You Just Might Be A Liberal…

Are you not sure that you’re a liberal? Well, there’s an easy way to find out. You might be a liberal if…

1) ….Your newspaper calls people “bigoted” for being worried about bringing Syrian refugees to America, but you won’t run pictures of Muhammad because you’re afraid Muslims might kill you for it.

2) ….You think every man accused of sexual assault is guilty until proven innocent except Bill Clinton.

3)….You insist that anyone who questions global warming hates science even though you don’t understand any of the science behind it yourself and you say we have to do something about climate change primarily because you want to impress your liberal friends.

4) ….You are terrified that holding terrorists at Guantanamo Bay who are trying to murder Americans might make the other terrorists who are trying to murder Americans mad.

5) ….You believe there’s a “Republican War on Women;” yet you are okay with aborting baby girls for any reason, think any man who says he identifies as a woman should be able to use the women’s bathroom and you want to put Bill Clinton back in the White House.

6) ….You claim to constantly hear Republican “dog whistles” that 99% of the population misses; yet you’d deny you’re racist for insisting that black Americans aren’t competent enough to get an ID to vote.


7) …You think there’s a possibility that Obama might be able to have a productive conversation with radical Islamists who want to kill us, but dialogue with the NRA is impossible.

8)….You believe Hillary Clinton is telling the truth. About anything. Ever.

9) ….You simultaneously believe the police are violent trigger-happy racists who shoot people for no good reason and that we should disarm the populace so that only the government has guns.

10) ….You went to a talk given on your campus by a conservative just so you could scream at him for “invading your safe space.”

11) ….You think Chris Kyle was a monster for killing so many enemies of America while Bowe Bergdahl deserves to be treated with respect and compassion after deserting his unit.

12) ….You believe you’re a caring and compassionate person because you advocate giving other people’s money away to people you hope will vote for candidates you like.

13) ….You believe that anyone who dislikes Barack Obama must hate him because he’s a minority, but your hatred of Ted Cruz and Clarence Thomas is perfectly justifiable.

14) ….You think you are a sophisticated person with a deep understanding of complex political issues, but sum up every one with some variation of, “Republicans are evil, racist, and they hate you while liberals like me are nice!”

15) ….You think it’s vitally important to increase the number of Muslim immigrants coming to America so they can inform on all the other Muslims who are planning terrorist attacks.

16) ….You blame the Republicans for the failure of Obamacare even though none of them voted for it.

17) ….Your first response to a terrorist attack committed by radical Islamists who’ve sworn allegiance to ISIS is to try to disarm every law-abiding gun owner in the country.

18) ….You think an unemployed, white factory worker who’s struggling to feed his family has some sort of racial privilege compared to Barack Obama, Melissa Harris Perry or Al Sharpton.

19) ….You say fences don’t work and gun-free zones do, but if Republicans wanted the fence around the White House taken down and demanded that the Secret Service be disarmed, you’d accuse them of trying to get Obama killed.

20) ….You believe Bruce Jenner is a woman, Rachel Dolezal is black and Elizabeth Warren is an Indian.

21)  Food in any way can be a “microagression” based on race, religion, sex, or ethnicity.

22) Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength. Guns kill people so getting rid of Guns will kill less people.

23) The Power of Life and Death is “Pro-Choice”.

24) Any immigration is good no matter how it was done and anyone opposed to any immigration of any kind is “racist”.

25) A Religion is a Race, unless they are Christians, then they are just bigots.

26) Utter the word “islamophobia” and mean it.

27) Anything with a (D) after their name is ok and can do anything they want because it’s better than they alternative.

28) Democrats Lie, but it’s your fault not theirs.

29) A Tax is a Penalty, even after it’s ruled a Tax it’s still a Penalty.

30) “What Difference Does it Make?”

31) It was the fault of a You Tube Video.

32) That the Media is not biased and that people like Hillary and Barack are “moderates” and any Republican is “extreme”.

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel
Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell
Political Cartoons by Steve Kelley
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

Destroying the Vote

Voter ID laws have been challenged because liberal Democrats deem them racist. I guess that’s because they see blacks as being incapable of acquiring some kind of government-issued identification. Interesting enough is the fact that I’ve never heard of a challenge to other ID requirements as racist, such as those: to board a plane, open a charge account, have lab work done or cash a welfare check. Since liberal Democrats only challenge legal procedures to promote ballot-box integrity, the conclusion one reaches is that they are for vote fraud prevalent in many Democrat-controlled cities.

Cheaters never win, unless they are Democrats. 🙂

Winning is everything, so it’s ok to cheat.

The Agenda is The Agenda.

There is another area where the attack on ballot-box integrity goes completely unappreciated. We can examine this attack by looking at the laws governing census taking. As required by law, the U.S. Census Bureau is supposed to count all persons in the U.S. Those to be counted include citizens, legal immigrants and non-citizen long-term visitors. The law also requires that illegal immigrants be a part of the decennial census. The estimated number of illegal immigrants ranges widely from 12 million to 30 million. Official estimates put the actual number closer to 12 million.

Both citizens and non-citizens are included in the census and thus affect apportionment counts. Counting illegals in the census undermines one of the fundamental principles of representative democracy — namely, that every citizen-voter has an equal voice. Through the decennial census-based process of apportionment, states with large numbers of illegal immigrants, such as California and Texas, unconstitutionally gain additional members in the U.S. House of Representatives thereby robbing the citizen-voters in other states of their rightful representation.

Hans von Spakovsky, a Heritage Foundation scholar and former member of the Federal Election Commission, has written an article, “How Noncitizens Can Swing Elections: Without Even Voting Illegally.” He points to the fact that 12 million illegal aliens, plus other aliens who are here legally but are not citizens and have no right to vote, distort representation in the House. Spakovsky cites studies by Leonard Steinhorn of American University, scholars at Texas A&M University and the Center for Immigration Studies. Steinhorn’s study lists 10 states that are each short one congressional seat that they would have had if apportionment were based on U.S. citizen population: Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma and Pennsylvania.

On the other hand, states with large numbers of illegal aliens and other non-citizens have congressional seats they would not have had. They are: California (five seats), Florida (one seat), New York (one seat), Texas (two seats) and Washington state (one seat). Moreover, the inflated population count resulting from the inclusion of illegal immigrants and other non-citizens increases the number of votes some states get in the Electoral College system, affecting the actual process of electing the president of the United States.

There is a strong argument for counting non-citizens, whether they are here legally or illegally. An accurate population count is important for a number of public policy reasons as well as national security — we should know who is in our country. But as professor Mark Rozell, acting dean of the School of Policy, Government, and International Affairs at George Mason University, and Paul Goldman, a weekly columnist for the Washington Post, say in their Politico article, there is no “persuasive reason to allow the presence of illegal immigrants, unlawfully in the country, or noncitizens generally, to play such a crucial role in picking a president.”

Hans von Spakovsky concludes his article saying, “It is a felony under federal law for a noncitizen to vote in our elections because voting is a right given only to American citizens. It is a precious right that must be earned by becoming a citizen. Giving aliens, particularly those whose first act was to break our laws to illegally enter the country, political power in Congress and allowing them to help choose our president strike at the very heart of our republic and what it means to be an American.” (Walter E Williams)

But the Democrats are counting on these people and the Zombie hoard that would vote for Adolf Hitler if he had a (D) next to his name to vote them into office regardless.

The Agenda is The Agenda!

Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler
Political Cartoons by Robert Ariail
Political Cartoons by Henry Payne
Political Cartoons by Henry Payne


The following is a fascinating study in Liberalism from one of the most Liberal Intellegensia out there, Juan Williams.

It’s a fascinating treatise on #Black Lives Matter, the latest in the angry “grassroots” Democrat group, but this group attack Republicans and Democrats alike.

Mr. Williams is not concerned about this random group advocating violence and hatred. He’s worried too many blacks may be sucked into  (or turned off by) it and that it would hurt the BLACK VOTE next year.

After all, Blacks Vote Democrat. So anything that suppresses the Black Vote (Voter ID for example) for Democrats is bad for The Party and is obviously an “injustice”.

The Left created this Frankenstein’s Monster and now it’s running amok indiscriminately attacking any villagers it wants. It can’t “harness” it’s power for the Good of The Party  because it was not created to. It was created to be mad at White People and Cops, and if that spreads to the Politicians, oh well, the law of unintended consequences just bit you in the ass.

They are the voice of the perpetual “victims” created by Leftist for the last 50 years.
The Democrats built this Frankenstein out of fake outrage and race baiting now it’s loose and rampaging the countryside.
Its their fault. It’s your monster. Its the child of their Agenda.
Why Aren’t you proud of your creation?

Oh, right, it does not use its power for the good of The Party Agenda. 🙂

#BlackLivesMatter is fast becoming its own worst enemy.

It lacks an agenda, it is antagonizing the black community’s top white political allies (The White Guilt crowd amongst others), including Democrats running for the party’s 2016 presidential nomination, and it is not finding common ground with any of the Republican majority in Congress.

The catalyst for the movement was outrage over the deaths of young black men like Freddie Gray, Michael Brown and Eric Garner at the hands of police officers who arguably used excessive, even deadly force. But where is the list of solutions to the injustices it so often decries?

The don’t want solutions, they want blood! Vengeance! Wrath!! They are Liberal Zombies attacking!

The movement’s failure to get its collective act together carries real danger for the political clout of the African-American community in the 2016 elections and beyond.

Which is the real “outrage”. 🙂 The Perpetual “victims” the Left has created are supposed to direct their ire at The Party’s enemies only and be loyal zombies and vote for The Party.

That’s what they were created for, a strategic voting block. That’s their purpose.

With the movement potentially discouraging black American trust in Democrats, #BlackLivesMatter is increasing the odds of a sharp drop in black voter turnout in 2016. Already Democrats privately worry that without President Obama on the ballot, the black vote will decrease the turnout needed to keep the White House and win back the Senate.

It’s all about Political Strategy. #BlackVotersMatter, more like.

That is more likely to happen if black voters get caught up in the anger that the BlackLives movement has directed at the political structure. The potential absence of black voters who have become discouraged — about a quarter of the nation’s Democrats — would be more devastating than any Republican plan to require voter identification, reduce the number of polling places in black neighborhoods or cut back on early voting.

When BlackLives activists denounce the Democratic National Committee for issuing a resolution in support of police reform, they are hurting themselves with party officials. When they say that all political parties try to “control or contain” black liberation, they are also damaging faith in the political system, especially among young people.

When they interrupt Democrats running for the presidential nomination, such as Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley, they are alienating longtime political allies and their supporters. When they videotape Hillary Clinton after she generously agrees to meet with them privately — in an apparent attempt to embarrass her — they are distancing themselves from the likely Democratic nominee. And imagine how local and state officials will react now to any request for a meeting with the group.

Meanwhile, they are not finding common cause with Latinos, even as immigrants are being attacked by the Republican candidates for the presidential election. Have you seen BlackLives interrupting Donald Trump’s events? Where is the outreach to Republicans?

Don’t you mean outrage? 🙂

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) is one the most outspoken leaders in either political party on the racial inequities of prison reform. “I see an America where criminal justice is applied equally and any law that disproportionately incarcerates people of color is repealed,” he said in his announcement speech. If change is the goal, where is the alliance with the senator?

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, a former federal prosecutor, has declared on the campaign trail that “the war on drugs has been a failure.” He told an audience last month “everyone makes mistakes” and that society needs to “reach out” and “embrace those people and say, ‘If you’re not a violent offender, if you’re not dealing drugs to our children, we need to get you treatment rather than prison.’ ”

Earlier this year, the Brennan Center for Law and Justice published a collection of essays highlighting the bipartisan consensus among national politicians that there is a need for sentencing reform, called Solutions: American Leaders speak out on Criminal Justice. Clinton, O’Malley, Paul, Christie and fellow presidential candidates Jim Webb, Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, Scott Walker and Marco Rubio each penned essays for the Brennan Center on the need for reform.

And it’s not just those running for the Oval Office — leading congressional Republicans like Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Tea Party favorite Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) have all endorsed proposals to relax the federal sentencing laws. Grassley has said he wants to move on a bill this year to do just that.

A bipartisan bill, the Safe, Accountable, Fair, and Effective (SAFE) Justice Act authored by Republican Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin and Democratic Rep. Bobby Scott of Virginia, has about three-dozen bipartisan co-sponsors in the House already. If #BlackLivesMatter protesters were chanting “Pass the SAFE Justice Act now!” they could find themselves in position to make significant change. Somehow they are blind to the opportunity.

It has been said that politicians see the light once they feel the heat. If only the energy and passion of #BlackLivesMatter protesters could be harnessed in something constructive rather than destructive.

Democrats never see the light, they just see their Agenda.

Lobby Congress, hold voter registration drives, quiz candidates on their plan for sentencing reform, but don’t heckle the candidates and incite violence by calling for cop-killing. The movement could be critical to securing and mobilizing black support for criminal justice reform that actually would improve black lives.

I am reminded of something my father, who trained boxers, once told me.

He said even the best fighters know fear is like fire. It can cook your food and light your home. It can also burn your house down and kill you. The key to controlling fear or fire is turning it to a constructive purpose. 

Now if only #BlackLivesMatter will harness its own fire into the urgent cause of criminal justice reform.

My hope is, that the Democrats get burned by this fire. Not that they’ll learn anything from it though. They aren’t capable of that. But if they torch enough mindless black Democrats from voting next year maybe it will offset the cheating the Democrats do every election and it just might be “fair”, which is bad for them 🙂



Blame The Gun

Voter Fraud, Nope Don’t See Any Signs, Sorry!

Remember, only Republicans commit voter fraud…(according the The Ministry of Truth)… 🙂


La Raza has been busy distributing an informative infographic to help people find polling places that do not require identification to cast a ballot.  Efforts to get out fraudulent votes aren’t even happening in the shadows anymore, it seems.

The pro-amnesty Hispanic activist organization the National Council of La Raza helpfully promoted a Washington Post article explaining which states people can vote in without having to use a photo ID.

The Chicago chapter of Asian Americans Advancing Justice tweeted Blake’s article with the message, “Reminder — #Illinois does NOT require #voterID to cast a ballot,” along with the pro-Democrat hashtag #TurnOutForWhat. The tweet was helpfully retweeted by the National Council of La Raza.

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It’s just a helpful guide, not a guide to how to and where to cheat the system for your own benefit, yeah that’s the ticket.

After all, if this didn’t exist all those illegals and multiple voters would live in fear of not being able to vote and that’s “voter suppression” and we can’t have that now can we!

And those evil, racist Voter ID laws…

Every warm body should be able to vote for a Democrat! 🙂



Legally, who cares about that, it’s about beating those evil Republicans before they destroy America and kill people! 🙂

155543 600 halloween voter cartoons

Fraud Rant

Ah, Liberal “voter suppression” wins. 🙂

Federal officials must help Kansas and Arizona enforce laws requiring new voters to document their U.S. citizenship, a federal judge ruled Wednesday, in a decision that could encourage other Republican-led states to consider similar policies.

U.S. District Judge Eric Melgren in Wichita, Kan., ordered the U.S. Election Assistance Commission to immediately modify a national voter registration form to add special instructions for Arizona and Kansas residents about their states’ proof-of-citizenship requirements.

Both require new voters to provide a birth certificate, passport or other documentation to prove their U.S. citizenship to election officials. The federal registration form requires only that prospective voters sign a statement declaring they are citizens.

Well, that judge went 0ff the “racist” reservation so he’ll need to be put down. 🙂

league President Elisabeth MacNamara said: “Our first impression is that it’s a harsh decision and it’s a decision that will harm voters.”

Illegal voters that is… 🙂

But I’m sure they shop for an Liberal Appeals Court to overturn it. Can’t have the Agenda stopped you know. After all, you’re just a “racist” if you go off the Agenda.

After all, the New York Times goes to great lengths to point out that the judge who ruled against “minorities” and “the poor” was appointed by George W. Bush and that the plaintiffs in the case were Republicans.

Boo-Hiss!! 🙂

In an interview, the Arizona attorney general, Tom Horne, also a Republican, said, “This decision is an important victory against the Obama administration because it ensures that only U.S. citizens, and not illegals, vote in Arizona elections.”

The secretary of state of Kansas, Kris W. Kobach, a Republican and one of the most forceful advocates nationally against illegal immigration, called the ruling “a win for states’ rights.” He added, “We have now paved the way for all 50 states to protect their voter rolls and ensure that only U.S. citizens can vote.”

There has been little evidence of in-person voter fraud or efforts by noncitizens to vote, but the poor and minorities are likely to be affected.

Studies have shown that the poor and minorities often lack passports and access to birth certificates needed to register under the laws in question. (NYT)

But they can afford that BIG SCREEN TV (and a passport  or birth certificate is hardly the ONLY thing needed but hey it’s a liberal sob story so don’t expect truth… 🙂

And a lady in Ohio (2013 story), “Yes, I voted twice,” Richardson told WCPO-TV. “I, after registering thousands of people, certainly wanted my vote to count, so I voted. I voted at the polls.”

“It wasn’t a big deal,” she said.

This is your typical narcissist response. Two nights ago on “Mystery Diners” a waitress was annoyed she was fired for scamming her boss out of thousands of dollars in a coupon scam and called it a “victimless crime”. The owner of the restaurant who was losing money on these fake coupons disagreed.

Another voter admitted to double voting, but did not think it was an issue.

“The voter said yes she ‘voted early’ and then voted again, then she asked ‘what’s the problem?'” according to the report. (FOX)

What’s a little fraud when the Agenda is far more important. The end justifies the means, after all.

So what if Illegal Aliens vote, as long a Democrats win, why should you care? 🙂

Dear Mrs. Richardson got 5 years in prison, we got 8 years of Obama.

I think she got the lighter sentence.

She was convicted of voting twice in the 2012 election and voting three times — in 2008, 2011 and 2012 — for her sister, Montez Richardson, who has been in a coma since 2003.

“I think the board has shown me nothing but total disrespect for the 30 years I’ve served them,” she told the judge. “I believe in the system and I’ve done nothing to harm the system or cause disgrace to President Obama.”

Cue, “Mystery Diners”. 🙂

But I’m sure we’re all “racists” for objecting somehow.

The conservative, outspoken judge responded with scathing comments, blasting Richardson for suggesting she was being prosecuted because she was a black Democrat helping a black Democratic presidential candidate.

“It has nothing to do with race.  🙂 It has nothing to do with politics. It has nothing to do with disrespecting you. You did this to yourself,” Ruehlman told her. “You’re very selfish, self-centered. I really believe President Obama, if he were asked about this today, he would be appalled. He would not want anybody to cheat to get elected.”

I would beg to differ on that. I think they not only encourage it, they create it.

3 other were convicted (not all of them black). 🙂

And that’s only in Cincinnati. How many across the country. After all, ACORN was everywhere.

And true to the “justice” system, she got out of jail less than a year later.

She has “bipolar disorder” so pity her!

Yeah, she’ll be very repentant. 🙂

“She had said she had no intent to commit voter fraud.” (CBS)

Just like Obama had no intent on killing off your insurance plan, your doctor, or your wallet. And with a liberal, intent is everything. Actions are meaningless, intent is not, in their heads.

So long as their heart is in the “good” if object you must be a bad person.

P.s. Guy Benson: It is an article of faith on the Left that voter fraud does not exist beyond the imaginations of racist right-wingers, hellbent on imposing “unconstitutional” voter ID laws fashioned to “suppress” minority turnout in elections. These objections are race-baiting nonsense; they’re unsupported by both empirical evidence and Supreme Court precedent. The high court upheld Indiana’s law in a 6-3 decision in 2008. The ruling was authored by uber-liberal Justice John Paul Stevens. And after Georgia implemented its own law in 2007 (which survived a legal challenge), minority voter participation increasedin the next two election cycles. ABC News has called voter fraud a “rare but real” phenomenon, evidenced by a number of relatively high-profile convictions in recent years. Congress defunded the left-wing group ACORN (for whom Barack Obama once organized) over widespread voter registration fraud and other outrages. The watchdog group True the Vote — whose founder’s businesses and family have been harassed by the IRS and other federal agencies — documents voter fraud prosecutions in 46 states since 2000. Which brings us to a report that aired earlier this month on NBC’s local affiliate in Ft. Myers, Florida. WBBH-TV reporter Andy Pierrotti managed to track down dozens of local residents who were (a) both non-US citizens and (b) registered to vote in the swing state. Many of them had illegally voted in recent elections.

And Liberal states hand out Drivers Licenses to Illegal Aliens, that can then be used to geta Voter ID.

“We don’t know how widespread this problem is because elections offices don’t keep track of where non-citizens live,” Pierrotti reports, “So we decided to do something that they’d never tried to do before: We found them on our own.” The investigation began by examining state forms on which residents had declined jury duty by checking a box indicating that they weren’t US citizens, and were therefore ineligible to serve. Pierrotti then cross-referenced those results with local voter rolls, identifying at least 94 people who were registered to vote in the state of Florida. Next, he visited some of these people at their homes, where they admitted that they weren’t citizens and professed ignorance as to how they were registered to vote in the first place. But voting records confirmed that they’d exercised their “right” to vote that, as non-citizens, they do not actually possess. The NBC 2 team interviewed a number of these illegal voters on camera, including a Jamaican national who simply attested that he was a US citizen on a voter registration form, and — voila! — he joined the American electorate. It was a felony, but it was that easy. And if a news crew hadn’t connected the dots, no one would have ever known. This passage in the report is crucial:


REPORTER: County supervisors of elections tell me they have no way to verify citizenship. Under the 1992 “Motor Voter” law, they’re not required to ask for proof. 

HARRINGTON: We have no policing authority. We don’t have any way of bouncing that information off of any other database.

REPORTER: The only way supervisors of elections can investigate voter fraud is if they get a tip, so that’s what our list became.

HARRINGTON: It could be very serious. It could change the whole complexion of an election.



Here’s the problem: This handful of wrongs are now being looked at and dealt with, but it took an enterprising and creative journalist to uncover them. These are 94 cases he uncovered in his own backyard alone, using just one narrow method. How many people in this country are registered to vote, and actually do vote, who are not US citizens? We don’t know. It is lunacy that election supervisors “have no way to verify citizenship” in many places, even at the point of registration. It’s further lunacy that we would not require every potential voter to produce valid proof of citizenship before casting a ballot, from coast to coast. These steps are so basic, so fundamentally fair, and so rudimentary that it’s difficult to accept that an entire political party is dead-set against these voter integrity efforts for reasons that are not nefarious. Only US citizens are allowed to participate in US elections under the law. Citizens who don’t have proper identification ought to be able to obtain them quickly and easily. That’s the reasonable recourse for the “suppression” non-problem. But every single person who wants to vote should prove that they’re doing so legally. That’s not racism; that’s painfully basic common sense. Oh, and it’s overwhelmingly supported by Americans of all political stripes.

Parting thought:
A quick calculation, as a point of reference. This local reporter found 94 illegally registered voters in one small region using one narrow verification method. If you extrapolate his number over Florida’s 67 counties, that’s nearly 6,300 people. In 2000, the United States Presidency was determined by 537 Florida votes.

DNC Press Secretary and former Obama Campaign Spokesman Mike Czin quickly took notice and immediately condemned Voter ID laws, not the fraud clearly documented in the report.

After all, the Voter ID Laws are the problem, not the voter fraud! 🙂

You racist, discriminatory  haters of poor people! 🙂

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell


Your Federal Family

“mundane matters often get brushed aside by ideological crusaders out to change the world to fit their own vision. When the world fails to conform to their vision, then it seems obvious to the ideologues that it is the world that is wrong, not that their vision is uninformed or unrealistic….To those with the crusading mentality, failure only means that they should try, try again — at other people’s expense, including not only the taxpayers but also those whose lives have been disrupted, or even made miserable and dangerous, by previous bright ideas of third parties who pay no price for being wrong.”

Doesn’t that sum up the Left in a nutshell.

Holder is also taking legal action against the state of Louisiana for having so many charter schools, on grounds that these schools do not mix and match the races the way that public schools are supposed to.

The fact that those charter schools which are successful in educating low-income and minority students that the public schools fail to educate are giving these youngsters a shot at a decent life that they are not likely to get elsewhere does not deter the ideological crusaders.

Nor does it deter the politicians who are serving the interests of the teachers’ unions, who see public schools as places to provide jobs for their members, even if that means a poor education and poor prospects in life for generations of minority students. All this ideological self-indulgence and cynical political activity is washed down with lofty rhetoric about “compassion,” “inclusion” and the like. (Thomas Sowell)

In August, DOJ’s civil rights division — the same bunch that dropped the case of a group of New Black Panthers wearing military garb and carrying billy clubs as they stood outside a Philadelphia polling place in 2008 — filed suit against the state of Texas. In it, the government said it would not allow the Supreme Court’s decision to be interpreted as open season for states to pursue measures that suppress voting rights.

In its suit, DOJ also contends that Texas adopted a voter identification law with the purpose of denying or restricting the right to vote on account of race, color or membership in a language minority group. Under Texas law, Holder said, “Many of those without IDs would have to travel great distances to get them — and some would struggle to pay for the documents they might need to obtain them.”

Holder called such fees “poll taxes,” a mechanism once used by southern states to keep poor minorities from voting.

Holder’s problem is that the Supreme Court has already ruled that requiring photo IDs to vote — as required, for example, at the 2012 Democratic National Convention — does not constitute an undue burden on minorities since the requirement and any fees are applied to all voters equally.

A study by the University of Delaware and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln found that “concerns about voter identification laws affecting turnout are much ado about nothing.” Nothing, that is, unless you are an administration willing to play the race card to gain minority votes in the next election.

Just as in Indiana no one could find a single voter disenfranchised by Voter ID, the vote results in Georgia also expose the myth of voter disenfranchisement, according to an Atlanta Journal-Constitution review of statewide voting patterns after the law took effect in 2008.

“Elections data reviewed by the AJC show that participation among black voters rose by 44% from 2006 — before the law was implemented — to 2010. For Hispanics, the increase for the same period was 67%. Turnout among whites rose 12%,” the newspaper reported.

“If you look at the numbers, they clearly show that critics of this law were wrong,” said Hans von Spakovsky, former legal counsel to the Justice Department’s civil rights division who now works for the conservative Heritage Foundation. “Their argument has always been it would depress turnout. But it didn’t happen — quite the opposite.” (IBD)

But the reason they are so hopped-up about it is clearly just racial politics. Whitey doesn’t want you to vote for a Democrat, that sort of BS.

The politics of racial division , is “inclusion”.

A news release issued Tuesday by Health and Human Services refers to “our federal family.” How charming of Washington to try to con Americans into thinking that it’s a nurturing institution.

The federal government has in fact become a belligerent force, and for HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to make it sound as if it’s a warm, cuddly family that merely wants to protect its own is an insidious use of language. It’s an obvious effort to cloud reality, to reshape Americans’ thinking. (IBD)

Orwell couldn’t do any better.

H.L. Mencken famously said “the urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule.” He understood what the “federal family” is really all about.

Do you?

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

Political Cartoons by Steve Breen


Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood told The Daily Caller that he is “very proud” of the Economic Recovery Act of 2009 that put 65,000 people to work with $48 billion in federal funds for the Department of Transportation, amounting to $738,461 per job.

The Recovery Act of 2009, which in total cost taxpayers $825 billion, has been criticized because it did not prevent the unemployment rate from rising above 8 percent, contrary to what the Obama administration predicted.

“Yeah, we spent $48 billion and we put 65,000 people to work in 15,000 projects in two years with no problems,” LaHood told The Daily Caller in a video interview in Alexandria, Va., on Friday. “I’m very proud of that. I know that the governors can spend this money because over two years we gave them $48 billion, they created 65,000 jobs in 15,000 projects. This is doable. We’re going to get the money out and get people to work.” (DC)

So with around 13 million unemployed this is doable. 🙂 That’s only 96,000 Billion!!!


The Liberals were right, the Stimulus was too small! 🙂

On Monday’s broadcast of Fox News Channel’s “The Five,” co-host Greg Gutfeld said Obama deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter wasn’t that far off when she told CNN’s “State of the Union” that entertainment media outlets and national press outlets are equally important.

What she said (and look for the childish attack at the end): According to Cutter, making time for those outlets is as important as focusing on traditional media.

“I don’t think that they’re more important, but I think that they’re equally important,” Cutter said. “I think that’s where a lot of Americans get their news. And I think the president’s going to continue doing that. You know, Mitt Romney might have had two media availabilities, but what did he tell you, Jim, in those media availabilities?

“He told you he wasn’t going to release his taxes because he was afraid of getting attacked. And you know, he spouted off lies [about] the president’s Medicare system. So, do you find that media availability really useful if he is not being transparent about his own policies and distorting the president’s? ”(DC)

Gutfeld explained that Hollywood, and by extension the Hollywood press, both want Obama re-elected.

“The reason Obama prefers Tinseltown rags to national press is simple: If Hollywood is the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party, then the Hollywood press is the propaganda arm for the propaganda arm,” Gutfeld said.

“It’s just another vehicle to make a political disaster tastier to a dismayed public,” said Gutfeld “And since entertainment hacks must kiss the stars’ behind to survive they must embrace the pet causes, too. Before it was global warming, but now it’s Obama, who is bigger than the globe. It’s another Obama first — a U.S. president who finds the job too local for him. Be honest, Jasper [‘The Five’ co-host Dana Perino’s dog] knows more about politics than the Hollywood act. Look at him.”

“But the biggest joke in all of this — that the national press thinks it’s different. No guys, you’re not. You’re every bit as shallow and coopted as the typical entertainment reporter fawning over Ryan Gosling’s chiseled pecks — they are chiseled,” Gutfeld added.

“So Cutter is right, there is no difference between the news press and the entertainment press. They are two industries united by hero worship, protecting the president’s flanks when they should be challenging him. And the public ends up with a presidency that feels like another summer repeat that needs canceling because in the real world, you can’t turn turkey into a blockbuster no matter how many positive reviews you buy.” (DC)

So if Obama wants to hang out with Entertainment Tonight and People Magazine rather than, say, a Press Conference. It really doesn’t matter because they are all fluff all the time for him anyhow and he’s going to stay in the fluff.


On August 15, a Pennsylvania judge upheld the Commonwealth’s new law requiring one of a plethora of forms of identification — including a driver’s license, accredited school ID, government employee badge and a new voter-specific ID, among others — be used at a polling place to certify a voter is who they say they are.

The next day, the lead plaintiff in the lawsuit got the ID she needed to vote despite the alleged hurdles her ACLU lawyers said stood in her way.

Viviette Applewhite took two public buses to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation office on her own. In its filing on her behalf, the ACLU insisted the elderly civil rights movement veteran whose purse was stolen years ago and lacks a birth certificate “has been unable to obtain photo identification required by Pennsylvania’s photo ID law” and “will no longer be able to vote.”

Yet a frayed, partially legible Medicare card and copies of correspondence from Pennsylvania’s welfare office and elsewhere was enough for the clerks to give Applewhite the ID she can use to vote in November.

The ACLU, planning to appeal the ruling, is unsure if Applewhite will remain a plaintiff. The answer seems obvious.

This episode should end all arguments that voter ID is voter suppression. Applewhite’s ability to easily get an ID card is a complete repudiation of the vicious campaign of deceit against voter ID that has seen ample plays of the race card (Applewhite is black) and the age card (she is 93 and uses a wheelchair), as well as the amplification of the left’s class-warfare strategy (she is poor).

Viviette Applewhite didn’t need an army of ACLU lawyers to secure her vote — but she could have used a ride. Therein lies the inherent irresponsibility of liberal voter ID complaints.

Liberals appear adept at registering people to vote. The NAACP, for instance, has a website dedicated to helping people register. Groups such as the Voter Participation Center are sending out absentee ballots to seemingly every mailing list they can find with such zeal that family pets are receiving VPC’s partially completed requests for ballots. Similar groups are devoting significant resources to educating potential voters about liberal candidates and issues. And there will undoubtedly be massive get-out-the-vote efforts in November.

Yet there never seems to be a point where potential voters are asked: “Do you know you need proper ID to vote? Can we help you get that ID?”

The ACLU has lawyers. The NAACP has lawyers. The Brennan Center for Justice and other groups against voter ID have lawyers who should be able to help those who think they may have trouble obtaining proper ID on a case-by-case basis.

Judge Robert E. Simpson, Jr., in his ruling, called the Pennsylvania law a “reasonable, non-discriminatory, non-severe burden when viewed in the broader context of the widespread use of photo ID in daily life.”

Do voter ID opponents want to keep people who don’t have photo IDs from entering the 21st century? More likely, they want an excuse. In 2000, liberals blamed their electoral loss on the design of certain ballots. In 2004, it was electronic voting machinesmade by a company owned by a Republican. With so many close races to be decided this November, it appears liberals are looking for a handy excuse to challenge their losses.

And anyway they can cheat the system. After all, if you have no morals about voter fraud then y6ou want to strike down as many Voter ID laws as possible and “racism” and “grandma” are always your go-to weapons of choice.


Playing Chicken with The Left

Chick-fil-A is a family owned and operated company. It has 1,615 stores in 39 states, and 2011 sales were $4.1 billion.

But don’t worry, according to Obama they didn’t build it, so is the government to blame in the end? 🙂

The backlash across the country against Chick-fil-A has been ferocious. After the mayors of Chicago and Boston heaped scorn upon the company, the mayor of Washington, DC, suggested it was peddling “hate chicken.”

Those comments drew a sharp response from Rev. William Owens of the Coalition of African American Pastors. “Some people are saying that because of the position that Chick-fil-A is taking, they don’t want them in their cities. It is a disgrace. It is the same thing that happened when I was marching for civil rights, when they didn’t want a black to come into their restaurant,” he told a press conference in Washington, DC.

The Chick-fil-A firestorm has taken on different meanings for different people. For some, it harks to the days of intolerance and segregation. For others, it is about religious views of marriage. But for most people who Fox News spoke to today, it is about free speech.

“I think it comes down to a First Amendment issue. I mean, I do believe in the traditional values of marriage between a man and a woman,” youth pastor Stephen Lenahan told Fox News after a leisurely breakfast with three members of his ministry. He is also puzzled as to why Dan Cathy is such a target, when other corporate CEOs who openly support same-sex marriage are not similarly criticized by conservatives.

Lenahan says he sees a bigger issue at work here. “There is kind of a culture war going on and people aren’t really respecting each other and difference of opinion.  There’s no dialogue taking place to get to the heart of what we really believe as a nation and what is truth.”

It is about Freedom of Speech. The Politically Correct who have been steadily growing for more than 30 years have reached their apex of intolerance.
You’re either with them 100% or you’re a Bigot/Racist/Discriminatory Hater.
No middle ground. No negotiation. NO agree to disagree.
It there way or else.
They are the morally superior and you’re a moron and bigot for daring ton disagree with them and they’ll prove it by being intolerant bullies.
The Thought Police are fully realized in their heads.
“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime is death.”
– George Orwell, 1984, Book 1, Chapter 2
It is the job of the Thought Police to uncover and punish thoughtcrime and thought-criminals. They use psychology and omnipresent surveillance (such as telescreens) to monitor, search, find and arrest members of society who could potentially challenge authority and status quo, even only by thought, hence the name Thought Police.
They use terror to achieve their ends.
The government (controlled entirely by the Inner Party) attempts to control not only the speech and actions, but also the thoughts of its subjects, labeling unapproved thoughts with the term thoughtcrime, or “hate”, “racism”,”bigotry”.
“There was of course no way of knowing whether you were being watched at any given moment. How often, or on what system, the Thought Police plugged in on any individual wire was guesswork. It was even conceivable that they watched everybody all the time. But at any rate they could plug in your wire whenever they wanted to. You had to live—did live, from habit that became instinct—in the assumption that every sound you made was overheard, and, except in darkness, every movement scrutinized.”
Remember the Drones. 🙂
Meanwhile, they take a holier-than-thou morally superior self-aggrandizing view of themselves.
So there is a protest.
Gee, it’s almost as if, once again, employing heavy-handed intimidation tactics against people who are exercising their right to free speech isn’t going so well for our friends on the liberal left. It’s almost as if the bullying isn’t working, even though it’s being done by people who perpetually paint themselves as victims. It’s almost as if Americans just want to enjoy a damn chicken sandwich for lunch without being scolded for it. (DC)
A bomb threat closed a Chick-fil-A franchise in West Virginia for several hours on Wednesday as supporters across the country participated in an organized “appreciation day” of the fast-food chain. (DC)

So let’s see if the Tea Party gets the blame for that one. 🙂
“And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed-if all records told the same tale-then the lie passed into history and became truth. ‘Who controls the past’ ran the Party slogan, ‘controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.'”– George Orwell, 1984, Book 1, Chapter 3
“It was terribly dangerous to let your thoughts wander when you were in any public place or within range of a telescreen. The smallest thing could give you away. A nervous tic, an unconscious look of anxiety, a habit of muttering to yourself–anything that carried with it the suggestion of abnormality, of having something to hide. In any case, to wear an improper expression on your face…; was itself a punishable offense. There was even a word for it in Newspeak: facecrime…”- George Orwell, 1984, Book 1, Chapter 5
Future Attribute Screening Technology, or FAST, anyone? 🙂
FAST is designed to track and monitor, among other inputs, body movements, voice pitch changes, prosody changes (alterations in the rhythm and intonation of speech), eye movements, body heat changes, and breathing patterns. Occupation and age are also considered. A government source told CNET that blink rate and pupil variation are measured too.

Here is a quiz for you. Is predicting crime before it happens: (a) something out of Philip K. Dick’s Minority Report; (b) the subject of of a Department of Homeland Security research project that has recently entered testing; (c) a terrible and dangerous idea which will inevitably be counter-productive and which will levy a high price in terms of civil liberties while providing little to no marginal security; or (d) all of the above.

If you picked (d) you are a winner! (Atlantic)

Here is another of the Left’s new canards and a new study shows it.

Criminal justice data shows that blacks and poor people are the most common victims of voter fraud and are the greatest beneficiaries of voter identification rules, according to a new study.

The courtroom evidence “completely contradicts the [progressive claim] that blacks, seniors, college students and other disadvantages groups are being victimized,” said Horace Cooper, an adjunct fellow at the National Center for Public Policy Research.

“The truth is … [that] the criminals — more often than not — are Democrats violating the rights of people who tend to be black or senior,” he told The Daily Caller.

A large investigation in Virginia, for example, showed that 30 percent of fraud allegations were centered in Richmond, which has the highest percentage of African-Americans in the state. In the state a wide investigation of voter fraud produced criminal charges against 38 people.

Good voter identification procedures would reduce that fraudulent voting, and aid minorities most, Cooper said.

The new study damages progressives’ claims that the popular demand for voter identification laws mask a GOP effort to suppress the vote of racial and ethnic minorities who support Democratic candidates.

That claim has been central to a variety of Democratic efforts to block voter ID laws in critical swing-states, including Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

For example, the New York-based Brennan Center claims that “as many as 11 percent of eligible voters do not have government-issued photo,” and that people should be allowed to use other form of identification when voting.

President Barack Obama’s Department of Justice has also sued to block voter ID laws. Attorney General Eric Holder has repeatedly suggested these laws are racist and intended to suppress African-American voting.

But GOP politicians and activists say voter ID laws are needed to suppress a significant level of fraudulent voting in general elections and in primaries.

The campaign for better voter-identification laws has public support — polls show overwhelming support for new laws — as well as support from the Supreme Court.

The court has already approved voter ID laws in various states, including Georgia, despite furious opposition among progressives and Democratic activists.

Cooper’s study highlighted cases where inadequate voter ID rules allowed political operatives to submit fraudulent votes under the names of local minorities.

Three times as many Democrats as Republicans have been charged with voter fraud, he said.

In Troy, New York, four Democratic officials have pled guilty to forging mail-in ballots. The fake ballots were submitted under the names of people who “live in low-income housing [because] there is a sense that they are a lot less likely to ask any questions. … What appears as a huge conspiracy to nonpolitical persons is really a normal political tactic,” Democratic Committeeman Anthony DeFiglio told the police as he plead guilty.

A particular problem is fraudulent voting during low-turnout primary elections, which allows corrupt Democratic party bosses to keep control over elected representatives, former Democratic Rep. Artur Davis told TheDC.

“The people who engage in the in-person fraud, or the theft and interception of ballots, or the people who try to [arrange votes by] illegal felons and aliens … are doing so at the expense of minorities that they fear won’t show up” during the election, Cooper said.

Often, “it is their view that minorities aren’t reliable voters and that they need to manipulate the outcome on their behalf,” he said.

“If that’s not bigoted and racist, I don’t know what it,” he added. (DC)

But the Politically correct will call you a bigot for even daring to disagree with them. You know it, they know it.
So you just have to embraced it and stand up to the Thought Police Police Bully.



Bad Advice

Michael Ramirez Cartoon 

White House senior adviser David Plouffe said on Sunday Republicans want “huge tax cuts for the wealthy, more war, more debt.” 

“They want to return us back to the same policies that caused the recession — huge tax cuts for the wealthy, more war, more debt. And independent economists last week just said the Romney congressional agenda would cause us harm in the short term economically and slow down the recovery. So that’s the wrong direction,” he said on ABC’s “This Week.”

And it’s own mid-june. Imagine what the hype ,the lies, distortions,and rhetoric is going to be in 4 months! 🙂

Video from 1994 has surfaced of David Axelrod, President Obama’s chief campaign strategist, calling former President George H.W. Bush “out of touch” for “tastelessly” playing golf while trying to convince voters that the economy is improving.

“Bush tastelessly did it, often from the ninth hole, and from the cigar boat and other places,” Axelrod said.

Added the adviser: “The impression you got was that he was out of touch.”

President Obama rolled out of his Kenwood, Chicago home Sunday morning and headed to out to play his 100th round of golf since becoming president.
Obama has already played golf eight times this year. He actually is a little off his normal pace – perhaps campaigning is intruding on golf. The president golfed 28 times in 2009, 30 times in 2010, and an incredible 34 times in 2011.
But he’s the “First Black President” so I must be a racist for pointing out that Bush never played this many rounds and actually quit playing because of the criticism. 🙂
After all, he wants what he wants when he wants it.

This was 1987 folks. Gee, I guess only Liberals want to yell at Presidents  but you’re never supposed to do it to them.

Gee, that trend of Don’t Do as I do, Do as I say and I can do it but you can’t isn’t the accepted norm with Liberals.

Well, time to stop drinking that Big Gulp  and “Let’s Move” and do a “little weed” just like the President did when he was younger and now all the 60’s hippies want to you to do it now too.

Cigarettes Vs. Marijuana

The Partnership Attitude Tracking Study, sponsored by MetLife Foundation, found that 9 percent of teens (nearly 1.5 million) smoked marijuana heavily (at least 20 times) in the past month. Overall, past-month heavy marijuana use is up 80 percent among U.S. teens since 2008.

Past-month use is up 42 percent (up from 19 percent in 2008 to 27 percent in 2011, which translates to about 4 million teens).

Past-year use is up 26 percent (up from 31 percent in 2008 to 39 percent in 2011, which translates to about 6 million teens).

Lifetime use is up 21 percent (up from 39 percent in 2008 to 47 percent in 2011, which translates to nearly 8 million teens). (MarketWatch)

And many can drive! Doesn’t that just make you feel better about Big Gulps! 🙂

Smoking rates have declined with 22 percent of teens reporting smoking cigarettes in the past month — down 19 percent from 27 percent last year.

Could that be because the dangers of smoking have been hammered for 2 decades?

So education on the dangers of smoking have worked. And so has the education on the harmlessness of pot has too. And that’s the fault of the War on Drugs.

Ah, doublethink…

Although the U.S. arrests 750,000 people every year for nothing more than possessing a small amount of marijuana, teens consistently report that marijuana is easier to obtain than alcohol. (Huffington Post)

So stop smoking cigarettes because they are bad for you, toke some weed instead! 🙂

Like for for sure, dude!

Stoners Rights!

And gee, what is one of the major things smuggled by the drug runner across the US’s “more secure than ever” Southern Border…marijuana. 🙂

So in order to solve the problem we don’t less people using it, we just need more government control of it! Sigh…


In speech after speech, President Obama credits himself for saving the Detroit auto industry. Turns out that what Obama really did was spend $23 billion in taxpayer money to pay off his union friends.

Even if you think the bailout was needed, the ultimate taxpayer cost was far higher than it should have been, according to a new report by Zywicki and James Sherk, published by the Heritage Foundation.

Worse, the entire $23 billion price tag — an estimate from Obama’s own Treasury Dept. — went to subsidize the Democrat-friendly UAW, the authors found.

Among the union giveaways:

• $21 billion more for the UAW retiree benefit trust fund than it would have received had it been treated like other unsecured creditors.

• Another $1 billion to restore pensions for UAW retirees at GM’s defunct Delphi subsidiary.

• And the UAW didn’t have to make wage concessions that a normal bankruptcy proceeding would have required. Cost to taxpayers: $4 billion.

“Had the administration required the UAW to accept standard bankruptcy concessions,” they concluded, “the government could have executed the bailout at no net cost to taxpayers.”

Obama’s former car czar, Ron Bloom, wasn’t kidding when he said of the bailout: “I did this all for the unions.” (IBD)


In his most brazen act of pandering to date, President Obama has dangled de facto amnesty to 800,000 illegal immigrants in a shameless bid to win Latino votes. This is pure banana-republic electoral politics.

After all, with no Voter ID required (because Holder and Company will shut you done if you do) but you have amnesty and a “work permit” why not vote for Obama and the Democrats. 🙂

There’s zero doubt Obama’s Friday order to hand work permits to hundreds of thousands of illegals who claim they were brought here as children is merely an embattled and unpopular president’s bid to gain an electoral edge.

Politics trump all other factors that a responsible president would consider, such as the wisdom of dumping nearly a million new job seekers onto the market to compete for jobs with America’s 26 million unemployed at a time of sky-high unemployment.

First, Democratic strategists have stated repeatedly that Obama, whose popularity is below 50% in polls, must win the Latino vote at all costs, particularly in swing states. Obama’s move panders to them.

Second, it closely follows the Dream Act prescription, favored by the open-borders lobby, the one group he must please to secure the votes. The Act stalled in Congress for lack of votes amid high public opposition.

It also comes as a flip-flop. Obama has told his supporters in the past that he couldn’t take such a brazen step, knowing that its legality and clear usurpation of congressional authority would be questioned.

And it was — by GOP Senators Charles Grassley of Iowa and Marco Rubio of Florida. Apparently, now that Obama’s re-election is on the line, anything goes.

But it’s the time frame that really gives the game away: The relief from deportation orders will be meted out in two-year increments, timed precisely with each election cycle. That way, Democrats can tell the Latino lobby to either mobilize the vote for them — or the amnesty goodies end.

This is no different from banana-republic politicos buying votes for bags of beans. Obama’s gambit is in fact straight from Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez, who, facing a tight recall referendum in 2004, handed citizenship to 2 million illegal immigrants in Venezuela to secure votes, and with Jimmy Carter’s help, won.

It’s also been done in that other banana-republic, California, where in 2003, Democratic Gov. Gray Davis offered drivers licenses to millions of illegals to secure Latino votes for his own recall referendum. It maddened California’s voters and Davis was booted.

Obama is betting that America’s voters will behave more like Venezuelans than Californians, but the tragic thing is that he’s harming the interests of the country.

Illegals with criminal pasts that can be punished with less than a year in the slammer will be fully eligible.

What’s more, our system of law will be corrupted, as officials assure the work permits are handed out on a “case-by-case basis,” an ideal setup for bribes and kickbacks. Rubio warns the move will encourage more illegal immigration — and discourage legal migrants.

The losers here are the American people, who have a leader who seems more interested in short-term political gain than actual governance — and who seems oblivious to the disruption this new amnesty policy will cause as the rule of law is undermined.

November can’t come soon enough. (IBD)

Especially, with advice like this.

Political Cartoons by Ken Catalino


I Got Me a Fever!

Welcome to Recovery Summer III: The Same Old Bovine Fecal Matter!

Employers added a paltry 69,000 jobs to their payrolls last month, the least since May of last year, and 49,000 fewer jobs were created in the previous two months than had been thought, the Labor Department said on Friday.

The jobless rate rose to 8.2 percent in May from 8.1 percent in April.

But don’t worry, the Media and the President have their spin already to go, after all they are perfect and everything’s fine. 🙂

“We’ve got responsibilities that are bigger than an election,” he said. “My message to Congress is now is not the time to play politics. Now is not the time to sit on your hands.”

Because it’s Congress’s Fault that every jobs bill that has been proposed by the republicans has been killed by the Democrats and the Democrats haven’t passed a Budget in over 3+ years!!

The average unemployment is now 40 weeks instead of 19 when Obama came into office and the sky was falling.

The economy “is growing again but it’s not growing as fast as we want,” -Obama.

This has been his soundbite for over 3 years now!

The White House says this economy isn’t really the president’s responsibility.

(But the Previous President is solely to blame for not only his administration but mine too!- Orwell Loves you Mr. President!)

On his way to a big-money fundraiser in Minnesota, President Obama told the employees of Honeywell, “our economy is still facing some serious headwinds” like the “crisis in Europe’s economy” that’s “starting to cast a shadow on our own as well.”

Last year it was Tsunami and Earthquake, Oil Spills, etc etc. ad nauseum.

Its take on what the Washington Post called a “dismal U.S. jobs report” as “businesses dramatically scaled back hiring,” was this from Council of Economic Advisers Chairman Alan Krueger:

“Today we learned that the economy has added private sector jobs for 27 straight months” — as if lukewarm net job growth that’s actually slower than the growth in the labor force should be a cause to break out the champagne in the biggest economy in the world.

Instead of blaming its failed trillion-dollar Keynesian stimulus, plus at least another trillion taking over the country’s health-insurance system, the White House disgracefully points a finger at its predecessor.

Rattling off job losses during the end of Bush’s second term, Krueger tells us, “We are still fighting back from the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.” (IBD)

We are the victims of the evil Bush and you should cheer that we have done as much as we have against such great odds. After all, the Republicans are fighting us tooth-and-nail and “obstructing” everything  and we have to contend with those “racist” tea-baggers and all we we want to do is to save you from yourself and show how we are perfection incarnate! 🙂

The jobs report came a day after the government downgraded its estimate of economic growth in the first quarter to a 1.9% annual rate, down from 3% in the fourth quarter of 2011. Some analysts said they planned to lower expectations for growth in the current quarter. (WSJ)
“It’s quite possible this could just be the norm now for several months,” T.D. Bank economist Beata Caranci said. “We are in a cycle that is not built on strong foundations.”
And it’s all those Damn Republicans/Corporations/Rich/White people’s fault!! 🙂

“I believe that If we’re successful in this election, when we’re successful in this election, that the fever may break, because there’s a tradition in the Republican Party of more common sense than that. My hope, my expectation, is that after the election, now that it turns out that the goal of beating Obama doesn’t make much sense because I’m not running again, that we can start getting some cooperation again.”

“I believe that If we’re successful in this election, when we’re successful in this election, that the fever may break, because there’s a tradition in the Republican Party of more common sense than that. My hope, my expectation, is that after the election, now that it turns out that the goal of beating Obama doesn’t make much sense because I’m not running again, that we can start getting some cooperation again.”

Obama said he expects that after his reelection, Congress will pass a balanced deficit reduction plan, a highway bill, immigration reform.

“My expectation is that if we can break this fever, that we can invest in clean energy and energy efficiency because that’s not a partisan issue.” (Buzzfeed pool report)

<<Barf Bag Overload!>>

President Obama has shelled out more in federal spending than the five presidents that came before him.-US News
So Mr “I’ve spent less than everyone else in 60 years” is as always full of himself and his bovine fecal matter. But don’t expect that to matter to him or the Media. They have there poll-tested meme and they’ll run with it.
So what if it’s a lie.
Like they care.
Then end justifies the means.
And the end is to win.
But don’t worry, Obama’s “all-in” Energy policies will save us.
Get your candles and horse-and-buggy, and solar egg warmer ready.
Previously on DOJ: The Illegal Voter Campaign Season 3
Florida election authorities are examining about 180,000 people who they say may not be U.S. citizens but are registered to vote in the state, an official said on Friday.

State officials are updating Florida’s voter rolls ahead of the U.S. presidential election in November. Florida is home to a large Latino population and is expected to be a critical swing state in the contest between Democratic President Barack Obama and presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney.

Officials in Florida have so far identified more than 2,600 potential voters who may not be U.S. citizens and sent their information to local election authorities, Cate said.

The Justice Department sent a letter to Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner Thursday evening demanding the state cease purging its voting rolls because the process it is using has not been cleared under the Voting Rights Act, TPM has learned.

DOJ also said that Florida’s voter roll purge violated the National Voter Registration Act, which stipulates that voter roll maintenance should have ceased 90 days before an election, which given Florida’s August 14 primary, meant May 16.

Five of Florida’s counties are subject to the Voting Rights Act, but the state never sought permission from either the Justice Department or a federal court to implement its voter roll maintenance program.

The person behind it:
Elise Shore. Ms. Shore came to the Voting Section by way of the “Southern Coalition for Social Justice,” where she worked as a legal consultant focusing on “voting rights, immigrant rights, and other civil rights and social justice issues.” The far left-wing positions of this group are nicely summarized on its website. Ms. Shore also made a $1,000 contribution to Barack Obama’s presidential campaign.

    Before joining the Southern Coalition for Social Justice, she worked for more than two years as a Regional Counsel for MALDEF [Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund]. There, she was an outspoken critic of Georgia’s voter ID law and well as its proof of citizenship requirements for voter registration (which, incidentally, have been found to be non-discriminatory by a federal court) and described how heartened she was that the Civil Rights Division had objected to the registration law under Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act. But her joy must have been fleeting: the Division later capitulated and withdrew its objection after Georgia filed a federal declaratory judgment action. It will be interesting to see if Shore can put her politics to the side in her role as the Voting Section’s point of contact for all redistricting submissions in the state of Florida.

Not a trace of bias anywhere no is there… 🙂
No Cheating, dishonesty intended either… 🙂
Everything is perfect and straight forward….Exactly…. 🙂
Political Cartoons by Robert Ariail
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
Political Cartoons by Henry Payne

 Michael Ramirez Cartoon

Ideological Blinders ON

You can  always count on Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee for the extremist OTT hysteria. This time after a Planned Parenthood was busted on camera for suggestion sex selection abortions.

The Republicans jumped on it. The Democrats killed it. And Lee went OTT.

“I think the next act will be dragging women out of patient rooms into the streets and screaming over their bodies as they get dragged out of getting access to women’s health care,” she said. “That’s what I feel like is occurring today with the legislation that is on the floor. Thomas, first of all, there is bipartisan and unilateral and unanimous support that we should not have agenda-based abortions for the sake of getting one gender over another. That’s a human, humane and humanitarian issue that none of us quarrel with.”

But we vote down outlawing it and The Mainstream Media will actively not report it though. 🙂

Jackson Lee explained her opposition stems from what she sees as the bill’s the invasion of privacy, and called the legislation “Draconian.”

“This bill is a direct intrusion into the relationship between patient and physician.”

Yeah,but  so does ObamaCare. 🙂

“And it suggests, it puts on them the idea that they’re going go in and have an abortion for a dastardly reason other than the choice and the personal need and the faith conversation and medical needs of that particular patient.”

But if ObamaCare mandates force Catholics to act against their morals and their faith that’s ok. Nothing to worry about.
“But I cannot find in anyway this bill any legitimacy by criminalizing, incarcerating doctors,” she added. “We’re going back to the days of coat hangers. That’s what they want to do — they want to criminalize doctors because what that says is how do you know that a doctor is engaged in helping a woman abort because of the particular gender of the fetus?” (DC)
Just like SB1070, the liberals are lying about what the bills says because of their ideological bent.
Fascinating how ideological blinders work isn’t it folks! 🙂
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi on Thursday condemned companies that pay women less than men, but was unwilling to condemn Senate Democrats who pay their female staffers less than male staffers, saying that the Senate is “another world.”
Yeah, Liberal Land. Where the only rules are that they make their own rules up and you have to follow them at any given second no questions allowed.

“It’s 2012. It’s 2012, everybody. What is it we’re talking about women getting paid less? Are you going home to your little girls each day and saying: ‘Work hard, study hard, be diligent so that when you grow up you can make less than your brother?”

She added, “There seems to be a decision somewhere in some companies and parts of our economy that that’s an okay thing to do.”

The Daily Caller asked Pelosi about a report in the Washington Free Beacon that revealed that women working for Senate Democrats in 2011 had an average salary of $60,877, whereas male staffers made about $6,500 more.

Pelosi chose not to condemn the Democratic senators, claiming that it is “another world.”

“When I was speaker, I was [the] highest paid person on Capitol Hill and the women took great joy in that,” she said, making an apparent defense of the current pay disparity.

So obviously, the pay disparity is due to her not being Speaker anymore. 🙂

And Gee, I thought “Lilly Ledbetter” was supposed to solve that. After all, last  night in a debate about the latest Planned Parenthood scandal one of the defenses by the liberal was “well none of the representatives that voted for this voted for Lilly Ledbetter…”

As if that was a defense….

Liberal: I can create class warfare bitchiness but I can also do the exact thing I’m bitching about and you can’t call me on it because I’m special and above you mere mortals.

But you can feel better though about Pelosi:

“Because I know the Constitution. This bill is iron clad, it is iron clad. Nobody was frivolous with the Constitution and the health of the American people when writing the bill [ObamaCare].”

That’s Iron ‘something’, but it’s not clad… 🙂

OBAMA at Fundraiser

“Their message will be, ‘You’re upset, you’re unsatisfied. It’s Obama’s fault.’ But I’m not worried. The reason I’m not worried is because of you,” Obama said.

(But his $38,500 a plate fundraisers aren’t for 1%ers and evil “rich” people though)

Obama contrasted his vision of government’s role in the economy and society in wide-ranging remarks to the audience, and continued his partisan attacks against Republicans.


Rep. Keith Ellison (D): ”ALEC movement to push gov’t issued ID bills was done w/ malice aforethought. Advocates KNOW ‘voter fraud’ is a myth; the point is POWER.”

He also tweeted ”11% of all Americans lack gov’t issued Photo ID,” “18% of senior citizens don’t have a gov’t photo ID,” “25% of African Americans don’t have gov’t photo ID” and “78% of Black men between 18 and 24 in WI do not have state issued photo ID. Wonder why Gov. Scott Walker pushed photo ID in WI?”

Ellison’s statistics are from the Center for American Progress, from the article “Voter Suppression 101: How Conservatives Are Conspiring to Disenfranchise Millions of Americans.”

Government-issued IDs are required to open a bank account, use a debit card, set up direct deposits, board a plane and enter government buildings, among many other activities.


1. Boarding an airplane
2. Writing a check
3. Cashing a check
4. Using a credit card
5. Driving a motor vehicle
6. Applying for a business license
7. Applying for permission to hold a protest or rally
8. Securing employment
9. Purchasing a house or real estate
10. Renting a domicile
11. Renting a motor vehicle
12. Purchasing a firearm (Includes BB guns)
13. Applying for a hunting license (waived for 16 and 17 year olds when their legal guardian provides a photo ID)
14. Applying for a fishing license (waived for 16 and 17 year olds when their legal guardian provides a photo ID)
15. Purchasing alcoholic beverages
16. Purchasing tobacco or products that contain nicotine
17. Purchasing a motor vehicle
18. Initial registration of a motor vehicle
19. Applying for a building permit
20. Receiving prescription medicine
21. Purchasing OTC medicine that contains pseudoephedrine
22. Serving on jury duty
23. Getting a bank account
24. Cash transactions of $5000.00 or greater
25. Sales tax exemption for people aged 80 and above

26. For example, in Nevada a person under 21 is not allowed to stand and observe games of chance in a casino.

So Ellison is right, it is about Power. The Power of Democrats to Cheat and Game the system with Dead People, ineligible people, and Illegal Aliens. 🙂

Thomas Sowell: Attorney General Eric Holder recently told a group of black clergymen that the right to vote was being threatened by people who are seeking to block access to the ballot box by blacks and other minorities.

This is truly world-class chutzpah, by an Attorney General who stopped attorneys in his own Department of Justice from completing the prosecution of black thugs who stationed themselves outside a Philadelphia voting site to harass and intimidate white voters.

This may have seemed like a small episode to some at the time, but it was only the proverbial tip of the iceberg. The U.S. Attorney who was prosecuting that case — J. Christian Adams — resigned from the Department of Justice in protest, and wrote a book about a whole array of similar race-based decisions on voting rights by Eric Holder and his subordinates at the Department of Justice.

The book is titled “Injustice: Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department.” It names names, dates and places around the country where the Department of Justice stopped its own attorneys from pursuing cases of voter fraud and intimidation, when it was blacks who were accused of these crimes.

If Mr. Adams is lying, he has taken a huge risk in citing individuals by name and quoting them directly. Yet, despite the fact that most of those he accuses are lawyers, apparently no one has sued him. Moreover, Adams has also testified under oath before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, on the racial double standard at the Department of Justice, when it comes to voting rights.

What Attorney General Holder has been complaining loudly about, and launching federal lawsuits about, are states that require photo identification to vote. Holder calls this blocking minority “access” to the voting booths.

Since millions of black Americans — like millions of white Americans — are confronted with demands for photo identification at airports, banks and innumerable other institutions, it is a little much to claim that requiring the same thing to vote is denying the right to vote. But Holder’s chutzpah is up to the task.

Attorney General Holder claims that the states’ requirement of photo identification for voting, in order to prevent voter fraud, is just a pretext for discriminating against blacks and other minorities. He apparently sees no voter fraud, hears no voter fraud and speaks no voter fraud.

Despite Holder’s claim, a little experiment in his own home voting district showed how easy it is to commit voter fraud. An actor — a white actor, at that — went to a voting place where Eric Holder is registered to vote, and told them that he was Eric Holder.

The actor had no identification at all with him, either with or without a photo. He told the voting official that he had forgotten and left his identification in his car. Instead of telling him to go back to the car and get some identification, the official said that that was all right, and offered him the ballot.

The actor had the good sense not to actually take the ballot, which would have made him guilty of voter fraud — and, being white, he would undoubtedly have been prosecuted by Eric Holder’s Department of Justice.

But the actor had made his point. When a white man with no identification can go to a voting site, impersonate a black man who lives in that district, and get his ballot offered to him, then it is far too easy to commit voter fraud.

Does not Attorney General Eric Holder understand that? Of course he understands it! The man is not stupid, despite his other failings.

Holder’s pooh-poohing of voter fraud dangers, and hyping the “threat” of denying minorities “access” to the voting booth, are completely consistent with his drive to (1) maximize the number of votes by black Democrats and (2) spread as much fear as possible among minorities that they are under siege, and that the Democrats are their only protection and salvation.

It is a political protection racket, with payoffs in votes.

Nor can Holder’s boss, Barack Obama, be unaware of voter fraud. After all, he comes from Chicago, where voting officials refuse to discriminate against dead people.

And we can’t forget all those Illegal Aliens that the Democrats have been  courting, especially if they are given Amnesty and become Democrats. 🙂

Political Cartoons by Chuck Asay

Political Cartoons by Brian Farrington



Not Easy Being Green

“Today’s high gas prices are a painful reminder that there’s much more work to do to free ourselves from our dependence on foreign oil and take control of our energy future,” Obama said in a statement on the energy report. “We have made progress.”

Nearly two-thirds of those polled said they did not approve of his handling of the situation with gas prices.

Yeah, we haven’t had a “green” company go bankrupt this week and cost taxpayers millions. 🙂

Happy days are here again!

Wanna Good Laugh…

One ad telling you to vote Obama because you make two gallons of gas an hour — and with minimum wage at $7.25, you can now say it’s 1.5 gallons of gas an hour — and two hitting W. for the high cost of gas.

You think the president has an “emoticon” of compassion (thank you Meghan McCain) for the last president by now?

Nah. He’s too busy “playing politics while [we] pay at the pump.” (Kate Hicks)

Phoenix Bus Strike- More Green or Else!

A union of greedy liberals are at it again. Anyone who has read my blog for any time knows how much I hate Unions and how greedy they are. This is another example.

These union hacks make $44,000 a year with generous benefits and they are mad that they don’t get even more!

Who cares if the City has budget shortfalls and there’s a recession on and lots of people are unemployed.  They want EVEN more!

Side Note: The Democrat minority in the Legislature proposed a budget that SPENDS EVEN MORE money. Nice to see some things never change no matter what. 🙂

Spokeswoman Michael said the two sides are negotiating over sick-leave provisions, wage scales and other pay and benefit issues.

And even if you give them more, a few years down the line they’ll be back like a plague of locusts to demand even more. They are drug addicts and their drug is money and they are a pack of addicts.

While car-centric metro Phoenix didn’t grind to a halt from the strike like other major metros would, the service disruption hit the blue-collar, lower-middle-income segments disproportionately.

According to a survey Valley Metro conducted of passengers between October 2010 and February 2011, about 62 percent of transit riders who ride only the bus reported annual household incomes of less than $30,000. About 29 percent of survey respondents said they had no other means of transportation.

But, like most liberals, it’s all about them! Screw the Poor! 🙂

“I’m willing to go out as long as it takes,” <Bus Driver> Ortega said. “If it’s for another day or another year, we’re fighting for our rights.”

But some Liberals are unrepentantly delusional.

Melinda McConnel, 35, had waited more than an hour for a bus at the Central Station Transit Center on Monday to head to a homeless shelter for lunch. The wait is usually less than 15 minutes, she said.

But McConnel, who said she has participated in both Occupy Los Angeles and Occupy Phoenix protests, said she supports the workers on strike.

“It doesn’t matter if I walk 1 mile or 10 miles, as long as the 1 percent isn’t taking from the 99 percent yet again,” McConnel said.

Yeah…whatever… 😦

THE “JUSTICE” DEPARTMENT AT IT AGAIN – More Pandering for Greenbacks!

Eric Holder and his Hispanic Voter/ Pro-Illegal kiss-ass jackboots are at it again.

The hacket man, Ass’t AG Thomas Perez, the same guy who refused to pursue the already-convicted Black Panthers! The same guy who made the ‘we are going to tell you specifically’ Justice Dept Charges against Sheriff Joe.

The Obama administration blocked Texas (BEESTX)’s new law requiring voters to show government-issued photo identification at the polls, escalating a partisan dispute over voting restrictions.

The U.S. Justice Department used its power under the Voting Rights Act to halt the Texas law, saying in a letter to the state today that the measure may disproportionately harm Hispanics. The department in December blocked a similar law in South Carolina (NFSESC).

Requiring people to prove they are who they say they are and are here Legally is “racist” after all.

So what if you need an ID to Rent a Movie, it’s “racist” to require it for voting.

After all, the Illegal Alien Vote is a bloc that Obama is actively courting.

“Their denial is yet another example of the Obama administration’s continuing and pervasive federal overreach,” Texas Governor Rick Perry said in a statement.

The Justice Department’s decision isn’t final. Texas and South Carolina have filed suit in federal court in Washington seeking permission to enforce their photo ID requirements.

Under the Texas law signed last year by Perry, voters who arrive at the polls without one of seven acceptable forms of photo IDs issued by the state or federal government, including concealed carry handgun permits, would be given a provisional ballot, according to the Texas Secretary of State’s website.

The law exempts mail-in ballots and voters with significant disabilities or religious objections to being photographed.

Including a Concealed Carry permit, gee, can I say that’s a very “liberal” requirement. 🙂

But, remember, this is a State Government Intrusion! And it’s “racist”!!

Hispanic registered voters in Texas are 47 percent to 120 percent more likely to lack the required identification than non-Hispanic voters, the Justice Department said in its letter. Texas has 12.9 million registered voters of whom 2.81 million are Hispanic. (and how many of them are illegal?)

120%???  Say What?!

“Even using the data most favorable to the state, Hispanics disproportionately lack either a driver’s license or a personal identification card,” Thomas Perez, head of the Justice Department’s civil rights division, wrote in the letter to Keith Ingram, the director of elections for the Texas Secretary of State.

And they can’t possible get one. That’s too much of burden. 🙂

And here’s the liberals making the VERY SAME argument they ALWAYS make:

The photo ID law would disproportionately affect poor and minority voters, who are least likely to have any of the required forms of identification or the documentation needed to obtain one, said Luis Figueroa, a San Antonio, Texas-based legislative staff attorney with the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund . It also would hurt students because college or university IDs would not be accepted, Figueroa said.

Ever heard of a fake id?! 🙂

Liberals, can’t live with them, can’t shoot them either… 🙂