObamaCare took 90 years and they still want more but are patient.

Political Correctness took 2 generations to condition stupid people to be even stupider.

Socialism is good took generations of indoctrination.

Global Warming has been going on for nearly 100 years.

Liberals are very patient for the long game.

In the time of Twitter breaking news, Tinder, microwaves, On Demand, etc., patience is as dead as detectives wearing Fedoras and calling people “Mac.” But it’s key in politics, and conservatives have forgotten that.

Ronald Reagan – the real man, not the myth created with his name – understood the importance of patience. He almost won the GOP nomination in 1976 but lost to President Gerald Ford. 

Although Ford was no conservative, Reagan didn’t turn on him. He supported him. When Ford lost, that opened the door to Reagan’s victory four years later. Had Reagan refused to support Ford, or actively criticized Ford and hurt him in the 1976 election, there’s a chance 1980 would’ve turned out differently. 

Even as president, Reagan understood the importance of patience. His victories in dealing with Congress and the Soviet Union (not much of a difference there, in many respects) didn’t come immediately. Incrementalism was a key weapon – you take what you can get and keep fighting for the rest. What Reagan didn’t do was throw up his hands when he didn’t get all he wanted, leaving small victories on the table because total victory wasn’t, at that moment, obtainable. 


Far too many conservatives have forgotten that political victories take time, even if the loss they’re trying to reverse is still fresh. 

Libertarians are famously inpatient. It’s why, outside of a few court victories, they are mostly irrelevant. I take no pleasure in saying this; the country would be much better off if we were significantly more libertarian. But when there’s a political fight to be had, they sit on the sidelines criticizing both sides rather than putting their weight behind the side moving the ball in the direction they want to go.

The purity of libertarians is to be admired, at least in the sense of ideals. The practical implementation of purity as a guide for conducting politics is not. Far too many oppose actions which would move the country in the direction they want because it doesn’t go far enough. They want it all, and they want it now – and anything short of that is a sell-out. 

Many conservatives have adopted this attitude. 

Liberals have been successful because they’ve adopted the opposite stance. For generations, liberals have sought to seize control over health care in the United States. They haven’t yet, but every move they’re made on health care has pushed them closer to that goal. 

Medicare covers the elderly and disabled; Medicaid covers the poor. Liberals have been fighting to lower the age of Medicare eligibility for decades, but they’ve, thankfully, been blocked. They’ve also been fighting to raise the income eligibility for Medicaid for decades, and they’ve been winning. This left a shrinking middle uncovered by government insurance. Obamacare is changing that.

For all the problems with Obamacare, it’s serving its purpose of crowding out private coverage. It was never designed to be the endgame; it’s an increment. It moves the country closer to a government takeover of health care. That was its purpose; that is their plan. And they waited decades for it.

Conservatives, on the other hand, don’t have that kind of patience. With every new electoral victory, they expect some massive shift in the country immediately, if not sooner.

Sadly, much of liberalism is engrained in our laws, our courts and our culture, so it will take time to uncouple it. 


Real conservatives are a small percentage of the Republican Party and Republicans in Congress. Yet many conservatives, particularly in media, think each electoral victory immediately should bring about massive conservative change. When that doesn’t happen, they attack with a ferocity they don’t reserve even for liberals. 

No single election is going to turn the tide back toward constitutionally limited government; no one person elected to office will be as pure as the wind-driven snow in their conservatism. It’s going to be a long slog; there are going to be losses. Losing a battle does not constitute losing a war. But quitting does.

There never will be a “silver bullet” election or candidate; that’s impossible. Many times you have to stop getting worse before you start getting better.

In addition to electoral victories, the courts have to change – that will take time. The culture of dependency has to change – that will take time. 

For all their shunning of Christianity, Democrats have the patience of Job when it comes to their agenda. Republicans, on the other hand, are Veruca Salt. They want a Golden Goose and they want it NOW! 

Veruca ended up going down the garbage chute. If conservatives don’t regain some strategic patience, they’ll suffer the same fate. And the country won’t be far behind…

The Best and Worst of 2015

Derek Hunter: As far as years go, 2015 certainly was one of them. The news was not wanting for content, and we columnists were not wanting for material. It was a year of tragedies and triumphs bookended by terrorist attacks in Paris. A reality TV star became the leading candidate of a major political party, “Star Wars” returned, and I got married. Yep, 2015 was quite a year.

I had a health scare that resulted in a pacemaker and a different view on mortality just months after my Dad died.

Not the best of times by far.


The Best

Donald Trump. For all his problems, and they are legion, and the bluster, and it is constant, he’s done more than anyone in recent years to get people to pay attention to politics and just how corrupt the media and the Democrats have become. He’s been battering the media since the start, slamming his opponents since and changing how politics is done.

While, I’m still not a full on Trump guy I do like that he makes the Left and the RINOs crazy and just doesn’t give a damn. That really shakes them up.

Trump has been holding a clinic on how to run against Democrats and the media since his announcement. Aside from momentary flashes, none of the rest of the field appears to have learned a thing.

Because they are all stuck in their ways. They can’t see doing it any other way. Especially, Democrats, they have one playbook and they go to it every nanosecond of every day.

Expect all out nuclear war again on the Republicans. No atom will be lest un-nuked, no ethic or moral will not be cr0ssed in the quest for the Coronation of King Barack’s successor Queen Hillary.

The Republican RINOs are just plain lost.

If Trump is the nominee, Democrats may well win, but they will have been so battered and bruised they’d be hard-pressed to govern with any effectiveness. If he isn’t the nominee, whoever is will have learned how to be locked in a box with a rabid spider monkey and survive. The eventual nominee, whoever it ends up being, will be a much more devastating candidate thanks to Trump’s entry into the race.

The Media is still setting up the Coronation of Queen Hillary I like they have for 4 years now. I doubt they are going to change.

But maybe, just maybe, the sleeping stupid will recognize it for what it is.

That,and just maybe, the Republicans will actually run a campaign to WIN this time. Maybe.


The Worst

As awful as she is, Hillary Clinton is not the worst person on the national political stage. Until he leaves office, Barack Obama’s head wears the crown.

In a post-9/11, post-Paris, post-San Bernardino world, the president of the United States managed to go 12 months in which he used the words “radical Islamic terrorism” only to chastise others for saying them.

Well, you’re talking about his friends and mentors, the Muslims. They can’t be evil. That’s like Lule finding out Darth Vader is his Father…. 🙂

The economy continues to falter, our enemies are on the march, and the president has improved his short-game. The Obama presidency is a hilarious joke, but sadly it’s not the funny kind of joke.

But the Democrats continue to self-delude themselves that everything is awesome and we just need to get rid of those naybobs negativity.

One more year…

11 Months+ a few days. Don’t make it any longer than it has to be. Though if Queen Hillary wins we’re all doomed and you might as well close up shop and move to Fiji because it’s over.

Lie Of The Year

The “winner” of this category is obvious, which is why it hasn’t won any of these “awards” from the mainstream media: Hillary Clinton’s ever-evolving claims about classified material on her secret, unsecured email server.

Though I think her saying that the Benghazi families who have been ripping her for years about her You Tube cause of the incident are now lying because she never said it was pretty close.

“What Difference Does it Make?”

Her original statement at her press conference at the UN, was, “I did not email any classified material to anyone on my email. There is no classified material.” High-stakes divorce settlements are less carefully worded.

Note how she specifically said she didn’t send any classified material, and how there “is” nothing classified on her server. She’d wiped it by then, though not thoroughly, so, in using present tense, she was telling her version of the truth.

After that original statement, Hillary’s story “evolved” at least two more times to she never “sent or received anything marked classified at the time.”

After that lie the media lost interest. Why wouldn’t they? Their candidate is ensnared in an FBI investigation that, were it anyone else, already would have led to an indictment and hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees by now.

But we aren’t named Clinton; we haven’t been selling, or at least renting, our positions for sums of money that rival the worth of third-world economies, and a president of her party still controls the prosecutors.

No, we’re civilians, bound by truth, and she’s Hillary, utterly unburdened by such trivialities.

As we wind up 2015, I think we’ve dwelled enough on politics. So a few notes on a couple of other things.


The year started with a great Super Bowl. What a game! But it will be remembered as the game that gave us Deflategate. Tom Brady won – everything. He continues to live a charmed life, and good for him. Unless you bet against him.

And the Seahawks created a blunder for the ages that will be talked about until Liberals outlaw football altogether sometime later in the Century.


The Super Bowl was the highlight of the year for New England sports fans, but the rest of the world had to suffer until the World Series. After decades of miserable losing, New England (particularly in Boston) started winning. And their fans, both in baseball and football, became even more miserable to be around during a game. And I say that as someone with many friends who fit this description.

But the highlight of the year was the World Series.

The Kansas City Royals are a lot of fun to watch. They scrap and scrape together runs in a way no other team does.

Arizona Cardinals anyone? Anyone?? 🙂


I love “Star Wars,” saw it three times the weekend it opened. But it doesn’t win for movie of the year with me. There were a lot of great “art house” movies, and I’m sure one with $48 in box office receipts will win the Oscar. But “The Martian” was the most enjoyable movie of 2015. If you haven’t seen it yet, do yourself a favor. Even if you don’t care for Matt Damon (and I wouldn’t blame you), you’ll enjoy this movie.

I love “Star Wars” but I still think either Jurassic World or Avengers 2. I never saw “The Martian”.


“The Walking Dead” remains TV’s best drama.


The zombie aspect might turn your off, but it’s much more than that. Moreover, it’s a show that generates true suspense, in which no one knows what’s going to happen from week to week and no character, no matter who they are, is safe.


If you’re a comic book nerd, or if you don’t mind super hero movies, might I also suggest checking out “Jessica Jones” on Netflix. It’s a surprisingly good series with humor, action and a great anti-hero. And, unlike “The Walking Dead,” you can binge-watch it over a weekend.

Haven’t got around to it yet. And that shows you how technology has changed so much.

I’m not sad to see 2015 go, though it does seem like it went fast. With 2016 being an election year, it will fly by as well. While I work and play in the first half of this column, life happens in the rest. Hope you had a great 2015, and I hope you have as much fun as possible in 2016. 

Here’s to 2016. The Hope of the future of our Country rests on your shoulders.

No pressure. 🙂

Michael Ramirez Cartoon
Star Wars Matters
Political Cartoons by Henry Payne

The Hello Kitty Liberals

Here’s a question I’d like to put to the doe-eyed, Co-Exist, “poor Syrian/Muslim refugee” French folks and other easily deceived dupes who slurped down that politically correct bouillabaisse of one-hundred-percent, uncut, irrational, will/has never turned out well bullshit: How’d that kum-ba-yah, multi-culti mindset work out for you?

Not so well, eh?



Garsh, who’d a thunk that evil ISIS operatives, with mass murderous wet-dreams, would try to scam their way into France under the guise of being persecuted, California-Dreamin’, nanny-goat-bearded good guys?

I’ll tell you who would’ve “thunk” it: pretty much everyone with a lick of common sense, that’s who.

Helen Keller could’ve have seen that one coming.

Dear God, some of you are slow on the uptick. Please forgive them, Lord.

Now, for those of you who bought the altruistic bovine scatology regarding the Hello-Kitty refugees, please go find a sledge-hammer and hit yourself in the face with it for aiding and abetting this atrocity.


In addition, after crashing your mug, go down to the nearest cafe … order a triple espresso … down it after it cools and then … please … wake the hashtag up because your We-Are-The-World acid trip is getting people needlessly slaughtered.

But the Truth is too much for them, you know. Not to mention their Thought Police Political Correctness Filters are on overload trying to deal with the contradictions.

They are in full PB boat motor mode…But…But….But…But…But…But…But….But…But…

“These attackers do not follow the beliefs of any religion. The ideology of terrorists is hate.”

Funny, you don’t say that about Christians and Gays… 🙂

“Whoever kills an innocent person, it is as though he has killed all of mankind,” tweeted London-based journalist Shehnaz Khan on Friday, quoting the Quran. Khan also included two hashtag with that messages: #TerrorismHasNoReligion and #NotInMyName. (HP)

Ah, isn’t that cute. Funny, the Islamic Terrorists have a different interpretation of The Quran.

Wake the #hashtag up, you social media obsessed twonks!

Funny, how this ONLY comes up when discussing Muslim Terrorists and Muslim Terrorist attacks.

It’s “islamophobia” you know.

Dear Muslims, you don’t have to apologize – we know, that terror has no religion and we still love you. #ParisAttacks #MuslimApologies

Yes, I said it. Your political correctness opened the door, and thereby helped cause, this Parisian catastrophe with your oh-so-trendy, big-hearted and empty-headed belief that: “if we embrace Islam then they’ll chill out and play parcheesi with us.”

And Obama and Hillary are still at it. But that’s what you get with hardline Ideologues. They are incapable of thinking outside of their ideology and there agenda.

Well, you were dead wrong … again. Operative word: dead.

Much like those You Tubers from Benghazi.

This is what political correctness has yielded up, namely: nations full of retards led by leaders that think they’re morally superior by embracing their own death.

Here’s reality, folks: Islam makes things suck everywhere it goes.

Just like Liberalism, Socialism and Communism. 🙂

For instance: They hate our freedoms, our Constitution, our customs, our flag, our various religions, our atheists, our women, the gays; they’d stone Bruce Jenner, they despise our music, they don’t like bacon or bikinis and, truth be told, they’d love nothing more than to take over Western Civilization and make it bow in submission to the dictates of a 7th century pedophile who heard voices. That’s Islam in a nutshell. They radically and fundamentally hate us. So … if what I just described sounds peachy with you, and for your posterity, then inject some Muslims into your national mix and give it about 30-40 years to simmer.

They don’t want to assimilate. And the #blacklivesmatter and University Idiocy crowd are perfectly happen with that. So when they start demanding Sharia Law are you going to cave in faster than that Latte with triple mocha?

Oh, and for those still playing Ring-Around-The-Rosie and blathering about how the “moderate Muslims” are mondo-jovial peeps, please note… we’re not hearing too much from them condemning the massacre in Paris;

No the idiot on Facebook yesterday that said the 80-100,000 radicals is nothing compared to the 1.6 million (or was it billion) Muslim so lay off the “islamophobia”.

Then there’s this moron:

So stop with the “hate”. 🙂

Are you that much of a Moron!?

An army with 80,000 people in it will crush your little idiot brain in a second!

or their calling for European or American leaders to lock down our respective borders because there are tens-of-thousands of crazy SOBs amongst the “poor refugees.”

Remember that Border Security thing you still call “racist”??

I think Europe and the USA should follow Japan’s lead and make our countries insanely hard to get into.


Lastly, here’s my prediction regarding the French: I bet they, starting with Hollande, curl back up into the fetal position. I bet they go back into PC mode with Muslims. And I bet our leaders, especially on the Left, do so as well.

Yep. They don’t call them cheese eating surrender monkeys for nothing. This will not toughen them up in the long run.

They will soon blind themselves to their security in the name of liberal ideology.

Now, just two days after ISIS carried out the worst terror attack in France since World War II, the Obama administration has transferred five more detainees to the United Arab Emirates.

Translation: released to kill more Westerners.

Yep, I bet we blind ourselves all over again to Islam being an implacable enemy inside our borders; and that we will not truly wake up until… God forbid… Islam smacks the West so hard, killing way more than they did on 9/11, that finally our fairy tale about Islam being yummy will simply not cotton with reality.

But I don’t think even that will do it. The Force of Unreal PC Thought Control is strong with these morons.

The Left avoid The Truth, and truth, with a vigor not seen in centuries. Admitting that there “enlightened” vision of the work is a naive load of old crap is impossible for them to comprehend.

Liberal/Progressives are to be judged only by their INTENTIONS, not by their RESULTS!

Anything else is just “hate”, “political”, or “racist”.

Hopefully, when that happens, we’ll have leaders with a steel will who will plow through the residual cruel remains of political correctness and give Islam the apocalypse it says it wants.

And needs…

But I fear millions could die first, in the name “tolerance” and “diversity”.

But no liberal will take responsibility for it either because it’s so far outside of their mental capacity to do so.


By Candelight

To the delight of the crowd, all of the candidates in Saturday night’s debate positioned themselves as aggressively pro-immigrant and drew a sharp contrast between their outlook and that of the Republicans.

“The fact of the matter is — and let’s say it in our debate because you will never hear it from that immigrant-bashing carnival barker Donald Trump — the truth of the matter is net immigration from Mexico last year was zero,” former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley said in response to weighing immigration reform against the need for border security.

He’s never going to be the nominee, but he has the same sentiment as Hillary and Bernie.

Clinton added that she has reviewed Obama’s executive action and is convinced “that the president has the authority that he attempted to exercise with respect to Dreamers and their parents.”

Net Zero Gain: The number of families illegally crossing the southern U.S. border has more than doubled over the same period last fall, prompting concern about a new surge of migrants from Central America.

Many more unaccompanied children are also crossing, with 4,476 apprehended in September — an 85% increase over that month in 2014, according to new Border Patrol data.

“If that trend even continues a little bit, if things start to go up in February as they usually do, we could be looking at things getting really high, and by spring, you’re seeing an emergency,” said Adam Isacson, a senior associate at the Washington Office on Latin America, a human rights advocacy group.


As I write, Paris is under curfew for the first time since the German occupation, and the death toll from the multiple attacks stands at 158, the vast majority of them slaughtered during a concert at the Bataclan theatre, a delightful bit of 19th century Chinoiserie on the boulevard Voltaire. The last time I was there, if memory serves, was to see Julie Pietri. I’m so bloody sick of these savages shooting and bombing and killing and blowing up everything I like – whether it’s the small Quebec town where my little girl’s favorite fondue restaurant is or my favorite hotel in Amman or the brave freespeecher who hosted me in Copenhagen …or a music hall where I liked to go to hear a little jazz and pop and get away from the cares of the world for a couple of hours. But look at the photographs from Paris: there’s nowhere to get away from it; the barbarians who yell “Allahu Akbar!” are there waiting for you …when you go to a soccer match, you go to a concert, you go for a drink on a Friday night. They’re there on the train… at the magazine office… in the Kosher supermarket… at the museum in Brussels… outside the barracks in Woolwich…

Twenty-four hours ago, I said on the radio apropos the latest campus “safe space” nonsense:

This is what we’re going to be talking about when the mullahs nuke us.


Almost. When the Allahu Akbar boys opened fire, Paris was talking about the climate-change conference due to start later this month, when the world’s leaders will fly in to “solve” a “problem” that doesn’t exist rather than to address the one that does. But don’t worry: we already have a hashtag (#PrayForParis) and doubtless there’ll be another candlelight vigil of weepy tilty-headed wankers. Because as long as we all advertise how sad and sorrowful we are, who needs to do anything?

With his usual killer comedy timing, the “leader of the free world” told George Stephanopoulos on “Good Morning, America” this very morning that he’d “contained” ISIS and that they’re not “gaining strength”. A few hours later, a cell whose members claim to have been recruited by ISIS slaughtered over 150 people in the heart of Paris and succeeded in getting two suicide bombers and a third bomb to within a few yards of the French president.

Visiting the Bataclan, M Hollande declared that “nous allons mener le combat, il sera impitoyable”: We are going to wage a war that will be pitiless.

Does he mean it? Or is he just killing time until Obama and Cameron and Merkel and Justin Trudeau and Malcolm Turnbull fly in and they can all get back to talking about sea levels in the Maldives in the 22nd century? By which time France and Germany and Belgium and Austria and the Netherlands will have been long washed away.

Among his other coy evasions, President Obama described tonight’s events as “an attack not just on Paris, it’s an attack not just on the people of France, but this is an attack on all of humanity and the universal values we share”.

But that’s not true, is it? He’s right that it’s an attack not just on Paris or France. What it is is an attack on the west, on the civilization that built the modern world – an attack on one portion of “humanity” by those who claim to speak for another portion of “humanity”. And these are not “universal values” but values that spring from a relatively narrow segment of humanity. They were kinda sorta “universal” when the great powers were willing to enforce them around the world and the colonial subjects of ramshackle backwaters such as Aden, Sudan and the North-West Frontier Province were at least obliged to pay lip service to them. But the European empires retreated from the world, and those “universal values” are utterly alien to large parts of the map today.

And then Europe decided to invite millions of Muslims to settle in their countries. Most of those people don’t want to participate actively in bringing about the death of diners and concertgoers and soccer fans, but at a certain level most of them either wish or are indifferent to the death of the societies in which they live – modern, pluralist, western societies and those “universal values” of which Barack Obama bleats. So, if you are either an active ISIS recruit or just a guy who’s been fired up by social media, you have a very large comfort zone in which to swim, and which the authorities find almost impossible to penetrate.

And all Chancellor Merkel and the EU want to do is make that large comfort zone even larger by letting millions more “Syrian” “refugees” walk into the Continent and settle wherever they want. As I wrote after the Copenhagen attacks in February:

I would like to ask Mr Cameron and Miss Thorning-Schmidt what’s their happy ending here? What’s their roadmap for fewer “acts of violence” in the years ahead? Or are they riding on a wing and a prayer that they can manage the situation and hold it down to what cynical British civil servants used to call during the Irish “Troubles” “an acceptable level of violence”? In Pakistan and Nigeria, the citizenry are expected to live with the reality that every so often Boko Haram will kick open the door of the schoolhouse and kidnap your daughters for sex-slavery or the Taliban will gun down your kids and behead their teacher in front of the class. And it’s all entirely “random”, as President Obama would say, so you just have to put up with it once in a while, and it’s tough if it’s your kid, but that’s just the way it is. If we’re being honest here, isn’t that all Mr Cameron and Miss Thorning-Schmidt are offering their citizens? Spasms of violence as a routine feature of life, but don’t worry, we’ll do our best to contain it – and you can help mitigate it by not going to “controversial” art events, or synagogues, or gay bars, or…

…or soccer matches, or concerts, or restaurants…

To repeat what I said a few days ago, I’m Islamed out. I’m tired of Islam 24/7, at Colorado colleges, Marseilles synagogues, Sydney coffee shops, day after day after day. The west cannot win this thing with a schizophrenic strategy of targeting things and people but not targeting the ideology, of intervening ineffectually overseas and not intervening at all when it comes to the remorseless Islamization and self-segregation of large segments of their own countries.

So I say again: What’s the happy ending here? Because if M Hollande isn’t prepared to end mass Muslim immigration to France and Europe, then his “pitiless war” isn’t serious. And, if they’re still willing to tolerate Mutti Merkel’s mad plan to reverse Germany’s demographic death spiral through fast-track Islamization, then Europeans aren’t serious. In the end, the decadence of Merkel, Hollande, Cameron and the rest of the fin de civilisation western leadership will cost you your world and everything you love.

So screw the candlelight vigil. (Mark Steyn)

We are but candles in a Liberal wind(bag)…

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell
Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson

The Greatest Snark of All

“To the students of color at Mizzou, we stand with you in solidarity. To those who would threaten their sense of safety, we are watching.

Yeah, they want safety from people who would disagree with their cry baby narcissism… Mommy Government make them stop! 🙂

<span class='image-component__caption' itemprop="caption">Students at Yale stand in solidarity with Mizzou. </span> Ken Yanagisawa Students at Yale stand in solidarity with Mizzou. 

The guy who started it is from a 1%er multi-million dollar capitalist family….

Oh, and it’s a Hoax, just like “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot”. Gee, no one saw that coming…Least of all Zombie Liberals.

Nice COMMUNIST Symbology. Learn that in College did we? 🙂


SO with that, Matt Walsh:

Dear Walmart,

I am writing to inform you of a terrible attack I suffered in one of your stores this week. The assault against me was so violent and oppressive that I had to immediately retreat to my healing space, where I lay whimpering on the floor for three and a half days, barely able to move or breathe. I emerge now, courageously, only because I must see that those responsible are made to answer for their crimes. I feel deeply triggered even speaking about it, but I must soldier on, in the name of #Justice.



It all started in the parking lot of my local Walmart. I was walking from my car to the store, minding my own business, when suddenly another customer, a man, walked up and accosted me. I should pause here and apologize to the transgender, agender, nongender, pangender, bigender, trigender, and quasigender communities if they feel offended or victimized because I’m labeling this individual a man. To be honest, he never mentioned his gender identity, and I would be the last person to ever assume anything about anyone. But in this case I feel comfortable guessing that the entity in question was a man because, in my experience, only cisgender white Christian Republican middle class heterosexual men are ever guilty of doing anything wrong. Anyway, I don’t really believe in labels, except for the five or six labels I just used in the previous sentence.

So, back to the incident. The man came alongside me, out of nowhere and without invitation, and immediately started sharing opinions with me. They were bad opinions. Opinions I didn’t like. Opinions that were different and confusing and scary. Opinions that shouldn’t exist. Opinions that made me feel delegimitized and otherized and vaporized. Literally vaporized. The opinions were like a death ray that zapped me and reduced me to ash and rubble.

Somehow, in the midst of this barrage, I was able to let out a desperate shriek. “STOP,” I yelled. “STOP. DEAR GOD. STOP.” He looked at me and even his look was offensive because I could tell in his head he was still thinking opinions that weren’t my opinions. “HOW DARE YOU DEVALUE MY LIFE EXPERIENCES,” I shouted.

He told me he had no idea what that meant. I could tell he’d never been to college. I put up my hands – just like they teach us in college – and started screaming “SAFE SPACE, SAFE SPACE, I’M IN MY SAFE SPACE” over and over again.

I thought that was the end of it. They told me in college nobody is allowed to think differently, and if anyone ever does think differently, all I need to do is run to my safe space. Everyone has to respect my safe space, which isn’t to be confused with my healing space, although my healing space must also be respected.

But these defenses were useless against the man. He only upped the ante. He insulted me. INSULTED ME. Do you understand what I’m saying to you? He formed words with his lips and ejected sounds from his throat and those sounds came out in the form of insults. He called me names. All kinds of names. All kinds of terrible, awful names. I’d repeat them here but I fear it would only cause others to experience the trauma I am now suffering.

I ran away from the man. I ran away as fast as I could, but he was still shouting words, and I felt like I might never escape. Eventually I made it into the store. In a haze of anxiety and confusion I grabbed several items from the shelf and tried to leave without paying for them. The manager stopped me. I explained to him that I’d just been insulted by some guy outside. He said he’s sorry about that but it doesn’t mean I get to steal.

Steal? STEAL? I’d just been mugged by opinions and insults moments earlier, and now I was being accused of doing something that I was in the process of doing? I couldn’t believe it. I couldn’t believe any of it. Is there no end to the intolerance?

I have been meditating on this series of tragedies ever since that day. It has become clear to me, especially in light of the inspiring protests at the University of Missouri, that I have no choice but to demand the immediate resignation of Walmart CEO Doug McMillon.

You might call me ridiculous. You might say this story sounds at least partially fabricated. You might say that even if it isn’t, it has nothing to do with the CEO of the company, nor does it have anything to do with the company at all. You might say this was one unpleasant man who said unpleasant things, and there’s no reason why anyone from Walmart should have to answer for it. You might say there’s really no reason why anything at all should be done, frankly. People say mean things to other people sometimes, you might say. There’s not always a remedy or a recourse, nor should we try to find one, you might say.

But you are only saying this because you are white and privileged. I myself do not identify as white. My mother’s step-dad’s aunt’s hairdresser’s cousin visited an Indian reservation in the 50s, so I naturally consider myself part Cherokee — or Mohican or Aztec or whatever. Indeed, I suspect the man at Walmart probably chose to attack me because he harbors bigotries against Native Americans. At one point he even said “I harbor bigotries against Native Americans.” I know that doesn’t sound like something an actual person would say, even if they do harbor bigotries against Native Americans, but anyone who accuses me of exaggerating obviously harbors bigotries against Native Americans.

So I must insist that Doug McMillon take responsibility for fostering an environment where people feel comfortable having bigotries and opinions in the parking lots of his stores. I can’t point to any one specific thing Mr. McMillon has done to create this issue, but that is precisely the problem. His inaction is the real outrage here.

Indeed, what has Mr. McMillon done? What has he done to stop people from saying mean things in and around the nation’s Walmarts? Has he posted signs reminding us not to share our opinions with one another? Has he officially declared Walmarts to be No Insult Zones? Has he made any attempt to give his customers a true understanding of the impact hurtful words have on marginalized populations? Has he set up safe spaces in his stores where those dealing with the effects of unpleasant phrases and ideas can go to regroup and share their feelings? Has he followed the progressive lead of the University of Missouri and established racially segregated healing spaces so that different minority groups can be vulnerable around others who share their authentic racial experiences? Has he instituted mandatory inclusivity and sensitivity seminars for all of his employees and customers? Has he conducted awareness campaigns to make people aware of things? Has he then followed those awareness campaigns with awareness awareness campaigns to make people aware of the awareness? Has he even taken the basic step of offering free Yoga classes in the back of every Walmart to help his customer de-stress?

Has he done any of this? No? Nothing? Exactly.

At this point, the only recourse is for Mr. McMillon to issue a public apology, resign his post, forfeit his severance, donate all of his money to a hippy commune or public university of my choice, burn his house down, and live the rest of his life under a bridge. I can see no other solution.

Next, I am forced to demand the manager of my local store resign and repay me the money he made me hand over for the items I tried to allegedly steal. Also, I demand that the governor of Maryland be arrested, the president impeached, the U.N. disbanded, and Australia nuked into oblivion. All of these people, organizations, and countries did nothing to stop that man from insulting me, and they must all pay the price, even in their own blood if necessary. I wish it did not have to come to this, but it isn’t my fault. I’m simply a man who reasonably expects to only ever encounter sweetness and smiles and happy thoughts, as is my constitutional right.

Going forward, once the requisite blood sacrifices have been made to atone for the opinions and insults of one man, I make the following further demands:

  • I demand that anyone who has been injured by emotional or mental violence be permitted to purchase products without paying for them. People cannot be financially burdened during such a difficult time. To achieve social justice, aggrieved minorities must be given free stuff. They teach this on the first day of college.
  • I demand that Walmart corporate offices hire new staff according to an arbitrary quota formula I will devise. I’ll get back to you with the specifics, but I know for sure that there should be at least 12 Native Americans, 24 black Americans, 37 homosexuals, 321 transgenders, and 600 bisexual Hispanic feminists holding high ranking positions in your company. This is just obvious. Companies that are not run by victims cannot understand victims, and if they cannot understand victims, they cannot prevent victims from being victimized, which is really the primary job of every company and every person everywhere.
  • I demand that Walmart greeters be replaced with therapeutic asexual cuddlers. It is appalling that I ran through your store with tears streaming down my cheeks and not one – not ONE – employee offered to cuddle me and make me feel better. Every employee should be given consensual cuddle training, and there ought to be at least two specialists stationed by the entrances and exits of the stores. Again, this is obvious stuff.
  • I demand that Walmart identify marginalized employees and customers and immediately make them general managers of their own stores.
  • I demand that all customers and employees be required to ride electric scooters so that the elderly and the morbidly obese don’t feel otherized.
  • I demand that Walmart develop a strategic five year plan to end hurting and sadness. During this process, you must cooperate and consult with the Social Justice Diversity Tolerance Outreach and Inclusiveness Center, which is an institution you’ll also have to create and fund and operate and staff.

I am hereby beginning a #HungerStrike until my demands are met. Some might call me a #HeroForSocialJustice but I like to think I’m just a regular guy who’s finally taking a stand. Heroically.

You have 12 hours to do everything I’ve commanded, or else your stores will be flooded with a racially and sexually diverse group of young, well-dressed, upper middle class protesters who will hold signs and chant slogans and Tweet about the oppression you’ve brought upon them.

The clock is ticking.


A #Victim

AMEN, my brother. 🙂

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

The Agenda is The Agenda

“Damn The Torpedoes, Full Steam Ahead!”

Despite overwhelming opposition from the American people and lawmakers on Capitol Hill, it is becoming clearer by the day President Obama is planning to close Guantanamo Bay prison with or without the consent of Congress. 

For he is King, and his Agenda is King. So the King gets what the King wants regardless. Who gives a crap about a Constitution when The Agenda is The Agenda.

It’s Good to Be The King!

When asked about the constitutionality of unilaterally closing the prison with an executive order, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest admitted Monday that the legality of such a move isn’t clear, but hinted President Obama will do it anyway. 

So what. Obama himself said 22 times that the Executive Order for Amnesty was unconstitutional, but he did it anyways because the Agenda demanded it.

“The focus of our efforts right now is on Congress and there are members of Congress who share this goal [closing GITMO] and who have indicated at least an openness to working with the administration to achieve this goal.

Democrats and RINOs.

That’s the focus of our efforts right now. I’m not aware of any ongoing effort to devise a strategy using only the President’s executive authority to accomplish this goal, but I certainly wouldn’t take that option off the table,” Earnest told reporters Monday.

Either Congress does it for him, or he’ll do it by Executive Fiat.

“There are a wide range of thorny, legal questions that are raised by this ongoing effort to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay. I wouldn’t sort of speculate on those right now. These are obviously, in some cases because of the unique nature of this facility, in some cases we’re in uncharted legal waters here but, the President made clear from his first week in office that closing the prison at Guantanamo Bay is a national security priority.”

The national security of The Middle East, not us. Releasing Terrorists is only good for the Terrorists. But when you’re a Muslim to begin with… 🙂

Over the year the White House has slowly released GITMO prisoners in hopes the numbers will become so low, Congress no longer sees the prison as financially viable. Last summer, President Obama traded five top-Taliban commanders for alleged Army deserter Bowe Bergdahl. 

And that worked out really well. But at least he didn’t trade actual prisoners of war for the Iraq Nuke Deal… 🙂

Later this week, a report detailing how the administration plans to shut down the prison is expected to be released by the Department of Defense. (Townhall)

The Agenda is The Agenda.

The King knows Best. The All-Father of Government has spoken!

Needs to make room for real prisoners , maybe . Conservatives and other such lowlife opposition to The State. 🙂

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

Econ 101




Just something to think about on this Sunday evening: in exactly one year from today, Americans will be electing a new president.

While it seems as though this election season has already gone on forever–Ted Cruz, the first candidate to declare candidacy, launched his campaign over seven months ago–there’s still a long ways to go until things wrap up. Primary elections and caucuses are only three months away.

Buckle up, folks. It’s only going to get crazier from here.

‘Nuff Said… 🙂

Right to Offend

Mike Adams, a professor at the University of North Carolina-Wilmington is not your stereotypical left-wing teacher. On the heels of a report that showed that liberal arts professors overwhelmingly support Democrats, Adams’ semester-opening statement to his students has gone viral.

[Trigger warning: The following is extraordinarily insensitive and its candor may cause some students to be highly offended. Symptoms of being confronted with viewpoints other than one’s own may cause one to get “the vapors” and students have even been known to collapse in a fainting spell upon reading offensive literature. Reader discretion is advised.]

Here is what he said to his students:

Welcome back to class, students! I am Mike Adams your criminology professor here at UNC-Wilmington. Before we get started with the course I need to address an issue that is causing problems here at UNCW and in higher education all across the country. I am talking about the growing minority of students who believe they have a right to be free from being offended. If we don’t reverse this dangerous trend in our society there will soon be a majority of young people who will need to walk around in plastic bubble suits to protect them in the event that they come into contact with a dissenting viewpoint. That mentality is unworthy of an American. It’s hardly worthy of a Frenchman.

Let’s get something straight right now. You have no right to be unoffended. You have a right to be offended with regularity. It is the price you pay for living in a free society. If you don’t understand that you are confused and dangerously so. In part, I blame your high school teachers for failing to teach you basic civics before you got your diploma. Most of you went to the public high schools, which are a disaster. Don’t tell me that offended you. I went to a public high school.

Of course, your high school might not be the problem. It is entirely possible that the main reason why so many of you are confused about free speech is that piece of paper hanging on the wall right over there. Please turn your attention to that ridiculous document that is framed and hanging by the door. In fact, take a few minutes to read it before you leave class today. It is our campus speech code. It specifically says that there is a requirement that everyone must only engage in discourse that is “respectful.” That assertion is as ludicrous as it is illegal. I plan to have that thing ripped down from every classroom on campus before I retire.

One of my grandfathers served in World War I. My step-grandfather served in World War II. My sixth great grandfather enlisted in the American Revolution when he was only thirteen. These great men did not fight so we could simply relinquish our rights to the enemy within our borders. That enemy is the Marxists who run our public universities. If you are a Marxist and I just offended you, well, that’s tough. I guess they don’t make communists like they used to.

Unbelievably, a student once complained to the Department chairwoman that my mention of God and a Creator was a violation of Separation of Church and State. Let me be as clear as I possibly can: If any of you actually think that my decision to paraphrase the Declaration of Independence in the course syllabus is unconstitutional then you suffer from severe intellectual hernia.

Indeed, it takes hard work to become stupid enough to think the Declaration of Independence is unconstitutional. If you agree with the student who made that complaint then you are probably just an anti-religious zealot. Therefore, I am going to ask you to do exactly three things and do them in the exact order that I specify.

First, get out of my class. You can fill out the drop slip over at James Hall. Just tell them you don’t believe in true diversity and you want to be surrounded by people who agree with your twisted interpretation of the Constitution simply because they are the kind of people who will protect you from having your beliefs challenged or your feelings hurt.  🙂

Second, withdraw from the university. If you find that you are actually relieved because you will no longer be in a class where your beliefs might be challenged then you aren’t ready for college. Go get a job building houses so you can work with some illegal aliens who will help you gain a better appreciation of what this country has to offer.

Finally, if this doesn’t work then I would simply ask you to get the hell out of the country. The ever-growing thinned-skinned minority you have joined is simply ruining life in this once-great nation. Please move to some place like Cuba where you can enjoy the company of communists and get excellent health care. Just hop on a leaky boat and start paddling your way towards utopia. You will not be missed.

Earlier this year, Adams won a court victory against the school, when he sued, asserting that he was not promoted due to his outspoken conservatism. (IJR)