Guilty of Being White

You shoot up an Army post and shout “allah Ackbar” it’s “workplace violence”.

A White cop defends himself against a black suspect. The cops a racist.


Sara Mutschlechner. a twenty year old white female college student was shot in the head and killed New Year’s morning in Denton, Texas. She was driving three friends home from a party. A car with five or six black males pulled up next to her and made undisclosed statements. Then one of them shot Sara in the head. She was a student at the University of North Texas.


The Dallas Morning News downplayed the murder as “road rage.” The most likely chain of events probably involved unwanted sexual catcalling and a negative reaction by the women.

She white, who cares. There were a few local news stories no great national outcry for such a senseless act.

Especially as it was gun who killed her (since the Left believes guns kill people not people).

Unfortunately, the killer was black. So even less coverage mentions that on the news!

Blacks are only killed by white racists, after all. That’s newsworthy.

NO Hands up! Don’t SHOOT! Here.

No Feminists are mad. No Al Sharpton. No MSNBC. No Melissa Harris-Perry.

Phew, good thing the victim was white and the murders were black or this could have been a hate crime. 🙂

“It was an amicable conversation to begin with, but quickly went downhill and some derogatory statements were made toward the female occupants of that vehicle,” the Denton Police spokesman told reporters.

Kizer described those “very derogatory” remarks as being of a “sexual nature,” adding that a male inside Mutschlechner’s vehicle responded by calling them out as offensive.

“Some comments were made back towards him, even a couple of threats were thrown,” the police spokesman said. “About that time, they were driving through the intersection … when several shots were fired.”

– U.S. Marshals have arrested an active U.S. Marine for the shooting death of a UNT student on New Year’s Eve.

Eric Jamal Johnson, 20, was taken into custody Tuesday morning in Yuma, Arizona. The U.S. Marines confirmed he is an administration specialist who was reporting for work at the Yuma Air Station when he was arrested on Tuesday.


The victim, 20-year-old Sara Mutschlechner, was driving friends home from a New Year’s Eve party when passengers in her car exchanged words with five or six young men in an SUV.

Denton Police Department spokesman Shane Kizer described the exchange as friendly at first. But then he said the men in the SUV started making lewd and inappropriate comments directed toward Mutschlechner and her friend.

According to an arrest warrant affidavit, a witness said Johnson displayed a handgun and threated to shoot. Shortly afterward, Johnson opened fire on the car and Mutschlechner was struck in the head, causing her to crash into a utility pole.

Kizer said the witnesses in Mutschlechner car recognized some of the men in the SUV from the party. They were able to provide police with descriptions of the suspects.

Investigators talked to several people who attended the party and were able to use photos and posts on social media to come up with the street names of several people believed to be in the SUV.

Many on social media are critical of the coverage, saying that the murder would have generated national attention if the races were reversed.

No gun control narrative here. 🙂

Hate Crime? Black male stabs white six year old to death


Ronald Exantus, 32, of Indianapolis has been charged with stabbing six year old Logan Tipton to death in his own home. The savage murder took place early Monday morning in the small Kentucky town of Versailles.

Exantus is believed to have walked around the house while the family slept. Then he got a butcher knife out of the kitchen, went to the boy’s bedroom, and stabbed in the head for the fun of it.

Exantus is being charged with burglary and murder.

Gunman screams racial slurs and then opens fire on mother and baby


On October 16th, 2015 a black male pulled up alongside Amanda Frey, a white female , in a Bradenton, Florida parking lot. He screamed racial slurs and then fired a gun at her three times. The woman had a one year old baby in the car with her. Bullets tore threw Frey’s car, but none of the occupants were injured.

The perpetrator may have targeted Frey because she has a Confederate flag sticker on her car. For months, major national media outlets and major left-wing organizations have been running a racially charged campaign to demonize all supporters of the Confederate flag.

This attempted double murder took place a month and a half ago and we are just now hearing about it. That is because the story received almost no media coverage at all.

Channel 9, a local station, ran a lone article on it. In their article they censor the race of the shooter, even though the media outlet states that the shooter has been identified. Channel 9 also uses insults the victim by suggesting her Confederate sticker “provoked” the attack.

Meanwhile the national media has made major news stories out of white people simply displaying a Confederate flag in public.

Be Glad You’re Not a Liberal

Is calling today “Black Friday” racist? 🙂

Reason #47,321 to be glad you’re not a liberal: You get to enjoy your holiday and allow those around you to enjoy theirs. Not so for our left-wing counterparts, who mostly disdain Thanksgiving – along with Columbus Day, Independence Day, Flag Day, Christmas, Easter, etc. – freighting it with their liberal guilt and contempt for any one or thing that doesn’t reflect their enlightened world-view.

So while you’re eagerly tucking into your turkey and happily plopping potatoes on your plate, spare a thought for those fated to suffer through Thanksgiving though they know that what the Pilgrims wrought is nothing to celebrate.

Pass the bio degradable tissues and prepare to have your consciousness raised (yes, it’s as painful as it sounds). Here are five reasons liberals hate Thanksgiving, and want you to hate it too.

1. Liberals hate Thanksgiving because it is racist. Yes that’s right, Thanksgiving is all about that white supremacy! “It is reserved by history and the intent of ‘the founders’ as the supremely white American holiday, the most ghoulish event on the national calendar.” One glass of white privilege to wash down the white meat please!

2. Liberals hate Thanksgiving because it is sexist. Sure, you can guess that because we often think of women slaving away in the kitchen while the men watch football. But here’s a little food for thought: according to liberal feminists, Thanksgiving is sexist because there just aren’t enough lady balloons in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade!

3. Liberals hate Thanksgiving because it’s killing the environment. Climate change is the last thing anyone wants to hear on Thanksgiving. Let that conversation burn in the oven with the forgotten dinner rolls.

4. Liberals hate Thanksgiving because it’s anti animal rights. Liberals want you to “carry that weight” of guilt and shame knowing your perfectly moist and seasoned turkey suffered and was murdered on its journey to your dinner table. Instead liberals want you to take a hard stance on animal rights and opt for a nice slice of raw broccoli loaf.

5. Liberals hate Thanksgiving because it’s a holiday for celebrating genocide. Thanksgiving, aka “Europeans’ genocidal campaign against indigenous people to acquire the land base of the United States.” Above all else, Thanksgiving is a time to channel your inner sociopath, according to liberals. Without those Europeans invading an unknown land and conquering all those Native Americans you wouldn’t have a reason to carve a turkey!

If that’s not enough to make you feel unthankful for thanksgiving here are 37 more reasons to hate Thanksgiving, curtesy of buzz kill Buzzfeed.

But if you’re a normal human being, you know that Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to share with family and friends giving thanks for the freedoms and blessings this great nation has to offer.  (Newsbusters)

I personally had friends over that don’t have any family to celebrate with so we celebrate together and we had a good meal,a good time and I did a lot of the cooking.

So I give thanks that I’m not a Liberal. 🙂

turkey pardon48 percent


Get over it!


Students at Carondelet High School for Girls in Concord wanted to come up with ways to observe the occasion during a lunchtime celebration Friday. But when the school announced a menu of fried chicken, cornbread and watermelon, other students and parents became offended.KNTV-TV reports that school officials held an assembly on campus Wednesday to discuss the issue and also sent a letter apologizing to parents. Principal Nancy Libby wrote that the items were taken off of the menu and that the school doesn’t perpetrate racial stereotypes.Libby also wrote the school will hold a diversity assembly for students and faculty.

‘Nuff Said? 🙂

In the event that there are more “Vester Lee Flanagans” out there in the Untied States of The Overly Offended who’re ready to snap because the world won’t recognize them as God’s gift to humanity, and yet, you’re not completely sold on the murder/suicide option: herewith are six surefire points to move you back into reality and officially remove you from being The Mayor of Mangina-town and into the rarefied air of a combobulated human.

He was the perfect model of the aggrieved and oppressed Progressive Liberal. I would think Liberal would canonize him. He’s everything they have worked for for generations. They built him.

1. Drop the “poor you” crap, especially, if you live in America. If you live in the USA you … are … not … suffering. So quit crying. Oh, and speaking of not crying here’s a big FYI to you: most employers I know don’t want some screecher who bleats about going over molehills in the Garden of Eden. Therefore, play the man if you truly wish to draw the attention of a company that’s worth its salt. And definitely don’t do videos, tweets or Facebook posts where you bray to the masses that you’re an unhinged, pitiful ass.

2. Get a vision. Visionaries who want to slay a dragon, save a nation and right a wrong are attractive. Solipsistic me-monkeys are repugnant to people of note. Look, God didn’t call you to be a navel gazer. So, go out into the desert and get aligned with your eternal purpose – and if for some reason your antenna isn’t picking up on God’s higher calling for you, there’s plenty of things currently bigger than your dipstick life to get involved with that’ll help God and country. Get lost in them and, even if you look like Napoleon Dynamite, your passion will make you magnetic. 

3. If you really want a great job, then don’t be a jerk to everyone you come in contact with. Duh. Vester The Killer got crapped on, according to his multiple employers and his workmates, because he was an insufferable boor with a chip on his shoulder that was bigger than Rosie O’Donnell’s beer gut. If you want the stellar gig then forego being the company’s Costanza.

4. Instead of pining like a charter member of Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely-Hearts Club Band, use that time to read books and start with the Classics. After you plow through the Classics read the awesome tome titled, How Not To Be A Pathetic & Murderous Punk. Also, read bios of people who went through true difficulties instead of imagined ones like you’re bemoaning and follow simple shampoo instructions, namely: lather, rinse and repeat their indefatigable spirit instead of rolling up in the fetal position and wetting your gigantic entitlement diaper.

5. Spend time with God. Get your identity from Him, not culture, and certainly not from some slick-haired grievance monger like Al Sharpton.

6. Embrace rejection and pain. That stuff Vester squealed about in his “manifesto” is an homage to the “poor little me” industry. Rejection and pain is the way of life, hombre. That’s why God created beer.

Lastly, getting rebuffed by employers is the standard for young dorks. It’s the way of the jungle, Dinky. Get used to it and get busy bettering yourself and the planet … and do us all a favor and shut the %@&# up. (Doug Giles)

 Oh, and one more thing: LIFE ISN’T FAIR!!!

“No one owes you a livin.”

“living wage” or otherwise.


Get over it.

For the hyper easily offended Political Correct, grow the Man/Woman/Whatever the hell up!

Oh, and one last thing: No one is more “equal” than anyone else. That’s what equality means. It doesn’t mean you get special treatment for some aggrieved wrong or perceived slight regardless.


Masters of Deceptive Persuasion

Michael Ramirez
Political Cartoons by Gary VarvelPolitical Cartoons by Lisa Benson

Your Federal Family

“mundane matters often get brushed aside by ideological crusaders out to change the world to fit their own vision. When the world fails to conform to their vision, then it seems obvious to the ideologues that it is the world that is wrong, not that their vision is uninformed or unrealistic….To those with the crusading mentality, failure only means that they should try, try again — at other people’s expense, including not only the taxpayers but also those whose lives have been disrupted, or even made miserable and dangerous, by previous bright ideas of third parties who pay no price for being wrong.”

Doesn’t that sum up the Left in a nutshell.

Holder is also taking legal action against the state of Louisiana for having so many charter schools, on grounds that these schools do not mix and match the races the way that public schools are supposed to.

The fact that those charter schools which are successful in educating low-income and minority students that the public schools fail to educate are giving these youngsters a shot at a decent life that they are not likely to get elsewhere does not deter the ideological crusaders.

Nor does it deter the politicians who are serving the interests of the teachers’ unions, who see public schools as places to provide jobs for their members, even if that means a poor education and poor prospects in life for generations of minority students. All this ideological self-indulgence and cynical political activity is washed down with lofty rhetoric about “compassion,” “inclusion” and the like. (Thomas Sowell)

In August, DOJ’s civil rights division — the same bunch that dropped the case of a group of New Black Panthers wearing military garb and carrying billy clubs as they stood outside a Philadelphia polling place in 2008 — filed suit against the state of Texas. In it, the government said it would not allow the Supreme Court’s decision to be interpreted as open season for states to pursue measures that suppress voting rights.

In its suit, DOJ also contends that Texas adopted a voter identification law with the purpose of denying or restricting the right to vote on account of race, color or membership in a language minority group. Under Texas law, Holder said, “Many of those without IDs would have to travel great distances to get them — and some would struggle to pay for the documents they might need to obtain them.”

Holder called such fees “poll taxes,” a mechanism once used by southern states to keep poor minorities from voting.

Holder’s problem is that the Supreme Court has already ruled that requiring photo IDs to vote — as required, for example, at the 2012 Democratic National Convention — does not constitute an undue burden on minorities since the requirement and any fees are applied to all voters equally.

A study by the University of Delaware and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln found that “concerns about voter identification laws affecting turnout are much ado about nothing.” Nothing, that is, unless you are an administration willing to play the race card to gain minority votes in the next election.

Just as in Indiana no one could find a single voter disenfranchised by Voter ID, the vote results in Georgia also expose the myth of voter disenfranchisement, according to an Atlanta Journal-Constitution review of statewide voting patterns after the law took effect in 2008.

“Elections data reviewed by the AJC show that participation among black voters rose by 44% from 2006 — before the law was implemented — to 2010. For Hispanics, the increase for the same period was 67%. Turnout among whites rose 12%,” the newspaper reported.

“If you look at the numbers, they clearly show that critics of this law were wrong,” said Hans von Spakovsky, former legal counsel to the Justice Department’s civil rights division who now works for the conservative Heritage Foundation. “Their argument has always been it would depress turnout. But it didn’t happen — quite the opposite.” (IBD)

But the reason they are so hopped-up about it is clearly just racial politics. Whitey doesn’t want you to vote for a Democrat, that sort of BS.

The politics of racial division , is “inclusion”.

A news release issued Tuesday by Health and Human Services refers to “our federal family.” How charming of Washington to try to con Americans into thinking that it’s a nurturing institution.

The federal government has in fact become a belligerent force, and for HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to make it sound as if it’s a warm, cuddly family that merely wants to protect its own is an insidious use of language. It’s an obvious effort to cloud reality, to reshape Americans’ thinking. (IBD)

Orwell couldn’t do any better.

H.L. Mencken famously said “the urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule.” He understood what the “federal family” is really all about.

Do you?

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

Political Cartoons by Steve Breen

Justice Is Blindfolded

Political Cartoons by Robert Ariail
MABLETON, Ga. –Cobb County police have arrested four alleged gang members linked to a fatal hit-and-run crash on Mableton Parkway.

The suspects are accused of beating the victim and then forcing him into the path of a car.

The fatal crash happened just after 1 a.m. Sunday, near Factory Shoals Road and Mableton Parkway. Joshua Heath Chellew, 36, of Mableton was struck by a vehicle and later died.

Authorities said Chellew did not know his attackers. A friend of Chellew said that the two had gone to a gas station when several men jumped Chellew.

“They started punching him. They starting beating on him,” said the woman, who asked not to be identified.

Arrest warrants said that the Chellew attempted to escape his attackers by backing into Mableton Parkway. Chellew was then knocked down onto the roadway, where he was struck by the vehicle.

The following four suspects are charged with felony murder, aggravated assault and violation of the Georgia Street Gang Act.  They are currently being held without bond at the Cobb County Adult Detention Center.

– Jekari Strozier (19-year-old male from Mableton, Georgia)
– Antonio Pass (18-year-old male from Mableton, Georgia)
– Johnathan Anthony (18-year-old male from the Mableton, Georgia)
– Kemonta Bonds (18-year-old male from Mableton, Georgia)

Anthony made his first court appearance Tuesday night. The other three suspects are expected to face a judge on Wednesday.

The driver of the vehicle that struck Chellew turned himself into authorities. Police said that he does not face any criminal charges. Authorities said he did pull over and call 911 after he realized that he’d struck someone. (Myfox atlanta)

If the George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin case is so big because of the ‘race’ factor, then why in the hell isn’t the Joshua Chellew murder in Georgia newsworthy in the national media? Four black ‘teens’ have been arrested, but if you read the NBC Atlanta news report, you wouldn’t know the four thugs were black:

19 year old Jekari Oshay Strozier, 18 year old Antonio Shantwan Pass, 18 year old Johnathan Donald Anthony, and 18 year old Kemonta Bonds, all from Mableton, are in the Cobb County jail without bonds on charges of felony murder, aggravated assault and violation of the Georgia Street Gang Act.

Instead, the biased NBC network just describes them as ‘teens.’ The video in which the reporter describes the thugs shows them to be black, but no mention from the reporter about the racial component.

Chellew did nothing to provoke these black thugs, yet gets killed and no coverage. (Fire Andrea Mitchell blog)

Because he was white, they were black, and there was no gun. So there are no Agenda items to tick off. So why would they bother. It’s not like they are “journalists” or anything… 🙂

Commentor: Who gives a fuck? A grown 36 year old man should be able to defend himself against teenagers. If he couldn’t, that’s his fault. Trayvon on the other hand was just a kid being harassed by a wannabe cop with a gun. White people should pay for not hundreds but thousands of years of slavery of black people. The time has come.

The oppressed become the oppressors? a White person is 3/5 of a person maybe?


But let’s get back to what really matters, Al Sharpton and The NAACP are mad as hell and they want you to suffer for it so they can soak up the hate like a succubus.

Mableton Update: “There is no testimonial evidence nor is there any physical evidence to indicate this is racially motivated,” said Sgt. Dana Pierce of the Cobb County Police Department.

Is that because he was white or was it something else?

FBI: George Zimmerman- No Civil Rights Violations. Not a racist. (The FBI concluded over a year ago).

Which one will the media ignore anyhow because it’s not on the Agenda?


Political Cartoons by Eric Allie

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

The Obama Principle

Political Cartoons by Robert Ariail

The Peter Principle in action again? Or maybe we should just label it the Obama Principle since incompetence is so normal for him and his cronies and sycophants.

The second term game of Obama cabinet musical chairs kicked into high gear Thursday when Attorney General Eric Holder suggested that he might leave soon. He would join Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Treasury Secretary Tim Geither and Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood on the exit list.

Names immediately surfaced of those who might replace Holder including Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, who has steered her department through controversial issues and come out generally unscathed. (because the Liberal media is in her corner).

She was so incompetent (which is what Obama wanted) she might become THE law enforcement officer for the next 4 years.

God help us all.

But then again, the American people are asleep at the wheel barreling towards a cliff so they don’t care as long as “Dancing with Stars” and “Jersey Shore” is one life is good.

Down with Evil White People!

American 2012: No Hand Ups, Just Hand Outs! 😦

Michael Ramirez Cartoon

If your organization has a policy or practice that doesn’t benefit minorities equally, watch out: The Obama administration could sue you for racial discrimination under a dubious legal theory that many argue is unconstitutional.

President Obama intends to close “persistent gaps” between whites and minorities in everything from credit scores and homeownership to test scores and graduation rates.

His remedy — short of new affirmative-action legislation — is to sue financial companies, schools and employers based on “disparate impact” complaints — a stealthy way to achieve racial preferences, opposed 2 to 1 by Americans.

Under this broad interpretation of civil-rights law, virtually any organization can be held liable for race bias if it maintains a policy that negatively impacts one racial group more than another — even if it has no racist motive and applies the policy evenly across all groups.

Equal Outcomes

This means that even race-neutral rules for mortgage underwriting and consumer credit scoring potentially can be deemed racist if prosecutors can produce statistics showing they tend to result in adverse outcomes for blacks or Latinos.

Already, Attorney General Eric Holder has used the club of disparate-impact lawsuits to beat almost $500 million in loan set-asides and other claims out of the nation’s largest banks.

In addition to the financial settlements — which include millions in funding for affordable-housing activists — Bank of America, Wells Fargo and SunTrust have all agreed to adopt more minority-friendly lending policies.

Though the administration seeks equal credit outcomes, regardless of risk, across the entire banking industry, it doesn’t have to sue every bank to achieve its goal. As a prophylactic against similar prosecution, IBD has learned the American Bankers Association recently advised its 5,000 members to give rejected minority loan applicants a “second look,” which it says “can result in suggested changes in underwriting standards.”

Also, the administration sent a chill through the financial industry earlier this year when it announced its new credit watchdog agency will join Justice, as well as HUD, in using the disparate-impact doctrine to enforce civil-rights laws.

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau chief Richard Cordray warned companies the agency will “protect consumers from unfair lending practices — as well as those that have a disparate impact on communities of color.” He added:

“That doctrine is applicable for all of the credit markets we touch, including mortgages, student loans, credit cards and auto loans,” as well as small-business loans.

Hiring Criminals

For the first time, the nation’s consumer credit reporting agencies, including Equifax, Experian and TransUnion, will come under federal review. CFPB examiners will subject these companies and others to an “effects test” to make sure credit transactions are racially balanced.

Those who reject minority applicants for credit cards or charge them higher loan rates had better be prepared to prove to Cordray’s diversity cops they aren’t racist. Many have already decided it’s safer to give black and Latino applicants preferential treatment, which of course is racism of another kind.

Other targets of the administration’s “racial justice” juggernaut include: standardized academic testing, professional licensing examinations, employee background checks, voter ID requirements, student disciplinary codes, prison sentencing guidelines — you name it.

The goal is to equalize outcomes based on race without regard for performance or merit.

According to Roger Clegg, president of the Center for Equal Opportunity, President Obama is committed to “aggressively pushing the ‘disparate impact’ approach to civil-rights enforcement” through which “the federal government insists that the numbers come out right — even if it means that policemen and firefighters cannot be tested, that companies should hire criminals, that loans must be made to the uncreditworthy, and that — I kid you not — whether pollution is acceptable depends on whether dangerous chemicals are spread in a racially balanced way.”

Last month, moreover, the Education Department pressured the Oakland school district to impose “targeted reductions” in the number of black students suspended.

The department charged that Oakland’s disciplinary policy has a “disparate impact” on African-American students, who are suspended at higher rates for violent behavior.

The Oakland case is the first of some 20 such investigations of school districts across the U.S. “The Obama administration is pressuring school districts not to suspend violent or disruptive black students if they have already disciplined ‘too many’ black students,” said Competitive Enterprise Institute counsel Hans Bader.

Education is also investigating a “disparate impact” complaint recently filed by the NAACP alleging the entrance exam used by selective New York City high schools illegally discriminates against blacks.

Through disparate impact suits, Holder has forced banks to adopt racial lending quotas and even open branches in minority neighborhoods.

He’s authorized five more lending-discrimination suits, while opening another 30 investigations against banks. And he’s just getting warmed up.

“The question is not does (affirmative action) end, but when does it begin?” Holder said in February at a Columbia University forum. “When do people of color truly get the benefits to which they are entitled?”

Banks had hoped the Supreme Court would declare his actions unconstitutional.

But a landmark disparate-impact case was scuttled at the last minute this year when the petitioner withdrew it under pressure from Holder’s civil-rights chief.

Congress is probing the unusual arm-twisting — which included what appears to be a corrupt quid-pro-quo bargain — that led to the case being dropped.

Most agree that had the Magner v. Gallagher case gone forward, the high court would have struck down the use of disparate impact and effectively shut down the administration’s witch hunt against lenders.

On the campaign trail, Obama was mum about his disparate-impact strategy and rarely talks at all about race.

He’s no doubt aware of polling in his last presidential bid which found 56% of voters harbored fears he’d favor African-Americans. But his 2006 writings inform us.

To close the “stubborn gap that remains between the living standards of black, Latino and white workers,” then-Sen. Obama proposed “completing the unfinished business of the civil rights movement — namely, enforcing nondiscrimination laws in such basic areas as employment, housing and education.”

He added: “The government, through its prosecutors and its courts, should step in to make things right.”

Because you don’t want to be a racist, now do you? 🙂

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

The Blueprint for Success

Recovery Summer III: Unemployment Rate goes up to 8.3%. But don’t worry he’s got a plan… 🙂

“You have a choice to make,” he intones. “It’s a choice between two very different plans for our country.” Then he warns: “Gov. Romney’s plan would cut taxes for the folks at the very top. Roll back regulations on big banks. And he says that if we do, our economy will grow and everyone will benefit.” Obama continues: “But you know what? We tried that top-down approach. It’s what caused the mess in the first place.”

It’s plain the president is trying to portray Romney as a continuation of Bush economic policies — which he describes as more tax cuts and deregulation — and which he contends caused the recession and stunted the recovery. Of course, this is revisionism writ large. (IBD)

There is a pattern here. But first, a little demonstration of actions have consequences and how not to advance in your career.

The Berater Hater of Chick-Fil-A whom posted his snarky video about berating an employee for hating homosexuals lost his cushy executive job over it.

Mr. Adam Smith is an Adjunct Lecturer at Eller College in Tucson, Arizona  (and has made lectures at the very liberal University of Arizona) and he also WAS the CFO of Vante, a catheter manufacturing company (and removed from the U of A website).

Adam Smith, formerly Chief Financial Officer at Vante, stepped down after the video — which Smith shot and uploaded himself —caused embarrassment to the company.

The video was picked up by countless blogs. Before Smith took it off of YouTube, others had downloaded it and re-posted it. Both the escapade and its fallout filled Tucson-linked tweets.

Smith, who served as an adjunct lecturer at the University of Arizona last semester, filmed himself berating a drive-thru employee at Chick-fil-A,

In the video, which runs 2 minutes, 21 seconds, Smith enters the drive-thru, explaining that he’s ordered a free cup of water. Once the employee hands him his cup, he lambastes her employer, calling Chick-fil-A “a hateful corporation” and “a horrible corporation with horrible values” that “gives money to hate groups.”

In Smith’s video, the employee at the drive-through window, taken aback, tells Smith that she’s uncomfortable being filmed. Smith does not back off.

“I don’t know how you live with yourself and work here,” Smith says to the employee, before calling himself “totally heterosexual” and saying there’s “not a gay in me” and “I just can’t stand the hate.” He also says he’s “I’m a nice guy, by the way.”

The whole quote: ”I’m a nice guy, by the way… totally heterosexual. Not a gay in me, I just can’t stand the hate.”

But he can now stand in the Unemployment line!!! 🙂

After he’s done talking to her, he says he thinks he “just did something really good” and “I feel purposeful.”

Roger Vogel, Chairman, President and CEO of Vante, said the decision for Smith to step down was mutual. Vogel said he was “shocked” by the video, which he first discovered when people emailed him a link.

The following is a statement from Vante: Vante regrets the unfortunate events that transpired yesterday in Tucson between our former CFO/Treasurer Adam Smith and an employee at Chick-fil-A. Effective immediately, Mr. Smith is no longer an employee of our company.

The “tolerant” Left at it’s best:

And as a Former CFO (“rich”), I doubt he qualifies for Food Stamps. 🙂
President Barack Obama on Wednesday signed an Executive Order fiat AGAIN!!
Obama’s executive order comes in the wake of a new report by the National Urban League’s Policy Institute that warned the president could lose three key battleground states — Virginia, North Carolina and Ohio — if African-American voters don’t match their strong turnout of 2008 in this year’s election.
And how is he going to do it: More Public Sector Government Bureaucrats!
There is established the Federal Interagency Working Group on Educational Excellence for African Americans (Working Group), which shall be convened and chaired by the Initiative’s Executive Director and that shall support the efforts of the Initiative described in subsection (b) of this section.
More Government is always his answer!!! 🙂
It will include senior officials from several federal agencies — including the Departments of Education, Justice and Labor — which have gained increased power over state education policies since 2009.The progressives campaign for race-based discipline policies also won a victory in Maryland July 24.

The state’s board of education established a policy demanding that each racial or ethnic group receive roughly proportional level of school penalties, regardless of the behavior by members of each group.

The board’s decision requires that “the state’s 24 school systems track data to ensure that minority and special education students are not unduly affected by suspensions, expulsions and other disciplinary measures,” said a July 25 Washington Post report.

His July 26 executive order established a government panel to promote “a positive school climate that does not rely on methods that result in disparate use of disciplinary tools.”

So the best way to address this disparate use is to bust more evil White People! Because now you have a quota. You discipline a black kid, you have to bust a white one or else you’re being “disparate”. 🙂
And with new bureaucrats that have a mindset to fight against Whites getting away with stuff that blacks don’t this can only make schools better! 🙂

Dianis’ project is also a law firm that litigates race-related questions, and it gains from laws and regulations that spur race-related legal disputes.

“The combination of overly harsh school policies … has created a ‘schoolhouse-to-jailhouse track,’ in which punitive measures such as suspensions, expulsions, and school-based arrests are increasingly used to deal with student misbehavior,” claimed the group’s website.

This “is a racial justice crisis, because the students pushed out through harsh discipline are disproportionately students of color,” the group insisted.

The administration had previously advertised its support for the campaign to impose race-based discipline policies.

In February, Attorney General Eric Holder claimed that “we’ve often seen that students of color, students from disadvantaged backgrounds, and students with special needs are disproportionately likely to be suspended or expelled.”

“This is, quite simply, unacceptable. … These unnecessary and destructive policies must be changed,” he said in his speech, given in Atlanta, Ga.

There’s a pattern here.

Ann Coulter: Mitt Romney presents one enormous problem for Barack Obama’s campaign: No divorce records. That’s why the media are so hot to get their hands on Romney’s tax records for the past 25 years. They need something to “pick through, distort and lie about” — as the Republican candidate says.

Obama’s usual campaign method, used in 100 percent of his races, has been to pry into the private records of his opponents.

Democrats aren’t going to find any personal dirt on the clean-cut Mormon, so they need complicated tax filings going back decades in order to create the illusion of scandal out of boring financial records.

Romney has already released his 2010 tax return and is about to release his 2011 return. After all the huffing and puffing by the media demanding those returns, the follow-up story vanished remarkably quickly when the only thing the return showed was that Romney pays millions of dollars in taxes and gives a lot of money to charity.

Let’s take a romp down memory lane and review the typical Obama campaign strategy. Obama became a U.S. senator only by virtue of David Axelrod’s former employer, the Chicago Tribune, ripping open the sealed divorce records of Obama’s two principal opponents.

One month before the 2004 Democratic primary for the U.S. Senate, Obama was down in the polls, about to lose to Blair Hull, a multimillionaire securities trader. But then the Chicago Tribune leaked the claim that Hull’s second ex-wife, Brenda Sexton, had sought an order of protection against him during their 1998 divorce proceedings.

Those records were under seal, but as The New York Times noted: “The Tribune reporter who wrote the original piece later acknowledged in print that the Obama camp had ‘worked aggressively behind the scenes’ to push the story.” Many people said Axelrod had “an even more significant role — that he leaked the initial story.”

Both Hull and his ex-wife opposed releasing their sealed divorce records, but they finally relented in response to the media’s hysteria — 18 days before the primary. Hull was forced to spend four minutes of a debate detailing the abuse allegation in his divorce papers, explaining that his ex-wife “kicked me in the leg and I hit her shin to try to get her to not continue to kick me.”

After having held a substantial lead just a month before the primary, Hull’s campaign collapsed with the chatter about his divorce. Obama sailed to the front of the pack and won the primary. Hull finished third with 10 percent of the vote.

As luck would have it, Obama’s opponent in the general election had also been divorced! Jack Ryan was tall, handsome, Catholic — and shared a name with one of Harrison Ford’s most popular onscreen characters! He went to Dartmouth, Harvard Law and Harvard Business School, made hundreds of millions of dollars as a partner at Goldman Sachs, and then, in his early 40s, left investment banking to teach at an inner city school on the South Side of Chicago.

Ryan would have walloped Obama in the Senate race. But at the request of — again — the Chicago Tribune, California Judge Robert Schnider unsealed the custody papers in Ryan’s divorce five years earlier from Hollywood starlet Jeri Lynn Ryan, the bombshell Borg on “Star Trek: Voyager.”

Jack Ryan had released his tax records. He had released his divorce records. But both he and his ex-wife sought to keep the custody records under seal to protect their son.

Amid the 400 pages of filings from the custody case, Jack Ryan claimed that his wife had had an affair, and she counterclaimed with the allegation that he had taken her to “sex clubs” in Paris, New York and New Orleans, which drove her to fall in love with another man.

(Republicans: If you plan a career in public office, please avoid marrying a wacko.)

Ryan had vehemently denied her allegations at the time, but it didn’t matter. The sex club allegations aired on “Entertainment Tonight,” “NBC Nightly News,” ABC’s “Good Morning America,” “The Tonight Show With Jay Leno” and NBC’s “Today” show. CNN covered the story like it was the first moon landing.

(Interestingly, international papers also were ablaze with the story — the same newspapers that were supposed to be so bored with American sexual mores during Bill Clinton’s sex scandal.)

Four days after Judge Schnider unsealed the custody records, Ryan dropped out of the race for the horror of (allegedly) propositioning his own wife and then taking “no” for an answer.

Alan Keyes stepped in as a last-minute Republican candidate.

And that’s how Obama became a U.S. senator. He destroyed both his Democratic primary opponent and his Republican general election opponent with salacious allegations about their personal lives taken from “sealed” court records.

Obama’s team delved into Sarah Palin’s marriage and spread rumors of John McCain’s alleged affair in 2008 and they smeared Herman Cain in 2011 with hazy sexual harassment allegations all emanating from David Axelrod’s pals in Chicago.

It’s almost like a serial killer’s signature. Unsealed personal records have been released to the press. Obama must be running for office!

So you can see what a pickle the Obama campaign is in having to run against a Dudley Do-Right, non-drinking, non-smoking, God-fearing, happily married Mormon.

They’ve got to get their hands on thousands of pages of Romney’s tax filings so that the media can — as Romney says — lie about them. It will be interesting to see if Obama can pick the lock of the famously guarded IRS.

And if not, an Executive Order Fiat from The King is always the blueprint for success.

Michael Ramirez Cartoon


Divorce From Reality

‘Here’s a little secret,” Keith Olbermann told viewers in 2010. “When racist white guys get together and they don’t want to be caught using any of the popular epithets that are in use every day in this country about black people . . . the racist white guys resort to euphemisms and code words.”

At least Olbermann acknowledged that not all white people are racist; but three and a half years into the first “post-racial” presidency, one might get that impression. Take the list Olbermann enumerated on air: “Cocky, flippant, punk, and especially, arrogant.” Last week, Congressional Black Caucus executive director Angela Rye added cool to the list: “Even cool, the term cool, could in some ways be deemed racial.”

Liberals have spent the past four years tearing out page after page of Merriam-Webster. “Articulate” and “bright” were forbidden early in the 2008 primary season, with Obama defenders dredging up a classy Chris Rock joke that “articulate” is “some s**t you say about retarded people that can talk.” But CNN, Legal Affairs, and other media outlets had bestowed the same compliment on John Edwards during his meteoric rise years before. A 2004 Slate headline called Edwards “bright and articulate and really, really youthful,” while Steve Benen wrote at the Carpetbagger Report in 2003 that “Edwards is a very bright, articulate, and aggressive lawmaker.” (NRO)

Then Senator Biden in 2007 about Obama: “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” Biden said. “I mean, that’s a storybook, man.” (CNN)

In April, Mitt Romney unveiled a new campaign slogan at a stop in Ohio: “Obama Isn’t Working.” Racist, cried Mediaite’s Tommy Christopher: It evokes “the stereotype of the ‘lazy,’ ‘shiftless’ black man.” Van Jones, Obama’s erstwhile “green-jobs czar,” said in a web chat that the slogan set off “racial fire alarms.” But as the Romney campaign explained, the slogan was a tribute to Margaret Thatcher’s Conservative party, whose “Labour Isn’t Working” poster, designed in 1978 when the Iron Lady was running for prime minister, was named by Campaign magazine the poster of the century: Its image of a winding unemployment line “pointed to Britain’s economic climate of rising unemployment, rising inflation, and a growing national debt.” Sound familiar?

Criticism of Obama policy is also racist. During debates over the president’s health-care overhaul, NPR claimed that “a sharp divide [exists] between whites who have a liberal outlook on racial issues compared with those who have a conservative outlook on racial issues.” Meanwhile, responding to South Carolina congressman Joe Wilson’s “You lie!” outburst during the president’s 2009 health-care address to Congress, New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd wrote, “But, fair or not, what I heard was an unspoken word in the air: You lie, boy!”

Reflecting on C-SPAN on Obama’s election to the presidency, filmmaker Michael Moore said Obama succeeded among young voters “because they’re not as racist as the previous generations,” implying that all those older white folks who rejected Obama at the polls were racist.

And if liberals can find racism in Obama’s electoral victories, they can certainly locate it in his defeats. After a federal prisoner received more than 40 percent of the vote against Obama in May’s West Virginia primary, state Democrats blamed the racist voters. But, of course, in a closed Democratic primary, those could not be bigoted Republican voters. The state Democrats condemned their own.

The Left hears so many “dog whistles” in today’s public discourse that one fears to say anything at all. And that’s the point. Liberals use the accusation of racism as a cudgel to cow political opponents. But the refusal by so many on the left to approach with honesty disagreements on questions of policy indicates intellectual bankruptcy, and many are growing savvy to the invocation of race to forestall substantive debate. Furthermore, what anti-black racism does exist in America could not possibly account for the nearly 50 percent of voters who disapprove of the president’s performance, or his policies’ frequent failure in the courts, or his poor performance in his own party’s primaries.

In his book Abuse of Language, Abuse of Power, Josef Pieper wrote, “The dignity of the word, to be sure, consists in this: through the word is accomplished what no other means can accomplish, namely, communication based on reality.”

Liberals have spent the last four years manipulating and excising words because they refuse to confront reality.

But then, we already knew that.(NRO)

And as if that wasn’t enough unreality for you:

A Tax for Nothing

Question: Do you fill your car’s tank with gasoline that is part cellulosic ethanol, an environment-friendly distillate of wood chips, corn cobs, and switch grass? Let me answer for you: No, you don’t. You couldn’t if you wanted to. Petroleum products blended with cellulosic ethanol aren’t commercially available, because the technology for mass-producing cellulosic ethanol hasn’t been perfected. None of which has stopped the Environmental Protection Agency  from imposing hefty yearly fines on oil refiners. According to the The New York Times, in 2011 automotive fuel producers were assessed $6.8 million in penalties. That amount is expected to climb dramatically this year. Guess who ends up footing the bill for the difference?

This has got to be the ultimate example of government bureaucracy gone mad. How did it happen? Blame can be divided over the last two administrations. In his 2006 State of the Union Address, George W. Bush promised to “fund additional research in cutting-edge methods of producing ethanol, not just from corn, but from wood chips and stalks or switch grass.” The following year, Bush signed into law the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA), which mandates that oil refiners begin blending cellulosic ethanol into their gasoline and diesel products.

The “advanced biofuel contribution” under the law was to begin in 2009 at 0.6 billion gallons of cellulosic biomass and rise incrementally, first to 1.35 billion gallons in 2011, then to 2 billion gallons in 2012, and so on. By 2022, 21 billion gallons of fuel pumped into the nation’s cars and trucks was to be cellulosic ethanol.

The law further stipulated that if refiners failed to comply with the EPA mandate, they would pay a penalty.

The only problem with this arrangement was that the grant recipients responsible for coming up with Bush’s “cutting-edge methods of producing ethanol … from wood chips and stalks or switch grass” instead came up empty. In a 2011 report, the National Academy of Sciences concluded that “currently, no commercially viable bio-refineries exist for converting cellulosic biomass to fuel.” The report also noted that the renewable fuel standard “may be an ineffective policy for reducing global greenhouse gas emissions,” since the full life cycle of the fuel, including its transport, could lead to higher emissions than conventional petroleum.

Undaunted, the Obama administration has forged blindly ahead, continuing the elusive search for a technology that will produce cellulosic biomass—at taxpayers’ expense. Since thanks to the EPA mandate we are already paying more at the pump, the American people are truly getting nothing for something. (Hot air)

But at least if you agree with a Liberal you’re not a racist. But if you’re White you were born one. But everyone gets taxed for a non-existent technology. Now doesn’t that just make you feel so much better…. 🙂

And if not, there always the Obama Event Registry (as mentioned yesterday):

Got a birthday, anniversary, or wedding coming up?

Let your friends know how important this election is to you—register with Obama 2012, and ask for a donation in lieu of a gift. It’s a great way to support the President on your big day. Plus, it’s a gift that we can all appreciate—and goes a lot further than a gravy bowl.

Setting up and sharing your registry page is easy–so get started today.

Yesterday, Michelle Obama suggested that Americans give her husband money because he once shoveled snow around her car. He was apparently a husband to us all. (ahh…..)

When you click through to the Obama Event Registry, the Obama campaign informs you just why you should send Obama money rather than having grandma buy you that crockpot:

Got a special milestone or event coming up?

Instead of another gift card you’ll forget to use, ask your friends and family for something that will go a little further: a donation to Obama for America. Register your next celebration—whether it’s a birthday, bar or bat mitzvah, wedding, or anniversary—with the Obama campaign. It’s a great way to show your support for a cause that’s important to you on your big day.

Because Obama and his potential $1 billion campaign can use the money better than you ever could. Your special day should be his special day.

But wait – it gets even more fun. You actually get to build and customize a registry page! You can suggest a fundraising goal (I suggested negative $16 trillion – I’d like the Obama campaign to pay back the country for what their man has taken out of our pocket). Then, you type in a message to your friends. The Obama website suggests: “For my big day, I’d like to show my support for a cause I believe in — re-electing President Obama. That’s why I’m asking my friends and family to donate to the Obama campaign. Thanks for chipping in!” Finally, you input a picture – and voila! You’re ready to shill for Obama on your wedding day.

No wonder Democrats support divorce-on-demand. A wedding that starts like this certainly won’t end well. (Ben Shapiro)

The American people and Obama are the ones that need a Divorce in Reality not From Reality.

Political Cartoons by Steve Kelley

Political Cartoons by Chip Bok
 Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler

From One Absurdity to Another

Before I get onto more race hussling and gun laws by the LEFT. Some true absurdity first.

The NY City Public School Banned Word List

  • Abuse (physical, sexual, emotional, or psychological)
  • Alcohol (beer and liquor), tobacco, or drugs
  • Birthday celebrations (and birthdays)
  • Bodily functions
  • Cancer (and other diseases)
  • Catastrophes/disasters (tsunamis and hurricanes)
  • Celebrities
  • Children dealing with serious issues
  • Cigarettes (and other smoking paraphernalia)
  • Computers in the home (acceptable in a school or library setting)
  • Crime
  • Death and disease
  • Divorce
  • Evolution
  • Expensive gifts, vacations, and prizes
  • Gambling involving money
  • Halloween
  • Homelessness
  • Homes with swimming pools
  • Hunting
  • Junk food
  • In-depth discussions of sports that require prior knowledge
  • Loss of employment
  • Nuclear weapons
  • Occult topics (i.e. fortune-telling)
  • Parapsychology
  • Politics
  • Pornography
  • Poverty
  • Rap Music
  • Religion
  • Religious holidays and festivals (including but not limited to Christmas, Yom Kippur, and Ramadan)
  • Rock-and-Roll music
  • Running away
  • Sex
  • Slavery
  • Terrorism
  • Television and video games (excessive use)
  • Traumatic material (including material that may be particularly upsetting such as animal shelters)
  • Vermin (rats and roaches)
  • Violence
  • War and bloodshed
  • Weapons (guns, knives, etc.)
  • Witchcraft, sorcery, etc.

You have updated your Thought Police Filters and have processed your doublethink and crimethink updates.

Now Citizen, don’t you “feel” better. More “inclusive” and less “discriminatory”.

(Is stupid one of the excluded words, or is it permissible for kids to learn about school?)

So with that in mind…

A Virginia middle school teacher recently forced his students to support President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign by conducting opposition research in class against the Republican presidential candidates.

The 8th grade students, who attend Liberty Middle School in Fairfax County, were required to seek out the vulnerabilities of Republican presidential hopefuls and forward them to the Obama campaign.

“This assignment was just creepy beyond belief — like something out of East Germany during the Cold War,” one frustrated father, who asked for his family to remain anonymous, told The Daily Caller.

“I was shocked that a school teacher would so blatantly politicize the curriculum of a middle school classroom,” the parent said. “I asked [my child] if a similar assignment had been handed out to examine the background and positions of President Obama to see if the teacher was at least being bipartisan.”

No similar assignment was given to research Obama’s history, identify his weaknesses or pass them along to the Republican candidates.

John Torre, a spokesman on behalf of the Fairfax County Public School system, insists that students were never instructed to actually send their results to the Obama campaign.

“Instead, the teacher simply asked his students to find out the name of the office that would receive such information,” Torre wrote in an email to TheDC.

Mm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama

He said that all must lend a hand
To make this country strong again
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama

He said we must be fair today
Equal work means equal pay
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama

He said that we must take a stand
To make sure everyone gets a chance
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama

He said red, yellow, black or white
All are equal in his sight
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama

Mmm, mmm, mm
Barack Hussein Obama


Attorney General Holder recently addressed the question of affirmative action, and for how long it would be required.  He answered, stunningly, that reverse discrimination has only just begun: “Affirmative action has been an issue since segregation practices,” Holder said.  “The question is not when does it end, but when does it begin[.] … When do people of color truly get the benefits to which they are entitled?”

When do they get their revenge and become the Oh-so-sweet Oppressors instead of the “oppressed”.

We see in these remarks the soil out of which rises the bitter fruit of racial resentment.  Holder’s attitude is best summed up as the elite victim mentality.  The belief is one of perpetual entitlement, fueled by bitterness, and given the stamp of official approval by politicians at the highest levels of national office.  The Trayvon Martin upheaval is made possible by this carefully cultivated attitude, which exists within all income levels.  Whether it’s under the guise of injustice, inequality, under-representation, or white supremacy, the effect of the attitude is the same: sheer resentment towards the majority and its institutions. 

So when the New Black Panther Party says they are gathering a Posse (a lynch mob) and put a bounty on the head of a “white” hispanic no one on the left bats an eye.

But if you target Illegal Aliens (some of them “white” hispanics no doubt) with  a lawful Posse and the law itself, you’re “racial profiling”.

We all know the answer: elite liberal hypocrisy protects many academics and politicians from the application of their own dogmas.

Another case where the Left wants to control the thoughts and actions of everyone and any contradictions are to be washed away because they can do whatever they want when they want because they want and you shouldn’t question your Masters about you impertinent little twerp.

Attorney General Holder said at the time (2011):  When former Democratic activist Bartle Bull called the incident the most serious act of voter intimidation he had witnessed in his career.

“Think about that,” Holder said. “When you compare what people endured in the South in the 60s to try to get the right to vote for African Americans, and to compare what people were subjected to there to what happened in Philadelphia—which was inappropriate, certainly that…to describe it in those terms I think does a great disservice to people who put their lives on the line, who risked all, for my people,” said Holder, who is black.

Holder noted that his late sister-in-law, Vivian Malone Jones, helped integrate the University of Alabama.

“To compare that kind of courage, that kind of action, and to say that the Black Panther incident wrong thought it might be somehow is greater in magnitude or is of greater concern to us, historically, I think just flies in the face of history and the facts.,” Holder said with evident exasperation.

“This Department of Justice does not enforce the law in a race-conscious way.” (Politico)

In Miami:

The Reverend Al Sharpton spoke to a crowd of more than 3,000 people, chanting “No Justice, no peace.”

And the Reverend Jess Jackson called for an “end to vigilantism.”

Democratic Senator James Webb pointed out in his famous Wall Street Journal editorial piece.  Sen. Webb noted that affirmative action policies have “expanded so far beyond their original purpose that they now favor anyone who does not happen to be white.”  Racial preferences extend to business startups, prestigious academic admissions, job promotions, and expensive government contracts.  Many of these preferences have no relationship to discrimination, oppression, or even socioeconomic class level; they even benefit recent immigrants whose ancestors never faced discrimination in America.  Instead, we are actually creating a government-sanctioned nobility — a favored class of citizens with officially endorsed, race-based hereditary privileges.

Under the sway of of identity politics and racial grievance, even the most privileged members of our society will hold onto petty gripes.  In a 2009 commencement address, the First Lady complained about her childhood experience with the University of Chicago.  Recalling that she grew up right near the campus, she stated:

[T]hat university never played a meaningful role in my academic development. The institution made no effort to reach out to me — a bright and promising student in their midst — and I had no reason to believe there was a place for me there.

That she felt entitled to be “reached out to” in the first place is astonishing.  The egomaniacal sense of entitlement contained in her remarks will strike most people as utterly foreign.  Yet this way of conceiving of one’s own position in society is commonly shared.  Amongst the lower class, this attitude takes the form of demands for “Obama money” and other such hilarity. 

Perhaps Michelle Obama should have made an effort at some point to understand why young white students, many of whom were not from Chicago, would have been reticent about venturing out into the South Side of Chicago.  The reasons are not hard to discover.  Immediately after their report on the First Lady’s address, CNN aired a segment on violent crime on the South Side.  Chief Ernest Brown of Chicago’s Organized Crime Division explained the high rate of youth violence by saying that “their behavior is just inconsistent with civility.”  With that in mind, many students — of all races — may not feel that it is their place to step into another community and attempt to help its youth.  In fact, not even Dr. Martin Luther King and his family stayed in urban Chicago for long after starting to work in the city in 1966.  Cohen and Taylor write that Coretta Scott King was concerned about violence in the neighborhood, and the Kings spent little time there [1].

Our own attorney general, ostensibly committed to even-handed enforcement of the nation’s laws, referred to blacks as “my people.”  Strangely, it is socially acceptable for only certain groups to proudly claim ethnic group membership.  If similar tribal loyalties were publicly boasted by a white ethnic, that would be seen as sinister.  Just imagine the reaction if a President Bush had identified — on the basis of race — with a victim of minority-on-white crime by saying, “Channon Christian looks like my daughters.”

Identifying with an ethnic group as one’s own “people” will lead in most cases to in-group favoritism.  Cultural pride is one thing, but proclaiming exclusive ethnic group affiliation while occupying a position of public trust is another.  This tendency is too often written off as a harmless cultural tic or a healthy form of therapeutic identity formation.  The trouble is that there is a worldview lying beneath the “my people” language.

In his remarks, the attorney general has provided the most explicit statement of ethnic favoritism and racial grievance by a high public official in American history.  And the racket has just begun: “When do people of color truly get the benefits to which they are entitled?” asks Holder.  The question is rhetorical, and his constituents know the answer.

In this liberal, racialized conception of society, minority groups are supposedly not getting “benefits to which they are entitled.”  The danger in this attitude is not just that people are asking for free stuff from the government.  The danger is that minority group members are made to believe that society is purposefully withholding benefits from them due to their racial group membership.  Hence the resentment and latent animosity lurking at the core of the welfare state, and its ever-expanding legion of dependents.

The victim mentality feeds off racial bitterness, which is constantly politicized and enflamed.  We see this in the rhetoric of Congresswoman Frederica Wilson (D-Florida), who said that Trayvon Martin was “hunted down like a dog.”  The attorney general and president are doing their part to sow the seeds of bitterness, entitlement, and racial favoritism.  By acknowledging those seeds, one begins to understand why racial double standards and potential violence are so easily stirred up amidst controversies such as the current one involving Trayvon Martin.

Obama is Black. Romney is Not. Simple, really. 🙂
[1] Barone, Michael. 2000. Review of American Pharaoh: Mayor Richard J. Daley, by Adam Cohen and Elizabeth Taylor. The Weekly Standard. 21 August 2000: 33, 38.

(American Thinker)
Rejoice Citizen. Unless you’re “white” that is, then you must burn in the fires of hell for all of eternity because you are evil incarnate and should be put down like a rapid dog. 🙂
Candidate Obama 2008: I am absolutely convinced that white, black, Latino, Asian, people want to move beyond our divisions, and they want to join together…

In the 2008 campaign, Obama was packaged as the man who would be our first post-partisan, post-racial, post-carbon, post-beltway, post-bellicose foreign policy president. At last Americans would be free of the stain and humiliation of racism. Americans would be free of the childish thoroughly nasty divisiveness of our political life. The culture inside the beltway would no longer be one of collusion of lobbyists and politicians. No more crony capitalism and under the table deals. Obama’s administration would be transparent and above board. Opposing views would be treated with respect and the dialog would be adult and informed.

Action speak louder than his words.
LA Times 2008: Obama is what I have called a “bargainer” — a black who says to whites, “I will never presume that you are racist if you will not hold my race against me.” Whites become enthralled with bargainers out of gratitude for the presumption of innocence they offer. Bargainers relieve their anxiety about being white and, for this gift of trust, bargainers are often rewarded with a kind of halo.
Gee, Now isn’t that special…<<Barf Bag Overload>>

PJ (2010): Only last summer we were told that Barack Obama’s political appeal rested on his vision for a “post-partisan future.” The post-partisan future was one of the press corps’ favorite phrases. It served as shorthand for the candidate’s repeated references to “unity of purpose,” looking beyond a red or blue America, and so on.

Six months into the president’s term, you don’t read much about this post-partisan future anymore. It may be because on almost every big-ticket legislative item (the stimulus, climate change, and now health care), Mr. Obama has been pushing a highly ideological agenda with little (and in some cases zero) support from across the aisle. Yet far from stating the obvious — that sitting in the Oval Office is a very partisan president — the press corps is allowing Mr. Obama to evade the issue by coming up with novel redefinitions.

The things is is that he is “post-racial”- You’re either non-white or you’re evil and should be put-down.
He is “post-partisan” because only his rigid ideology is permissible and the media is happy with that one-side no-partisan view (no-partisan because there is only one side to every issue-theirs. Nothing else is worth mentioning).
And as for Crony Capitalism, well, he’s just replacing evil capitalists with Socialist Cronies. His cronies are much better than your cronies.
Remember, Obama is VERY transparent. You just have to be willing to see it as it is, not what he wants you to see.
Oh, and then there’s the ulterior motive: “The idea that there’s this overwhelming additional security in the ownership and carrying concealed and deadly weapons… I think it’s the premise, not the constitutional right, but the premise that it makes people safer is one that I’m not so sure of,” <Vice President> Biden said.
Fast & Furious anyone?
After all, it is dangerous for the citizenry to gave guns. (Dangerous for the dictator-wanna be’s in the Democrat Party that is).
Now don’t you “feel” better. 🙂

The Ministry of Truth

“I’m sad to report today a death of a good friend to all of us…..Journalism, the once esteemed 4th estate of our nation and the protector of our freedoms and a watchdog of our rights has passed away after a long struggle with a crippling and debilitating disease of acute dishonesty aggravated by advanced laziness and the loss of brain function.”–Governor Mike Huckabee (2009)

Just days before the biggest election in my lifetime and you want to know where the Mainstream Media is?

Stumping for the Democrats and trying to smear the Republicans as best they can.

And The President?

He’s on Spanish Language radio telling hispanics to get to the polls to stop their “enemies” (aka non-socialist democrats).

In one recent example, on Monday President Obama urged Latinos to “punish our enemies” during a Univision broadcast.

“If Latinos sit out the election,” Obama said, “instead of saying, ‘We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us,’ if they don’t see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election, then I think it’s gonna be harder . . . “

“He’s the president of the United States. The president is supposed to be the president of all the people, even those who disagree with his agenda and who disagree with him,” FOX’s Monica Crowley said.

He and the Media obviously don’t think so.

He’s only interested in his apparatchiks. Everyone else is an “enemy” of his State.

After all, the end justifies the means.

“The session of Congress now drawing to a close was the most productive in nearly half a century,” the AP’s Jim Abrams touted Monday.

On CBS’s Sunday Morning, correspondent Rita Braver applauded House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as “one of the most effective speakers in congressional history,” “a hero in some quarters,” and “the irresistible force who marshaled House Democrats to pass controversial administration policies — including the stimulus package, Wall Street reform, and health care.”

CBS’s Lesley Stahl popped up on MSNBC’s Morning Joe on Monday to fret how the dreadful economy is hurting Obama’s image, as if his administration’s policies are thoroughly unrelated: ”He’s fighting an economy that just won’t give him anything….No credit. No credit at all for what he’s accomplished.”

The broadcast TV networks have systematically skewed their coverage against Republicans and the Tea Party, a new study by the Media Research Center finds. MRC analysts reviewed the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts from September 1 through October 25. Key findings:

■ Only conservative/Tea Party candidates cast as “extreme.” Congressional Democrats and President Obama are facing voters’ wrath because of their extreme agenda over the past two years: government-run health care; massive unsupportable spending; a proposed “cap-and-trade” tax on energy, higher income taxes, etc. But MRC analysts found 35 evening news stories which conveyed the Democratic spin point that conservative and Tea Party candidates are “extreme,” “fringe,” or “out of the mainstream,” vs. ZERO stories conveying the charge that left-wing Democrats are “out of the mainstream.”

■ Three times more “conservative” labels than “liberal” tags. Out of 62 ideological labels assigned by reporters, three-fourths (48, or 77%) were aimed at conservatives, vs. just 14 (23%) for liberals. Only Republicans faced extreme labels — both Joe Miller and Christine O’Donnell were tagged as “ultra-conservatives” — with no Democrat ever branded an “ultra-liberal.”

CBS called Pennsylvania Republican Pat Toomey “conservative,” but Democrat Joe Sestak was not labeled as “liberal.” All of the networks called Christine O’Donnell a “conservative,” but none said her opponent, Chris Coons, was “liberal.” Most comically, CBS would not call loud-mouthed Florida Rep. Alan Grayson a “liberal,” but tagged his opponent Daniel Webster as “conservative.”

■ Adopting Democrats’ campaign agenda. The networks elevated contests meant to show Republicans in a poor light. While it’s not on anyone’s list of closest races, the networks devoted the most coverage to Delaware’s Senate race (15 evening news stories), emphasizing O’Donnell’s perceived gaffes. Next: the California Governor’s race (11 stories), emphasizing allegations against GOP nominee Meg Whitman. Rounding out the networks’ Top 5 were Senate races in Alaska, Nevada, and West Virginia, each the focus of four stories.

The Democrats’ strategy to salvage the 2010 campaign was to distract voters from their record over the past two years and paint their opponents as wacky extremists. Win or lose, the Democrats got a lot of help from their friends in the supposedly objective “news” media. (MRC)

And mind you, many on the left have called Obama “timid”.  Now that’s scary!!

“Over and over again, we have moved forward an agenda that is making a difference in people’s lives each and every day,” Obama said on Comedy Central last night.

Delusion or something far more darkly Orwellian? You Decide.

“My hope is that those people are rewarded for taking those tough votes,” Obama said. “If they are, then I think Democrats will do fine on Election Day.”

I got my “reward” right here, Herr Obama… <<Censored>>

So I ask you to walk with me, and march with me, and join your voice with mine, and together we will sing the song that tears down the walls that divide us, and lift up an America that is truly indivisible, with liberty, and justice, for all.–Candidate Obama January 2008.

The Twilight Zone or Just an Orwellian Nightmare.

You Decide Next Tuesday,Nov. 2

But don’t expect the Mainstream Media to be  happy afterwards. 🙂

Political Cartoon by Mike Lester

Channeling Your Inner Banana II: The Indoctri-NATION

June 26th I wrote a blog entitled, “Getting in Touch with your Inner Banana” ( in which I espoused about the coming more than just leanings of Banana Republic Dictatorship that our current President seems to aspire to.

Well, it’s Time for a sequel.

But first a word about his friends in the Ministry of Truth (The Mainstream Media).

The TV networks have aggressively demonstrated their dislike of Arizona’s state law “cracking down on illegal immigrants,” a law that “pits neighbor against neighbor.” An MRC review of morning and evening news programs on ABC, CBS, and NBC from April 23 to July 25 found the networks have aired 120 stories with an almost ten-to-one tilt against the Arizona law (77 negative, 35 neutral, 8 positive).

The soundbite count was also tilted over the last three months — 216 to 107, or an almost exact two-to-one disparity. Network anchors and reporters sided against defenders of border control and championed sympathetic illegal aliens and their (usually American-born) children. In 120 stories, they never described “immigrants rights activists” as liberals or on the left.

Between them, the three networks described the Arizona law as “controversial” on 27 occasions, despite its popularity in opinion polls. The Obama administration’s decision to sue file a lawsuit against Arizona to crush the law was never described as “controversial.”

These are the Journo-Lists who profess to be “journalists” that are fair and objective. They are anything but.

They are toadies for their guy and their ideology. Nothing more, Nothing less than full on indoctrination.

The networks highlighted the “army” of protesters against the Arizona law and ignored their sometimes radical connections. As with sympathetic media coverage of large amnesty rallies in 2006, none of the stories allowed anyone to suggest it was improper for illegal aliens to petition the government whose laws they’re breaking or cancel out the votes of law-abiding citizens.

On May 30, ABC anchor David Muir asked, “Will an army of protesters be heard?” Reporter Jeremy Hubbard began his story for World News: “In their most massive numbers yet, a deluge of adversaries rally and rail against what could soon be the law of the land in Arizona.”

Network correspondents routinely mourned how illegal aliens didn’t feel welcome in Arizona, and felt they had to move back to Mexico or other friendlier states. On July 8, NBC reporter Lee Cowan sympathized with Marcial Bolanos, who didn’t think Arizona was a good place any more. “He took his 15-year-old son out of school and is headed back to Mexico, which brings Hugo to tears. But you’re really going to miss your friends?” Hugo said “Yeah.” The networks didn’t apply this blatant emotional appeal on behalf of families who’ve lost loved ones in crimes committed by illegal aliens.

You get one sob story after another, emotional appeals about heartless Arizonans who want to destroy “immigrant” (not illegal immigrant) families and friends.

Only Fox as far as I can see ever mentions Richard Krentz, the farmer who was murdered on his own land by drug smugglers as a victim. they even talked to his widow. If they do mention him, it is only in passing.

Take ABC News:  Ranchers have seen cattle slaughtered and pulled apart by hungry people stealing across the border, and one resident, Robert Krentz, may have been shot dead by an alleged illegal immigrant as he patrolled his land last month.

They tracked the killers all the way to the Mexican Border, by the way.

Then the media always follows up with their own lies, damn lies and statistics.

The U.S. Border Patrol says apprehensions along the Arizona-Mexico frontier are up 6 percent from October to April.

The Arizona Republic went on to report that, “according to the Border Patrol, Krentz is the only American murdered by a suspected illegal immigrant in at least a decade within the agency’s Tucson sector, the busiest smuggling route among the Border Patrol’s nine coverage regions along the U.S.-Mexican border.”

So it’s no big deal. Nothing to see here. But then again, he was white, so not much sympathy there. 😦

In 18 of 120 stories, the networks mentioned the public opinion polls, in which broad majorities favor the Arizona law. One poll question the networks didn’t ask was if it might seem odd for the Obama administration to sue Arizona for trying to enforce immigration laws, but would not sue cities that vowed to ignore immigration laws, which call themselves “sanctuary cities.”

A Rasmussen poll found 54 percent favored the Justice Department suing “sanctuary cities,” and 61 percent favored cutting off federal aid to them. But the three networks haven’t used the words “sanctuary city” since 2007, when it was a hot topic in the Republican primary debates. It was never mentioned, so was never described as “controversial.” (MRC)

So upwards of 70% of the American People are for Arizona, but the Ministry of Truth Mainstream Media is not. So they continue to hammer the propaganda home.

Just like the media of a dictator.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey, taken after the judge’s Tuesday ruling, finds that 59% favor passage of an Arizona-like immigration law in their state, marking little change from earlier this month. Just 32% oppose such a law.

Support for the building of a fence along the Mexican border has reached a new high, and voters are more confident than ever that illegal immigration can be stopped.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 68% of U.S. voters now believe the United States should continue to build a fence on the Mexican border. That’s up nine points from March when the Obama administration halted funding for the fence and the highest level of support ever.

Support for the fence is strong across all demographic groups. But while 76% of Mainstream voters think the United States should continue to build the fence, 67% of the Political Class are opposed to it.

So what you have is a Mainstream Media that reports the news the way they want to hear it and the way they want you to think about it.

It’s Propaganda.



With Congress gridlocked on an immigration bill, the Obama administration  is considering using a back door to stop deporting many illegal immigrants – what a draft government memo said could be “a non-legislative version of amnesty.”

“This memorandum offers administrative relief options to . . . reduce the threat of removal for certain individuals present in the United States without authorization,” it reads. (see below)

The memo, addressed to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Director Alejandro Mayorkas and written by four agency staffers, lists tools it says the administration has to “reduce the threat of removal” for many illegal immigrants who have run afoul of immigration authorities.

“In the absence of comprehensive immigration reform, USCIS can extend benefits and/or protections to many individuals and groups by issuing new guidance and regulations, exercising discretion with regard to parole-in-place, deferred action and the issuance of Notices to Appear,” the staffers wrote in the memo, which was obtained by Sen. Charles E. Grassley, Iowa Republican.

The memo suggests that in-depth discussions have occurred on how to keep many illegal immigrants in the country, which would be at least a temporary alternative to the proposals Democrats in Congress have made to legalize illegal immigrants.

Chris Bentley, a USCIS spokesman, said drafting the memo doesn’t mean the agency has embraced the policy and “nobody should mistake deliberation and exchange of ideas for final decisions.”

“As a matter of good government, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services will discuss just about every issue that comes within the purview of the immigration system,” he said in an e-mail statement. “We continue to maintain that comprehensive bipartisan legislation, coupled with smart, effective enforcement, is the only solution to our nation’s immigration challenges.”

He said the Homeland Security Department “will not grant deferred action or humanitarian parole to the nation’s entire illegal immigrant population.”

The memo does talk about targeting specific groups of illegal immigrants.

Mr. Grassley said it confirms his fears that the administration is trying an end-run around Congress.

“This memo gives credence to our concerns that the administration will go to great lengths to circumvent Congress and unilaterally execute a backdoor amnesty plan,” Mr. Grassley said.
The memo acknowledges some of the tools could be costly and might even require asking Congress for more money.

At one point, the authors acknowledge that widespread use of “deferred action” – or using prosecutorial discretion not to deport someone – would be “a non-legislative version of ‘amnesty.’ ”

The authors noted several options for deferred action, including targeting it to students who would be covered by the DREAM Act, a bill that’s been introduced in Congress.

In testifying to the Senate Judiciary Committee on May 11, Mr. Mayorkas first said he was unaware of discussions to use these kinds of tools on a categorical basis, then later clarified that officials had talked about expanding the use of those powers.

“I don’t know of any plans. I think we have discussed, as we always do, the tools available to us and whether the deployment of any of those tools could achieve a more fair and efficient use or application of the immigration law,” he said.

He acknowledged, though, that he was not aware that those powers had ever been used before on a categorical basis.

Sen. John Cornyn, the Texas Republican who queried Mr. Mayorkas on the subject, warned him against pursuing that strategy.

“I think it would be a mistake for the administration to use administrative action, like deferred action on a categorical basis, to deal with a large number of people who are here without proper legal documents to regularize their status without Congress’ participation. I will just say that to you for what it’s worth,” Mr. Cornyn, the ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary immigration, border security and citizenship subcommittee, told Mr. Mayorkas.

“The American public’s confidence in the federal government’s ability and commitment to enforce our immigration laws is at an all-time low,” Mr. Cornyn said in a statement. “This apparent step to circumvent Congress – and avoid a transparent debate on how to fix our broken immigration system –  threatens to further erode public confidence in its government and makes it less likely we will ever reach consensus and pass credible border security and immigration reform.”

After reports earlier this year that the agency was working on these sorts of plans, Senate Republicans, led by Mr. Grassley, have sent letters to President Obama and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano asking for details.

In recent weeks, Sen. Chuck Grassley and others in Congress have been pressing the administration to disavow rumors that a de facto amnesty is in the works, including in a letter to Department of Homeland Security head Janet Napolitano. “Since the senators first wrote to the president more than a month ago, we have not been reassured that the plans are just rumors, and we have every reason to believe that the memo is legitimate,” a Grassley spokesman tells NR. (NR contacted DHS, but a spokesman did not have a comment on the record.)

Many of the memo’s proposals are technical and fine-grained; for example, it suggests clarifying the immigration laws for “unaccompanied minors, and for victims of human trafficking, domestic violence, and other criminal activities.” It also proposes extending the “grace period” H-1B visa holders have between the expiration of their visa and the date they’re expected to leave the country.

With other ideas, however, USCIS is aiming big. Perhaps the most egregious suggestion is to “Increase the Use of Deferred Action.” “Deferred action,” as the memo defines it, “is an exercise of prosecutorial discretion not to pursue removal from the U.S. of a particular individual for a specific period of time.” For example, after Hurricane Katrina, the government decided not to remove illegal immigrants who’d been affected by the disaster.

The memo claims that there are no limits to USCIS’s ability to use deferred action, but warns that using this power indiscriminately would be “controversial, not to mention expensive.” The memo suggests using deferred action to exempt “particular groups” from removal — such as the illegal-immigrant high-school graduates who would fall under the DREAM Act (a measure that has been shot down repeatedly in Congress). The memo claims that the DREAM Act would cover “an estimated 50,000” individuals, though as many as 65,000 illegal immigrants graduate high school every year in the U.S.

Mind you this Memo was 11 Pages long!

Grassley says it is “ridiculous” to think a memo containing this kind of detail was drawn up without specific direction from someone in the administration. “Bureaucrats don’t write memos like that for the fun of it,” he said.

This is not a school grade writing exercise, after all.

And the memo seeks to out ‘touchy-feely’ ’emotional’ exemptions. So if you want to object to them you’re just a heartless, mean and cruel, uncaring bastard.

Sound familiar? 🙂

UPDATE: USCIS has released a statement on the memo:

Internal draft memos do not and should not be equated with official action or policy of the Department. We will not comment on notional, pre-decisional memos. As a matter of good government, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) will discuss just about every issue that comes within the purview of the immigration system. We continue to maintain that comprehensive bipartisan legislation, coupled with smart, effective enforcement, is the only solution to our nation’s immigration challenges.

Internal memoranda help us do the thinking that leads to important changes; some of them are adopted and others are rejected. Our goal is to implement policies wisely and well to strengthen all aspects of our mission. The choices we have made so far have strengthened both the enforcement and services sides of USCIS — nobody should mistake deliberation and exchange of ideas for final decisions. To be clear, DHS will not grant deferred action or humanitarian parole to the nation’s entire illegal immigrant population.

Don’t mind us, we just write 11-page detailed judicial memos as way of just chewing the fat, nothing to see here.

Given the backroom secrecy that has been “transparent” in this administration shouldn’t the fact that they are even discussing ways to circumvent Congress worry you?

Yes, they should.

Much like the “promises” made about Health Care reform which we know now from sworn testimony to be false.

So doesn’t that sound like he and his apparatchiks are getting in even more touch with their Inner Banana (Dictatorship)?

It does to me.

Beyond the confines of the courtroom, however, that question is all that the controversy over S.B. 1070 is about: Do we as a country want to enforce the immigration laws or not? It’s time to answer that question.

And is the Government of The People, By the People and For the The People going to perish under a propaganda and legal parsers onslaught with the willing compliance of the touchy-feely Fifth Column Ministry of Truth Media? 😦

That is the question.

It’s Still about Race

Remember that “post-racial” President crap in 2008?

Jan. 2008: NPR Senior News Analyst Daniel Schorr observes the ascendance of Barack Obama as a presidential candidate and wonders whether the U.S. is entering a new, “post-racial” political era.

Well, it’s been nuked!

{Attorney General Eric} Holder said on CBS’ “Face the Nation” that the federal government was leading with its “strongest” argument in the suit filed Tuesday and would not rule out a second suit months down the road — if the law ends up going into effect.

“It doesn’t mean that if the law for whatever reason happened to go into effect, that six months from now, a year from now, we might not look at the impact the law has had … and see whether or not there has been that racial profiling impact,” Holder said. “If that was the case, we would have the tools and we would bring suit on that basis.”

Holder, reacting to the firestorm of criticism from Republicans and border-state lawmakers, said the Justice Department decided to file the suit because Arizona’s immigration law is “inconsistent” with federal policy and the U.S. Constitution. He said there’s nothing to stop local jurisdictions and states from helping the government enforce immigration law, but described Arizona’s law as contradictory to what the federal government is trying to accomplish.

What they are trying to accomplish????

Say What??

Is he kidding?

Of course not.

So if the government loses, they will just file another lawsuit and and another and another.

That’s the Chicago Way.

Crush people you disagree with with lawyers!


The Dodd-Frank financial regulatory bill, ostensibly aimed at reforming Wall Street and preventing a future financial crisis, will impose racial and gender quotas on financial institutions if passed, according to economist Diana Furchtgott-Roth.

Section 342 of the bill will establish Offices of Minority and Women Inclusion in at least 20 federal financial services agencies. These offices will be tasked with implementing “standards and procedures to ensure, to the maximum extent possible, the fair inclusion and utilization of minorities, women, and minority-owned and women-owned businesses in all business and activities of the agency at all levels, including in procurement, insurance, and all types of contracts.”

So called “fair inclusion” will apply to “financial institutions, investment banking firms, mortgage banking firms, asset management firms, brokers, dealers, financial services entities, underwriters, accountants, investment consultants and providers of legal services.”

The provision goes on to assert that the government will terminate contracts with institutions they deem have “failed to make a good faith effort to include minorities and women in their workforce.”

Diana Furchtgott-Roth, former chief economist at the U.S. Department of Labor and senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, told The Daily Caller that the law amounts to a quota system.

“This is a radical shift in employment legislation,” she said. “The law effectively changes the standard by which institutions are evaluated from anti-discrimination regulations to quotas. In order to be in compliance with the law these businesses will have to show that they have a certain percentage of women and a certain percentage of minorities.”

So the Non-Minority Male can be discriminated against by law.

So quotas are now cool again.

Because it’s “fair” to discriminate against the evil, spawn of Satan, the Non-Minority Male. 🙂


BREWSTER, Wash. — The Obama administration has replaced immigration raids at factories and farms with a quieter enforcement strategy: sending federal agents to scour companies’ records for illegal immigrant workers.

While the sweeps of the past commonly led to the deportation of such workers, the “silent raids,” as employers call the audits, usually result in the workers being fired, but in many cases they are not deported.

Over the past year, Immigration and Customs Enforcement has conducted audits of employee files at more than 2,900 companies. The agency has levied a record $3 million in civil fines so far this year on businesses that hired unauthorized immigrants, according to official figures. Thousands of those workers have been fired, immigrant groups estimate.

Mark K. Reed, president of Border Management Strategies, a consulting firm in Tucson that advises companies across the country on immigration law. “And there is no drama, no trauma, no families being torn apart, no handcuffs.”

No Press.

And no deportations or arrests so they just go somewhere else and it’s a game of shuffling the deck chairs.

It doesn’t really solve the problem.

But it looks like they are trying.

And the lack of press on it is curious. Is it because they don’t really do anything in the end?

And they know it.

Maybe they should call Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis and complain. 🙂

In a public service announcement posted on the department’s website, Solis says workers — legal or not — have the right to fair wages.

“You work hard, and you have the right to be paid fairly,” she says. “And it is a serious problem when workers in this country are not being paid every cent they earn. Remember, every worker in America has the right to be paid fairly, whether documented or not. So call us.”

What the government gives with one hand it takes with the other. It’s only fair.

And if your a Non-Minority and Male, esp if you’re a “cracker”, just shut up and piss off you don’t mean anything to this administration.

That’s only Fair! 🙂