Why You Should Vote Democrat

demWhat you are about to read is the best political comment I have EVER read on a website. It was written by someone who uses the moniker, “The Fall of America.”

The comment was posted on Wednesday morning, March 19, in response to a piece in The Hill.  If you are unfamiliar, this is a Washington “insider’s site” covering the nitty-gritty of what goes on within the hallowed halls of Capitol Hill.

The title of the piece was “O-Care premiums to skyrocket,” although this comment could have been in response to any topic in Washington today.

So thank-you, “The Fall of America,” whoever you are, for writing such brilliant truth and I hope that the re-posting of your comment here on RedState finds its way back to you after it goes viral. (Hint-hint to our readers.)

Why I vote Democrat    
(comment by TheFallofAmerica on March 19, 2014) 

I vote Democrat because I believe it’s okay if our federal government borrows $85 Billion every single month.

And has taken in more in Taxes in the last 18 months than anytime in American History.

When in Debt, SPEND EVEN MORE!

I vote Democrat because I care about the children … but saddling them with trillions of dollars of debt to pay for my bloated leftist government is okay.

That is if the survive Planned Parenthood.

I vote Democrat because I believe it’s better to pay billions of dollars to people who hate us rather than drill for our own oil, because it might upset some endangered beetle or gopher.

I vote Democrat because I believe it is okay if liberal activist judges rewrite the Constitution to suit some fringe kooks, who would otherwise never get their agenda past the voters.


I vote Democrat because I believe that corporate America should not be allowed to make profits for themselves or their shareholders. They need to break even and give the rest to the federal government for redistribution.

I vote Democrat because I’m not concerned about millions of babies being aborted, so long as we keep all of the murderers on death row alive.

And news of Fetal baby parts selling out of the news.

I vote Democrat because I believe it’s okay if my Nobel Peace Prize winning President uses drones to assassinate people, as long as we don’t use torture.

And “Muslim Terrorists” don’t exist, you islamophobe!

I vote Democrat because I believe people, who can’t accurately tell us if it will rain on Friday, can predict the polar ice caps will melt away in ten years if I don’t start driving a Chevy Volt.

And do everything they tell us regardless of how much it costs. Who cares if it “works”. It make me “feel good” about “doing something”.

I vote Democrat because Freedom of Speech is not as important as preventing people from being offended.

Gotta have my “safe space”. Those people who disagree with me are morons anyways… 🙂

I vote Democrat because I believe the oil companies’ profit of 3% on a gallon of gas is obscene, but the federal government taxing that same gallon of gas at 15% isn’t obscene.

And Obama is responsible for the lowering of Gas Prices in 2016 but it’s the Republicans fault for the $4 Gas.

I vote Democrat because I believe a moment of silent prayer at the beginning of the school day constitutes government indoctrination and an intrusion on parental authority ….. but sex education, condom distribution and multiculturalism are all values-neutral.

And Showing R-Rated Michael Moore Films is good “education”.

I vote Democrat because I agonize over threats to the natural environment from CO2, acid rain and toxic waste ….. but I am totally oblivious of the threats to our social environment from pornography, promiscuity and family dissolution.

I vote Democrat because I believe lazy, uneducated stoners should have just as big a say in running our country as entrepreneurs who risk everything and work 70 hours per week.

And those stoners should make $15/hr if they bother to work at all.

I vote Democrat because I don’t like guns ….. so no one else should be allowed to own one.

Especially not Cops, they just kill minorities. But when someone breaks into my house I call the..whoops…

I vote Democrat because I see absolutely no correlation between welfare and the rise of illegitimacy.


I vote Democrat because I see absolutely no correlation between judicial leniency and surging crime rates.

Nor “Strict Gun laws” and rising crime.

I vote Democrat because I believe you don’t need an ID to vote but you do to buy beer.

California alone created 605,000 Illegal Immigrant Voters!

I vote Democrat because I believe marriage is obsolete, except for homosexuals.

I vote Democrat because I think “fairness” is far more important than freedom.

I vote Democrat because I think an “equal outcome” is far more important than equal opportunity.


I vote democrat because I would rather hide in a class room while others fight for my freedom.

And don’t even think of challenging my beliefs, I need my “safe space”.

I vote democrat because I’m not smart enough to own a gun and I need someone else to protect me.

But Cops are evil and they kill people wantonly and the Military is just a bunch of PTSD Psychos.

I vote democrat because I would rather have free stuff than freedom.

And lastly, I vote Democrat because I’m convinced that government programs are the solution to the human condition, NOT freedom.




Political Cartoons by Steve Kelley


Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

If They Say Something,See Them Reported

At Pennsylvania State University, no hurt feeling is too small, no slight too inconsequential, no unintentionally biased statement too unimportant.

Administrators want to know it all.

“Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.”
― George Orwell, 1984

The public university is in the midst of a massive campaign that encourages students not only to watch what they say, lest they offend someone, but also to report any and all biased statements to campus officials.

“There is no place for hate, overt or subtle, at Penn State – such actions do not represent our mutually held values,” Eric Barron, president of Penn State, stated in a recent message to the campus community.

I hate Liberals! 🙂  I hate Political Correctness! 🙂

1984: Everywhere Winston goes, even his own home, the Party watches him through telescreens; everywhere he looks he sees the face of the Party’s seemingly omniscient leader, a figure known only as Big Brother. The Party controls everything in Oceania, even the people’s history and language. Currently, the Party is forcing the implementation of an invented language called Newspeak, which attempts to prevent political rebellion by eliminating all words related to it. Even thinking rebellious thoughts is illegal. Such thoughtcrime is, in fact, the worst of all crimes.

Now it’s MICROAGRESSION time again!

“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.”
― George Orwell, 1984

With cameras and spies everywhere to catch you if you should slip and offend.


Big Brother is Watching you! And So you Should watch everyone else too. 🙂

As a part of the campaign, the university is using posters and magnets to emphasize its Report Bias system set up under the Office of the Vice Provost for Educational Equity.

Educational Equity. Hilariously Orwellian, don’t you think? Oh, right thinking is bad. 🙂

More than 1,000 images of a stop sign in the form of posters and magnets have been distributed at Penn State. They tell students to “be the difference” and “take a stand for a positive campus climate.” The posters classify a wide array of situations as a “bias incident” including cases of discrimination, bigotry, inequity, sexual assault, injustice, and much more.

Barron, in his message to the campus, stated that students should report acts of “hate or intolerance.”

Lisa Powers, director of Penn State’s strategic communications office, said in an email to The College Fix that an act of intolerance includes microaggressions.

“An act of intolerance can be identified as any forms of microaggressions, verbal assaults, and/or racial subjugation,” Powers said.

Powers said the bias reporting acts as a catharsis of sorts for students, acknowledging the public university has no right to hinder students’ First Amendment rights.

“Penn State stands firmly behind free speech and free expression, even in those instances when the views being expressed are disturbing or insulting, or the actions hurtful,” Powers told The College Fix. “The First Amendment doesn’t just apply to those who express ideas with which we agree. It also applies to those whose ideas we may find challenging, repugnant or even appalling. By providing an outlet for individuals to report bias they have seen or experienced, we are giving them an equal right to express their thoughts and feelings on the matter.”

“Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.”
― George Orwell, 1984

“But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.”
― George Orwell, 1984.

We can’t censor you (per se), so we’ll get you to censor you. 🙂

In the HuffPost poll, a majority of people — 53 percent — said that colleges should sanction students who make racially offensive statements. Black, Hispanic and Democratic respondents were more likely to agree with this idea than whites, Republicans or independents. (People in the Midwest were also more likely to agree with this sentiment than people in the Northeast, the West or the South.) Among white people in the poll, 48 percent said a student should be punished for racist statements, compared to 33 percent arguing they should not.

The poll also asked whether colleges and universities should prioritize for their students “an absolute right to free speech, even if that means allowing offensive or racist comments,” or if it’s more important that “students have an environment free from discrimination, even if that means placing some limits on what students can say.”

Thirty-eight percent responded that an absolute right to free speech was more important, but 43 percent said an environment free from discrimination was more valuable.

Just 4 percent of black respondents said that an absolute right to free speech was their top concern, compared to 69 percent who said they valued an environment free from discrimination.

Lastly, two-thirds of Democrats believe universities should teach about racial bias, while almost the same percentage of Republicans say the opposite.

This shouldn’t come as a surprise, of course, considering the political make-up of college faculty.

“Forty-four percent of Republicans in the poll said colleges should not sanction students for making racist statements, while 71 percent of Democrats said they should.”

Back in October of 2014, a You.gov poll revealed that 51% of Democrats supported restricting free speech if it is “hateful.” (College Fix)


“The choice for mankind lies between freedom and happiness and for the great bulk of mankind, happiness is better.”
― George Orwell, 1984

“Orthodoxy means not thinking–not needing to think. Orthodoxy is unconsciousness.”
― George Orwell, 1984

“For, after all, how do we know that two and two make four? Or that the force of gravity works? Or that the past is unchangeable? If both the past and the external world exist only in the mind, and if the mind itself is controllable – what then?”
― George Orwell, 1984



The Human Shield

Orwell, 1984, read it. The Democrat playbook.

The Ministry of Truth (The News Media) is the propaganda ministry. As with the other Ministries in the novel, the Ministry of Truth is a misnomer and in reality serves the opposite of its purported namesake: it is responsible for any necessary falsification of historical events. In another sense, and in keeping with the concept of doublethink, the ministry is aptly named, in that it creates/manufactures “truth” in the Newspeak sense of the word. The book describes a willful fooling of posterity using doctored historical archives to show a government-approved version of events.

As well as administering truth, the ministry spreads a new language amongst the populace called Newspeak, in which, for example, “truth” is understood to mean statements like 2 + 2 = 5 when the situation warrants.

Or as the Daily Kos ( a massive Liberal website) put it less than a month ago:

For the last six months Donald Trump has led the GOP primary. All it took for him to do so was a racist rant against Mexicans. Since then he has added racist rants towards Muslims and hostility towards black people to his policy free campaign. All the while every last chickenshit ratfucking Republican has been too afraid of calling out Trump’s racism because they all want to win over his racist primary voters. It turns out libertarianism, fiscal conservativism and balanced budgets aren’t what motivates the GOP base. Racism does. Yelling at Muslims does. Trump proves this every time he opens his pie hole. Libertarianism is dead in the water in the GOP primary, just look at Rand Paul. Fiscal conservativism doesn’t get a huge crowd at rallies either. But you want to scream at brown people? There is a huuuuuge space for screaming at brown people in today’s GOP. Huuuuge.

This fucking bullshit has to stop.

The entire Republican party must be crushed at the voting booth until they drive the racists out of their party.

ALL GOP supporters are knuckle dragging neanderthal racists. Nothing more. That’s it.

And the Leftist will eat that up and The Ministry of Truth will feed it to them 24/7/365.

Who cares if it’s not the truth. They don’t care. Fear, intimidation, and self-righteousness is all they need. That and a compliant Media that won’t exposed THEM.

After all, if you elect a Republican of any kind they will take away all your freebies, your healthcare, the candy from your baby and throw grandma out on the street to eat the leftover dog shit on the sidewalk! 🙂


The Ministry of Truth is involved with news media, entertainment, the fine arts and educational books. Its purpose is to rewrite history to change the facts to fit Party doctrine for propaganda effect. For example, if Big Brother makes a prediction that turns out to be wrong, the employees of the Ministry of Truth go back and rewrite the prediction so that any prediction Big Brother previously made is accurate. This is the “how” of the Ministry of Truth’s existence. Within the novel, Orwell elaborates that the deeper reason for its existence is to maintain the illusion that the Party is absolute. It cannot ever seem to change its mind (if, for instance, they perform one of their constant changes regarding enemies during war) or make a mistake (firing an official or making a grossly misjudged supply prediction), for that would imply weakness and to maintain power the Party must seem eternally right and strong.

Minitrue plays a role as the news media by changing history, and changing the words in articles about events current and past, so that Big Brother and his government are always seen in a good light and can never do any wrong. The content is more propaganda than actual news.

Derek Hunter: It must be nice to be a Democrat. Aside from the being an idiot part. And the hating America part, the loathing the military part, the despising success part, the envy, the hatred and the anger parts too.

The fact that so many of them are mutant, economic illiterates and save a fortune on their water bills by avoiding showering aside, I’m not talking about your drum-circling, living off of mommy and daddy’s money, social justice warrior Democrat.  I’m talking about the filthy rich, suckle government power, tell everyone how to live while living exactly the opposite way type Democrat – the ones giving the orders from the Ritz; not the grunts.

The grunts have it pretty easy too, don’t get me wrong. Remember Occupy Wall Street? They were going to change the world, according to the media, and bring about a “fair” Utopia that would reinvent our economic system. All they did was defecate on police cars, contribute to the resurgence of lice and bring the heretofore-unneeded concept of “rape-free tents” into the public consciousness. They were the “North African and Middle Eastern migrants” of their time – anything awful they did was ignored by the mainstream media to avoid upsetting the narrative. The narrative is everything.

The narrative of Occupy Wall Street faded because it didn’t catch on. In spite of the media’s help, the American people simply couldn’t be manipulated into believing they had less because someone else had more. The trust fund troubadours of Zuccotti Park, even with all their bongo playing and poetry slams, could not turn the have-somes against the have-mores. The world simply moved on.


The world would have moved on much sooner, or never have noticed in the first place, were it not for a media as interested in the agenda of the privileged poster-board-and-Sharpie set’s “economic justice” agenda as they are in adding another zero to their salary in their next contract negotiation.

In 2011, I broke the story of how “occupiers” discouraged the reporting of sexual assaults in their camps because reporting them would not reflect well on the movement. It was a story that got some attention, but it quickly faded. Not because it wasn’t newsworthy, but because it was.

The truth about the behavior of people in the “Occupy” camps across the country was appalling, but the “message” of economic inequality they were supposedly representing was precisely what progressive leftists wanted. What’s a few broken souls compared to the greater good?

In ways unthinkable to normal people, leftists use and dispose of people like smartphones – and there’s always another where that one came from.

That’s the mentality that has allowed Bill and Hillary Clinton to succeed as they have. The trail of broken souls, bloodied lives and discarded women are a small price to pay for the greater glory. Only, in the case of the Clintons, as is always the case with the Clintons, the only real glory is theirs.

The media spent this week protecting Bill and Hillary from the actions of Bill and Hillary. And they were happy to do it.

The re-emergence of Bill’s women, both willing and unwilling, is being ignored by the media and being spun when they can’t ignore it.

With Juanita Broaddrick’s courageous return to the national scene, reporters are presented a choice: treating her how they’ve demanded all who claim to be victims of sexual assault should be treated, or ignoring her to protect the narrative of the Clintons being champions for women. Naturally they chose the latter. Progressives are progressives first and always.

Don’t get me wrong. I believe Bill is a misogynist, but not in the traditional sense. He trusts some women. He supports women. He’d do anything to help some women. But the rest he sees as non-entities existing for his pleasure and amusement.


Being a governor, attorney general and president afforded Bill the opportunity to appoint women to positions of importance and authority, and he did just that. The other women, those he didn’t view as equals worthy of admiration, he used as he saw fit.

Believe it or not, in the ‘70s, ‘80s and ‘90s, this flew in politics. As long as the women could be kept silent and you “didn’t embarrass your wife,” by “screwing around, playing grab-ass” with someone who was uninterested, it was just part of another day that ends in “y” for politicians. But it’s not that way anymore.

The media just finished obsessing over a woman who carried a mattress around campus to draw attention to her unsubstantiated claim of rape, then ignored her making a re-enactment porn video. Rolling Stone published an outrageous and ultimately false charge of a gang rape because it was such a good story that whether it was true had to be ignored.

Yet a woman has believably claimed for almost two decades she was raped by Bill Clinton, and the very same media asks the accused and his presidential candidate wife if they think the subject is fair game. They weren’t made to answer the specifics – Bill’s lawyer dismissed the allegation with a couple of sentences in the ‘90s and, aside from the reiteration of that dismissal, has never spoken of it again. Because he’s never been asked.

By asking if Bill’s past if fair game, the media can pretend they aren’t ignoring the story. But that’s exactly what they’re doing.

They focus on Monica Lewinsky and Gennifer Flowers, lumping them in with Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey and Broaddrick like they are all the same. They are not.

Lewinsky and Flowers were willing and active participants in affairs with Bill; the others were unwilling victims of a man who’d been getting away with it for so long he had no reason to believe he couldn’t with them. And he did.

After swearing he was innocent and would never settle, Bill paid Jones $850,000. Willey got nothing because she didn’t sue. Broddrick is still haunted by what happened to her. And Bill and Hillary are marching right over all of them, and untold others, right back toward the White House.

This wouldn’t be possible with an honest media.

Herman Cain was driven from the 2012 race by accusations that look like a schoolyard prank compared to what the Clintons are accused of and have done. What happened to those sexual harassment charges? After Cain left the race, they appear to have left the planet.

The media was extremely interested in old allegations just four years ago; now they seek permission even to ask if they can talk about them. The only things that have changed is the seriousness of the allegation – they’ve gotten much more so – and the target of them.

Rather than ask the tough question and demand real answers, TV news presenters (because it’s rude to actual journalists to use the same term to describe them) now talk amongst themselves about whether claims against Bill should be relevant when it’s Hillary who’s running.

Considering the fact she lists being First Lady as one of her top qualifications for the job, in addition to him campaigning for her while she awards herself the mantle of “Champion for Women’s Rights,” she also led the campaign to protect Bill from “bimbo eruptions” in 1992. Hardly the act of a put-upon women who was wronged by her husband, especially when we now know she knew most of the women she smeared to protect the Clinton machine were telling the truth.  

Meanwhile, the New York Times regales us with nearly tales of Marco Rubio’s wife’s driving record, and we’ve just spent a week discussing whether a child born to an American woman is a “natural born citizen.”

So are spouses fair game? You’re damn right they are.

There are more than 40 million voters this year who weren’t registered, or even alive, the last time a Clinton’s name appeared on a national ballot. They know about Monica, and they may have heard some of the other names. But they do not know the stories. They need to be educated. Sadly the media is too busy forming a human shield around the Clintons to bother asking the relevant and important questions.

But we’re all racists, bigots, and misogynists according to The Ministry of Truth and The Left.

We are Satan.

And so it goes

And that’s the way it is … 🙂




It’s Worse than We Thought

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
It’s reality but not as we know it

John Hawkins: How radical, weird and out of touch have liberals on college campuses gotten since Obama came into office? It’s worse than you ever thought and although there is an almost unlimited number of problematic incidents to choose from, these 15 are particularly effective at getting across how bad things have become.

1) “College Students Say Remembering 9/11 Is Offensive to Muslims…. The everything-is-offensive brand of campus activism has struck a new low: Students at the University of Minnesota killed a proposed moment of silence for 9/11 victims due to concerns—insulting, childish concerns—that Muslim students would be offended.”

2) “Portland State University Offers Course Teaching How to ‘Make Whiteness Strange’…According to Portland State University Professor Rachel Sanders’ ‘White Privilege’ course, ‘whiteness’ must be dismantled if racial justice will ever be achieved. The course description states that ‘whiteness is the lynchpin of structures of racial meaning and racial inequality in the United States” and claims that ‘to preserve whiteness is to preserve racial injustice.’ Students taking the course will ‘endeavor to make whiteness strange.’ In order to make whiteness strange, the description says students must ‘interrogate whiteness as an unstable legal, political, social, and cultural construction.’”


3) “A University in the San Francisco Area Actually Told Students To Call 911 if They Were Offended….Administrators at a Catholic university in the San Francisco Bay Area have rescinded an official school policy instructing students to clog up the regional 9-1-1 emergency reporting system to report ‘bias incidents.’

The school is Santa Clara University, reports Campus Reform…Until this month, however, Santa Clara administrators have been instructing students to report ‘bias incidents’ using the emergency service reserved for dispatching police, firefighters and ambulances.

‘If the bias incident is in progress or just occurred: ALWAYS CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY,’ the Santa Clara website instructed students in fierce, all-capital letters.”

4) “Educators in the Volunteer State are very concerned that students might be offended by the usage of traditional pronouns like she, he, him and hers, according to a document from the University of Tennessee – Knoxville’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion.

…For all you folks who went to school back when there were only him and her – here’s a primer: some of the new gender neutral pronouns are ze, hir, zir, xe, xem and xyr.”

5) “A Professor at Polk State College has allegedly failed a humanities student after she refused to concede that Jesus is a ‘myth’ or that Christianity oppresses women during a series of mandatory assignments at the Florida college. According to a press release from the Liberty Counsel, a non-profit public interest law firm, Humanities Professor Lance ‘Lj’ Russum gave a student a ‘zero’ on four separate papers because the 16-year-old did not ‘conform to his personal worldviews of Marxism, Atheism, Feminism, and homosexuality.’ The law firm has called for a full, private investigation of the professor and the course curriculum.”

6) “College Codes Make ‘Color Blindness’ a Microaggression…wait, what?…. UCLA says “Color Blindness,” the idea we shouldn’t obsess over people’s race, is a microaggression. If you refuse to treat an individual as a ‘racial/cultural being,’ then you’re being aggressive.”

7) “The phrase ‘politically correct’ is now a microaggression according to the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. The university’s ‘Just Words’ campaign is the work of UWM’s ‘Inclusive Excellence Center’ and aims to ‘raise awareness of microaggressions and their impact’—microaggressions like ‘politically correct’ or ‘PC.’”


8) ) “‘American,’ ‘illegal alien,’ ‘foreigners,’ ‘mothering,’ and ‘fathering’ are just a handful of words deemed ‘problematic’ by the University of New Hampshire’s Bias-Free Language Guide….Saying ‘American’ to reference Americans is also problematic. The guide encourages the use of the more inclusive substitutes ‘U.S. citizen’ or ‘Resident of the U.S.’ The guide also tries to get students to stop saying ‘Caucasian,’ ‘illegal Immigrant,’ ‘mother,’ ‘father’ and even the word ‘healthy’ is said to shame those who aren’t healthy.”

9) “Late yesterday afternoon, ACLJ filed a lawsuit on behalf of Brandon Jenkins against officials of The Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC) in Maryland for denying Brandon admission to its Radiation Therapy Program in part due to his expression of religious beliefs. As one faculty member explained to Brandon, on behalf of CCBC, the ‘field [of radiation therapy] is not the place for religion.’”

10) “A California school co-founded by a firebrand who once called for an ‘intifada’ in the U.S. has become the nation’s first accredited Muslim college.”

11) “According to Coastal Carolina University, sex is only consensual if both parties are completely sober and if consent is not only present, but also enthusiastic. This is a troubling standard that converts many ordinary, lawful sexual encounters into sexual assault, and it should frighten any student at CCU.”

12) “Clemson University apologizes for serving Mexican food…Students took to Twitter to call the event culturally insensitive and to question the school’s efforts to promote diversity….Clemson Dining issued an apology to ‘offended’ students after hosting a ‘Maximum Mexican’ food day.”

13) “All-Women’s College Cancels ‘Vagina Monologues’ Because it Excludes Women Without Vaginas.”

14) “The ‘Black Lives Matter’ leader who landed a teaching gig at Yale University delivered a lecture this week on the historical merits of looting as a form of protest, backing up his lesson with required reading that puts modern-day marauders on par with the patriots behind the Boston Tea Party.”

15) “Assistant Dean (at Cornell) Tells a Project Veritas Investigative Journalist that the University Would Allow an ISIS Terrorist to Hold a ‘Training Camp’ on Campus, Saying: ‘It Would be Like Bringing in a Coach to do a Training on a Sports Team.'”

BE AFRAID of the Crybaby Generation, Be very Afraid.

Baloney Sandwiches

a new report from the Institute for Supply Management shows that manufacturing dropped by the largest amount in three years during the month of August.  Unfortunately, construction is also down.  It declined by the largest measure in a year – not a positive indication of a healthy economy.  These are leading indicators, and they foretell an increase in unemployment in the months to come.  Reduced manufacturing and construction require reduced labor, and lower labor demand results in higher unemployment. (KFYI)

But since that doesn’t fit the Democrat Talking points it will be ignored. Focus on “we created 4.5 million jobs for 29 consecutive months” which is statistical game of deception and is like saying while standing in the middle of a forest fire- “but that tree is fine”. The rest is Bush’s Fault.
Yeah, that’s the ticket. The Democrat ticket.
Then the Democrats had to contend with the fact that they shoved God out of the platform completely and threw Israel under the bus AGAIN.
Poor babies. Bet the Ministry of Truth covered that one up fast!!
DNC chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) says the omission of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and the word God in the party platform was a “technical oversight” because it is “many pages long.”
And ObamaCare at 2700 pages wasn’t? 🙂
I guess they passed it so they could know what was in it! 🙂
It’s not surprising they would deliberately misquote me. What I always say is that unfortunately the Republicans have made Israel a political football, which is dangerous for Israel. (RCP)
No, she clearly did not. But that’s a Liberal for you. I’m going to tell you what I said and you’ve going to believe it. And that’s that. 🙂
Then the Democrats called for a vote on the amendments to cram it back in…
Many in the audience booed after the convention chairman, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, ruled that the amendments had been approved despite the fact that a large group of delegates objected.He called for a vote three times before ruling and it was clear by the audio that it wasn’t adopted and after 3 embarrassing attempts they just adopted it because they had to even though they don’t believe it. Because Perception is reality and they didn’t want THAT perception.

Perfectly liberal.
Debbie again, “I can assure that that no one has deliberately taken God out of our platform,” and refused to say anything more.
It was obviously a secret Republican conspiracy to make them look bad. 🙂
When Clinton pronounced in 1996 that “the era of big government is over,” it was taken as a concession to the new conservatism that swept to control of Congress just over a year earlier.But Clinton’s rhetorical move was more tactical than fundamental. He never stopped believing in the power of government. And now that Republicans are putting forward the most emphatically pro-business, anti-government agenda on offer since the Gilded Age, he and his fellow Democrats now feel an urgency to assert the state’s positive role. The economic market, they insist, cannot deliver what the nation needs all by itself.Thus, one of the most applauded lines of the convention’s first night came from Gov. Deval Patrick of Massachusetts. “It’s time for Democrats to grow a backbone,” Patrick proclaimed, “and stand up for what we believe.” Rarely has a party so fully embraced a declaration that implied its own past spinelessness. Speaker after speaker answered Patrick’s call.

While Michelle Obama’s speech, the performance of her life, was apolitical on the surface, it regularly came back to arguing, subtly and implicitly, that hardworking Americans who start out on the social ladder’s lower rungs can be assisted in their struggles by the empowering hand of government.

In his keynote address, Mayor Julian Castro of San Antonio was explicit about this: “We know that you can’t be pro-business unless you’re pro-education,” he said. “We know that pre-K and student loans aren’t charity.” Over and over, government was presented not as an officious intermeddler in people’s lives but as an ally of families determined to help their children to rise.(RCP)

Thomas Purcell: The Democratic National Convention last night was a who’s who from a den of liars, trollops and felons. Central to the theme of the convention was the idea that somehow a group of misogynistic men and women can somehow represent the rights of women’s suffrage and freedom. Starting with an homage to Ted Kennedy, the man who has the first confirmed kill in the war on women on a wooden bridge in Chappaquiddick, this circus event continued on with a repeated lineup of speakers that were arguing that somehow women’s freedom relied upon making women dependent upon government entitlements.

What a lineup! You had people like Sandra Fluke who is a grown woman that is demanding the taxpayers pay for her birth control so that she can act wantonly and without responsibility or thought, and then it was followed up with a President who is known perjurer and adulterer telling us how bad the Republicans are and how great Obama is to a crowd of people that were torn between booing God and the Israeli people who are under threat of extermination on a daily basis.
Yes that’s right, this leftist bunch booed God when the platform vote came around. The worst part is the yahoos who ran the procedure then stuffed the ballot box for God and passed the resolution over the screaming mobs demanding the name of God be stricken from the record.
But the all-time ‘take the cake’ speaker was a known and self professed illegal alien Benita Veliz standing in front of this crowd of miscreants telling America how wrong they are for daring to say ‘these are our borders and we will protect them’.
Ignore the law, screw the people that came here legally, I want my free stuff.
Just in case you missed it, the DREAM executive order that was protecting Ms. Veliz from ICE storming the stage and dragging her off kicking and screaming doesn’t give her amnesty, it merely prevents her from deportation. As an illegal alien she is still breaking the law and committing a felony by being here—she is just immune from prosecution while in school.
What they aren’t telling you is that the DREAM executive order doesn’t protect anyone else in that room. That’s right folks; every person in that convention center is potentially an accomplice to a felony, namely harboring an illegal alien. Last I checked anyway we still had laws about our borders.

We are being looted as a nation and the Democrats are cheering it on like a foaming emperor at a Roman games.
The entire mantra of the left wing this week has been the same- me me me, give me my free stuff on the back of those that produce for society. Take the wealth from the productive, tear down the laws, and use the Constitution to wipe your posterior with.
Well not me, I still believe that America stands for something, that we obey the law until such time as a representative body like Congress changes it. When Obamacare passed, I don’t remember anyone in the GOP saying it should be ignored or disobeyed, they argued to vote for them to repeal it.
That’s why I’ll be voting Republican in November.
So should you, unless you want lawlessness, chaos and mayhem, with government at your throats telling you that you have too much stuff and are taking it away. (RCP)

The easiest way to trip up a Democrat in Charlotte for the national convention is to ask him to answer this question: What is Obama’s vision for a second term? The placeholder answer, of course, is “creating an economy built to last.” But this talking point has, even to Democrats, begun to wear thin. It’s often repeated, but lacks definition. “Nobody really knows what that means,” said Joe Trippi, a Democratic strategist who handled Jerry Brown’s gubernatorial campaign in 2010. So even though Obama’s reelection slogan is “Forward,” there’s not much talk—at least not yet—of what the country would move forward toward, or of the specific policies that Obama would enact to propel the nation up and out of the current low-wattage economic recovery. Would it include comprehensive immigration reform? Would it include tax reform? Would it include changes to Medicare and Medicaid beyond those in the 2010 health care law? Would it include any effort to limit greenhouse-gas emissions? Would it include any sustained effort to reduce poverty among African-Americans?

Reelection campaigns are typically defined by the incumbent’s policy achievements and what they tell voters about what is to come. Obama has spent precious little time extolling his accomplishments in that area, with the exception of laws requiring new and widespread financial regulations and ensuring pay equity for women. His signature overhaul of health care remains largely unmentioned. For a full day on national television, Obama advisers were bedeviled by the question, “Are people better off than they were four years ago?” On Monday, the campaign declared “yes,” people were better off, but knew it still had some explaining to do.  With such difficulty dealing with reelection basics—what you have done and are people better off—it might be assumed that Obama’s team would by now have fortified the “forward” part of its message. Forward in pursuit of what?
Forward!  To something!  (With a heavy dose of “flexibility”).  Super. (Townhall)


Political Cartoons by Robert Ariail

Michael Ramirez Cartoon

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

15 Questions

During the practically endless series of Republican debates, we have heard almost every question imaginable asked to Republican candidates – if by every question imaginable, you mean horribly slanted, often irrelevant questions designed to make them look bad and help Obama. We’ve heard questions about contraceptives, religion, Newt’s angry ex-wife, Gardasil, etc., etc., etc. So, what would happen if the mainstream media treated Barack Obama the exact same way that they treat Republicans? The questions might sound a little something like this.

1) Numerous Mexican citizens and an American citizen have been killed with weapons knowingly provided to criminals by our own government during Operation Fast and Furious. If Eric Holder was aware that was going on, do you think he should step down as Attorney General? Were you aware that was going on and if so, shouldn’t you resign?

2) In 2010 you said Solyndra, which gave your campaign a lot of money, was “leading the way toward a brighter and more prosperous future.” Today, Solyndra is bankrupt and the taxpayers lost $500 million on loans that your administration was well aware might never be paid off when you made them. What do you say to people who say this is evidence of corruption in your administration?

3) Unions invested a lot of time and money in helping to get you elected. In return, they gained majority control of Chrysler, the taxpayers lost 14 billion dollars on General Motors, and General Motors received a special 45 billion dollar tax break. What do you say to people who view this as corruption on a scale never before seen in American history?

4) Through dubious means, you and your allies in Congress managed to push through an incredibly unpopular health care bill that helped lead to the worst election night for the Democratic Party in 50 years. Since the bill has passed, many of your claims about the bill have proven to be untrue. For example, we now know the bill won’t lower costs and despite your assurances to the contrary, big companies like McDonald’s say they may drop health care because of the health care reform. Since the American people have rejected your health care reform and it doesn’t do what you said it would, shouldn’t you work with the Republicans to repeal it?

5) When you took office, gas was $1.79 per gallon. Since then, you’ve demonized the oil industry, dramatically slowed offshore drilling, blocked ANWR, and killed the Keystone Pipeline. Now, gas is $3.34 per gallon. How much higher do you anticipate driving gas prices?

6) Occupy Wall Street has been protesting against Wall Street and the richest 1 percent in America. You are in the top 1 percent of income earners in America and you have collected more cash from Wall Street than any other President in history. So, aren’t you exactly the sort of politician that Occupy Wall Street wants to get rid of?

7) How do you decide which foreign leaders to submissively bow towards and why do you think that’s appropriate for an American President?

8) If they could, don’t you think the Nobel Committee would take back the Nobel Peace Prize that you were awarded?

9) You made bipartisanship one of the central themes of your campaign in 2008. Yet, you’ve worked to push bills through Congress with almost no Republican support, spent much less time negotiating with Congress than George Bush, and you’ve said things like, “But, I don’t want the folks who created the mess to do a lot of talking. I want them to get out of the way so we can clean up the mess. I don’t mind cleaning up after them, but don’t do a lot of talking.” Why did you decide to break your campaign promise to pursue bipartisanship?

10) America lost its AAA credit rating for the first time under your watch. What do you think you should have done differently to have prevented that historic failure?

11) You cut more than 500 billion dollars out of Medicare to fund your wildly unpopular health care reform bill. Given that Medicare is running in the red already, don’t you think it’s irresponsible to cut money out of one entitlement program, that millions of seniors depend on — to put it into a risky new entitlement program?

12) Back in July, you said, “Nobody’s looking to raise taxes right now. We’re talking about potentially 2013 and the out years.” Since you plan to raise taxes if you’re elected and you’ve had kind words for a value added tax, shouldn’t every American expect a tax increase if you’re reelected?

13) Why should the American people reelect you when your 10 year budget saddles America with more debt than all previous Presidents combined?

14) Your stimulus bill cost more in real dollars than the moon landing and the interstate highway system combined. What do we have to show for all of that money spent?

15) Members of your administration promised that the trillion dollar stimulus would keep unemployment under 8 percent. Instead, we’ve had 35+ months of 8% and above unemployment. Doesn’t that mean we wasted a trillion dollars on nothing? (John Hawkins)

It’s fun to think what could have been if we had Journalists instead of Left Wing Propagandists masquerading as “journalists”.

So have a supply of industrial barf bags if yo decide to watch Obama’s “soaring” Campaign Bull shit speech tonight then the fawning and slobbering by the Liberal Media before and after.

I will be watching “Chopped” on the Food network.


Washington Shrugged

What’s your political affiliation?

Republican? Democrat?

Or are you an independent?

Most said ” independent” when we asked people outside my office.

In their new book, “Declaration of Independents,” Nick Gillespie and Matt Welch from Reason say that independents with libertarian politics are on the rise, and they can fix what’s wrong with America. Why? Because everything in our culture is being democratized, and the parts of America free from government control are getting better.

“Citizen journalists” like Andrew Breitbart break stories the major networks would miss or ignore.

Fewer people are jammed into narrow categories of race, sexual preference, or style…we’re becoming a culture of “mutants,” say Gillespie and Welch.

iPhones…Facebook…YouTube…all of these new innovations are designed to give individuals more choices and ways to express themselves.

And people expressing themselves is a great way to be independent. Music and pop culture liberates people all over the world … and constantly pushes forward tolerance and freedom of speech. Former MTV personalities Kurt Loder and Kennedy say a freer culture means freer people.

Government impedes progress. What government controls — education, health care, entitlements — government messes up. What do they all have in common? Too little choice, and too much regulation. (John Stossel)

Video: 41 mins


In Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand wrote: “There’s no way to rule innocent men… When there aren’t enough criminals, one declares so many things to be a crime… that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws”

In just one year, Washington’s regulators added 80,000 pages of regulations. Additionally, there are state and county regulations. Even worse, the regulations are ambiguous and subject to change. This is why big business is determined to get in bed with big government: it’s a protection racket, akin to the Mafia demanding a “protection fee” from the shop down the corner. They don’t want to pay that fee, so they make their way into government. After getting in bed with government, once big business gets enough power to use government to its advantage at the expense of the people it will do so. People complain about the symptoms of crony capitalism but always overlook the cause: big government.

 Consider this also: IF you raised taxes on only the “rich” (aka <$200,000 a year) to erase the debt each one of them would have to pay approximately $3.4 million dollars EACH.
And that doesn’t even begin to address the real problem in Washington.
They have a SPENDING PROBLEM, Not a Revenue problem.
Oh, and that Stimulus that cost $787,000,000,000 and was alleged to save 2.3 million jobs…That $393,000 per job “saved or created”. And they were primarily from the democrat apparatchik class of Unions (like the UAW and Teachers) to state and bank workers.
But don’t worry, they know what they are doing…. 😦

Political Cartoons by Steve Kelley

To Infinity & Beyond!

Thanks Big Sis

Thanks Big Sis! 🙂

The federal debt increased $54.1 billion in the eight days preceding the deal made by President Barack Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D.-Nev.) and House Speaker John Boehner (R.-Ohio) to cut $38.5 billion in federal spending for the remainder of fiscal year 2011, which runs through September.

The debt was $14.2101 trillion on March 30, according to the Bureau of the Public Debt, and $14.2642 on April 7.

Since the beginning of the fiscal year on Oct. 1, 2010, the national debt has increase by $653.4 billion.

But don’t worry, if we cut any more there will be Armageddon in the streets according to the Democrats.

At a news conference New York Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., agreed, “I happen to think some of their cuts are extreme and go overboard. But every week they keep upping the ante and proposing extreme cuts.”

The next battle with consequences begins in a matter of two short weeks when the accumulated U.S. debt will be nearing it’s $14 trillion legal limit.  So Congress will have to vote to raise the ceiling so Uncle Sam can borrow still more money.

The administration has said it will need to be raised between April 15 and May 31 or the U.S. could default and create a new fiscal crisis of unknowable magnitude. Fiscal hawks plan to demand strict, enforceable spending caps, triggers for across the board cuts, and austerity measures in exchange for raising the debt limit.

This short-term agreement was just a beginning. (FOX)

The Real fearmongering, hatred and vile Lies begins now.

Set your demagoguery meter to Infinity and Beyond!

Mark Steyn: Hey, it’s the weekend, and everyone’s singing the same maddeningly catchy refrain! Rebecca Black’s “Friday”? Nah, that was last week’s moronic sing-along. This week’s is even perkier! “Paul Ryan proposes to end Medicare as we know it,” sings former Clinton chief of staff John Podesta.

“It would end Medicare as we know it,” sings Sen. Max Baucus of Montana. “It’s going to end Medicare as we know it,” sings Nadeam Elshami, communications director for Nancy Pelosi. “It does end Medicare as we know it,” sings Sen. Tom Harkin of Iowa. “I drove all night to watch Paul Ryan e-e-end Me-edi-ica-a-are as we-e kno-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-w it,” sing all 24 semifinalists on the Celine Dion round of “American Idol.”

Sadly, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, incoming chairman of the Democratic National Committee, lost the sheet music and was forced to improvise. “This plan would literally be a deathtrap for seniors,” she ululated. Close enough!

Ending Medicare as we know it? Say it ain’t so! Medicare, we hardly knew ye!

It’s an open question whether Americans will fall for one more chorus of the same old song from Baucus, Harkin, Podesta and the other members of America’s wrinkliest boy band. But if this is the level on which the feckless patronizing spendaholics of the permanent governing class want to conduct the debate, bring it on:

Paul Ryan’s plan would “end Medicare as we know it.” The Democrats’ “plan” — business as usual — will end America as we know it.

Literally, as Wasserman Schultz would say. One way or another, Medicare as we know it is going to end. So, if you think an unsustainable 1960s welfare program is as permanent a feature as the earth and sky, you’re in for a shock. It’s just a question of whether, after the shock, what’s left looks like Japan or looks like Haiti.

My comrade Jonah Goldberg compares America’s present situation to that of a plane with one engine out belching smoke. But, if anything, he understates the crisis. Air America doesn’t need a busted engine because it’s pre-programmed to crash.

Our biggest problem is Medicare and other “entitlements.” They’re the automatic pilot of Big Government. Whoever’s in the captain’s seat makes no difference. The flight is pre-programmed to hit the iceberg, if you’ll forgive me switching mass-transit metaphors in midstream.

For some reason, Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Harkin & Co. don’t seem to mind this. If you recall the smile on the face of the “automatic pilot” in “Airplane!” as he’s being inflated, that’s pretty much the Democrats’ attitude to binge-spending as a permanent fact of life.

For a sense of Democratic insouciance to American decline, let us turn to the president himself.

The other day Barack Obama was in the oddly apt town of Fairless Hills, Pa., at what the White House billed as one of those ersatz “town hall” discussions into which republican government has degenerated. He was asked a question by a citizen of the United States. The cost of a gallon of gas has doubled on Obama’s watch, and this gentleman asked, “Is there a chance of the price being lowered again?”

As the Associated Press reported it, the president responded “laughingly.” “I know some of these big guys, they’re all still driving their big SUVs. You know, they got their big monster trucks and everything . . . If you’re complaining about the price of gas, and you’re only getting eight miles a gallon — (laughter) . . .”

That’s how the official White House transcript reported it: Laughter. Big yuks. “So, like I said, if you’re getting eight miles a gallon, you may want to think about a trade-in. You can get a great deal.”

Hey, thanks! You’ve been a great audience. I’ll be here all year. Don’t forget to tip your Democrat hat-check girl on the way out: At four bucks a gallon, it’s getting harder for volunteers to drive elderly voters from the cemetery to the polling station. Relax, I’m just jerking your crank, buddy! And it’s not four bucks per, it’s only three-ninety-eight. That’s change you can believe in!

Message: It’s your fault.

The same day as the president was doing his moribund-economy shtick, my hairdresser told me that she’d bought her midsize sedan secondhand in 2004. She’d also like to ask the president if there’s a chance of gas prices being lowered again. But he’d have the same answer: Buy a hybrid. Wait till the high-speed rail-link is built between Dead Skunk Junction and Hickburg Falls. Climb into the fishnets and the come-hither smile and hitch.

America, 2011: A man gets driven in a motorcade to sneer at a man who has to drive himself to work. A guy who has never generated a dime of wealth, never had to make payroll, never worked at any job other than his own tireless self-promotion, literally cannot comprehend that out there beyond the far fringes of the motorcade outriders are people who drive a long distance to jobs whose economic viability is greatly diminished when getting there costs twice as much as the buck-eighty-per-gallon it cost back at the dawn of the Hopeychangey Era.

So what? Your fault. Should have gone to Columbia and Harvard and become a community organizer.

Another 10 years of this, and large tracts of America will be Third World. Not Somalia-scale Third World, but certainly the more decrepit parts of Latin America. There will still be men with motorcades, but they’ll have heavier security and the compounds they shuttle between will be more heavily protected.

For them and their cronies, the guys plugged in, the guys who still know who to call to figure out a work-around through the bureaucratic sclerosis, life will be manageable, and they’ll still be wondering why you loser schlubs are forever whining about gas prices and electricity prices and food prices.

What’s about to hit America is not a “shock.” It’s not an earthquake, it’s not a tsunami, it’s what Paul Ryan calls “the most predictable crisis in the history of our country.” It has one cause: spending. The spending of the class that laughs at the class that drives to work to maintain President Obama, Sen. Reid, Sen. Baucus, Sen. Harkin and Minority Leader Pelosi’s “communications director” in their comforts and complacency.

The Democrats’ solution to the problem is to deny there is one. Unsustainable binge-spending is, as the computer wallahs say, not a bug but a feature: We’ll stimulate the economy with a stimulus grant for a Stimulus Grant-Writing Community Outreach Permit Coordinator regulated by the Federal Department of Community-Organizer Grant Applications. What’s to worry about?

I said the Democrats’ plan is to “end America as we know it,” but even that has been outsourced to others. The choice is between letting Paul Ryan end Medicare as we know it, or letting our foreign lenders determine the moment to end America as we know it.

I would not presume to know Chinese or Russian or Saudi or even European inclinations in this respect, though certain shifts in the ratio between short-term and long-term debt holdings suggest foreign governments give more thought to the implications of U.S. government spending than the U.S. government does.

But I do know their interests are not ours, and that there will come a day when Beijing and others, in the words of King Barack to his lowly subject, “may want to think about a trade-in.”

Now there’s a slogan for 2012.

I have a better one: Trade In Obama 2012! 🙂

Political Cartoons by Steve Kelley

Political Cartoons by Jerry Holbert

Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler

The Excuse List

During an online “discussion” regarding Libya specifically, a fellow conservative asked how can the Liberals justify this that were talking about and clear out the blue I came up with this list.

This list applies to most, if not all, Liberal responses to most anything.

So with a few tweaks here it is.

You’ve heard of a Bucket List. Well this a bucket of a different kind for a different purpose… <<hint hint nudge nudge say no more…>>

I’m sure It will fall under:
a) children will starve
b) grandma will be eating dog food otherwise
c) well “the richest 1%/2%”….
d) class warfare
e) Threats, Intimidation and Union Mafia mouthing off
f) Whine and cry like a 2 year old
g) But Mommy, so-so non-Liberal did it first…
h) But It was done for the best of intentions…
i) You’re just heartless
j) you’re a rac*st!
k) wingnuts!
l) It was the Tea party’s Fault
m) it was Bush’s Fault
n) It was Halliburton’s/Corporate America’s Fault
o) Orwellian Doublespeak
p) So what?
q) Don’t do as I do, Do as I say!!
r) Damn that Fox News!
s) You’re just Lying!
t) It does not!
u) Well, I have this Liberal report from Media Matters/Huffington Post/Mainstream Media/Liberally Biased Poll that says…
v) They already have a hive-mind Talking Point
w) well, it runs out/starts in 2014 so why do you care?
x) it’s “fair”
y) It feels good….
z) zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

But rest assured…

a) it is never their fault

b) they are always the victim

c) They will fight the very drop of YOUR blood to be right every time.

That about covers it. 🙂

So on that note: Inflation.

It’s real it’s out there. And it’s not “corporate america’s” fault that Raw food commodity indexes, for example, have hit all-time highs. And the broader CRB Commodity Index, including food, energy and industrial commodities, has run up 32% the past 12 months.

It’s really government that causes inflation with actions such as:

• The $2 trillion in money created by the Fed under “quantitative easing” since 2008, an unprecedented shot of liquidity pumped straight into the economy.

• The $5.5 trillion in new debt added by our government in just three years — nearly a 60% rise.

• The Environmental Protection Agency’s move to regulate all stationary producers of carbon dioxide, which has led businesses to put off large investments.

• The surge in regulation at all levels of government, which has added to small-business uncertainty and reduced hiring.

• The record 29% jump in federal spending in President Obama’s first three years, which has crowded out private spending and business investment.

• Spending on TARP and “stimulus,” which could total nearly $2 trillion when all is said and done.

The list goes on. The point is, don’t blame companies like Wal-Mart (CEO of Wal-Mart’s U.S. arm last week he told consumers to get ready for a burst of “serious” inflation) , a proven price cutter, when inflation hits home.

Blame the federal government, which seems dead set on repeating the same errors it made in the stagflationary 1970s. (IBD)

And the Democrats want to whine about cutting 20 billion from 1.5 Trillion dollar deficit this year alone.

And the Republicans want to “compromise”.

I say, screw them both. After all, they are screwing us all in the end.

Political Cartoons by Chuck Asay

Political Cartoons by Steve Breen

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

Haves Vs. Have Yours

I just wanna say, I want to be a kid in Wisconsin. Think of it. If you present a fake note as an excuse what is the Teacher going to do when they staged their ‘sick outs’ with fake doctors notes?

The kid just says, “Well you did it!”

“Yes, I did. But I’m an adult.”


Do as I say, not as I do. The perfect lesson in Liberal “fairness”. 🙂

And just in case you wonder if all the money is worth it?

Two-thirds of the eighth graders in Wisconsin public schools cannot read proficiently according to the U.S. Department of Education, despite the fact that Wisconsin spends more per pupil in its public schools than any other state in the Midwest.

In the National Assessment of Educational Progress tests administered by the U.S. Department of Education in 2009—the latest year available—only 32 percent of Wisconsin public-school eighth graders earned a “proficient” rating while another 2 percent earned an “advanced” rating. The other 66 percent of Wisconsin public-school eighth graders earned ratings below “proficient,” including 44 percent who earned a rating of “basic” and 22 percent who earned a rating of “below basic.” (CNS)

Then the Indiana Democrats flees to avoid the democratic process that they don’t like.

Like Monty Python’s Brave Sir Robin and his band of quivering knights, these elected officials have only one plan when confronted with political hardship or economic peril: Run away, run away, run away.

Scores of Fleebagger Democrats are now in hiding in neighboring Illinois, the nation’s sanctuary for political crooks and corruptocrats. Soon, area hotels will be announcing a special discount rate for card-carrying FleePAC winter convention registrants. Question: Will the White House count the economic stimulus from the mass Democratic exodus to Illinois as jobs “saved” or “created”? More important question: How much are taxpayers being charged for these obstructionist vacations? (Michelle Malkin)

So, the lesson here folks is, if Democrats are in the minority and don’t like your legislation they will flee. But if they are in the Majority and YOU don’t like their legislation they will cram it down your throat and tell you how great it is and how evil you are for protesting them.

Political Cartoons by Eric Allie

Wisconsin reveals class war between ‘have-nots’ and ‘have yours’

As public-sector unions protest over cuts to their taxpayer-funded benefits in Wisconsin, James Poulos offers an insight so simple and so insightful, it’s been bouncing around in my head all day:

As talk turns to the ‘new class war’, the concept of a class defined not so much by its net worth or tax bracket as by its economic (and therefore political) dependence on government will sharpen step for step with the reality of this class, which will be hitting home in all its gruesome implications for those outside and inside it.

Anyone who responds to the current crisis by anointing unionized employees of the government as the epitome of ‘the working man’ is placing themselves, and I really do not say this lightly, at the mercy of socialism — not just as an intellectual theory, but as an emotional promise of happiness. There has never been a viable, durable Labor Party in the US. But neither has the government class ever been so big or faced such an existential threat.

It’s important to say that the concept is sharpening only now because public-sector unions have been a sleeper issue for years during which economic times were good (and there weren’t as many public-sector union members). Combine these three factors:

  1. Unions have represented more than a third of the public-sector workforce since the late 1970s;
  2. The public sector has expanded substantially as a portion of the American economy over the last 30 years;
  3. Union membership in the private sector has decreased sharply, going from one-in-five union membership in the private sector during the 1970s to about one-in-13 or worse.

Unions have come to rely on the public sector because government employees are easier to organize, and managers less resistent. Who’s going to put up a fight over an organizing campaign with a politically active union when taxpayers are paying the bill? If the union wants nicer benefits, it’s easy to cave in, tax dollars and budgets be damned. It’s good for campaign coffers.

That mentality may have worked during a boom period, but it doesn’t work in a bust when unemployment is rampant and the contrasts between haves and have nots are clear. Being a Wall Street banker may have some whiff of sin to the working man, but the loathsome element isn’t merely the wealth of the AIG or Goldman Sachs executive, but that it has been compensated with taxpayer subsidies when taxpayers themselves are struggling to make ends meet. It’s not so much about haves and have nots. It’s about haves and have yours.

Taxpayers are becoming acutely aware of the have-yours as a class — something like Angelo Codevilla’s ruling class — whose gains in salaries and benefits aren’t associated with harder work and important innovations but political access. Public-sector unions rallying in Madison aren’t even taking a hit for their political activism, given that their protest is made possible by paid sick days, negotiated for them by their collective bargaining units who, it must be said, donate to the very people with whom they negotiate.

Just look at the mess of the Transportation Security Administration’s decision to permit unionization among screeners. They won’t even attempt to educate workers about the perils of unionization because it’s someone else’s money and it’s politically profitable. From our editorial:

The two biggest federal employee unions behind the campaign to permit collective bargaining at TSA, the National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU) and the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE), gave exclusively to Democratic incumbents and candidates over the last decade and now will compete to collect more than $27 million a year in union dues from the TSA’s 45,000 workers after the March 9 representation election.

Combine that with the $100 million from Teachers Unions and AFSCME (state employees) mentioned in yesterday’s blog and you can see the gravy train being porked to infinity and beyond!

And this is only the tip of the Union Iceberg.

All of the people at the bargaining table are salaried by taxpayers anyway, so it’s a big negotiation with someone else’s money. But don’t call it “negotiation” — call it “divvying up the loot.”

This whole exercise in protesting isn’t civil disobedience — it’s just another transaction, one in which the have-yours labor leaders are trying to reassert their authority over taxpayer resources by arguing that it’s inhumane to ask government workers to pay more into their own health care and pensions, and that collective bargaining means only one side gets a bargain.

To distract from the sheer avarice of this position, the AFL-CIO, the SEIU, and others are trying to get as many people as possible to protest and show some kind of consensus that Gov. Scott Walker’s, R, position is unreasonable, even cruel. The numbers are impressive and the photos really do depict the us-vs-them drama, but not in the way union leaders and member hope because the chilling have yours subtext of every sign held aloft by a protesting union member is clear: We don’t work for you, taxpayer. You work for us. (Washington Examiner)

If unions were formed to protect workers from employer abuse, right-to-work laws were created to protect taxpayers and workers from union abuse. States with such laws enjoy higher growth and purchasing power. (IBD)

Unions have become just as bad or worse than the people they were formed to fight against.

Liberals are Pro-Choice, you have the choice of giving them what they want when they want it, or they can force you to give it to them so they can do it anyhow. 🙂

We have seen the Enemy and they are the Unions themselves.

Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson

Political Cartoons by Ken Catalino

Political Cartoons by Henry Payne

Political Cartoons by Mike Lester

Political Cartoons by Chip Bok

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden

Political Cartoons by Henry Payne



The Word Police Rise

At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.
–January 27, 1838 Abraham Lincoln

The dogmas of the quiet past, are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise — with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew. We must disentrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country.
–December 1, 1862

What I predicted cynically yesterday has started to come true. 😦

Rep. Robert Brady (D-Pa.) reportedly plans to introduce legislation that would make it a federal crime to use language or symbols that could be perceived as threatening or inciting violence against a federal official or member of Congress.

So “targeting” a liberal for defeat could be a federal crime soon. 😦

Disagreeing with someone in power will be a crime.

“Never waste a crisis…”

And the left has  had a renewed flare-up of Palin Derangement Syndrome, her “targeting” of candidates for defeat is for most on the vindictive minds of liberals.

“The rhetoric is just ramped up so negatively, so high, that we have got to shut this down,” Brady said.

Meaning, we have to censor those who disagree with The Left.

MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann called on Palin to repudiate her part in “amplifying violence and violent imagery in politics.”

The Left is complete pure and virtuous and not responsible in any way for the vitriol they have interjected into politics, especially in the last 12 years. It’s all the right’s fault for opposing them.

Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas tweeted this early Saturday: “Mission accomplished, Sarah Palin.” The tweet included a link to Palin’s target map.

Kos also recycled a clip of Giffords reacting to the map on MSNBC, where she warned Palin of potential consequences to such visuals.

“The way that she has it depicted, has the crosshairs of a gun sight over our district,” Giffords said. “When people do that, they’ve got to realize there are consequences to that action.”

Conservative Andrew Breitbart responded on his own website and on Twitter Saturday, tweeting this warning: “For the love of God, @markos. Stop it. Don’t go there, trust me. Trust me. Trust me. You will not like the blow-back, I assure you.”

Moulitsas, who is also a contributor to The Hill, re-tweeted the message, accompanied by an “LOL.”

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman wrote, “We don’t have proof yet that this was political, but the odds are that it was.” Democrat Congressman Bill Pascrell of New Jersey denounced “an aura of hate” fed “by certain people on Fox News.”

Just hours after the shooting, Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik sounded off at a news conference (BTW he’s a Democrat), pinning blame for the tragedy squarely on “the vitriol that comes out of certain mouths about tearing down the government.” Dupnik proclaimed, “the anger, the hatred, the bigotry that goes on in this country is getting to be outrageous.”
“This may be free speech,” he said. “But it’s not without consequences.”
His comments flew across Twitter and were highlighted by a Daily Kos blogger who praised Dupnik for not being afraid “to point the finger at who is culpable.”

An internal Department of Homeland Security memo obtained by the network indicated that <the shooter> Loughner, 22, is “possibly linked” to an anti-Semetic, white supremacist group.
The DHS memo called the group American Renaissance “anti-government, anti-immigration, anti -ZOG (Zionist Occupational Government), anti-Semitic.” (The Hill)

And the Left is the one that produced an Assassination Movie of a Sitting President and when they were excoriated for it they blew you off like it was meaningless. (called “Death of a President”).

Adelaide Now (Adelaide, South Australia) Always ripe with talk of threats and reprisals, the tone of American political debate has turned uglier in the past decade.

The Left raged against George W. Bush, hanging him in effigy, depicting him being guillotined and showing him in one movie being assassinated. After the election of a Democratic Congress in 2006 and President Barack Obama in 2008, the Right frequently invoked guns and violence to stir opposition.

To The Authors That Blame Murder On Politics

Posted by Thomas Purcell 

Dear Author, and to other writers, columnists, and authors who blame this attack on right wing politics:
I think its outrageous that while the families of the dead still are shedding tears, and they aren’t even cold in the ground, that you would use your public forum and your skills as a writer, and author, to bring a political crusade into this issue.
The politics of discourse, whether it be heated, or not, is not the issue. The man that perpetrated this crime is solely to blame. There has not been a single shred of evidence to indicate that the shooter was acting on behalf of anyone that represent public conservative thought, much less Sarah Palin. Even a cursory review of the man’s rants on You Tube or Myspace or interviews with his high school friends show him to be a highly unbalanced individual, and most likely driven by his heretofore undiagnosed and untreated mental illness.
But there is a greater issue here, one that you and other writers are missing. You are abusing the authority your publisher, and the power of your readership to exploit the deaths of fine public servants in order to push a political cause. Writing, and authorship, carries with it great joys, as well as the ability to generate an income, but it also comes with it a great responsibility- to report with the judgment of a fair mind, and based in facts. Writing, and seeking readership in the public eye, is a serious matter, one that should not be taken lightly, or used as a weapon to injure those unfairly who disagree with you. The importance of such responsibility should not be taken lightly, nor disregarded. This is why acts of either plagiarism, yellow journalism, or libel are taken so seriously in courts of law.
There is nothing more powerful then the power of an idea.
Your column suggests that the theory that the Republicans should target certain individuals that had shown weakness in their local polling, and to support tea party candidates in those elections is tantamount to murder. You are saying that conservatives support individuals that go out and shoot the opposing candidates or murder a respected public servant. While issues such as Palin using a crosshairs to show candidates who should be targeted for reelection was done in poor judgement, it hardly is an act suggesting someone should go on shooting spree. In fact, I find it unlikely that you would be able to find a single article, speech or known author of the right, that would suggest such a thing and still keep their job- much less the respect of their readers. By posting such an article at this time, you are in effect, claiming that the public discourse of political discussion is inherently dangerous, and that opposition on ideas leads to violence.
And now, while law enforcement still is investigating the case, and the dead are not even put to rest, you use the pulpit of your column without any evidence- and, in fact, in opposition to what we do know, and just plain common sense.
I find it abominable.
Attacks and acts of violence against our leaders, whether they be from the left or right, or any political school of thought, has never been condoned or suggested by either side. It has been said that violence is the last refuge of the coward, and I agree with that sentiment. But to use the power of the pen, in such a scandalous way, and to act with disregard for the families of the dead; is an abuse of your skill, and the talents you were born with.
When I read columns like this, and others like it, I sometimes feel shame for the profession.

UNITED  IN HORROR (Ross Douthat- New York Times)

When John F. Kennedy visited Dallas in November of 1963, Texas was awash in right-wing anger — over perceived cold-war betrayals, over desegregation, over the perfidies of liberalism in general. Adlai Stevenson, then ambassador to the U.N., had been spit on during his visit to the city earlier that fall. The week of Kennedy’s arrival, leaflets circulated in Dallas bearing the president’s photograph and the words “Wanted For Treason.”

But Lee Harvey Oswald was not a right-winger, not a John Bircher, not a segregationist. Instead, he was a Marxist of sorts (albeit one disillusioned by his experiences in Soviet Russia), an activist on behalf of Castro’s Cuba, and a man whose previous plot had been aimed at a far-right ex-general named Edwin Walker. The anti-Kennedy excesses of Texas conservatives were real enough, but the president’s assassin acted on a far more obscure set of motivations.

Nine years after Kennedy was killed, George Wallace embarked on his second campaign for the presidency. This was the early 1970s, the high tide of far-left violence — the era of the Black Panthers, the Weathermen, the Symbionese Liberation Army — and Wallace’s race-baiting politics made him an obvious target for protests. On his final, fateful day of campaigning, he faced a barrage of coins, oranges, rocks and tomatoes, amid shouts of “remember Selma!” and “Hitler for vice president!”

But Arthur Bremer, who shot Wallace that afternoon, paralyzing him from the waist down, had only a tenuous connection to left-wing politics. He didn’t care much about Wallace’s views on race: he just wanted to assassinate somebody (Richard Nixon had been his original target), as “a statement of my manhood for the world to see.”

It’s possible that Jared Lee Loughner, the young man behind Saturday’s rampage in Tucson, will have a more direct connection to partisan politics than an earlier generation’s gunmen did. Indeed, many observers seem to be taking a kind of comfort from that possibility: there’s been a rush to declare this tragedy a teachable moment — an opportunity for people to cool their rhetoric, abandon their anger, and renounce the kind of martial imagery that inspired Sarah Palin’s PAC to place a target over Gabrielle Giffords’s district just months before Loughner gunned down the Arizona congresswoman.

But chances are that Loughner’s motives will prove as irreducibly complex as those of most of his predecessors in assassination. Violence in American politics tends to bubble up from a world that’s far stranger than any Glenn Beck monologue — a murky landscape where worldviews get cobbled together from a host of baroque conspiracy theories, and where the line between ideological extremism and mental illness gets blurry fast.

This is the world that gave us Oswald and Bremer. More recently, it’s given us figures like James W. von Brunn, the neo-Nazi who opened fire at the Holocaust Museum in 2009, and James Lee, who took hostages at the Discovery Channel last summer to express his displeasure over population growth. These are figures better analyzed by novelists than pundits: as Walter Kirn put it Saturday, they’re “self-anointed knights templar of the collective shadow realm, not secular political actors in extremis.”

This won’t stop partisans from making hay out of Saturday’s tragedy, of course. The Democratic operative who was quoted in Politico saying that his party needs “to deftly pin this on the Tea Partiers” was just stating the obvious: after a political season rife with overheated rhetoric from conservative “revolutionaries,” the attempted murder of a Democratic congresswoman is a potential gift to liberalism.

But if overheated rhetoric and martial imagery really led inexorably to murder, then both parties would belong in the dock. (It took conservative bloggers about five minutes to come up with Democratic campaign materials that employed targets and crosshairs against Republican politicians.) When our politicians and media loudmouths act like fools and zealots, they should be held responsible for being fools and zealots. They shouldn’t be held responsible for the darkness that always waits to swallow up the unstable and the lost.

We should remember, too, that there are places where mainstream political movements really are responsible for violence against their rivals. (Last week’s assassination of a Pakistani politician who dared to defend a Christian is a stark reminder of what that sort of world can look like.) Not so in America: From the Republican leadership to the Tea Party grass roots, all of Gabrielle Giffords’s political opponents were united in horror at the weekend’s events. There is no faction in American politics that actually wants its opponents dead.

That may seem like a small blessing, amid so much tragedy and loss. But it is a blessing worth remembering nonetheless.


And then there was this from The Australian reader’s comments.

Frank Bellet, Petrie, Qld

IN a nation where political opponents are declared to be Nazis or communists and major political figures are vilified as conspirators in a plot to bring down the US, reasonable political discourse becomes very difficult.

This sort of angry rhetoric is designed to make the motives of anyone with opposing political views suspect, to imply that they are traitors rather than simply people with another idea of the national interest.

“Paranoia is the most political of mental illnesses. Paranoids need enemies and politics is full of enemies,” said Jerrold Post, director of the Political Psychology program at George Washington University and the author of ‘Political Paranoia’.

So the silliness continues and Orwell is on a binge!


Press 1 For Secure the Elites Press 2 for Pandering

Remember this beauty, it’s 80 Miles from the Border.

The Democrats, and specifically Harry Reid have decided to bring the issue back up, but in an underhanded manner that is a cynical political ploy.

Put simply, Harry Reid has attached the DREAM Act (Amnesty) to a Defense Bill so you can vote against the troops or vote for Amnesty. The so-called “Blue dog” Democrats won’t vote for it. The Republicans certainly won’t. So it’s just red meat thrown to the troops as “Hope”.


And the cynical ply doesn’t stop there.

Oh no, why would it.

No, this is a blatant attempt to energize a demoralized base to turn out at the polls to save themselves from a taxpayer revolt.

It’s all about them.

“We need to get out the message that it’s now really dangerous to re-empower the Republican Party,” said one Democratic strategist who has spoken with White House advisers but requested anonymity to discuss private strategy talks.

Late Sunday night, White House advisers denied that a national ad campaign was being planned. “There’s been no discussion of such a thing at the White House” or the Democratic National Committee, said David Axelrod, Mr. Obama’s senior adviser.(NYT)

Which means they are have produced the ads and are just waiting for that last minute all-out Nuclear Armageddon strike. 🙂

The more people they can get out to the polls to vote against the anger wave headed their way, the better.

So let’s throw a “hope” out. A “hope” that has no real hope of actually passing. But we can stir up the Hornet’s nest  and try obscure what we’ve done to destroy this country.

And besides, if you disagree, you’re a racist! 🙂

After all, the Democrats main strategy seems to be, Want More Bush? or Want these kooks and extremists (aka Tea Party) to takeover??

They can’t and won’t run on their own “accomplishments” because none of them are positive.

Heath Care: The Majority still favors repeal. Despite the campaigns to “explain it better” so you’ll love have the government deciding whether you live or die.

Debt: It was George Bush’s Fault that the 10 Trillion Deficit is now over 14.

Financial reform: It was Bush’s Fault that they’ve stiffeled business and burdened them with choking regulations and made uncertainty the only certainty.

It  was the Democrats fault for the Subprime-Meltdown because they got the ball rolling that eventually turned into the mountain. But you won’t hear that from them either.

And does anyone seriously think that the sequel to the 1980’s Anti-Reagan movie “Wall Street” is anything other propaganda?? I mean really…

Stimulus: A miserable failure. A Trillion dollars that “saved or created” jobs that either didn’t need saving (because they were saving Union Pensions instead) or they cost $2 million per jobs (as in LA).

Vice President Joe Biden on Friday cited one in which the New York City Department of Transportation is spending $175 million to renovate bridges and a parking lot, putting all of 120 people to work. That’s $1.46 million per job. Another job on Biden’s list, a highway project in Ohio, has created 300 jobs and costs $138 million — $460,000 per worker.

When the Democrats are in charge, the rich just get richer. Wait — isn’t that what we’re supposed to say about Republicans?

Not so when federal stimulus funds are being spent.

Washington has taken trickle-down economics to a whole new level of inefficiency. Those closest — literally — to the seat of federal power get the most. By the time the funds make their long journey to paychecks for people doing productive work, there’s not a whole lot left. (IBD)

But don’t worry, there’s always hope. 🙂

Taxes: they are going up on 1/1/11 and The Democrats are ideologically incapable of stopping it. It’s like staring into mouth of hell for Democrats to raise taxes on anyone but “the rich” which the Bush tax Cuts WILL do and they are hypnotized by it. So they just conveniently forget about it and go for class warfare instead.

Then there are all the taxes associated with their “Reforms”, Aka health Care and Financial that they won’t talk about.

Jobs: Well, the President’s “focus” has been a bit lazy. And when his economic team promised if you spend a Trillion dollars on the stimulus the maximum unemployment will be is 8% (That person has now left the team).

It’s nearly 10% and has been for the better part of a year and now many pundits and economists are talking about a permanent underclass and permanent structural unemployment.

So Mission accomplished there! 🙂

You have plenty of people completely dependent on your largess and will do whatever you want them to do and think whatever you want them to.

And that were the illegals come in again.

They are apart of that underclass. And they have to stay there to be manipulated. So keep dangling the carrot!

And just like the NAACP, Hispanics have plenty of organizations that “speak form them” that are only interested in their own self-interest of self-perpetuation of their own power and self-importance.

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell says illegal immigrants do essential work in the U.S. and he has firsthand knowledge of that — because they fix his house.

Powell, a moderate Republican, urged his party Sunday to support immigration generally because it is “what’s keeping this country’s lifeblood moving forward.”

In an interview with NBC’s “Meet the Press,” he said a path to legal status should be offered to illegal immigrants because they “are doing things we need done in this country.”

He added: “They’re all over my house, doing things whenever I call for repairs, and I’m sure you’ve seen them at your house. We’ve got to find a way to bring these people out of the darkness and give them some kind of status.”

Powell did not say whether he has hired illegal immigrants directly or they showed up with contractors.

They do Gen. Powell’s house so they must be ok! Let’s just give them all Amnesty! 🙂

So what about the Legal American Construction Worker?

Oh, he’s on the unemployment line looking for a job ,for the past 2 years.

The unemployment rate for the construction industry edged down to 17 percent in August.

Who cares about him. Because if you’re against illegal aliens taking his job, you’re a racist! 🙂

“While we may have a handful of nominees out of the mainstream, the American people have come to the conclusion this administration and this Congress are out of the mainstream,” said John Weaver, a Republican consultant.(NYT)

The elites are better than you, remember. You should trust people who are smarter,better educated, slicker than oil itself, after all. 🙂

And besides, if you disagree you’re a racist and/or a bigot! 🙂

Or even better, An EXTREMIST!  (not that they aren’t, by the way-just ignore the socialist behind the curtain).

So Press 1 for Elitism

Press 2 for Pandering

Press 3 for Creative Lying

Press 4 for Out-and-Out Bold faced Lies

Press 5 For Class Warfare

Press 6 For Ministry Truth/mainstream Media Spin


7 has always been a lucky number. 🙂

Political Cartoon by Chip Bok

Cutting on the Bias

Any foodie would recognize the phrase, but this is not about food, it’s about The Mainstream Media.

The Fifth Column.

The Ministry of Truth.

The Mainstream Media.

The Ministry of Truth is involved with news media, entertainment, the fine arts and educational books. Its purpose is to rewrite history and change the facts to fit Party doctrine for propaganda effect. For example, if Big Brother makes a prediction that turns out to be wrong, the employees of the Ministry of Truth go back and rewrite the prediction so that any prediction Big Brother previously made is accurate. This is the “how” of the Ministry of Truth’s existence. Within the novel Orwell elaborates that the deeper reason for its existence is to maintain the illusion that the Party is absolute. It cannot ever seem to change its mind (if, for instance, they perform one of their constant changes regarding enemies during war) or make a mistake (firing an official or making a grossly misjudged supply prediction), for that would imply weakness and to maintain power the Party must seem eternally right and strong. (1984 by Orwell)

ABC,NBC,CBS,CNN,MSNBC, LA TIMES, NY Times, et al anyone? 🙂

And Today’s Ministry of Truth-Busting: Arizona and The Illegal Immigration Law

NBC News Political Director Chuck Todd seemed astonished by how a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll confirmed solid agreement with Arizona’s immigration enforcement law – “a whopping 64 percent support the law,” Todd marveled, “and we read them the law verbatim exactly as it’s been written” and still, he repeated, “64 percent approve of it.” NBC also treated as surprising the majority backing for racial profiling to prevent terrorism.

Whopping? 🙂

BTW: that similar to “Unexpectedly” when things don’t go the way the Liberals wanted it to. Like, unemployment UNEXPECTEDLY rose last month…

As noted above, Todd pointed out that on Arizona “we read them the law verbatim exactly as it’s been written.” Here’s that question, #34:

The Arizona law makes it a state crime to be in the U.S. illegally. It requires local and state law enforcement officers to question people about their immigration status if they have reason to suspect a person is in the country illegally, making it a crime for them to lack registration documents. Do you support or oppose this law? (IF SUPPORT/OPPOSE, THEN ASK) And, do you strongly (support/oppose) or just somewhat (support/oppose) this law?

(46 percent “strongly support,” nearly double the 24 percent who “strongly oppose.”)

So even though they asked the question with an obvious bias they didn’t get the answer they wanted. 🙂
In fact, the statute requires a prerequisite lawful reason for stopping someone before the law enforcement officer can check their immigration status:
For any lawful stop, detention or arrest made by a law enforcement official or a law enforcement agency of this state or a law enforcement official or a law enforcement agency of a county, city, town or other political subdivision of this state in the enforcement of any other law or ordinance of a county, city or town or this state where reasonable suspicion exists that the person is an alien and  is unlawfully present in the United States, a reasonable attempt shall be made, when practicable, to determine the immigration status of the person, except if the determination may hinder or obstruct an investigation.

Something the Ministry of Truth just completely forgets about. Call it a blind (Partisan) spot.

CBS and ABC promoted the cause of activists in the minority. Both devoted full stories to the “uproar” and “emotional civil war” over the law and moves by a few liberal local government bodies to enact boycotts, only getting late in their stories to those who like the law.

The Thursday night stories were pegged to a boycott vote by the Democratic city council of Los Angeles, but CBS’s Bill Whitaker and ABC’s Barbara Pinto both also played a three-day old clip of California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger mocking Arizona and pointed to the cancellation of a trip to Arizona by a suburban Chicago high school’s girls basketball team – not to deride adults for using teens to grind a political axe, but to illustrate the supposed depth of opposition to Arizona’s law.

“The boycott of Arizona is spreading,” Katie Couric trumpeted before Whitaker touted: “The city of Los Angeles, the latest to react strongly to Arizona’s tough new anti-illegal immigration law.” He pushed how “a growing number of states and municipalities are boycotting or considering boycotting Arizona,” citing how “Highland Park High School in Chicago’s suburbs is pulling its champion girls’ basketball team from a tournament in Arizona because of the law.”

I saw an interview with the father of one of the girls and another one with 1 of the girls on the team, they don’t get it.

“What does the immigration law have to do with us going to play sports in Arizona?”

Using kids as political weapons is frankly disgusting, but that’s nothing knew to the “for the children” liberal crowd.

Cuing up Schwarzenegger, Whitaker insisted: “The state has become the butt of jokes.” Schwarzenegger, from Monday, on not traveling to Arizona: “But with my accent, I was worried they were going to deport me back to Austria.”(MRC)

One LA Councilman I saw on CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 said he afraid to drive in Arizona now because they would just randomly stop him because of his looks and DEPORT him.

Deport Him? Where? L.A.? 🙂

Anderson Cooper ignored this  and continued.

From April 23 to May 3, the top three television networks offered viewers 50 stories and interview segments on their morning and evening news programs. The tone was strongly hostile to the law and promotional to the “growing storm” of left-wing protesters: 37 stories (or 74 percent) were negative, 10 were neutral, and only three were positive toward the Arizona law’s passage — 12 negative stories for every one that leaned positive. Stories were much kinder and sympathetic to illegal aliens than they were to police officers. Cops were potential abusers of power. Entering the country illegally was not an abuse of power. It was portrayed as an honorable step by the powerless.

The soundbite count was also slanted, with 92 quotes against the law and only 52 in favor. The pro-law numbers, however, included many soundbites of Arizona public officials defending themselves against liberal charges that they were racists or in favor of racial profiling.

Opponents of the law didn’t even have to speak English to be quoted sympathetically. In a May 3 CBS Evening News story, Katie Couric fretted “many” illegals “no longer feel welcome.” Reporter Kelly Cobiella focused on the story of non-English-speaking Manuela Quintana, who decided to move to Colorado. Cobiella cued up the mother of ten to deny she was a criminal: “‘No,’ she says, ‘a criminal is someone who kills. I just want to work.’” Over video of the kids piling into an SUV, Cobiella concluded: “The family packed up before dawn today and headed north to Colorado. Manuela says she’s lost hope in this state. She thinks she’ll find it again in another.” (NewsBusters)

I guess they could find any of the Coyotes or other Smugglers for a comment…

ABC Good Morning America host Bill Weir chided Sheriff Joe Arpaio, a well-known enforcer of immigration law, “With this new law, will you ramp it up?…Will you grab people on street corners?”

No media bias there, kids… 😦

While the harshest Tea Party activists were scorned by the networks for any suggestion President Obama was a “Nazi,” on 11 occasions these same networks unquestioningly forwarded smears that proponents of the Arizona law were like Nazis or Civil War-era slaveholders. NBC’s Andrea Mitchell used these slurs from liberal comedians to demonstrate how Arizona was becoming a “laughingstock.”

Violence was downplayed. Only one ABC story reported violence by the protesters (in a “mostly peaceful” protest), and only one CBS story mentioned vandalism (smearing refried-bean swastikas on the state capitol building). There were only two references to the murder of rancher Robert Krentz, and four to the shooting of a deputy in Pinal County, all four in larger celebrations of May Day marches.

Viewers would assume protesters were in the majority. ABC Saturday anchor David Muir touted May Day protests on World News. “Angry backlash from coast to coast. Huge rallies across this country tonight against that new controversial immigration law.”

The networks were very reluctant to note that the Arizona law was popular: only five stories mentioned that the protesters were on the losing side of public opinion, where almost 90 percent of those polled by CBS consider illegal immigration a serious problem. It’s a stunning contrast, then, that 74 percent of the stories channel the view of a tiny minority. (NB)

But they aren’t biased at all, just ask them… 😦

And here’s the Kicker!

Sanctimonious Attorney General Eric Holder who has been making the round of the Liberal Talk show and in Press Conference has been decrying Arizona for the Law, BUT he admitted on camera Yesterday(!!!) THAT HE HASN’T EVEN READ IT!!!!


REPRESENTATIVE TED POE, (R-TEXAS): So Arizona, since the federal government totally fails to secure the border desperately then passed laws to protect its own people. The law is supported by 70 percent of the people in Arizona, 60 percent of all Americans, and 50 percent of all Hispanics according to the Wall Street Journal/NBC poll done just this week. And I understand that you may file a lawsuit against the law. Seems to me the Administration ought to be enforcing border security and immigration laws and not challenge them, and that the Administration is on the wrong side of the American people. Have you read the Arizona law?

ERIC HOLDER, ATTORNEY GENERAL: I have not had a chance to, I’ve glanced at it. I have not read it.

POE: It’s ten pages. It’s a lot shorter than the healthcare bill which was 2,000 pages long. I’ll give you my copy of it if you would like to have a copy. Even though you haven’t read the law, do you have an opinion as to whether it’s Constitutional?

HOLDER: I have not really, I have not been briefed yet.

CBS (apr 27th, 2010): Headline: Arizona’s New Law is Subject to Potential abuse, Attorney General Eric Holder Said Today

Attorney General Eric Holder and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano were critical Tuesday of Arizona’s new law on immigration and Holder said the federal government may challenge it.
Napolitano said the new state law could siphon federal money and staff from hunting down dangerous immigrants.

Dear Janet,

You’d have to hunt them down to begin with first! You fraud!

And is over 2 weeks before Mr. Holder attempted he hadn’t EVEN READ IT!!

No Media bias here… 😦

Holder’s response will even FURTHER amaze most Americans on both sides of the aisle:

HOLDER: Well, what I’ve said is that I’ve not made up my mind. I’ve only made, made the comments that I’ve made on the basis of things that I’ve been able to glean by reading newspaper accounts, obviously, looking at television, talking to people who are on the review panel, on the review team that are looking at the law. But I’ve not reached any conclusions as yet with regard to. I’ve just expressed concerns on the basis of what I’ve heard about the law. But I’m not in the position to say at this point, not having read the law, not having had the chance to interact with people doing the review, exactly what my position is.

Yep. The most powerful law enforcement official in our nation hasn’t bothered reading an important, sixteen-page bill that he and the Administration have been making negative comments about since it was passed weeks ago.

Instead, he’s relied on “newspaper accounts” and “looking at television” to establish his opinion.

You really can’t make this stuff up!

But The Ministry of Truth is hard at work do there very best to do just that and to do it convincingly.

1984 By George Orwell on the Ministry of Truth:

The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power.  Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power, pure power. What pure power means you will understand presently. We are different from all the oligarchies of the past, in that we know what we are doing. All the others, even those who resembled ourselves, were cowards and hypocrites.

There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad.

Just a “racist”, “Nazi” “bigot”… 🙂

Why Failure in November is OK For Democrats And Why You Can’t Do Nothing

One of my favourite writers, Mark Steyn, had a column in IBD that says better than I have, but the same as I have, about the Democrats and their rush to political “suicide” in November.

Now I think it’s political jihad.

The 72 virgins awaiting their martyrdom is : Permanent Government control of your life.

That’s worth an inconvenient election loss or two.

If they have a permanently entrenched bureaucracy, they win in the end.

They infect the body politic with an incurable disease.

So why wouldn’t they?

So there was President Obama giving his bazillionth speech on health care, droning yet again that “now is the hour when we must seize the moment,” the same moment he’s been seizing every day of the week for the past year, only this time his genius photo-op guys thought it would look good to have him surrounded by men in white coats.

Why is he doing this? Why let “health” “care” “reform” stagger on like the rotting husk in a low-grade creature feature who refuses to stay dead no matter how many stakes you pound through his chest?

Because it’s worth it. Big time. I’ve been saying in this space for two years that the governmentalization of health care is the fastest way to a permanent left-of-center political culture.

It redefines the relationship between the citizen and the state in fundamental ways that make limited government all but impossible.

In most of the rest of the Western world, there are still nominally “conservative” parties, and they even win elections occasionally, but not to any great effect. (Let’s not forget that Jacques Chirac was, in French terms, a “conservative.”) The result is a kind of two-party one-party state:

Right-of-center parties will once in a while be in office, but never in power, merely presiding over vast left-wing bureaucracies that cruise on regardless.

Republicans seem to have difficulty grasping this basic dynamic.

Less than three months ago, they were stunned at the way the Democrats managed to get 60 senators to vote for the health bill.

Then Scott Brown took them back down to 59, and Republicans were again stunned to find the Dems talking about ramming this thing into law through the parliamentary device of “reconciliation.”

Naive GOP

And, when polls showed an ever larger number of Americans ever more opposed to ObamaCare (by margins approaching 3-to-1), Republicans were further stunned to discover that, in order to advance “reconciliation,” Democrat reconsiglieres had apparently been offering (illegally) various cozy Big Government sinecures to swing-state congressmen in order to induce them to climb into the cockpit for the kamikaze raid to push the bill through.

The Democrats understand that politics is not just about Tuesday evenings every other November, but about everything else, too.

A year or two back, when the Canadian Islamic Congress attempted to criminalize my writing north of the border by taking me to the Canadian “Human Rights” Commission, a number of outraged American readers wrote to me saying, “You need to start kicking up a fuss about this, Steyn, and then maybe Canadians will get mad and elect a conservative government that will end this nonsense.”
Makes perfect sense. Except that Canada already has a Conservative government under a Conservative prime minister, and the very head of the “human rights” commission investigating me was herself the Conservative appointee of a Conservative minister of justice. Makes no difference.

Once the state swells to a certain size, the people available to fill the ever expanding number of government jobs will be statists — sometimes hard-core Marxist statists, sometimes social-engineering multiculti statists, sometimes fluffily “compassionate” statists, but always statists.

The short history of the postwar welfare state is that you don’t need a president-for-life if you’ve got a bureaucracy-for-life: The people can elect “conservatives,” as the Germans have done and the British are about to do, and the left is mostly relaxed about it because, in all but exceptional cases (Thatcher), they fulfill the same function in the system as the first-year boys at wintry English boarding schools who for tuppence-ha’penny or some such would agree to go and warm the seat in the unheated lavatories until the prefects strolled in and took their rightful place.

Republicans are good at keeping the seat warm. A big-time GOP consultant was on TV crowing that Republicans wanted the Dems to pass ObamaCare because it’s so unpopular it will guarantee a GOP sweep in November.

Okay, then what? You’ll roll it back — like you’ve rolled back all those other unsustainable entitlements premised on cobwebbed actuarial tables from 80 years ago?

Like you’ve undone the Department of Education and of Energy and all the other nickel ‘n’ dime novelties of even a universally reviled one-term loser like Jimmy Carter?

Andrew McCarthy concluded a shrewd analysis of the political realities thus:

“Health care is a loser for the Left only if the Right has the steel to undo it. The Left is banking on an absence of steel. Why is that a bad bet?”


Look at it from the Dems’ point of view. You pass ObamaCare. You lose the 2010 election, which gives the GOP co-ownership of an awkward couple of years.

And you come back in 2012 to find your health care apparatus is still in place, a fetid behemoth of toxic pustules oozing all over the basement, and, simply through the natural processes of government, already bigger and more expensive and more bureaucratic than it was when you passed it two years earlier.
That’s a huge prize, and well worth a midterm timeout.

I’ve been bandying comparisons with Britain and France, but that hardly begins to convey the scale of it. ObamaCare represents the government annexation of “one-sixth of the U.S. economy” — i.e., the equivalent of the entire British or French economy, or the entire Indian economy twice over.

Unprecedented Takeover

Nobody has ever attempted this level of centralized planning for an advanced society of 300 million people.

Even the control freaks of the European Union have never tried to impose a unitary “comprehensive” health care system from Galway to Greece. The Soviet Union did, of course, and we know how that worked out.

This “reform” is not about health care, and certainly not about “controlling costs.” As with Medicare, it “controls” costs by declining to acknowledge them, or pay them.

Dr. William Schreiber of North Syracuse, N.Y., told CNN that he sees 120 patients per week — about 30% on Medicare, 65% on private insurance plans whose payments take into account the Medicare reimbursement rates, and about 5% who do it the old-fashioned way and write a check.

Schreiber calculates that, under ObamaCare, for every $5 he now makes, he’ll get $2 in the future.

Which suggests now would be a good time to retrain as a realtor or accountant, or the night clerk at the convenience store. Yet Rep. Louise Slaughter, D-N.Y., justifies her support for ObamaCare this way:

“I even had one constituent — you will not believe this, and I know you won’t, but it’s true — her sister died. This poor woman had no dentures. She wore her dead sister’s teeth.”

Is the problem of secondhand teeth a particular problem in this corner of New York? I haven’t noticed an epidemic of ill-fitting dentures on recent visits to the Empire State. George Washington had wooden teeth, but presumably these days the Sierra Club would object to the clear-cutting.

Yet, even granting Rep. Slaughter the benefit of the doubt, is annexing the equivalent of a G-7 economy the solution to what would seem to be the statistically unrepresentative problem of her constituent’s ill-fitting choppers?

Is it worth reducing the next generation of Americans to indentured servitude to pay for this poor New Yorker’s dentured servitude? Yes. Because government health care is not about health care, it’s about government.

Once you look at it that way, what the Dems are doing makes perfect sense. For them.(IBD)

But that doesn’t mean we give up.

To defeat your enemy, you must know your enemy.

And make no mistake, the Democrats are your enemy.

So we need to divide them and conquer.

Call Congress.

Make your voice known.

Evil flourishes when good men do nothing.”



The 2005 Democrats Vs. The 2010 Democrats

You decide who wins.

The Obama White House has recently announced that they will go forward with a reconciliation process — sometimes called the “nuclear option” — to try and pass their government run healthcare plan in the Senate. This process circumvents a Republican filibuster and only requires a simple majority vote of 51 rather than 60.

What did top Democrats think of this process previously?  See below…

Barack Obama 4/25/05: “The President hasn’t gotten his way. And that is now prompting a change in the Senate rules that really I think would change the character of the Senate forever…what I worry about would be that you essentially still have two chambers the House and the Senate but you have simply majoritarian absolute power on either side, and that’s just not what the founders intended.”

Hillary Clinton 5/23/2005: “So this president has come to the majority here in the Senate and basically said ‘change the rules.’ ‘Do it the way I want it done.’ And I guess there just weren’t very many voices on the other side of the isle that acted the way previous generations of senators have acted and said ‘Mr. President we are with you, we support you, but that’s a bridge too far we can’t go there.’ You have to restrain yourself Mr. President.

Charles Schumer 5/18/2005: “We are on the precipice of a crisis, a constitutional crisis. The checks and balances which have been at the core of this Republic are about to be evaporated by the nuclear option. The checks and balances which say that if you get 51% of the vote you don’t get your way 100% of the time. It is amazing it’s almost a temper tantrum.

Harry Reid 5/18/2005: “Mr. President the right to extended debate is never more important than the one party who controls congress and the white house. In these cases the filibuster serves as a check on power and preserves our limited government.”

Dianne Feinstein 5/18/2005: The nuclear option if successful will turn the Senate into a body that could have its rules broken at any time by a majority of senators unhappy with any position taken by the minority. It begins with judicial nominations. Next will be executive appointments and then legislation.

Joe Biden 5/23/2005: This nuclear option is ultimately an example of the arrogance of power. It is a fundamental power grab.

Harry Reid 5/18/2005: “But no we are not going to follow the Senate rules. No, because of the arrogance of power of this Republican administration.”

Chris Dodd 5/18/2005: “I’ve never passed a single bill worth talking about that didn’t have a lead co sponsor that was a Republican. And I don’t know of a single piece of legislation that’s ever been adopted here that didn’t have a Republican and Democrat in the lead. That’s because we need to sit down and work with each other. The rules of this institution have required that. That’s why we exist. Why have a bicameral legislative body? Why have two chambers? What were the framers thinking about 218 years ago? They understood Mr. President that there is a tyranny of the majority.

Dianne Feinstein 5/18/2005: “If the Republican leadership insists on forcing the nuclear option the senate becomes ipso facto the House of Representatives where the majority rules supreme and the party of power can dominate and control the agenda with absolute power.”

Hillary Clinton 5/23/2005: “You’ve got majority rule and then you have the senate over here where people can slow things down where they can debate where they have something called the filibuster. You know it seems like it’s a little less than efficient — well that’s right it is. And deliberately designed to be so.”

Joe Biden 5/23/05: “I say to my friends on the Republican side you may own the field right now buy you won’t own it forever I pray God when the Democrats take back control we don’t make the kind of naked power grab you are doing.”

Charles Schumer 5/23/2005: “They want their way every single time. And they will change the rules, break the rules, and misread the constitution so that they will get their way.”

Hillary Clinton 5/23/2005: “The Senate is being asked to turn itself inside out, to ignore the precedent to ignore the way our system has work, the delicate balance that we have obtain that has kept this constitution system going, for immediate gratification of the present President.”

Max Baucus 5/19/2005: “This is the way Democracy ends. Not with a bomb but with a gavel.”

My how times have changed.

And the Hypocrisy is on the other foot.

Putting Your Money Where His Mouth is

“After a decade of profligacy, the American people are tired of politicians who talk the talk but don’t walk the walk when it comes to fiscal responsibility,” he said. “It’s easy to get up in front of the cameras and rant against exploding deficits. What’s hard is actually getting deficits under control. But that’s what we must do. Like families across the country, we have to take responsibility for every dollar we spend.”

To put Obama’s Olympian hypocrisy in perspective, one need only examine the federal budget tables posted on the White House website by Obama’s own Office of Management and Budget.

They reveal these startling facts: When calculated by the average annual percentage of the Gross Domestic Product that he will spend during his presidency, Obama is on track to become the biggest-spending president since 1930, the earliest year reported on the OMB’s historical chart of spending as a percentage of GDP. When calculated by the average annual percentage of GDP he will borrow during his presidency, Obama is on track to become the greatest debter president since Franklin Roosevelt.

Obama will outspend and out-borrow the admittedly profligate George W. Bush, a man Obama and his lieutenants routinely malign for fiscal recklessness and who, when in office, was often hailed even by his allies as a Big Government Republican. Obama will even outspend—but not quite out-borrow—his fellow welfare-state liberal FDR, who had to contend with both the Depression and World War II.

In determining this was the case, I credited the presidents prior to Obama with the federal spending and borrowing that occurred during the fiscal years that started when they were in office. I credited Obama with the spending and borrowing that his own OMB estimates will occur during the fiscal years from 2010 to 2013, which are the four fiscal years starting during Obama’s four-year term. (Before fiscal 1977, fiscal years ran from July 1 to June 30. Since then, they have run from Oct. 1 to Sept. 30.)

FDR was inaugurated in March 1933 and died in April 1945. He is thus responsible for the 12 fiscal years from 1934 to 1945. During those years of depression and world war, according to OMB, federal spending averaged 19.35 percent of GDP. During Obama’s four fiscal years, OMB estimates spending will average 24.13 percent of GDP. That is about 25 percent more than under FDR.

In the first eight fiscal years of FDR’s presidency, before Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, federal spending as a percentage of GDP never exceeded 12 (despite the Depression). During those years, it averaged only 9.85 percent. Under Obama, annual spending as a percentage of GDP will average almost two-and-a-half times that much.

In fiscal 1942, when the U.S. started dramatically ramping up expenditures to fight World War II, federal spending equaled 24.3 percent of GDP. In 2010, the first full fiscal year of the Obama era, spending will reach 25.4 percent of GDP.

Under current estimates, Obama will not beat FDR’s overall record for borrowing, although he will nearly double FDR’s pre-World War II rate of borrowing. From 1934-41, FDR ran annual deficits that averaged 3.56 percent of GDP. Obama, according to OMB, will run average annual deficits of 7.05 percent GDP. When you include the war years of 1942-45, FDR ran average annual deficits of 9.76 percent of GDP. Even without a world war, Obama’s overall prospective borrowing is at least competitive with FDR’s.

And Obama and FDR share one historic debt-accumulating distinction. By OMB’s calculation, they are the only two presidents since 1930 to run up annual deficits that reached double figures as a percentage of GDP. Obama will run up a deficit this year of 10.6 percent of GDP. The last time the deficit hit double digits as a percentage of GDP was 1945 — when Germany and Japan surrendered.

The U.S. won the Cold War without ever running a double-digit deficit. President Reagan’s highest deficit was 6 percent of GDP in 1983 — and he bankrupted the Soviet Union not the United States.

So how does Obama compare with the much-maligned George W. Bush? In Bush’s eight fiscal years, annual federal spending averaged 20.43 percent of GDP, significantly less than Obama’s estimated 24.13 percent of GDP.

Bush ran annual deficits that averaged 3.4 percent of GDP—and that includes fiscal 2009, when the deficit soared to 9.9 percent of GDP and Obama signed a $787 billion stimulus bill (some of which was spent in fiscal 2009) after Bush left office. Obama, according to OMB, will run deficits that average 7.05 percent of GDP—or more than twice the average deficits under Bush.

The bottom line on Obama: He puts our money where his mouth is.(CNSnews)

The Bush Deranged who will blame every ill in the universe on George W. Bush, who admittedly was a fiscal socialist like them in his last years.

The fact that Congress was taken over by The Reid-Pelosi types in 2007 didn’t help any.

Whether that was trying to buy off his legacy from people that had already spent years piling on him or just weakness., it’s hard to say.

Bush in his last couple of years was a train wreck.

But the current administration takes that train wreck and brings in Godzilla, King Ghidorah, Hedorah, and all the other monsters and has a stomping party on it.

Then proclaims not only is it the other guys fault but they have “saved us all”!

How great are we! 😦

BUT He made me do it!!! 😦

Bovine Fecal Matter!!

That’s like saying, after an all-night binge drinking session and getting pulled over for DUI that it was the bar’s fault or your friends who egged you on.

It’s complete crap.

So you have “fiscal responsibility” after the biggest spending binge in American History….then you propose EVEN MORE OR THE SAME  (aka Health Care, Cap & Trade, Amnesty for New Democrats,etc) and that’s supposed to work because you have re-imagined it!

The definition of insanity is doing exactly the same thing every time and expecting a different result.

They are insane.

But this is the wet dream of  several generations of socialist Democrats at precisely the wrong time.

But they can’t understand that.

Like children who have been lusting after a toy for Christmas since the day after Christmas from when they were 2 they think the message is not the problem, but how it’s phrased and delivered.

That somehow the 1000 lb. White Elephant in the room is not the problem, so let’s call in a stylist and call it a The Blanco Pachyderm Supreme, as if that will help sell there socialism.

In true Orwellian fashion, it’s not the ideas that are bad, it’s the presentation.

The almost child-like arrogance and stubbornness is not appealing.

Neither is the finger pointing.

But they can’t see that.

And that’s why they are headed straight for the iceberg aboard the Titanic.

Unfortunately, we are all the Passengers and we will all go down with them.

And it’s all those Damn Republican’s Fault! 😡

Vice President Joe Biden complains that Washington is “broken” and “dysfunctional.” In fact, Republicans blocking Democrats from further wrecking the economy is the American system at its best.

Appearing on the CBS Early Show, the vice president lamented that “Washington, right now, is broken,” adding that “I don’t ever recall a time in my career where to get anything done, you needed a supermajority, 60 out of 100 senators. … I’ve never seen it this dysfunctional.”

The man one heartbeat away from the presidency obviously has a conveniently short memory.

During the Bush administration, when Republicans outnumbered Democrats in the Senate but were lacking a supermajority, Democrats were only too happy to use the filibuster to block judicial appointees like Priscilla Owen and Janice Rogers Brown — because they weren’t liberal activists. (The courts are where liberals are able to wield the kind of sweeping powers that the people would never give them through the ballot box.)

Now, with the tables turned, Biden has come to think a lot less of the rules of that “world’s greatest deliberative body” where he spent more than 30 years.

Others on the left agree.

Lawyer Thomas Geoghegan, writing in the New York Times last month, charged that “the Senate, as it now operates, really has become unconstitutional” and argued that the Founding Fathers “were dead set against supermajorities as a general rule, and the ever-present filibuster threat has made the Senate a more extreme check on the popular will than they ever intended.”

But the derailing of the radical health care revolution being pushed by the White House and the Democratic majorities in Congress is a perfect example of how America’s legislative system can rise to greatness — protecting the majority.

Defending the filibuster last month on the Witherspoon Institute’s thepublicdiscourse.com, Radford University political science Professor Matthew J. Franck noted: “The Senate has chosen a set of rules that prize the power of senators as individuals to shape and to slow down debate in the chamber, while the House has chosen rules that streamline debate and advantage the majority party.”

The Senate filibuster is “in purpose and effect, an aid to legislative deliberation” because, according to Franck, “the Senate has always prized the freedom of action of the individual senators, to speak at length during debate and to turn the deliberations on a bill in new directions by way of amendments.”

In the case of health reform, the people, who overwhelmingly oppose the Democrats’ plans, have indeed been deliberating.

Last month they used a special Senate election in one of the most dependably Democratic states in the Union to obstruct the Democratic majority’s locomotive running through Congress.

Massachusetts Republican Sen. Scott Brown’s 41st vote means the radical left will have to wait longer to get what they crave: extensive government control over the U.S. medical system.

What Joe Biden calls “dysfunctional” is American government working as it should — thanks to the Republicans doing their job in opposing still more spending and dangerous government intrusion. (IBD)

So let’s stay in Campaign Mode.

Democrats in charge of both the White House and Congress are firing all their guns at once to tout the benefits of the $862 billion stimulus package passed a year ago this week. They’ve even planned a 35-city tour to support it. Their message?

“One year later, it is largely thanks to the recovery act that a second depression is no longer a possibility,” President Obama said Wednesday. The stimulus act has created 2 million jobs, he claimed, predicting 1.5 million more this year from the program.

Is it just a coincidence that the 3.5 million jobs he is claiming is exactly what the White House predicted early last year? We doubt it. But whatever the case, Obama’s claims are false.

Start with this: Stimulus didn’t save us from an economic cataclysm. Obama himself said so back in March, noting that the economy was “not as bad as we think,” and that he was “highly optimistic.” It’s clear he didn’t think we were on the brink of a Depression.

He was right. In an editorial at the time, we pointed to 13 separate economic indicators signaling an imminent economic recovery — with all of them flashing before the stimulus was in place.

We knew at the time that our resilient private economy would climb out of its hole, and that politicians would try to claim credit. That’s why we wrote: “No politician who voted for these job- and growth-killing measures should claim any credit for our eventual rebound.” Following Wednesday’s fact-bending dog-and-pony show, we think that bears repeating.

The claim that stimulus has “created or saved” 2 million jobs is complete fiction. It rests on the obviously false idea that money can be taken from the productive private sector and given to the nonproductive public sector and create a net gain in jobs.

Based on the imaginary existence of a so-called “Keynesian multiplier,” this kind of thinking hypothesizes jobs that don’t really exist. Sadly, when we count actual jobs, the reality is a bit starker: 8.4 million jobs lost since December 2007, the start of the recession. And more than 4 million lost since the start of 2009.

So when Vice President Biden says Americans are “getting their money’s worth” from stimulus, it should be treated as a punch line — not a policy view.

Look Ma, how great I am. 😦

Worse is the administration’s claim that stimulus is responsible for the fourth quarter’s 5.7% spurt in GDP. This, too, is utterly false.

Two-thirds of that number was made up of inventories. Businesses had liquidated so much in inventories as Obama came into office, helping to make GDP declines last year deeper than expected, that when they finally stopped the economy appeared to be growing strongly. It wasn’t.

Real final sales, a measure that excludes short-term inventory swings, rose just 2.2% in the fourth quarter — hardly a boom.

What bothered us most, however, was Obama’s reference to a “lost decade” under President Bush — a now-popular insult Democrats use to imply Obama’s predecessor is to blame for everything.

So, let’s review the Bush record one more time.

As background, Bush’s presidency began after the largest stock market crash in history, which destroyed nearly $8 trillion in national wealth. Business investment had collapsed, in part due to the Y2K debacle. The economy in early 2001 was already in recession. And within nine months we were hit by the 9/11 attacks.

Thanks to Bush’s tax cuts in 2001 and 2003, the U.S. economy came back. From the end of 2000 to Bush’s exit from office, 4.6 million jobs were created, industrial output rose 5%, productivity soared 25%, real after-tax income jumped 21% and net wealth grew by $8.6 trillion. And that includes last year’s financial meltdown.

Calling this a “lost decade” is simply wrong. Curiously, the economy was far healthier before Democrats took over Congress in 2006. Is it just coincidence that the unraveling of our financial system took place just as they regained control?

Today, stimulus, TARP and other programs intended to boost the economy are instead adding trillions of dollars in debt and spending that our kids and grandkids will have to pay off in coming decades. And let the record show: They’re not creating jobs.

Recent polls show Americans overwhelmingly believe the stimulus is a failure. They’re right. And no amount of snake oil sold by slick White House salesmen from the back of a government truck is likely to convince them otherwise. (IBD)

But Don’t tell the Democrats or liberals that, it’s Heresy. 🙂

And they will be signing it’s praises regardless.

So, How do you want your $14 Trillion Dollar Blanco Pachyderm Supreme?

Take out or Delivery? 🙂

This Election Brought to you by…

So are we headed for the same Corporatization of Elections that we have, say in, Stadiums. Like the ones here Locally, University of Phoenix where the Cardinal play. Where the University of Phoenix won the “naming rights” by paying the Cardinals lots of Money.

The same with US Air Arena (built as America West- and I still call it that).

Or Chase Field (built as Bank One Ballpark- or “BOB” as I still call it).

So as we going to have McElections??

These election results brought to you by…

Or are we already there to begin with.

WSJ:  Corporations, labor unions and other political entities are gearing up to play a larger role in influencing elections in 2010 and beyond after a decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to strike down elements of campaign-finance law.

The Supreme Court on Thursday made it easier for entities to influence elections for Congress and the White House by stripping away rules that limited their ability to fund campaign advertisements. The court also struck down a part of the 2002 McCain-Feingold campaign-finance law that prevented independent political groups from running advertisements within 30 days of a primary election or 60 days of a general election.

The question now is whether corporations and labor unions will take advantage of their new freedom. For the past decade, labor unions have been more aggressive than corporations in finding legal ways to fund independent political campaigns. But the relaxation of campaign-spending restrictions could clear the way for groups from all points along the political spectrum to spend more, and target more of that spending in the critical final days of a campaign.

Or will be get EVEN MORE Negative Attack ads in this hyper-partisan atmosphere?

Corporations, unions and wealthy individuals have sought to influence elections for decades by funding their own independent campaigns for or against candidates.

In the 2004 election, outside groups spent more than $550 million on their own campaigns, more than double what they spent in the 2000 campaign. Most of these independent efforts were bankrolled by labor unions and wealthy Democrats and were designed to help Democrats at the polls.

WSJ’s Ashby Jones speaks to Kelsey Hubbard on the News Hub about the Supreme Court’s decision today striking down limits on corporate political spending.

The two largest independent groups in 2004—America Coming Together and the Media Fund—spent a total of $136 million in an effort to elect Democrats. The Service Employees International Union spent $48 million, according to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics.

During the 2008 election cycle, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which represents businesses, led all other independent groups by spending $36.4 million, mainly to help elect Republicans to the Senate, according to the nonpartisan Campaign Finance Institute, which tracks spending by outside groups. The second-largest organization was the labor union American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, which spent $30.7 million. The Service Employees International Union spent $27 million.

William McGinley, a campaign finance lawyer with Patton Boggs who works with Republicans, said Democratic-leaning organizations “have outspent their conservative counterparts during the last few years, and now is the time for conservatives to re-engage.”

I would argue we are already there.

And have been for a long time.

Special Interest groups rule Washington D.C.

You only have to look as far as the Labor Unions who objected to the “Cadillac Plan” tax in the now largely defunct Health Care Reform.

They screamed and yelled and got special treatment.

AARP got bought off.

The U.S Chamber of Commerce got shut out because it wouldn’t be bought off.

The AMA got bought off.

Whole States (Nebraska, Louisiana and Florida) got bought off.

So the Politicians get bought off by the Special Interests, and they by them off too.

There is no place for the American people in this equation.

Only at the Ballot box.

And Massachusetts proved that.

The Political earthquake that that set off is still being assessed.

Obama Jan 14,2009: “If Republicans want to campaign against what we’ve done by standing up for the status quo and for insurance companies over American families and businesses, that is a fight I want to have.”

But on Jan 19th, the people spoke.

And the entire country changed.

That’s all, We the People have.

That’s our only weapon.

Charles Krauthammer:  After Coakley’s defeat, Obama pretended that the real cause was a generalized anger and frustration “not just because of what’s happened in the last year or two years, but what’s happened over the last eight years.”

Let’s get this straight: The antipathy to George W. Bush is so enduring and powerful that … it just elected a Republican senator in Massachusetts? Why, the man is omnipotent.

The evidence was unmistakable: Independents, who in 2008 elected Obama, swung massively against the Democrats: dropping 16 points in Virginia, 21 in New Jersey.

On Tuesday, it was even worse: Independents, who went 2-to-1 Republican in Virginia and New Jersey, now went 3-to-1 Republican in hyper-blue Massachusetts.

But you have to wonder, how many Anti-Bush attack ads will be airing soon because that’s still the main demon and main excuse of the Left in this country.

Will they run against a past President this fall?

And will you buy it?

An astonishing 56% of Massachusetts voters, according to Rasmussen, called health care their top issue. In a Fabrizio, McLaughlin & Associates poll, 78% of Brown voters said their vote was intended to stop ObamaCare. Only a quarter of all voters in the Rasmussen poll cited the economy as their top issue, nicely refuting the Democratic view that Massachusetts was just the usual anti-incumbent resentment you expect in bad economic times.

So, my advice, is to get a DVR between now an November and record your shows and fast forward through all the attack ads or else you may just go mad.

The SEIU has been one of the largest donors to outside political groups in the past decade. On Thursday, the organization denounced the court decision, saying it opened the door for corporations to outspend unions.

“I don’t think working people would ever have as much to spend as corporations. For us, being able to spend a few extra dollars isn’t worth allowing decisions to be made from boardrooms instead of the polling booth,” said union spokeswoman Lori Lodes.(Bloomberg)

But you don’t want them decided at the polling booth, you want them decided in D.C. That’s why you had a special meeting with The White House to pitch a fit over the “Cadillac plans” and got exempted from them for five years, while the normal average American (92% non-union) was not.

But at least we had some good news:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said her chamber lacks the votes to pass the Senate’s health-care legislation, dashing hopes of a quick resolution for President Barack Obama’s top domestic priority.

“In its present form, without change, I don’t think it’s possible to pass the Senate bill in the House,” Pelosi told reporters today in Washington. “We are not in a big rush,” Pelosi said. Congress will “take the time it needs to consider the options,” she said.

That doesn’t mean they will stop trying. Oh no, that will never happen.

But at least for this moment, the Wicked Witch is dead. Massachusetts, of all places, dropped a House on Nancy Pelosi. 🙂

“The sense is we shouldn’t drop the subject, but maybe we need to look at some pieces of it,” said Representative Jose Serrano, a New York Democrat.

That would fit with a suggestion Obama made yesterday.

“I would advise that we try to move quickly to coalesce around those elements in the package that people agree on,” Obama said in an interview with ABC News broadcast last night.

So, the people still have the ultimate power.

The Congress is already bought and paid for by Special Interests.

I don’t see much of a change.

But WE THE PEOPLE still elect these people. So ultimately, regardless, we have the last say.

But that doesn’t preclude the Corporations and other Interests  from picking the Candidates as many Special Interest Groups do now.

So we may still get Twiddle-Dee and Twiddle-Dumber.

That’s when we have to raise our standards. No rubber stamps. No “I voted for the Democrat/Republican just because I am a Democrat/Republican”.

Be a savvier shopper than that.

Yes, that will require time and dedication while your working and relaxing and playing with the kids.

But, no one said Democracy was easy.

Because we can’t hope to out spend the Special Interests in Washington now.

But we get the Vote.

We have to use what tools we do have.

Now, more than ever.

With characteristic condescension, they contemptuously dismissed the (tea party) protests as the mere excrescences of a redneck, retrograde, probably racist rabble.

You would think lefties could discern a proletarian vanguard when they see one. Yet they kept denying the reality of the rising opposition to Obama’s social democratic agenda when summer turned to fall and Virginia and New Jersey turned Republican in the year’s two gubernatorial elections.

That something is substance — political ideas and legislative agendas.

Democrats, if they wish, can write off their Massachusetts humiliation to high unemployment, to Coakley or, the current favorite among sophisticates, to generalized anger. That implies an inchoate, unthinking lashing-out at whoever happens to be in power — even at your liberal betters who are forcing on you an agenda that you can’t even see is in your own interest.

Democrats must so rationalize, otherwise they must take democracy seriously and ask themselves: If the people really don’t want it, could they possibly have a point?

“If you lose Massachusetts and that’s not a wake-up call,” said moderate — and sentient — Democratic Sen. Evan Bayh of Indiana, “there’s no hope of waking up.”

I say: Let them sleep.

Good Night. Sleep Tight. Don’t let the Special Interest Bugs Bite. 🙂

The Scott Heard Around the World!

Kryten From “Red Dwarf”: <<Engage Gloat Mode>>

The people of Massachusetts sent a message to an oppressive government yet again.

Democrats from all over Massachusetts sent a message to Washington D.C last night, they voted for a Republican.


Scott Brown, the pick-up driving (since Obama made fun of that last Sunday)  Republican is now the Senator-Elect.

And it wasn’t even close.

It was a Smackdown.

But were the Democrats in Washington D.C. and the Liberal Intelligentsia listening?

I doubt it.

Rep. Chris Van Hollen of Maryland, head of the House Democrats’ campaign effort, said Coakley’s loss won’t deter his colleagues from continuing to blame the previous administration.

“President George W. Bush and House Republicans drove our economy into a ditch and tried to run away from the accident,” he said. “President Obama and congressional Democrats have been focused repairing the damage to our economy.” (MSNBC)

So it’s George W. Bush’s Fault! 🙂

Ezra Klein on the “Rachael Maddow Show” on MSNBC- He wasn’t sympathetic to the “exhaustion” he was hearing from some on Capital Hill because they were “tired of Town halls. Tired of angry constituents. Tired of fighting with Republicans…and compromising…”

He and the Host (a Former Hate Air America leftist) both were commiserating that The Democrats needed to pass Health Care Reform even more now than ever!

That the they’d spent the last year on this and to come up with nothing means they failed and to go to the voters in November as a failure would hurt them greatly.

Which to me says, they didn’t get the message.

If you pass Health Care Reform now, as it is, You’ll have a “Political Jonestown” (Patt Cadell, Democratic Pollster On “Sean Hannity” earlier in the day) on your hand in November.

Drink this Kool-Aid, it’s toxic.

Just ask the Democrats in Massachusetts I saw on FOX  (yes they were on FOX) and there was a room of about 25 of them. Every single one of them voted for Obama. Only 2 Voted for the Democrat, Martha Coakley.

They said things like “sending a message to Washington”  about their “arrogance”  “spending” and “tired of the one party rule”.

One day shy of the first anniversary of Obama’s swearing-in, the election played out amid a backdrop of animosity and resentment from voters over persistently high unemployment, Wall Street bailouts, exploding federal budget deficits and partisan wrangling over health care.

“I voted for Obama because I wanted change. … I thought he’d bring it to us, but I just don’t like the direction that he’s heading,” said John Triolo, 38, a registered independent who voted in Fitchburg.
He said his frustrations, including what he considered the too-quick pace of health care legislation, led him to vote for Brown.


Where they have had Universal Health Care since 2007 (which is also causing premiums to go up!)


But the real story is the Independents. Like me.

We have spoken!

Thank you very much. I’ll bet they can hear all this cheering down in Washington, D.C.

And I hope they’re paying close attention, because tonight the independent voice of Massachusetts has spoken.

From the Berkshires to Boston, from Springfield to Cape Cod, the voters of this Commonwealth defied the odds and the experts. And tonight, the independent majority has delivered a great victory.

I thank the people of Massachusetts for electing me as your next United States senator.

Most of all, I will remember that while the honor is mine, this Senate seat belongs to no one person and no political party – and as I have said before, and you said loud and clear today, it is the people’s seat.–Senator-Elect Scott Brown

And the Republicans better beware of us too!

But first be vigilant on the Far-Left. There are still many who want to cram the THE AGENDA down regardless.

They want to ignore last night. Say it doesn’t matter. That they must press on.

Soldier on to the end.

Would you like some Kool-Aid to quench your thirst for power?

They aren’t going to give up this easily.

So They need be reminded constantly through November that “We are Not Amused” as Queen Victoria famously said.

Newsweek Column “The Gaggle”:  To their credit, Washington Democrats haven’t given up. The White House is weighing a plan to pass the Senate bill immediately through the House, which would, with Obama’s signature, make it law automatically without Scott Brown or anyone else in the Senate getting another crack at it. Then the Democrats would use “reconciliation” budget rules to fix problems in the Senate version with 51 votes, per the agreement Obama has been working on for the last couple of weeks. This is a messy approach but doable.

The impediment is the herd-like habits of professional politicians. So-called “Blue Dog” Democrats from moderate-to-conservative districts are desperate to get right with their mad-as-hell constituents. But killing health care now won’t help these vacillating members. Those who have already voted for it will get attacked this fall as tax-and-spend liberals. That’s inevitable. But if they now vote against it, they’ll get attacked as tax-and-spend liberal flip-floppers whose party can’t deliver for the American people — a more searing indictment. With a bill, at least Obama and the Democrats could play some offense, charging that Republicans side with the insurance companies against working people facing soaring premiums, a costly “donut hole” on drugs and the threat of medical bankruptcy.

So it’s not much of a choice, is it? Any moderate House Democrat with half a brain should vote for the Senate bill, which is much more to their liking than the House bill that many of them supported in November. Of course it’s the half a brain part that’s a cause of worry. Some of these guys are as politically clueless as Martha Coakley.

Muddling through this period (and that’s the very best that can be hoped for) requires that the President and congressional leaders accept the message of Massachusetts–that voters are mighty PO’d–without succumbing to the GOP’s interpretation of it as a mandate for No Change.

Obama plans to spend most of the year in Campaign Mode (ed: Campaign Mode is not Leadership!), not Congressional Sausage Maker Mode. That will help. So will proving that Washington can still deliver something big for the American people.

So what’s missing in this analysis is staring her right in the face: INDEPENDENTS.

But, before the Senate crammed down the Health Care Bill on Christmas Eve, had anyone ever even heard of Scott Brown??

He went from zero to hero in less than 3 weeks!

But partisanship has become so vitriolic and so black-and-white that they miss the real point.

And I think the Democrats will continue to miss it; and I hope the Republicans don’t miss it either.

This wasn’t really their victory.

It was the People’s Victory.

It’s the Independents, Stupid! 🙂

CBS: Registered Democrats outnumber registered Republicans three-to-one in Massachusetts, yet Brown was able to win because independents broke heavily in his favor. President Obama’s approval rating among independents has fallen to 40 percent in the latest CBS News poll, and 64 percent of them say the country is on the wrong track. Two in three, meanwhile, disapprove of the way the Democrat-dominated Congress is handling its job.

If they want to limit their losses in the midterms, Democrats must find some way to win at least some of these independents back. That could be a challenge, because their party is now widely associated with the unpopular government bailouts, as well as federal spending levels that have helped create an anti-incumbent mood. Expect to see Democratic lawmakers ratchet up their rhetoric on issues like Wall Street bonuses in the coming months in an effort to co-opt the populist mantle that has been driving many independents into the waiting arms of the GOP.

And Expect me to call them on it. Republican or Democrat.

I’m an Independent, Hear Me Roar! 🙂

The Measure of The Man

“It’s time to do what’s right for America’s working families, to put aside the partisanship, to come together as a nation, to pass health insurance reform now – this year,” he said.—President Obama today at the AFL-CIO Picnic in Ohio

Also in the same speech:

“I’ve got a question for all these folks who say, you know, we’re going to pull the plug on Grandma and this is all about illegal immigrants — you’ve heard all the lies,” Obama said. “I’ve got a question for all those folks: What are you going to do? What’s your answer? What’s your solution?

“And you know what? They don’t have one. Their answer is to do nothing.”

Way to promote bi-partisanship, make disparaging, untruthful, and condescending remarks.

Yeah, that makes me want to sit down and bargain with you.

Especially, since there are Republican plans and idea out there, it’s just that the Ministry of Truth and White House aren’t interested in listening so therefore they don’t exist.

Yeah, that kind of attitude certainly fosters “bi-partisanship”.

More likely, BY-partisanship, like when the Democrats said in August that they would just go it alone.

“And debate is good, because we have to get this right. But every debate at some point comes to an end. At some point it’s time to decide, at some point it’s time to act. Ohio, it’s time to act and get this done.”-Obama

Read:  Debate is over.

So how “bi-partisan” is that, exactly?

And did someone, namely The Ministry of Truth miss:

The Senior’s Bill of Rights

Or the Republican health care proposals and ideas that are ignored in the Congressional committees.

This is a summation of Rep. Trent Franks at the rally in Downtown Phoenix, which I was at:
1. Get Rid of Unfunded mandates
2. “Insurance Justice reform” aka Tort Reform, stop frivolous lawsuits designed to just “win a lottery”.
3. Stop doctors need to perform unnecessary tests because they are afraid of being sued if they don’t.
4. Get the patient more involved in the compensation of the Doctor. Thus weeding out bad doctors and rewarding good ones.

That’s a whole lot of  “nothing” 🙂

Unless, of course, you aren’t even remotely interested in listening in the first place, that is.

It might as well be “nothing”

Since no one in the White House or the Ministry of Truth is listening.

There are None so deaf as those that will not hear. None so blind as those that will not see.—Mathew Henry