Mainstream Jujitsu

I never realized how much mainstream media had an affinity with martial arts. Over the past week, we’ve seen some of the most ferocious journalistic jujutsu in my lifetime. Shocking undercover videos are released revealing the true essence of Planned Parenthood—a cold, callous, commercial abortion and human-parts trafficking chain—and America’s news media can’t move quickly enough to spar with the messengers.

I don’t know, the jujitsu of lies, attacks and distortions around Benghazi are some of the Orwellian Left’s finest.

Lois Lerner and The IRS targeting.

Fast & Furious.

The Dukes of Hazzard 🙂

It’s all just a hoax! Planned Parenthood said so. And every news network is quick to rally to the abortion giant’s defense…one of the only times the liberal MSM will defend capitalism and corporate America. Apparently, the only videos that have credibility are the ones produced by MSNBC, CNN, CBS News, ABC News, or any other member of the multi-billion Network of Lies. Oh, but wait! They’ve never done any kind of exposé on Big Abortion. The last time news media took a critical look at the seedy abortion industry was when Pamela Zekman and Pamela Warrick, writing for the Chicago Sun Times, engaged in phenomenal undercover reporting of the Gosnell-like conditions in “Chicago’s thriving abortion business”. It was a 15-part series entitled: “The Abortion Profiteers”. That was in 1978, people. Today’s mainstream media, with billions of dollars in assets, won’t spend a dime to investigate this corrupt industry.

The Agenda is The Agenda! No one questions the The Agenda! Or else…

Enter Lila Rose. Jill Stanek. James O’Keefe. And now, David Daleidan of the Center For Medical Progress. These citizen journalists have riled the gatekeepers whose religiously devout efforts to protect Big Abortion don’t have a prayer. With the exception of Fox News, Brit Hume’s deeply stirring commentary of the destruction the abortion industry has brought to this country was epic. He reflects what the journalist’s creed, in part, proudly proclaims: “I believe that the journalism which succeeds best — and best deserves success — fears God and honors Man…always respectful of its readers but always unafraid, is quickly indignant at injustice.”

But the only “injustice” the Left sees is that not everything bows and scraps to kiss their ass and do as they are told because they are so vastly superior to you grubby,dirty, little morons of hate.

My childhood hero, Frederick Douglass, started his own newspaper (The North Star) because mainstream media wasn’t telling the truth about slavery. Fast forward 168 years, and the same media malfeasance exists today. Douglass declared: “…justice must be done, the truth must be told. I will not be silent.” This remarkable freed slave is the reason why I became a citizen journalist. His passion to educate the public and to help set people free inspired me in my recent fight against the NAACP. This radically pro-abortion “civil rights” organization tried to sue my organization (and me personally) into silence for accurately parodying their name. The National Association for the Abortion of Colored People lost in court. Truth won.

Abortion is the number one killer in the black community, at rates 5 times higher than those among whites. But the NAACP still stands with its corporate sponsor, Planned Parenthood. Just like the Congressional Black Caucus, Sharpton’s National Action Network, and the National Urban League, the NAACP has responded to these shocking videos with less-than-surprising silence. Every one of these groups actively partners with the nation’s leading abortion and harvesting chain. With all of the hypocritical rhetoric and tweeting of #BlackLivesMatter, and the absurd backlash against declaring #AllLivesMatter, it’s become apparent that human life doesn’t really matter to certain people.

But it’s whitie’s fault! Check your Privilege, y’all. 🙂

Planned Parenthood can continue on aborting and selling those unwanted babies in their uncrushed wanted parts. Liberals won’t be outraged. But they’ll feign outrage at the ones who are exposing the inhumanity of it all. Cecile Richards, in a feeble attempt to discredit the Center for Medical Progress’ shocking videos, apologized for the “tone” of her top doctor, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, in a video that was supposedly a hoax. Never mind that Richards, a $583k per year salaried abortion mogul, told PBS “protesting abortion was like protesting a man’s colonoscopy”. Sure. The comparison of an unborn human life to feces has no despicable tone at all.

These recent events have me hopeful, though, and enjoying the desperation of the leading entity of population control going into serious damage control. Congress, and allegedly the DOJ, will investigate this situation. I encourage people to sign the Americans United for Life’s petition to demand that the White House order the Attorney General to investigate Planned Parenthood’s sale of aborted baby parts.

The DOJ will ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!! NOTHING! The Agenda must be protected. That’s why virtually no one from the numerous scandals has been prosecuted. You turn the evidence over the DOJ and they conveniently lose it, wipe it, or ignore it. It’s their mandate to cover it all up.

They are the Gatekeepers of The Agenda, they are the ones who protect it. They serve only the Agenda.

And we can’t stop there. This abortion behemoth gets $528.4 million of our tax dollars every year to do their corrupt work. There are many reasons to defund Planned Parenthood. It kills human lives. It is fundamentally dishonest (suffering from a condition known as Mythomania-an abnormal or pathological tendency to exaggerate or tell lies). It has defrauded Medicaid (aka taxpayers) of millions of dollars. It grossly miseducates our youth (e.g. “There’s nothing unhealthy or bad about having a big number of sexual partners”). It is America’s biggest hoax.

Well, I have said, that polyamory is next. Nothing is “abnormal” unless it’s not on The Agenda, then it’s just evil.

One day, our nation will look back and wonder how so many were duped, for so long, by Planned Propaganda.

Not if the Ministry of Truth has anything to do with it.

It will be like the plans to destroy the Earth for a hyperspacial bypass in “Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy”

“But Mr Dent, the plans have been available in the local planning office for the last nine months.”

“Oh yes, well as soon as I heard I went straight round to see them, yesterday afternoon. You hadn’t exactly gone out of your way to call attention to them, had you? I mean, like actually telling anybody or anything.”

“But the plans were on display …”

“On display? I eventually had to go down to the cellar to find them.”

“That’s the display department.”

“With a flashlight.”

“Ah, well the lights had probably gone.”

“So had the stairs.”

“But look, you found the notice didn’t you?”

“Yes,” said Arthur, “yes I did. It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the Leopard’.”

And Ministry has the Mainstream Media to lie for them.

One day, our collective soul will mourn for the millions of lives that were crushed by the violent social injustice of abortion. One day, because Truth is relentless and freeing, Big Abortion will be heavily edited out of our society. (Ryan Bomberger)

It will be heavily edit out society so that this kind of think won’t happen again and the Agenda won’t be exposed. That is what the Left is so upset about.

Remember, in the pursuit of their Agenda they have no morals or ethics of any kind, least of all unborn children, who they can’t even manipulate into voting for them.


The End justifies the Means.





Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy
Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler


[T]hink about how even with all the gridlock and polarization in Washington, we have made so much change these past six years:  12 million new jobs.  Sixteen million people who finally have health insurance.  Historic agreements to fight climate change.  Epic increases in college financial aid.  More progress on LGBT rights than any time in our history. And today, it is no longer remarkable to see two beautiful black girls walking their dogs on the South Lawn of the White House lawn.  That’s just the way things are now,” Obama said to applause at the liberal arts college.

“rise above the noise and shape the revolutions of your time.”Michelle Obama

It would takes days to point out all the lies and partisan ideological distortions in that one paragraph, but that’s also the point at which we are in America.

There are millions of slobbering liberals and just plain ignorant Americans who’d believe every word of it and would fight to very last drop of your evil blood to defend “the truth” as they want everyone to see it.

The truth has no meaning anymore. One’s partisan agenda, whether Republican (secret trade deal anyone?) or Democrat doesn’t matter, the truth even less so.

Dishonesty is the only rule left.

Narcissism rules.

It’s time for the looting and sacking of Rome, 406 AD.

Did the Visigoths and The Romans prosper from the sacking of Rome and the Destruction of the Roman Empire?

Well, 1600 years later apparently both the barbarians and the elites have figured it out.

The peasants are the one who are going to get screwed, but we’ll make them happy to do it to themselves.

“So get out there and volunteer on campaigns, and then hold the folks you elect accountable.”

Why? that’s they VERY LAST thing anyone wants to do to a Liberal, especially your husband. That would be “racist”, “bigotry”,”misogyny” or “islamophobia”.

Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden

So what she saying is to hold accountable only those people with whom you disagree (aka non-liberals), make sure they are destroyed because she and her husband are above it all and are unaccountable for their actions anyhow, as it should be.

Make sure division and destruction are left in your wake. Your Agenda is THE ONLY AGENDA. Your Narrative is the ONLY Narrative. Make sure no one gets in your way and if they do, destroy them!!

Especially if they are white, male, and/or Christian they deserve it!

See, that is how you will rise above the noise and shape the revolutions of your time.


Ann Coulter is back, more fearless than ever. In Adios, America she touches the third rail in American politics, attacking the immigration issue head-on and flying in the face of La Raza, the Democrats, a media determined to cover up immigrants’ crimes, churches that get paid by the government for their “charity,” and greedy Republican businessmen and campaign consultants—all of whom are profiting handsomely from mass immigration that’s tearing the country apart. Applying her trademark biting humor to the disaster that is U.S. immigration policy, Coulter proves that immigration is the most important issue facing America today.

Political Cartoons by Steve Breen
Political Cartoons by Ken Catalino
Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

Real Tragedy

I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.—Martin Luther King, Jr.

Sorry, Dr. King, there’s no money or power in that so forgettaboutit!

Walter Williams: Hustlers and people with little understanding want us to believe that today’s black problems are the continuing result of a legacy of slavery, poverty and racial discrimination. The fact is that most of the social pathology seen in poor black neighborhoods is entirely new in black history. Let’s look at some of it.

Today the overwhelming majority of black children are raised in single female-headed families. As early as the 1880s, three-quarters of black families were two-parent. In 1925 New York City, 85 percent of black families were two-parent. One study of 19th-century slave families found that in up to three-fourths of the families, all the children had the same mother and father.

Today’s black illegitimacy rate of nearly 75 percent is also entirely new. In 1940, black illegitimacy stood at 14 percent. It had risen to 25 percent by 1965, when Daniel Patrick Moynihan wrote “The Negro Family: The Case for National Action” and was widely condemned as a racist. By 1980, the black illegitimacy rate had more than doubled, to 56 percent, and it has been growing since. Both during slavery and as late as 1920, a teenage girl raising a child without a man present was rare among blacks.

Much of today’s pathology seen among many blacks is an outgrowth of the welfare state that has made self-destructive behavior less costly for the individual. Having children without the benefit of marriage is less burdensome if the mother receives housing subsidies, welfare payments and food stamps. Plus, the social stigma associated with unwed motherhood has vanished. Female-headed households, whether black or white, are a ticket for dependency and all of its associated problems. Ignored in all discussions is the fact that the poverty rate among black married couples has been in single digits since 1994.

Black youth unemployment in some cities is over 50 percent. But high black youth unemployment is also new. In 1948, the unemployment rate for black teens was slightly less than that of their white counterparts — 9.4 percent compared with 10.2. During that same period, black youths were either just as active in the labor force or more so than white youths. Since the 1960s, both the labor force participation rate and the employment rate of black youths have fallen to what they are today. Why? Are employers more racially discriminatory today than yesteryear? Were black youths of yesteryear more skilled than whites of yesteryear? The answer to both questions is a big fat no.

The minimum wage law and other labor regulations have cut off the bottom rungs of the economic ladder. Put yourself in the place of an employer, and ask: If I must pay $7.25 an hour — plus mandated fringes, such as Social Security and workers’ compensation — would it pay me to hire a worker who is so unfortunate as to possess skills that enable him to produce only $5 worth of value per hour? Most employers view that as a losing economic proposition. Thus, the minimum wage law discriminates against the employment of low-skilled workers, who are most often youths — particularly black youths.

The little bit of money a teenager can earn through after-school, weekend and summer employment is not nearly so important as the other things he gains from early work experiences. He acquires skills and develops good work habits, such as being prompt, following orders and respecting supervisors. In addition, there are the self-respect and pride that a youngster gains from being financially semi-independent. All of these gains from early work experiences are important for any teen but are even more important for black teens. If black teens are going to learn anything that will make them a more valuable employee in the future, they aren’t going to learn it from their rotten schools, their dysfunctional families or their crime-ridden neighborhoods. They must learn it on the job.

The bulk of today’s problems for many blacks are a result of politicians and civil rights organizations using government in the name of helping blacks when in fact they are serving the purposes of powerful interest groups.

And if you disagree with them,you’re just evil old “racist” anyhow so gives a crap what you ignorant idiots think! 🙂

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
Political Cartoons by Chip Bok
Political Cartoons by Gary McCoy
Political Cartoons by Steve Kelley

Word Games

“Like most political topics [in the US] the debate is relatively non-existent.  Once you identify pro or con on the subject, the other side assumes they know your feelings and arguments and immediately begins either attempting to convert you or demonize you for your beliefs.”

This struck a cord with me because of how true I feel it is. Why is this? What is a society that does debate more productively? What would you like to see happen and might it happen? Any thoughts are welcome.

My definition of debate; respectful conversation that might lead one or both sides to see the full scope of an issue and agree on a best choice in the matter. -Timothy A Walker

Advocacy is the norm.  Unlike debate, advocacy can be effective sans facts.  Good advocacy works on our reason, emotion and the character of everyone involved is a consideration too.

Unlike debate, advocacy shares a lot of common ground with propaganda and is very easily abused.

There has been a consistent reduction of clarity in news, linked to misinformation, that favors advocacy forms of dialog.  Infotainment is advocacy.

The lack of clarity norms renders debate lofty,inaccessible and boring essentially.

We need advocacy and we need debate.  I believe the real answer to this is a sharp increase in clarity norms, which would favor good advocacy and frame it as the gateway to debate instead of being the gateway to misinformation and polarization is most often is now.

Clarity is a non partisan common interest we all should have.—Doug Dingus

In the 1980s there was a TV show called “Not Necessarily The News” on HBO that featured something called “sniglets.” (Hosted by Bob Saget). Although it’s probably a hate-crime to say the word “sniglet” out loud now and will get you accused of homophone-a-phobia, a sniglet is a word that should appear in the dictionary but doesn’t. Sniglets have all but disappeared, but the dictionary itself might as well be thrown out too. Words that had unambiguous meanings for decades or even centuries have seen those definitions changed by progressives in the name of political correctness.

To make sure you are up to date on which words and phrases are now permissible, I’ve assembled a few here that have seen their definitions change so you don’t get accused of being an “Ist-a-phobe” at the water cooler come Monday.

Thug: noun.
Old meaning: a violent criminal.
New meaning: a racial slur; the same as the “n-word.”
Source: Tonight Show band leader Questlove in a tweet this week and pretty much everyone on MSNBC.
Suggested replacements for your vocabulary: upriser, revolutionary, victim, misguided young people, Democratic Party voter.
Acceptable uses: When referencing the bad guys in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom and when talking about white hockey players Food Stamps: noun.
Old meaning: a small document that is given by the government to poor people and that can be used to buy food.
New meaning: a racial slur; “code” for black people.
Source: Democrats in the 2012 election deemed pointing out the fact there are more people on food stamps under President Obama than at any point in American history to be “racial code.” It being a fact was deemed irrelevant.
Suggested replacements for your vocabulary: economically challenged, differently fed, Democratic Party voter.
Acceptable uses: When calling for greater funding for the program or when accusing a Republican of wanting to “gut” the program.

Budget cut: noun.
Old meaning: the act of reducing budgeted expenditures.
New meaning: a reduction in the rate of increase in spending where more money is spent than the prior year but slightly less than previously projected; draconian gutting of vital programs, particularly for poor and minority people.
Source: The Democratic Party and the mainstream media.
Suggested replacements for your vocabulary: There is no alternative; reducing, or even proposing a reduction in the rate of increase of government spending, is racist.
Acceptable uses: The term is not only allowed to be used when talking about spending on national defense, it is required.

Urban: adjective.
Old meaning: of or relating to cities and the people who live in them.
New meaning: racist code for “black people.”
Source: Every progressive everywhere.
Suggested replacements for your vocabulary: Underrepresented communities, victims.
Acceptable uses: Only when giving the full name of a country singer or talking about an awful store selling clothes for white suburban hipsters.

Progressive: adjective.
Old meaning: Political philosophy based on the belief that some people are intellectually and genetically superior to others and should, therefore, be able to exercise power over everyone else, up to and including who can live or reproduce.
New meaning: tolerant, loving, smart, caring.
Source: The Democratic Party (which also was the source of the original definition but now chooses to pretend otherwise) and pretty much everyone on MSNBC.
Suggested replacements for your vocabulary None. Even though the philosophy was created by those who literally advocated for the extermination of “undesirable” people (minorities and poor, uneducated whites), people proudly call themselves progressive without consequence.

Tolerance: noun.
Old meaning: willingness to accept feelings, habits, or beliefs that are different from your own.
New meaning: Conformity; the belief that the only acceptable thoughts are those that adhere to a progressive philosophy.
Source: The Democratic Party, College professors, pretty much everyone on MSNBC.
Suggested replacements for your vocabulary: None. There is no need to remove this word from your vocabulary, but it is important to remember it means only the new definition. Any deviation from the new meaning to the old one will be met with protests, boycotts and potential massive fines from government.

Diversity: noun.
Old meaning: the quality or state of having many different forms, types, ideas, etc.
New meaning: different colored, like-minded drones. It no longer applies to the ideas or thoughts, only skin color. This word particularly does not apply to black or Hispanic conservatives.
Source: The Democratic Party, the mainstream media and pretty much everyone on (the mostly white) MSNBC.
Suggested replacements for your vocabulary: None. You must not question this concept, only blindly accept it. To point out the hypocrisy of rich, white liberal progressives living in gated communities extolling the virtues of diversity is a near hate-crime.
I hope this small but important list helps you navigate our brave new world. Should you find yourself violating these suggestions by saying something like, “Well, progressive Democrats and their policies have pretty much had unfettered reign in the most violent and economically depressed areas of the country for generations and things have only gotten worse,” the only hope for redemption is a donation to a progressive organization that sells “indulgences.”

The most popular indulgence sellers are the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation and Al Sharpton’s National Action Network. Donations are tax deducible and you can rest assured that your money will be put to good use, not wasted on frivolities like accurate record keeping or paying taxes. (Derek Hunter)

Don’t do as They do, do as they say. OR ELSE!

Political Cartoons by Dana Summers

Justice Served on a Political Platter

Well, the Maryland State’s Attorney came up with a solution to the Lose-Lose Scenario, it’s called the Political Red Meat Game.

Well, what if they are guilty? Fine, let the facts bear that out. But this was a Political Sacrifice. (they at least could have all been White Males that would have been so much juicier for the Leftists! 🙂 )

The Evil 6

Cheers erupted as City State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby announced that charges were being filed against the six officers involved in the apprehension, arrest and death of Freddie Gray. That feeling of elation reverberated through the streets of Baltimore, and especially the Penn-North neighborhood that was the scene of Monday’s riots, as residents applauded the decision to indict.


“The city is phenomenal right now. Right now, it’s like Baltimore, thank you for listening, thank you for everyone constantly protesting for the betterment of the good. Everyone that’s being negative needs to stop being negative, it’s so simple as smiling at a baby, to let go of the nonsense,” he said. “It’s awesome, it’s super great.”

Thank you for rioting, looting and burning down and destroying businesses. Thank you for destroying lives and property.

You love me, you really love me!

“The state’s attorney, she’s the next best thing next to grape Kool-Aid. You could tell she was fed up. She was real about it, everyone on her team was real about the situation, and they made sure they got justice and justice prevailed,” he said

Notice, he thinks they’ve already been convicted. “innocent until proven guilty” isn’t even on their tiny minds.

The head of a group that is holding a march Saturday says it will now be a “victory rally” after a prosecutor charged six officers in the death of Freddie Gray.

Malik Shabazz, president of Black Lawyers for Justice, said he was pleasantly surprised by the charges and commended State’s Attorney Marilyn J. Mosby “for standing up for justice and setting a standard for prosecutors all over the nation.”


Within days, the State Attorney’s office determined, prosecuted, and convicted 6 people of Second Degree Murder and other charges.

Fraternal Order of Police head Gene Ryan brings up Mosby’s “personal and professional relationship with Gray family attorney” William Murphy. Murphy gave $5000 to Mosby during her campaign last year. Ryan also says, “It is clear that your husband’s [Baltimore councilman Nick Mosby] political future will be directly impacted, for better or worse, by the outcome of your investigation.”

But Progressives thrive on conflicts of interest, as long as it’s in THEIR INTEREST to do so. She said “honorable” law enforcement would “work” with her, after all. 🙂

Next up, she’ll be running for Governor soon, after all apparently “When she was growing up in inner-city Boston, her 17-year-old cousin was mistaken for a drug dealer and killed outside her home by another 17-year-old.” (NBC) So she’s not a biased Social Justice Avenger at all! Maybe she’ll run for President after Hillary.

“To the people of Baltimore and demonstrators across America, I heard your call for ‘No Justice, No peace,’” she said. “Your peace is sincerely needed as I work to deliver justice on behalf of this young man.”

Sounds like a Campaign speech to me.



Second Degree Murder: Definition. Second-degree murder is ordinarily defined as: 1) an intentional killing that is not premeditated or planned, nor committed in a reasonable “heat of passion”; or 2) a killing caused by dangerous conduct and the offender’s obvious lack of concern for human life.

Let’s go out and kill us some black people!! 🙂

Three elements must be satisfied in order for someone to be found guilty of involuntary manslaughter:

  1. Someone was killed as a result of act by the defendant.
  2. The act either was inherently dangerous to others or done with reckless disregard for human life.
  3. The defendant knew or should have known his or her conduct was a threat to the lives of others.

That’s a steep hill to climb, but NO VENGEANCE NO PEACE!
“I just heard the comment on the bus, that we’re happy, there won’t be no more fires or looting. The decision to even take the officers to court, that’s a relief off the street people, off the people in the projects, the ones who feel like we’re victims,” one man told a reporter for a local CBS affiliate in Baltimore.

“It’s absolutely a joyous occasion, some right has been done, some wrong has been righted — so far,” another resident said. “I think we’re finally getting some results.” (CBS)


Did it solve anything?

Only the immediate political problem and it throw 6 people to the wolves of racial politics to torn apart for the show.

“It’s symbolic not just of police brutality,” Ray said. “Maybe we are progressing toward the equality that we should have been moving toward decades ago.”–University of Maryland Sociologist Rashawn Ray.

Yeah, I think Dr. Martin Luther King would agree. 🙂

Well, what if they are guilty? Fine, let the facts bear that out.

But what if they don’t?

Will the rioters return for more Vengeance! Of course they will. It’s like a volcano that has the magma boiling under the surface and the pressure builds until it erupts. It calms down and the pressure builds up again.

Or will the State be forced to convict them no matter what so they don’t have to face the wrath of that possibility?

The “innocent until proven guilty” presumption is totally out the window. They are guilty and everyone’s happy now.

Is that how Justice works in America now?

It didn’t take the Race Baiter Supreme long to get into the act:

Rev. Al Sharpton called for the Justice Department to “take over policing in this country” and stated “we’re going to have to fight states’ rights” in comments recorded by the Baltimore Sun on Thursday.

Damn that evil 10th Amendment! We should abolish it in favor of complete Federal Control of everything and everyone!

Sharpton said, “we need the Justice Department to step in and take over policing in this country. In the 20th century, they had to fight states’ rights in — to get the right to vote. We’re going to have to fight states’ rights in terms of closing down police cases.”

Ah, The National Police run by a Progressive Liberal Justice Department that selectively ignores laws when it doesn’t fit with their Narrative or Agenda, yeah that’s the ticket.


Think the wrong thoughts and they will come for you too. That makes me feel so much better! 😦

Political Cartoons by Steve Kelley
Political Cartoons by Henry Payne
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

The Melted Pot

America’s days as a melting pot are over. There once was an American culture that assimilated the best parts of all cultures people brought with them to this country, and in turn those immigrants assimilated to the larger American culture. But that day is done. The pot of “out of many, one” is now a series of chafing dishes. And each of those chafing dishes is being conditioned to boil over on command.

We’re now a nation of the 1 percent against the 99 percent, this race being victimized by that race, men against women, old against the young, and so on. Everyone is special without having to do anything to earn that distinction and, as such, entitled to special treatment and consideration.

Divide and Conquer, isn’t that special…

Ivan Pavlov showed the world the power of conditioning, how any creature with a brain can be trained to react how someone wants them to with minimal effort. Although he’s known for his work with dogs, modern times show how his research easily translates to humans. And nowhere is that research being applied more than on college campuses.

Combined that with Orwell and you lost generations of people who have no clue how reality actually works.

There was a time, or so I’m told, when the college campus was a place of discovery and experimentation. The place people went to expand their minds and expose themselves to all manner of ideas. It was where people “found themselves” and figured out what they wanted to do with their lives. Now it’s a place where young minds are conditioned to “identify” with various groups and learn to be victims.

But you can propose to have a University want to have a “Call to Prayer for Muslims” because that’s ‘inclusive’ but kick Chik-Fil-A off campus because they are discriminatory “Christians”.

Does this make any sense? Of course not. But when you are trained to think with only your emotions and what “feels good” you lose out on reality and common sense which require some brain power.

Facebook now offers more than 50 “gender” options for people to “identify” themselves, dozens of ways for people to segregate themselves from others, which presents countless opportunities for victimhood. It’s martyrdom at $400 per credit hour.

I’m a victim of Progressive Liberalism. 🙂

But the problem with telling everyone they’re a victim is even the people who don’t buy into it become numb to the charge. If everyone is a victim, no one is a victim. Genuine cries of victimhood are drowned out by a chorus of bogus cries of the same.

This isn’t news, and it isn’t new. Al Sharpton’s cacophony of corruption allows him to hammer checks, but the cause he and his ilk claim they’re helping is his greatest victim.

The real charges of racism, sexism, etc., etc., are reaching a level of meaninglessness because they’re becoming as common as “hello.” Your cup of water means the world to you when you’re thirsty, but its insignificance cannot be overstated when you dump it in a lake.

Clemson University is in the midst of one of the chafing dishes boiling over. The new Pavlovian instincts of martyrdom have manifested themselves in a group called “See the Stripes.” STS is very upset over a fraternity party held last month under the theme “Crip-mas,” a combination of the Crip gang and Christmas. It sounds stupid, but college is supposed to be the place where you can try and do stupid things. At least it was. Now it’s a hate crime.

STS saw “Crip-mas” as racist. Its members saw the Crips as a black gang, which may have been the case at the start but isn’t true anymore. It’s actually more telling of STS and its Pavlovian conditioning that its members hear the name and think race. But college students are now trained to find offense, to seek it out. Or, if it can’t be found, to manufacture it.

Much like a child throwing a temper tantrum, STS is demanding “action” by the school to make members whole from an event that had no impact on their lives. And just like a child demanding a toy, STS is insisting Clemson punish students for having unapproved fun.

Among the grievances listed by STS is “underrepresented” students don’t have a “safe” place to meet and discuss how they’re oppressed. In other words, STS is demanding re-segregation under the guise of diversity. It also has done a pigment headcount of the faculty and say it should “at least, be comparable to the percentage of students of color.”

Among the “demands” members have made to right the egregious wrong done to them by people they probably don’t know through an event they probably didn’t witness is that the university “prosecute criminally predatory behaviors and defamatory speech committed by members of the Clemson University community (including, but not limited to, those facilitated by usage of social media).”

Nothing remedies a temper tantrum like a little fascism, am I right?


The idea of punishing speech arbitrarily deemed inappropriate is something that is not only the antithesis of one of this country’s founding principles, it was something colleges were supposed to be safe from. Encroachment on something so sacred as freedom of speech would’ve have sent students to the street just a generation ago; now they march to demand censorship.

And they want to celebrate Martin Luther King, a man if he were alive today would be shunned by the Leftist.  Judge people on their character and not the color or their skin! Are you nuts! 🙂 The irony is very rich but no Leftist is going to see it because “they are doing good” and they “feel” good about it. 🙂

Thankfully, for every Pavlov’s dog gang of thought police roaming the countryside and quads of America, there are those who simply won’t salivate at the sound of the bell. It’s Pavlovian in its own way, an intuitive pushback against the anti-Americanism families and common sense still instill in some people.

That pushback is the last line of defense against those chafing dishes becoming all there is; they’re the last vestiges of the melting pot. But it’s not all doom and gloom. The problem with progressive self-segregation and victim status so readily available to anyone is eventually those chickens come home to roost.

The progressive all-women’s Mount Holyoke College cancelled its annual performance of The Vagina Monologs” because students worried it could alienate transgendered students. (Seriously.) And Al Sharpton is heading to liberal Hollywood to “explore why” no black actors were nominated for Oscars this year (and hammer a few checks while he’s there, undoubtedly). Frankenstein’s monster is turning on itself.

After all, “12 Years a Slave” won last year. But that was last year… 🙂

If there is to be a death of this new birth of fascism that is where it will come from: within. The thing about totalitarianism is it turns on itself, it can’t help but. If everyone is a victim then everyone else is potentially a perp, and vice versa. It can’t support its own weight after a while; the only question is when it happens. The sooner the better, the sooner the less damage there is.

That Pavlov’s dogs were trained one way means they can be trained another. Luckily, unlike a ringing bell, freedom is the natural state of man. Let’s just hope we start heading in that direction again before too many more people are bitten. (Derek Hunter)

Political Cartoons by Steve Breen


2014: The Year of The Perpetual Lie

Remember when George Washington and “I cannot tell a Lie” was considered a virtue?

That’s ok, neither can anyone else these days.

America 2015, “I cannot tell the truth” more like.

“2014 was the year when truth was optional,” Kyle Smith writes at the New York Post. “2014 was the year when convenient fabrication was the weapon of choice for celebrities, activists, big business and politicians. 2014 was the Year of the Lie,” including, but not limited to:

Bowe Bergdahl. The IRS’s missing e-mails. Lena Dunham. “Hands up, don’t shoot.” Jonathan Gruber. GM and that faulty ignition switch. Andrew Cuomo and that anti-corruption commission. The Secret Service and that White House intruder. Rachel Noerdlinger and her “disabled” son. Rolling Stone and gang rape.

As Kyle notes:

“Even if you don’t find that it’s true, it’s a valid rallying cry,” Ferguson protester Taylor Gruenloh told The Associated Press. If a few black-owned businesses get destroyed, and others are forced out of business by rising insurance costs, who cares? At least the protesters feel righteous.

Similarly, we all know rape is a rampant problem in elite-college fraternities, even if the smoking gun turned out to be a toy pistol. After Rolling Stone’s UVA rape story led to protests, vandalism and cancelled donations, the magazine appended a shrug of a disclaimer to the story and continued to publish the 8,000 word opus on its website.

Feminists keep saying that there is a “larger truth” here — that we are suddenly living in a “rape culture” in which this hideous crime is widely condoned, even though the rate of forcible rate is at its lowest level in 40 years. When such data don’t bear out the narrative, activists rely heavily on anecdotal evidence like the Rolling Stone story — then say false anecdotes don’t matter either.

“We have a society where rapists are given the benefit of the doubt, often despite overwhelming evidence,” wrote Sally Kohn of CNN, adding that “[Feminists] cannot apologize for erring on the side of a fair, compassionate and credulous hearing of a woman’s account.”

Except being “credulous” with a liar means you aren’t being fair to those she is lying about.

The stage was set for 2014 over many years, as an increasing number of journalists decided that not only was lying OK, admitting in public that you’re a liar is perfectly fine as well. But then, those journalists are merely Democrat operatives bylines. As Smith writes, “Where on earth could all of these people have gotten the idea that lying is acceptable? Maybe they’re all just marching to the cadence of the Liar in Chief.”

Barack, baby.n He who can’t tell the truth and surrounds himself with liars.

Of course, as Jonah Goldberg wrote this week, “What seems like staggering hypocrisy is actually remarkably consistent from liberals’ perspective.” As Charles Krauthammer famously observed, “To understand the workings of American politics, you have to understand this fundamental law: Conservatives think liberals are stupid. Liberals think conservatives are evil.”  And base on their actions, the left clearly believes that about not just their fellow politicians and talking heads, but the American public as well. (Ed Driscoll)

Jonah Goldberg:

Many conservatives finished the year angry about the same thing they were angry about at the beginning of the year: liberal double standards.

As I write this, GOP House whip Steve Scalise is in hot water over reports that he spoke to a group of racist poltroons in Louisiana twelve years ago. Whether it was an honest mistake, as Scalise plausibly claims, or a sign of something more nefarious, as his detractors hope, remains to be seen.

But one common response on social media is instructive. Countless conservatives want to know: Why the double standard? Barack Obama was friends with a domestic terrorist, Bill Ayers. His spiritual mentor was a vitriolic racist, Jeremiah Wright. One of his administration’s closest advisers and allies is Al Sharpton, a man who has inspired enough racial violence to make a grand dragon’s white sheets turn green with envy.

Meanwhile, the Democratic party venerated the late senator Robert Byrd, a former Klansman himself. He was one of 19 senators (all Democrats) to sign the Southern Manifesto opposing integration. One of his co-signers was William Fulbright, Bill Clinton’s mentor.

And the Democrats blow you off like you are “just being partisaned”.

When Republicans are in power, “dissent is the highest form of patriotism.” When Democrats are in power, dissent is the racist fuming of “angry white men.”

Peaceful, law-abiding tea-party groups who cleaned up after their protests — and got legal permits for them — were signs of nascent fascism lurking in the American soul. Violent, anarchic, and illegal protests by Occupy Wall Street a few years ago or, more recently, in Ferguson, Mo., were proof that a new idealistic generation was renewing its commitment to idealism.

When rich conservatives give money to Republicans, it is a sign that the whole system has been corrupted by fat cats. When it is revealed that liberal billionaires and left-wing super PACs outspent conservative groups in 2014: crickets.

When Republicans invoke God or religious faith as an inspiration for their political views, it’s threatening and creepy. When Democrats do it, it’s a sign they believe in social justice.

One can do this all day long. But while examples are easy, explanations are hard.

I don’t know who first said, “Behind every apparent double standard lies an unconfessed single standard” (and as far as I can tell, neither does the Internet), but whoever did was onto something.

What looks like inexplicably staggering hypocrisy from the conservative perspective is actually remarkably consistent from the liberal perspective.

Well, “perspective” is probably the wrong word because it implies a conscious, deliberate, philosophical point of view. What is really at work is better understood as bias, even bigotry.

If you work from the dogmatic assumption that liberalism is morally infallible and that liberals are, by definition, pitted against sinister and — more importantly — powerful forces, then it’s easy to explain away what seem like double standards. Any lapse, error, or transgression by conservatives is evidence of their real nature, while similar lapses, errors, and transgressions by liberals are trivial when balanced against the fact that their hearts are in the right place.

Despite controlling the commanding heights of the culture — journalism, Hollywood, the arts, academia, and vast swaths of the corporate America they denounce — liberals have convinced themselves they are pitted against deeply entrenched powerful forces and that being a liberal is somehow brave. Obama, the twice-elected president of the United States, to this day speaks as if he’s some kind of underdog.

They are crusaders for “justice” against “tyranny” and “oppression”, in their minds. So the fact that they aren’t in reality is irrelevant.

Frank Rich, the former New York Times columnist and theater critic, recently interviewed Chris Rock for New York magazine. He wanted to know why right-leaning comedian Dennis Miller isn’t as funny (at least according to Rich) as Jon Stewart of The Daily Show. He asked Rock, “Do you think that identifying with those in power is an impediment to laughter?”

It was a hilarious and revealing moment. Stewart — who recently had to turn down a pleading request from NBC to take over Meet the Press — has long identified with liberals in power. Moreover, he’s easily one of America’s most powerful liberals, routinely creating and enforcing liberal conventional wisdom (much as Rich had done from his perch at the Times). Miller, meanwhile, has nowhere near the same cultural clout precisely because he doesn’t affirm the single standard at the heart of liberalism: “We’re the good guys.”

The Sowell Facts

Some of us, who are old enough to remember the old television police series “Dragnet,” may remember Sgt. Joe Friday saying, “Just the facts, ma’am.” But that would be completely out of place today. Facts are becoming obsolete, as recent events have demonstrated.

Facts, we don’t need no stinking facts!

Confirmation bias (also called confirmatory bias or myside bias) is a tendency for people to favor information that confirms their preconceptions or hypotheses regardless of whether the information is true.

What matters today is how well you can concoct a story that fits people’s preconceptions and arouses their emotions. Politicians like New York mayor Bill de Blasio, professional demagogues like Al Sharpton and innumerable irresponsible people in the media have shown that they have great talent in promoting a lynch mob atmosphere toward the police.

Grand juries that examine hard facts live in a different world from mobs who listen to rhetoric and politicians who cater to the mobs.

During the controversy over the death of Trayvon Martin, for example, a member of the Congressional Black Caucus said that George Zimmerman had tracked Trayvon Martin down and shot him like a dog. The fact is that Zimmerman did not have to track down Trayvon Martin, who was sitting right on top of him, punching him till his face was bloody.

And he’s the world’s first and only “White Hispanic”. 🙂

After the death of Michael Brown, members of the Congressional Black Caucus stood up in Congress, with their hands held up, saying “don’t shoot.” Although there were some who claimed that this is what Michael Brown said and did, there were other witnesses — all black, by the way — who said that Brown was charging toward the policeman when he was shot.

What was decisive was not what either set of witnesses said, but what the autopsy revealed, an autopsy involving three sets of forensic experts, including one representing Michael Brown’s family. Witnesses can lie but the physical facts don’t lie, even if politicians, mobs and the media prefer to take lies seriously.

An agenda is more important than facts. Confirming peoples biases for your own Agenda is also more important than facts.

The death of Eric Garner has likewise spawned stories having little relationship to facts. The story is that Garner died because a chokehold stopped his breathing. But Garner did not die with a policeman choking him.

He died later, in an ambulance where his heart stopped. He had a long medical history of various diseases, as well as a long criminal history. No doubt the stress of his capture did not do him any good, and he might well still be alive if he had not resisted arrest. But that was his choice.

Despite people who say blithely that the police need more “training,” there is no “kinder and gentler” way to capture a 350-pound man, who is capable of inflicting grievous harm, and perhaps even death, on any of his would-be captors. The magic word “unarmed” means nothing in practice, however much the word may hype emotions.

If you had no idea who he was, or only had a split second to decide, would you consider Chuck Norris “unarmed”?

For illustration:The FBI report, Law Enforcement Officers Killed & Assaulted 2011 ,indicated that 11 officers lost their lives during traffic stops; 15 officers died in ambush situations, some involving vehicles.

That cop may have had a family too, you know. But those are just facts.

If you are killed by an unarmed man, you are just as dead as if you had been annihilated by a nuclear bomb. But you don’t even know who is armed or unarmed until after it is all over, and you can search him.

Incidentally, did you know that, during this same period when riots, looting and arson have been raging, a black policeman in Alabama shot and killed an unarmed white teenager — and was cleared by a grand jury? Probably not, if you depend on the mainstream media for your news.


The media do not merely ignore facts, they suppress facts. Millions of people saw the videotape of the beating of Rodney King. But they saw only a fraction of that tape because the media left out the rest, which showed Rodney King — another huge man — resisting arrest and refusing to be handcuffed, so that he could be searched.

Television viewers did not get to see the other black men in the same vehicle that Rodney King was driving recklessly. Those other black men were not beaten. And the grand jury got to see the whole video, after which they acquitted the police — and the media then published the jurors’ home addresses.

Such media retribution against people they don’t like is part of a growing lynch mob mentality. The black witnesses in Missouri, whose testimony confirmed what the police officer said, expressed fears for their own safety for telling what the physical evidence showed was the truth.

Is this what we want? Grand juries responding to mobs and the media, instead of to the facts?

Some Liberals want cop-involved incidents sent straight to a District Attorney for prosecution rather than going to a grand jury. Wonder why? 🙂

Walter Williams:

White liberals in the media and academia, along with many blacks, have been major supporters of the recent marches protesting police conduct. A man from Mars, knowing nothing about homicide facts, would conclude that the major problem black Americans have with murder and brutality results from the behavior of racist policemen. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, there are about 200 police arrest-related deaths of blacks each year (between 300 and 400 for whites). That number pales in comparison with the roughly 7,000 annual murders of blacks, 94 percent of which are committed by blacks. The number of blacks being murdered by other blacks is of little concern to liberals. Their agenda is to use arrest-related deaths of blacks to undermine established authority.

Liberals often have demeaning attitudes toward blacks. When Secretary of State John Kerry was a U.S. senator, in a statement about so many blacks being in prison, he said, “That’s unacceptable, but it’s not their fault.” Would Kerry also say that white prison inmates are also faultless? Johns Hopkins University sociologist Andrew Cherlin told us: “It has yet to be shown that the absence of a father was directly responsible for any of the supposed deficiencies of broken homes. … (The problem) is not the lack of male presence but the lack of male income.” The liberal vision is that fathers and husbands can be replaced by a welfare check.

Liberals desperately need blacks. If the Democratic Party lost just 30 percent of the black vote, it would mean the end of the liberal agenda. That means blacks must be kept in a perpetual state of grievance in order to keep them as a one-party people in a two-party system. When black Americans finally realize how much liberals have used them, I’m betting they will be the nation’s most conservative people. Who else has been harmed as much by liberalism’s vision and agenda?

But there is no more blind than those who refuse to see.

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

Political Cartoons by Steve Kelley

Lies, Damn Lies, And Democrats

Every single thing liberals say is a lie. No exceptions.

We conservatives always knew it, but 2014 was the year when the rest of America began to understand. And 2014 was the year that Americans had to choose sides – would they stand with the liberal liars or with us conservatives? Last November, they chose us conservatives, and maybe the truth will be enough to stop Hillary Clinton and save our country in 2016.

The truth is poison to liberalism, so no wonder liberals hate the idea of a free press – after all, they are the ones who argued to the Supreme Court in the Citizens United case that the government has the right to ban books. Conservative magazines like National Review long fought the fight alone. But it is only recently that we saw the rise of a truly free press as technology put a camera in everyone’s cellphone and conservative new media (including social media) created a path around the gates that the liberal mainstream media kept.

The mainstream media used to get to decide what was and was not the truth. But the truth has been set free, and the mainstream media has been revealed as the guardian of the lies that the liberal establishment needs to fool normal Americans just enough to secure their votes. That’s why we should laugh and cheer at the mainstream media’s agonized death throes.

Let’s look at a few of the lies we saw collapse in 2014. Not one would have been revealed if the mainstream media was still in control.

How about the Grubering of America? Obamacare was built and sold on a foundation of lies, buttressed with contempt and condescension toward normal Americans. Without the citizen journalists working in conservative new media, would we have ever seen Obamacare’s architect on video laughing at the giant scam he and the Democrats pulled on the American people? Would we have seen video compilations of Obama promising that if we liked our health plan we could keep it?

You think we would? Really? My unicorn’s name is Chet. What do you call yours?

Everyone knows Obamacare is a giant lie. We saw Jonathan Gruber on tape giggling about how the Democrats knew it. But the New York Times didn’t tell you that. The Washington Post didn’t tell you that. It was the citizen journalists who Andrew Breitbart inspired who told you that. If it weren’t for Andrew and his progeny, most American would still not know it. But now they do.

How about the “rape culture” lie of radical liberal feminists desperate for relevance in a world that has passed beyond their bitter whining and fussy psychodramas? Liberal media darling Lena Dunham claimed to be raped – conveniently, for the narrative – by a Republican. That was a lie, a lie revealed by the conservative new media. And it was also the conservative new media that publicized her book’s bizarre passages about her sexually inappropriate conduct with her sister – passages the gushing reviews in liberal stalwarts like the New York Times somehow neglected to mention.

Likewise, the “Jackie” case at UVA always sounded just too perfectly attuned to the narrative, too calculated to push all the buttons radical feminists wanted to push. And it turned out to be yet another lie, a lie eagerly advanced by Rolling Stone just as the New York Times had advanced the Duke lacrosse team rape lie.

The problem isn’t a failure of fact checking. The problem is these hacks don’t care about the facts. Facts are only useful if they support the narrative. Otherwise, facts are racist or homophobic or some other kind of –ist or –phobic.

Oh, and don’t forget Al Sharpton’s Tawana Brawley rape lie. That never seems to come up in the liberal media when he pals around with the President of the United States. If a conservative president cavorted with a demonstrated liar, a racist, and a multi-million dollar tax cheat, don’t you think you might hear about it in the mainstream media? But Sharpton is a Democrat, and a useful one, so if you want the truth you have to go to the new media.

Sharpton already had a track record of inspiring murder, but don’t look for a discussion of Freddie’s Fashion Mart in the New York Times. Its real motto appears to be, “All the News That’s Fit to Print in Support of the Liberal Narrative Du Jour.”

The mainstream media didn’t tell you the truth about these cop-hating marches; it was the new media and citizen journalists. Those of us who have been around these peace/social justice/anti-police/whatever rallies over the years know that they are full of scumbags and losers, with commies of every stripe calling for the destruction of America and death to Israel. You never – ever – see that in the mainstream media; all you hear is talk of generic “activists” and carefully selected photos that never include the creeps with signs calling for “Socialist Revolution Now” or “Kill the Pigs.” It’s lying by omission, and it’s a conscious choice.

We conservatives weren’t the ones surprised by the video of these cretins shouting, “What do we want? Dead Cops!” We had already seen it in the new media. So when those NYPD officers were murdered by a dirtbag whose views were functionally indistinguishable from your average Hand Up/Don’t Shoot marcher’s, it was only a shock if you got your news from the mainstream media’s liberal narrative transcriptionists.

And it was new media that aired the story of how liberal bigwigs at Sony traded emails packed with the kind of casual racism that would make Democrat hero Robert Byrd giggle. The mainstream media barely touched that bombshell, just as it was always careful to gloss over the fact that beloved Democrat Senate Majority Leader Byrd was a KKK kleagle.

So when the liberals come to us wanting us to trust them and give them more power and money to fight global warming, remember: Everything liberals say is a lie. No exceptions.

The lies of the liberals and their media toadies no longer work. We’ve breached the walls and the gatekeepers are left guarding forgotten gates. While the dying dinosaur media won’t run them, in 2016 there’ll be plenty of pictures in the new media of Hillary Clinton slobbering over her pal Al Sharpton. The truth is out there and out of liberals’ control.

But only if The People listen.

2014 was the year when the rest of America saw the truth. And the truth will force normal Americans to choose sides. Do they stand with a president who lies to them about his health scheme, or with conservatives who seek to dismantle it? Will they stand with liberal feminist radicals who want to ruin their sons’ lives to score political points, or with conservatives who demand due process for all? Will they stand with the cop-hating, anti-American degenerates, or with those of us who support the men and women who ran into the burning World Trade Center?

It’s an easy call. We saw a preview last November, but the real precursors were 1968 and 1972. Will the Silent Majority stand with the flag-burners, the looters, and the bums, or again choose those who love this country and believe in self-sufficiency as well as self-determination?

Yes, it will be a very easy call in 2016 because liberals can no longer hide the truth.

Everything liberals say is a lie. No exceptions. (Kurt Schlichter)

But the Media and The Dems will try their darnedest to bury it.

But Mr Voter, the plans have been available in the local planning office for the last nine months.”

“Oh yes, well as soon as I heard I went straight round to see them, yesterday afternoon. You hadn’t exactly gone out of your way to call attention to them, had you? I mean, like actually telling anybody or anything.”

“But the plans were on display …”

“On display? I eventually had to go down to the cellar to find them.”

“That’s the display department.”

“With a flashlight.”

“Ah, well the lights had probably gone.”

“So had the stairs.”

“But look, you found the notice didn’t you?”

“Yes,” said Arthur, “yes I did. It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the RINO’.” (apologies to Douglas Adams)

The biggest impediment to 2016 are RINOS. That heard of no-backbone, wanna be Liberal “Moderates” could still be the death of us.

Ain’t that right Jar Jar?

“Me sa ready to compromise” -Jar Jar Boehner


 Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

Reap What You Sow

Officers Rafael Ramos, 40, and Wenjian Liu, 32, were shot to death as they sat in their patrol car Saturday in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn.

Identified gunman Ismaaiyl Brinsley, 28, then killed himself on a nearby subway platform.

He may have been influenced by a leftist gang that has ties to The Weather Underground. Where have I head that before, of right BILL AYERS. Who was friend of someone famous, Barack something… 🙂

Brinsley left a Facebook message stating, “I’m Putting Wings on Pigs Today… They Take 1 Of Ours, Let’s Take 2 of Theirs #ShootThePolice #RIPErivGardner [sic] #RIPMikeBrown This May Be My Final Post… I’m Putting Pigs In A Blanket.”

Or as Rev. Jeremiah Wright once said “America’s Chicken have come home to roost”.

The Leftist threw napalm on the race war they created, now innocent people are dying because of it.

Oh, right, they’re cops. They are evil. They kill black people for no reason. Hands up! Don’t Shoot! They deserve to die. That’s “justice”. 🙂

Whoops! The Left did it again. But don’t worry they will lie their way out responsibility for their actions. They always do.


They primed the pump. But when it explodes in a direction that does not further their political agenda, it’s not their fault and they “regret” any “violence” caused by their pursuit of “justice”. Blah, Blah, Blah….

“No Justice, No Peace”

In an op-ed published on December 8, Sharpton noted that the “march against police violence” was needed to force Congress to “immediately start hearings to deal with laws that will change the jurisdiction threshold for federal cases and policing.”

Once the thousands of marchers reached the grounds outside the Capitol, Sharpton warned Congress that he and his supporters would not be ignored.

“You thought you’d sweep it under the rug. You thought there’d be no limelight,” Sharpton said. “We are going to keep the light on Michael Brown, on Eric Garner, on Tamir Rice, on all of these victims because the only way — I’m sorry, I come out of the ‘hood — the only way you make roaches run, you got to cut the light on.”

The light of 2 cops ambushed execution style because of his words.

But fear not they are too arrogant to see they are the cause. The cause is still evil white people who oppress their “brothers”.

Racial Division is their life’s work, their passion, their only means of financial support. So gotta keep the fires burning and if occasionally goes off message, oh well, it happens. Not our fault. We gave them the dynamite, but we never expected them to use it that way.

Protesters chanted violent slogans: “What do we want? Dead cops!”

And I’m sure the officers’ families understand the “tragic mistake” that the gunman had about the messaging coming out of the mouth of “black leaders” about how  cops (in particular) are “oppressing” and it’s “unfair” and “unjust”.

Liu, 32, a newlywed of only two months, had seven years on the force; Ramos, 40, dad to two sons, had two years on the job.

The Left will ring it’s hands and give lame excuses and even lamer apologies for their ramping up of racial tensions for political and ideological reasons.

They are the sanctimonious, the righteous, they can’t be blamed for anything.

“It’s unfortunate that in a time of great tragedy, some would resort to irresponsible, overheated rhetoric that angers and divides people. Mayor de Blasio understands this is the time when we must come together to support the families and friends of those brave officers New York City lost tonight – and the entire NYPD community.”

The one thing they won’t do, is take responsibility for their  own irresponsible, divisive, and overheated hateful rhetoric.

Merry Christmas, from The Left. 🙂




Uncle Dave

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke, who happens to be black, is a true patriot who is tired of President Barack Obama’s racial politics. Watch (above) as he explains – without “sugar-coating things” – why Attorney General Eric Holder should be held in contempt and why professional race agitator Al Sharpton should be prosecuted.

Sheriff Clarke is furious at all of the unnecessary exploitation of racial tensions in Ferguson, Missouri:

I sat up and watched, as events unfolded in Ferguson, Missouri–unfortunate situation, obviously. Anytime a law enforcement officer uses force that takes a life, it deserves a thorough, transparent vetting–investigation. We all agree with that. But then some groups began to converge on the small town of Ferguson, Missouri, like vultures on a roadside carcass… people like Al Sharpton.”

(Hey that’s Obama’s Virtual VP you’re talking about!!)

“To come and exploit that situation, and instead of coming into help and restore calm, poured gas on that fire with some of their inflammatory and irresponsible rhetoric.. [Missouri Governor Jay Nixon and Senator Claire McCaskill, both Democrats] threw law enforcement under the bus for political expediency”…

“I expected that from Governor Nixon. I expected that from Claire McCaskell. Those are nothing but two-bit politicians… but I did not expect that from Eric Holder, who calls himself a law enforcement officer”…


“Wait a minute. Mr. Attorney General, if you felt those officers had violated your Fourth Amendment, and you’re a federal prosecutor, and you didn’t say anything at the time? On behalf of everybody in the United States, you could have done something if you felt that. You could have made a complaint–because all of us kind of realize in law enforcement, right, we testify–what do they say in court? If you didn’t write it down, if you didn’t report it, it didn’t happen.”

“Really, Mr. Attorney General? You didn’t report it then. You didn’t write it down. But you’re telling us some 10-15 years later for self-serving purposes. I thought, ‘Why did you do that?’ You insulted every law enforcement officer, every man and woman who puts on that badge and uniform everyday, risks their lives in service to their community.”

via YoungCons and TPNN

These bold, conservative statements from a tough talking Sheriff are what America needs to hear. This is not the 1950s, and Ferguson is not the Jim Crow south. Instead, this was an isolated incident of a young street thug robbing a store who started an altercation with a police officer. Then, race hustlers used the optics of this story to incite riots and profit.

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

Lessons To Be Learned

Political Cartoons by Henry Payne


1) The initial story you hear is probably a lie: If Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton show up somewhere claiming that a wonderful black kid who was going to college was shot for no reason and nobody is doing anything about it because of racism, you can safely assume you’re being taken for a ride. The police do make mistakes. The Akai Gurley case is a great example of that. There are also bad cops out there. The cops who tortured Abner Louima in New York City fit that description. But, it’s better to let a court sort through the details under oath to get the facts rather than relying on rumors and people who see dollar signs in their eyes every time someone yells “racism.”

2) The Left has zero interest in discussing why black Americans are really more likely to be shot by police officers: The numbers can vary depending on whose statistics you’re looking at, but using the best estimate available, black Americans seem to be 3 times more likely to die at the hands of the police than white Americans. Could there be a possible explanation for this that goes beyond racism? Actually, yes.

Today blacks are about 13 percent of the population and continue to be responsible for an inordinate amount of crime. Between 1976 and 2005 blacks committed more than half of all murders in the United States. The black arrest rate for most offenses — including robbery, aggravated assault and property crimes — is still typically two to three times their representation in the population. Blacks as a group are also overrepresented among persons arrested for so-called white-collar crimes such as counterfeiting, fraud and embezzlement.

Percentage-wise, black Americans are much more likely to commit crimes and so, it’s not a surprise that they’re more likely to end up in potentially dangerous conflicts with police officers. Encouraging black Americans to be hostile to police officers, which is sadly all too common, only exacerbates the problem by making cops more suspicious and by making black Americans more likely to do potentially dangerous things around the police. The vast majority of black Americans are decent, law-abiding people and it’s sad that some of them are afraid of the police. That’s an issue that police departments should do much more to address, but unless they’re met halfway by community leaders who are willing to work with the cops, any effort is doomed to fail.

3) It’s time for cops to start wearing body cameras: If Darren Wilson had been wearing a body camera, the bogus “hands up, don’t shoot” meme would have never gotten any traction. Not only would body cameras help eradicate fears of abuse from officers, it would protect cops from the sort of false charges we saw in the Michael Brown case. Body cameras wouldn’t be a panacea, but they would probably make life better for both the cops and the people they’re policing.

4) You better arm yourself because you can’t count on the police to protect you: It was widely speculated that there would be riots in Ferguson if the Grand Jury didn’t indict Darren Wilson. Yet, the governor of Missouri refused to deploy the National Guard in Ferguson on the first night. Without the help of the National Guard, the police weren’t able to contain the mayhem and there was rioting, looting, assaults and arson. Even though the state of Missouri officials knew it was coming, even though they could have prevented it – they didn’t. Take that lesson to heart, get your own gun and learn how to use it so if trouble comes knocking on your doorstep, you won’t be waiting for help from the state that never comes.

5) The mainstream media is more interested in promoting the idea that America is a racist country than the truth: The mainstream media helped create the angst over Trayvon Martin and the riots in Ferguson. NBC falsely claimed George Zimmerman used a racial slur and edited his call to the police to make him sound bad while the whole media used an old picture of Trayvon Martin that made people think he was 12. On the eve of the Grand Jury verdict in the Michael Brown case, the New York Times published THE STREET Darren Wilson lives on with his new wife. Beyond those egregious offenses, the mainstream media helped create many of the initial myths about both cases, was slow to correct the facts and habitually slanted its news coverage to portray Zimmerman and Wilson as guilty, even when it didn’t fit the facts. Everyone knows the mainstream media is biased, but when its coverage plays a role in getting people’s businesses burned to the ground, it has gone too far.

6) Most people on the “Left” care more about the narrative than the truth: One of the most amazing things about both the Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown cases was how many people didn’t change their minds one bit about what happened even after the initial stories in both cases proved to be false. Instead, many people cared more about the narrative, “White people in general and white cops in particular are shooting black people for no reason,” than what really happened. It was as if Zimmerman and Wilson had to go to jail not because they did anything wrong, but because to proclaim them innocent was a slam against black Americans.

7) “Black Leaders” are looking to ratchet up the tension, not ease it: It’s extremely ironic that most of the businesses that burned in Ferguson were minority-owned because black leaders like Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, the New Black Panthers and, yes, Eric Holder and Barack Obama helped make it happen. Yes, they gave bloodless, CYA condemnations of violence, and then went back to hyping people up instead of calming them down. See, when people get mad, they give donations. Peace doesn’t make money. Peace doesn’t get your name in the newspaper. Peace doesn’t get anyone on TV. (John Hawkins)

Peace is not profitable and Leftist “racism” is a means to an end. The end being they control everyone and everything. The Blacks & minorities hate Whites and Whites are afraid of Blacks so they both are controlled by The Left.

Ah, Post-racial America, what a country… 🙂

Political Cartoons by Henry Payne

The Deen of Political Correctness

Larry Elder: If Paula Deen is out because of her decades-old private use of the “n” word, what about its public and private use by MSNBC’s Al Sharpton? What about HBO host Bill Maher’s use of the “c” word?

The crisis Deen must deal with confirms the observation of John O’Sullivan, a former editor of National Review: “White racism exists, but its social power is weak; the social power against it, overwhelming.”

Deen has — so far — lost her show on the Food Network and her spokesperson gig for Smithfield Foods. QVC, Sears, Wal-Mart and others are deciding whether to continue their relationship with the embattled chef.

What did the 66-year-old native of Georgia do that now threatens their enterprises? In a deposition given in a harassment lawsuit filed by a white ex-employee at a Deen family-owned restaurant, Deen admitted using the “n-word” in the past, during a private conversation:

“When a black man burst into the bank that I was working at and put a gun to my head,” she said, “I didn’t feel real favorable to him.” Deen says she didn’t use the word during the holdup, but “probably” used it later, “in telling my husband.”

Asked if she ever used the word again, Deen responded, “I’m sure I have, but it’s been a very long time.” When pressed to recall specific instances, Deen could not, saying:

“I don’t know, maybe in repeating something that was said to me . .. But that’s just not a word that we use as time has gone on. Things have changed since the ’60s in the South. And my children and my brother object to that word being used in any cruel or mean behavior, as well as I do.”

Deen has, so far, apologized, apologized and apologized. That the ex-employee is white, not black, and worked for her for five years did not seem to matter. Nor does it seem to matter that others have not come forward to corroborate her alleged racism.

Does she refuse to hire blacks? Has she mistreated them or paid them below the wages of white workers? And, for what it’s worth, Deen supported and campaigned for Barack Obama.

If Deen’s crime is the private use of the n-word, why does the Rev. Al Sharpton, who hosts a nightly hour-long show on MSNBC, get a pass?

Sharpton rocketed to fame by falsely accusing two white men of raping and sodomizing black teenager Tawana Brawley. A New York grand jury investigation concluded the whole case was fraudulent and that Brawley flat-out lied to avoid punishment for staying out too late.

To this day, Sharpton refuses to apologize to former Assistant District Attorney Steven Pagones, one of the men Sharpton accused of rape, even after a jury found Sharpton liable for defamation.

One of Sharpton’s top aides became so disgusted with the farce that he turned against his boss. Sharpton, the former aide said, could not have cared less whether Brawley was telling the truth because, according to Sharpton, “We beat this, we will be the biggest n–gers in New York.”

Sharpton called the former Marine, magna cum laude graduate, lawyer, professor and then-Mayor David Dinkins — New York City’s first and only black mayor — a “n–ger whore.”

Apparently MSNBC and the Food Network see the “n” word differently.

Sharpton has called Jews “diamond merchants” and described whites moving businesses into Harlem as “interlopers.” He helped incite three days of anti-Semitic rioting in Crown Heights, where two people died and over 100 were wounded. A Columbia University professor called Crown Heights “a modern-day pogrom.”

Then there’s Freddy’s Fashion Mart. A Jewish store owner in Harlem was accused of driving a black record store subtenant out of business by raising his rent. At a rally meant to scare the Jewish owner away, Sharpton said:

“There is a systematic and methodical strategy to eliminate our people from doing business off 125th Street. I want to make it clear … that we will not stand by and allow them to move this brother so that some white interloper can expand his business.”

Later, one of the protesters, a black man, stormed Freddy’s Fashion Mart with a pistol, screaming: “It’s on now! All blacks out!” In addition to the shooting, he set fire to the building, eventually killing seven before turning the gun on himself.

If Deen is out because of the “n” word, what about HBO’s Bill Maher? On more than one occasion, he has publicly called Sarah Palin the “c” word. He has called her a “dumb tw-t” — a slang word for female genitalia. He has described her son Trig, who has Down syndrome, as “retarded.”

But, to be fair, neither Sharpton nor Maher — at least to our knowledge — has called Palin the “n” word. That must explain it.


SWATting the Opposition

The ever-lovable, ever-tolerant, ever-fair, Rev. Al Sharpton: “It seems like they [Republicans] act as though, some wiping out of people, some of the right-wing, is all right. It’s not all right to do to any innocent people,” Sharpton said. “If you had war and people — that’s one thing, but to wipe out innocent people just because of who they are like what was done in Hitler’s Germany, or what was done to Native Americans, is not justifiable.” (DC)

So now along with being Racists, Republicans are now genocidal murders in wanting! gee nothing like liberal “new tone” and “civility”. 🙂

And what do you bet no one in the liberal media cares. 🙂

“You know but Rev, I think and what is similar to Hitler’s Germany is that Hitler did not believe those people to be human,” New York Amsterdam News publisher Elinor Tatum said in response.

After Sharpton agreed, Tatum continued: “They believed them to be subhuman and that’s I think the same thing we think people are thinking here is that you know why would they even care about them because they’re not human. And that’s how we’re [Blacks] being looked at and that’s what the scariest part of this whole thing is.”

Katie Pavlich: What does the far left do when they disagree with conservative bloggers? They call the police from a phone program pretending to be (insert conservative blogger here), say something horrific such as “I just shot my wife,” hang up and then laugh as a local SWAT team descends on the house of (insert conservative blogger here) for no real reason.

Insert sniggering Bart Simpson. Ay Carumba! That’s hilarious! Heee heee heee….

CNN contributor and Red State editor-in-chief Erick Erickson:

Last week we spent a lot of time writing about Brett Kimberlin and the incident involving blogger Patterico where someone spoofed his phone number and told 911 he had shot his wife.

Tonight, my family was sitting around the kitchen table eating dinner when sheriffs deputies pulled up in the driveway.

Someone called 911 from my address claiming there had been an accidental shooting.

It wasn’t nearly the trauma that Patterico suffered, but I guess the Erickson household is on somebody’s radar.

Luckily it was two sheriffs deputies who knew me and I had already, last week, advised the Sheriff’s Department to be on the look out for something like this.

The attack on Erickson came after an attack on conservative blogger Patterico, who was contacted during the radio show Darby-Stranahan by someone claiming to be his SWATter. The caller also mocked conservative Michelle Malkin for her cousin Marizella, being missing.

A person claiming to be my swatter called in twice to the show: once at 50:18 and again at about 65 minutes in. I was on the show and the person claiming to be the swatter addressed me directly, twice. He called me “buddy,” mocked me for having been swatted, laughed at me repeatedly, and mocked Michelle Malkin for the situation where her cousin is missing. He asked me what it was like to be swatted, and absurdly claimed that he was present that night, watching me led out in handcuffs.

On Tuesday, former Justice Department attorney J. Christian Adams wrote that the Justice Department “could stop this behavior quickly because it almost certainly constitutes a federal crime.”

But then he should remember who the Head the Justice Department and know that not only would they not stop it, but I bet they are laughing their collective asses off about.

This Justice department only enforces laws it feels like enforcing.

Remember, they had the Black Panthers red-handed and  convicted and Holder took over and blew it off , then has sued 3 states, refused to allow ID for Voting, etc.

“I don’t know! I don’t know why I did it, I don’t know why I enjoyed it, and I don’t know why I’ll do it again!”– Bart Simpson

The FBI says each swatting incident costs law enforcement an average of $10,000 in resources.

But man it’s funny to see them racist conservatives rushed by SWAT teams, man that just so funny it makes me pee my pants!!! 🙂


Political Cartoons by Chuck Asay

Jay Carney explains the difference between Solyndra and Bain Capital, so try to keep up

  Reporter: Last thing. If that’s the argument, how is that different from Romney’s argument on Bain Capital, which is that many succeeded and a few failed?

    Carney: Look, there, there, there is the… the difference in that… your overall view of what your responsibilities are as president, and what your view of the economic future is. And, and the president believes, as he’s made clear, that a president’s responsibility is not just to, uh… those who win, but those who, for an example, in a company where there have been layoffs or a company that has gone bankrupt, that, you know, we have to make sure that those folks have the means to find other employment, that they have the ability to train for other kinds of work, and that’s part of the overall responsibility the president has.

Okay? Do you understand the difference now? Are we done here?

Well then, you’re just dumb, I guess.

Update: Oh, nice try, wingnut…

    Melissa Clouthier @MelissaTweets
Difference between Bain and Solyndra: Romney’s enterprises made investors money. Obama’s lost taxpayer money. (DC)

The real difference: One was a liberal, so that’s ok. The other was mean, rich,white, racist, evil capitalist pig!! 🙂

Maybe they should SWAT his house. Man that would be funny! (sarcasm) And ABC,NBC,CBS, MSNBC would be all over it!!

It would bring joy to the Grinchy Left’s heart.

Political Cartoons by Jerry Holbert


Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

 Political Cartoons by Henry Payne




From One Absurdity to Another

Before I get onto more race hussling and gun laws by the LEFT. Some true absurdity first.

The NY City Public School Banned Word List

  • Abuse (physical, sexual, emotional, or psychological)
  • Alcohol (beer and liquor), tobacco, or drugs
  • Birthday celebrations (and birthdays)
  • Bodily functions
  • Cancer (and other diseases)
  • Catastrophes/disasters (tsunamis and hurricanes)
  • Celebrities
  • Children dealing with serious issues
  • Cigarettes (and other smoking paraphernalia)
  • Computers in the home (acceptable in a school or library setting)
  • Crime
  • Death and disease
  • Divorce
  • Evolution
  • Expensive gifts, vacations, and prizes
  • Gambling involving money
  • Halloween
  • Homelessness
  • Homes with swimming pools
  • Hunting
  • Junk food
  • In-depth discussions of sports that require prior knowledge
  • Loss of employment
  • Nuclear weapons
  • Occult topics (i.e. fortune-telling)
  • Parapsychology
  • Politics
  • Pornography
  • Poverty
  • Rap Music
  • Religion
  • Religious holidays and festivals (including but not limited to Christmas, Yom Kippur, and Ramadan)
  • Rock-and-Roll music
  • Running away
  • Sex
  • Slavery
  • Terrorism
  • Television and video games (excessive use)
  • Traumatic material (including material that may be particularly upsetting such as animal shelters)
  • Vermin (rats and roaches)
  • Violence
  • War and bloodshed
  • Weapons (guns, knives, etc.)
  • Witchcraft, sorcery, etc.

You have updated your Thought Police Filters and have processed your doublethink and crimethink updates.

Now Citizen, don’t you “feel” better. More “inclusive” and less “discriminatory”.

(Is stupid one of the excluded words, or is it permissible for kids to learn about school?)

So with that in mind…

A Virginia middle school teacher recently forced his students to support President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign by conducting opposition research in class against the Republican presidential candidates.

The 8th grade students, who attend Liberty Middle School in Fairfax County, were required to seek out the vulnerabilities of Republican presidential hopefuls and forward them to the Obama campaign.

“This assignment was just creepy beyond belief — like something out of East Germany during the Cold War,” one frustrated father, who asked for his family to remain anonymous, told The Daily Caller.

“I was shocked that a school teacher would so blatantly politicize the curriculum of a middle school classroom,” the parent said. “I asked [my child] if a similar assignment had been handed out to examine the background and positions of President Obama to see if the teacher was at least being bipartisan.”

No similar assignment was given to research Obama’s history, identify his weaknesses or pass them along to the Republican candidates.

John Torre, a spokesman on behalf of the Fairfax County Public School system, insists that students were never instructed to actually send their results to the Obama campaign.

“Instead, the teacher simply asked his students to find out the name of the office that would receive such information,” Torre wrote in an email to TheDC.

Mm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama

He said that all must lend a hand
To make this country strong again
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama

He said we must be fair today
Equal work means equal pay
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama

He said that we must take a stand
To make sure everyone gets a chance
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama

He said red, yellow, black or white
All are equal in his sight
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama

Mmm, mmm, mm
Barack Hussein Obama


Attorney General Holder recently addressed the question of affirmative action, and for how long it would be required.  He answered, stunningly, that reverse discrimination has only just begun: “Affirmative action has been an issue since segregation practices,” Holder said.  “The question is not when does it end, but when does it begin[.] … When do people of color truly get the benefits to which they are entitled?”

When do they get their revenge and become the Oh-so-sweet Oppressors instead of the “oppressed”.

We see in these remarks the soil out of which rises the bitter fruit of racial resentment.  Holder’s attitude is best summed up as the elite victim mentality.  The belief is one of perpetual entitlement, fueled by bitterness, and given the stamp of official approval by politicians at the highest levels of national office.  The Trayvon Martin upheaval is made possible by this carefully cultivated attitude, which exists within all income levels.  Whether it’s under the guise of injustice, inequality, under-representation, or white supremacy, the effect of the attitude is the same: sheer resentment towards the majority and its institutions. 

So when the New Black Panther Party says they are gathering a Posse (a lynch mob) and put a bounty on the head of a “white” hispanic no one on the left bats an eye.

But if you target Illegal Aliens (some of them “white” hispanics no doubt) with  a lawful Posse and the law itself, you’re “racial profiling”.

We all know the answer: elite liberal hypocrisy protects many academics and politicians from the application of their own dogmas.

Another case where the Left wants to control the thoughts and actions of everyone and any contradictions are to be washed away because they can do whatever they want when they want because they want and you shouldn’t question your Masters about you impertinent little twerp.

Attorney General Holder said at the time (2011):  When former Democratic activist Bartle Bull called the incident the most serious act of voter intimidation he had witnessed in his career.

“Think about that,” Holder said. “When you compare what people endured in the South in the 60s to try to get the right to vote for African Americans, and to compare what people were subjected to there to what happened in Philadelphia—which was inappropriate, certainly that…to describe it in those terms I think does a great disservice to people who put their lives on the line, who risked all, for my people,” said Holder, who is black.

Holder noted that his late sister-in-law, Vivian Malone Jones, helped integrate the University of Alabama.

“To compare that kind of courage, that kind of action, and to say that the Black Panther incident wrong thought it might be somehow is greater in magnitude or is of greater concern to us, historically, I think just flies in the face of history and the facts.,” Holder said with evident exasperation.

“This Department of Justice does not enforce the law in a race-conscious way.” (Politico)

In Miami:

The Reverend Al Sharpton spoke to a crowd of more than 3,000 people, chanting “No Justice, no peace.”

And the Reverend Jess Jackson called for an “end to vigilantism.”

Democratic Senator James Webb pointed out in his famous Wall Street Journal editorial piece.  Sen. Webb noted that affirmative action policies have “expanded so far beyond their original purpose that they now favor anyone who does not happen to be white.”  Racial preferences extend to business startups, prestigious academic admissions, job promotions, and expensive government contracts.  Many of these preferences have no relationship to discrimination, oppression, or even socioeconomic class level; they even benefit recent immigrants whose ancestors never faced discrimination in America.  Instead, we are actually creating a government-sanctioned nobility — a favored class of citizens with officially endorsed, race-based hereditary privileges.

Under the sway of of identity politics and racial grievance, even the most privileged members of our society will hold onto petty gripes.  In a 2009 commencement address, the First Lady complained about her childhood experience with the University of Chicago.  Recalling that she grew up right near the campus, she stated:

[T]hat university never played a meaningful role in my academic development. The institution made no effort to reach out to me — a bright and promising student in their midst — and I had no reason to believe there was a place for me there.

That she felt entitled to be “reached out to” in the first place is astonishing.  The egomaniacal sense of entitlement contained in her remarks will strike most people as utterly foreign.  Yet this way of conceiving of one’s own position in society is commonly shared.  Amongst the lower class, this attitude takes the form of demands for “Obama money” and other such hilarity. 

Perhaps Michelle Obama should have made an effort at some point to understand why young white students, many of whom were not from Chicago, would have been reticent about venturing out into the South Side of Chicago.  The reasons are not hard to discover.  Immediately after their report on the First Lady’s address, CNN aired a segment on violent crime on the South Side.  Chief Ernest Brown of Chicago’s Organized Crime Division explained the high rate of youth violence by saying that “their behavior is just inconsistent with civility.”  With that in mind, many students — of all races — may not feel that it is their place to step into another community and attempt to help its youth.  In fact, not even Dr. Martin Luther King and his family stayed in urban Chicago for long after starting to work in the city in 1966.  Cohen and Taylor write that Coretta Scott King was concerned about violence in the neighborhood, and the Kings spent little time there [1].

Our own attorney general, ostensibly committed to even-handed enforcement of the nation’s laws, referred to blacks as “my people.”  Strangely, it is socially acceptable for only certain groups to proudly claim ethnic group membership.  If similar tribal loyalties were publicly boasted by a white ethnic, that would be seen as sinister.  Just imagine the reaction if a President Bush had identified — on the basis of race — with a victim of minority-on-white crime by saying, “Channon Christian looks like my daughters.”

Identifying with an ethnic group as one’s own “people” will lead in most cases to in-group favoritism.  Cultural pride is one thing, but proclaiming exclusive ethnic group affiliation while occupying a position of public trust is another.  This tendency is too often written off as a harmless cultural tic or a healthy form of therapeutic identity formation.  The trouble is that there is a worldview lying beneath the “my people” language.

In his remarks, the attorney general has provided the most explicit statement of ethnic favoritism and racial grievance by a high public official in American history.  And the racket has just begun: “When do people of color truly get the benefits to which they are entitled?” asks Holder.  The question is rhetorical, and his constituents know the answer.

In this liberal, racialized conception of society, minority groups are supposedly not getting “benefits to which they are entitled.”  The danger in this attitude is not just that people are asking for free stuff from the government.  The danger is that minority group members are made to believe that society is purposefully withholding benefits from them due to their racial group membership.  Hence the resentment and latent animosity lurking at the core of the welfare state, and its ever-expanding legion of dependents.

The victim mentality feeds off racial bitterness, which is constantly politicized and enflamed.  We see this in the rhetoric of Congresswoman Frederica Wilson (D-Florida), who said that Trayvon Martin was “hunted down like a dog.”  The attorney general and president are doing their part to sow the seeds of bitterness, entitlement, and racial favoritism.  By acknowledging those seeds, one begins to understand why racial double standards and potential violence are so easily stirred up amidst controversies such as the current one involving Trayvon Martin.

Obama is Black. Romney is Not. Simple, really. 🙂
[1] Barone, Michael. 2000. Review of American Pharaoh: Mayor Richard J. Daley, by Adam Cohen and Elizabeth Taylor. The Weekly Standard. 21 August 2000: 33, 38.

(American Thinker)
Rejoice Citizen. Unless you’re “white” that is, then you must burn in the fires of hell for all of eternity because you are evil incarnate and should be put down like a rapid dog. 🙂
Candidate Obama 2008: I am absolutely convinced that white, black, Latino, Asian, people want to move beyond our divisions, and they want to join together…

In the 2008 campaign, Obama was packaged as the man who would be our first post-partisan, post-racial, post-carbon, post-beltway, post-bellicose foreign policy president. At last Americans would be free of the stain and humiliation of racism. Americans would be free of the childish thoroughly nasty divisiveness of our political life. The culture inside the beltway would no longer be one of collusion of lobbyists and politicians. No more crony capitalism and under the table deals. Obama’s administration would be transparent and above board. Opposing views would be treated with respect and the dialog would be adult and informed.

Action speak louder than his words.
LA Times 2008: Obama is what I have called a “bargainer” — a black who says to whites, “I will never presume that you are racist if you will not hold my race against me.” Whites become enthralled with bargainers out of gratitude for the presumption of innocence they offer. Bargainers relieve their anxiety about being white and, for this gift of trust, bargainers are often rewarded with a kind of halo.
Gee, Now isn’t that special…<<Barf Bag Overload>>

PJ (2010): Only last summer we were told that Barack Obama’s political appeal rested on his vision for a “post-partisan future.” The post-partisan future was one of the press corps’ favorite phrases. It served as shorthand for the candidate’s repeated references to “unity of purpose,” looking beyond a red or blue America, and so on.

Six months into the president’s term, you don’t read much about this post-partisan future anymore. It may be because on almost every big-ticket legislative item (the stimulus, climate change, and now health care), Mr. Obama has been pushing a highly ideological agenda with little (and in some cases zero) support from across the aisle. Yet far from stating the obvious — that sitting in the Oval Office is a very partisan president — the press corps is allowing Mr. Obama to evade the issue by coming up with novel redefinitions.

The things is is that he is “post-racial”- You’re either non-white or you’re evil and should be put-down.
He is “post-partisan” because only his rigid ideology is permissible and the media is happy with that one-side no-partisan view (no-partisan because there is only one side to every issue-theirs. Nothing else is worth mentioning).
And as for Crony Capitalism, well, he’s just replacing evil capitalists with Socialist Cronies. His cronies are much better than your cronies.
Remember, Obama is VERY transparent. You just have to be willing to see it as it is, not what he wants you to see.
Oh, and then there’s the ulterior motive: “The idea that there’s this overwhelming additional security in the ownership and carrying concealed and deadly weapons… I think it’s the premise, not the constitutional right, but the premise that it makes people safer is one that I’m not so sure of,” <Vice President> Biden said.
Fast & Furious anyone?
After all, it is dangerous for the citizenry to gave guns. (Dangerous for the dictator-wanna be’s in the Democrat Party that is).
Now don’t you “feel” better. 🙂

April Fools

I would not dare try to do an April Fool’s Joke simply because no matter how outrageous and exaggerated I could be I could never match the reality of the Liberal Mind.

So with that in mind…

The “Dah!” moment of 2012 so far:

‘The unions don’t respect diversity of opinion.’- lawyer for janitor fired for “pro-Walker” bumper sign in her car.

Progressives and Liberals have no tolerance for diversity of thought.

“She told me that I was to take the sign out of the back window and put it on the floor of the car or I could park across the street.”

She refused to take the “Stand With Walker” sign down, pointing out that many other teachers had placed anti-Walker bumper stickers on their cars, apparently with no repercussion.

Her bosses’ daughter was also a teacher. The Teachers at the school complained. Hmmm….

Liberals: You have the Freedom to Think 100% exactly like us or ELSE YOU WILL SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES!

Michael Ramirez Cartoon

NBC told this blog today that it would investigate its handling of a piece on the “Today” show that ham-handedly abridged the conversation between George Zimmerman and a dispatcher in the moments before the death of Trayvon Martin. A statement from NBC:

“We have launched an internal investigation into the editorial process surrounding this particular story.”

Great news right there. As exposed by Fox News and media watchdog site NewsBusters, the “Today” segment took this approach to a key part of the dispatcher call:

Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. He looks black.

Here’s how the actual conversation went down:

Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. Or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about.

Dispatcher: OK, and this guy — is he black, white or Hispanic?

Zimmerman: He looks black.

The difference between what “Today” put on its air and the actual tape? Complete: In the “Today” version, Zimmerman volunteered that this person “looks black,” a sequence of events that would more readily paint Zimmerman as a racial profiler. In reality’s version, Zimmerman simply answered a question about the race of the person whom he was reporting to the police. Nothing prejudicial at all in responding to such an inquiry.

But that’s “journalism” for you. You can trust them to do “fair” and “balanced” “journalism” now can’t you! 🙂

So you can trust them on The economy, jobs, your health, Obamacare, etc. After all, they are not biased at at all. 🙂

So how much has he accomplished and how much will they accomplish if given the chance?

From the moment he stepped into office, Obama has used his power to redistribute capital and bring corporate America under state control. Among other things, he has:

Forced all large banks, including healthy ones, to take federal bailout money while forcing them to pass stress tests before they can get out from under state control.

Forced banks to renegotiate private mortgage contracts to forgive principal payments for customers while ordering the banks to liberalize their lending practices and even open branches in blighted and unprofitable areas outside their service area.

Signed sweeping regulations that give the state new authority to control the entire financial sector — from banks to hedge funds to insurance companies to even car dealers.

(The Dodd-Frank Act gives Obama unprecedented powers to monitor and redirect the capital flow of all financial firms, as well as adjust their capital requirements and even shut them down and restructure them.)

Renegotiated the terms of Detroit creditor contracts so autoworkers get preferential treatment at the expense of shareholders while preserving the high union cost structure that bankrupted GM and Chrysler.

(“I owe those unions,” Obama has said. “When their leaders call, I do my best to call them back right away. I got into politics to fight for these folks.”)

Centralized control of the health care industry through 2,730 pages of new mandates that bring insurance companies and drugmakers under the supervision of the state and force the wealthy to subsidize the uninsured at a starting cost of $1.6 trillion.

Transferred an additional $1 trillion in private taxpayer wealth to welfare programs and public works projects, which have increased dependency on the state to record levels.

All of these measures put more power in the hands of the state and, in the case of health care, exert more control over the individual lives of Americans. As such, few are popular.

So how did Obama do it? Or more to the point, how did he get away with doing it?

By making capitalists the enemy of the people. By using media propaganda to convince enough people who lost their jobs or homes in the financial crisis that they were victims of Wall Street “exploitation.”

And by fomenting class envy between “the 99%” of Americans he imagines as “struggling” and a nebulous 1% overclass of “millionaires and billionaires” and “fat cat bankers” he demonizes as “greedy.”

“We can either settle for a country where a few people are doing very well and everybody else is having to just struggle to get by, or we can build an economy where everybody gets a fair shot and everybody is doing their fair share,” Obama said Feb. 21 from the White House.

“That’s the economy that I want,” he added. “Those who don’t want it will be forced to pay their fair share.”

History provides a harsh reminder of how such class warfare ends if carried out to its extreme.

Less than a century ago, the Bolshevik revolution in Russia portrayed a life-or-death “class struggle” between capitalists and workers. The Bolsheviks were inspired by Karl Marx, another trained lawyer who never spent a day in the private sector. They followed his 1848 blueprint for worker revolution, “The Communist Manifesto.”

Marx argued that capitalism splits industrial society into two hostile camps: the “bourgeois” — whom he described as anyone employing a worker, owning a business or making money from investments — and the “proletariat” that he figured made up the other 90% of society. He claimed that the wealth controlled by the top 10% “exists solely due to its nonexistence in the hands of those (other) nine-tenths.”

In other words, profits produced by merchants, entrepreneurs and investors don’t really belong to them. Marx believed they were stolen from workers and that workers would one day rise up and, justifiably, “wrest, by degrees, all capital from the bourgeois.”

Turning the tables, the working class would then become the ruling class — though Marx believed this would happen in stages.(IBD)

So, Four More Years Anyone?

Political Cartoons by Robert Ariail

Rules to Live By

Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals”:

Rule 4: Make opponents live up to their own book of rules. “You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity.”

But if you have no standards, like Liberals, then you have no rules, morals or ethics to uphold. You are not bound by any conventions. You cannot be held responsible for your actions in your mind. You cannot be a hypocrite if you have no standards to compare to.

So you can call women c*nts,bitches,sluts,whores, prostitutes,bimbos, et al and no one on “your side” will give a crap.

So what if Bill Maher (who has said all of these) gives Obama a Million Dollars for his re-election campaign that’s ok.

One Radio Talk Show you despise slips and uses just 1 of those words just in the context of contraception and suddenly all women are under attack and when people call you on it, you blow them off.

What matters is ideology. Not standards. Morals. Or Ethics. Ideology is king.

And you being “right” 100% of the time, every time because you’re so superior to the heathens is all important.

A perfect example of no standards to live up to is David Axelrod, a very smart guy. After all, he got a radical leftist nutjob elected president on “hope and change” and “yes we can” BS. So he’s not a dumb guy.

But when asked about the whole Rush Limbaugh/Bill Maher comparison he becomes nearly incoherent and babbles like a nervous first time public speaker in front of a crowd because he has no choice but to defend the completely indefensible hypocritical stance and make it sound like it’s no big deal.

<Axelrod> described that as different than Rush Limbaugh calling law student Sandra Fluke a “slut.”

Axelrod made the comments in an interview on “Erin Burnett OutFront” on CNN, saying, “There’s been a coarsening of our political culture. I don’t think that language is appropriate, no matter who uses it. And I think — whoever you are — in politics, you ought to be willing to say so. I was disappointed that Gov. Romney didn’t stand up more forcefully when Rush Limbaugh said what he said.”

He added, “But understand that these words that Maher has used in his stand-up act are a little bit different than — not excusable in any way — but different than a guy with 23 million radio listeners using his broadcast platform to malign a young woman for speaking her mind in the most — in the most inappropriate grotesque ways. And and nor does Bill Maher play the role in the … Democratic Party that Rush Limbaugh plays in the Republican Party, where he’s really the de facto boss of the party. Everybody responds to him. Which is the reason why I think Gov. Romney was afraid to take him on. “
“I do not excuse those kinds of characterizations of women,” he went on. “I don’t think those kind of gratuitous nasty words about anyone is appropriate in the public sphere. I — I’m not excusing anyone.  (I will anyways)  But I think what what Limbaugh did was — was particularly egregious. And it wasn’t just once. It was … he built on it and built on it to the point where — he built into a sort of perverse soliloquy at the end about, you know, whether she post[s] her — her relationships online.”

The pro-President Obama super PAC Priorities USA Action has gotten $1 million from Maher, which Republicans have seized on as a double-standard, given his language in the past. Democrats, as Axelrod did, insist there is no parity between someone who plays little role beyond the liberal wing of his party as a talk show host, and Limbaugh, who has much greater sway. (Politico)

Romney didn’t denounce Rush, so I don’t have denounce Bill Maher. (see Rule #4).

You can say or do anything you want because you want and don’t have to live up to anything other than what you want at that moment.

Your Opponent is hamstrung by having morals or ethics or a code of conduct, you aren’t.

Rev. Al Sharpton: “[Republicans] have really made Rush Limbaugh such a great part of the conservative movement … you can’t have him as a major spokesman in your movement and then he says something as offensive and misogynist as this and you act like he’s just an entertainer.”

But Bill Maher is “an entertainer” when he says far, far worse things (and even Al has said far worse).

Rev. Al Sharpton that the GOP has “two RCs — Roman Catholics — running and a Mormon, so three cultists running.”

Then you make it appear that you do care by playing games with words, situations, and creating distractions like the “War on Women” and “the economy created 200,000 jobs this month” and just conveniently leave out that 1,000,000 people gave up (and when unemployment goes down because of it you take credit for it, when it doesn’t you ignore it or blame it on corporate america anyhow).

“Not since the days of Franklin Roosevelt had so much fallen on the shoulders of one president. Now when he faced his country who looked to him for answers, he would not dwell in blame or dream in idealism,” narrator Tom Hanks said in the Obama biopic “The Road We’ve Traveled.”

Ah, he’s so great, why are you picking on him! He’s so Great! Wahhhh! 🙂

He’s not to blame. He’s not responsible.

Because they have no standards to begin with. Thus they are always perfect. And they can never be wrong.

Then once you have that going,  you prevent people from thinking things in opposition to you in the first place, so that if they can’t think of opposition they can’t oppose them. Pure Orwell. That’s the beauty of Political Correctness.

You can’t for Border Security without being a “racist”, for example.

A Conservative calling someone a “slut” is a “War on Women”. A Liberals calling a Conservative woman that and ever other offensive word in the English Language “is not the same thing” so it’s just mindless partisanship on your part to object to my blatant hypocrisy and should be ignored and excused.

Trying to make your opponent live up to their standards doesn’t mean you have any of your own.

Another example, Democrats ALWAYS want to spend even more on Education (so the Unions can feed them more money) so if you object, obviously you’re against Educating our Children– not Unions.

So you limit speech. You limit Thought. You have no standard to live up to.

Life is good, if you’re a Liberal, in your mind. You’re Perfect.

MSNBC’s Melissa Harris Perry on Al Sharpton’s radio show: And I’ll say this, I was in Trinity United Church of Christ on the Sunday after September 11th. I was at the time living in Chicago, I attended church the Sunday after September 11, 2001 and I will never forget that Rev. Wright on that day preached a sermon that was an anti-war sermon before anyone was even fully talking about war. Rev. Wright understood that what the American state normally does is to respond to this kind of attack with war and that that war was going to be against poor countries and countries with people of color and it was probably going to be a war that did very little to keep us particularly safe relative to terrorism. And in all of those ways Rev. Wright was exactly right. (RCP)

Our President was also their that day, but he wasn’t  listening! 🙂 (Rev. Wright married Obama and his wife Michelle, baptized their two daughters and is credited by Obama for the title of his book, “The Audacity of Hope.”)

In addition to damning America, he told his congregation on the Sunday after Sept. 11, 2001 that the United States had brought on al Qaeda’s attacks because of its own terrorism.

“We bombed Hiroshima, we bombed Nagasaki, and we nuked far more than the thousands in New York and the Pentagon, and we never batted an eye,” Rev. Wright said in a sermon on Sept. 16, 2001.

“We have supported state terrorism against the Palestinians and black South Africans, and now we are indignant because the stuff we have done overseas is now brought right back to our own front yards. America’s chickens are coming home to roost,” he told his congregation.

Rev. Wright: “God Damn America!”

But since he’s Liberal, and they have no standards all of this was quickly forgotten by the Left and if you brought it up you were a “racist”. 🙂

Oh, and it’s nothing…Obama’s press spokesman Bill Burton said, “Sen. Obama has said repeatedly that personal attacks such as this have no place in this campaign or our politics, whether they’re offered from a platform at a rally or the pulpit of a church. Sen. Obama does not think of the pastor of his church in political terms. Like a member of his family, there are things he says with which Sen. Obama deeply disagrees. But now that he is retired, that doesn’t detract from Sen. Obama’s affection for Rev. Wright or his appreciation for the good works he has done.”

No big deal, move along. Mind you if a Conservative or Republican said even 1% of this crap they’d be hounded until the coming of the end of universe.

But that’s Saul Alinsky for ya.

So what does this lead to?

Of course, the greedy, self-absorbed hubris and need to control everyone and everything so this can continue destroys the society. But hey, who cares, you’re large and charge and can do anything you want, when you want, because you want to. No consequences.

And it’s ALWAYS someone else’s fault. Because after all, You’re Perfect!

Life is good. 🙂

“What has happened, that we are fighting again for reproductive rights?” wonders Rosie O’Donnell, filling-in for Piers Morgan. “And how did guys, get to be the ones to solely discuss it?” responds Angelica Huston. “It’s absolutely astonishing to me, it’s the Dark Ages.”

This misses the point of the actual argument about religious freedom (because Liberals hate religion more and more in large part- especially anything Christian) completely but makes hay out of straw man BS.

They aren’t going to see the real problem because they aren’t capable of it. They simply aren’t.

When they control the government, Government is God. And everyone should bow down to their God. It can fix anything or anyone.

When they are not in Control (or not in Control of a part of it) then Government is the Devil and since you don’t want to be ruled by the Devil now do you?

So you should vote God back in. 🙂

Government is God. So who needs religious freedom in that case.

Only “evil” “right wing” “extremist” Conservatives and “Fundamentalists”. 🙂

And we sure a heck don’t care about them at all. Except to demonize them and destroy them, make fun of them, and make them live up to their own standards.

And since we have none, we’re perfect! 🙂

Kumbuya! Praise The Lord! And pass the Campaign cash! 🙂

Political Cartoons by Jerry Holbert

Trust Me, I Know What I’m Doing!

Political Cartoons by Robert Ariail

“Madison is only the beginning,” <Filmmaker Michael> Moore said. “The rich have overplayed their hand.

“There was no revolt, until now here in Wisconsin,” he added.

I’m still waiting for the “national resource” that is his multi-million dollar bank account to be opened to all of us little people. 🙂

Maybe we should just call it the 7% Whine Riots.

And A “Civility update”:

Ohio Republican State Sen. Frank LaRose, a 31-year-old Iraq war veteran, was the tiebreaking vote in Ohio’s Senate, which just sent a bill similar to Wisconsin’s budget bill to the State’s House of Representatives. That caused Michael Piotrowski, the general counsel for the Ohio Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), to siege LaRose’s Facebook page.

“Funny thing about cops,” Piotrowski posted on LaRose’s Facebook wall, “they hold a grudge.” In another comment responding to someone’s criticism of his comment, Piotrowski wrote: “Nick, with all due respect, I don’t care about your views. You don’t know what you are talking about.”

Perhaps most surprisingly, though, the cop union’s top lawyer compared Republicans calling union violence “union thugs” to using the “n-word.” “When Republicans talk about ‘Union Thugs,’ they may as well be calling people the n-word.”

“If his words are true, it’s scary to think that there would be a double standard in law enforcement practices that would be detrimental towards anyone based purely on their political preferences” said one the Rep’s defenders.

From a Firefighter: “Oh and one more thing Tim (another defender), next time ur house is on fire call a tea bagger. They have all the answers.”

Oh, and we can’t forget MSDNC:  Al Sharpton on the Wisconsin Budget-“It is a rascist budget, you can’t get around it. It’s pickin’ on the poor, it’s pickin’ on the inner-city kids – how else can you read it?”

So we have reached critical mass because Al Sharpton has called it racist!

Ta da!!

That’s your Liberal “civility” update.


Remember, Do as I say, not as I do (or say), that’s the Liberal code.

But here’s the real fun… ObamaCare exposed!

During a hearing on Capitol Hill Thursday, the secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) admitted to double-counting in the Obamacare budget.

In her first appearance before the House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee since the health-care law passed, Kathleen Sebelius responded to a line of questioning by Republican Rep. John Shimkus of Illinois about whether $500 billion in Medicare cuts were used to sustain the program or pay for the law.

“There is an issue here on the budget because your own actuary has said you can’t double-count,” said Shimkus. “You can’t count — they’re attacking Medicare on the CR when their bill, your law, cut $500 billion from Medicare.”

He continued: “Then you’re also using the same $500 billion to what? Say your funding health care. Your own actuary says you can’t do both. […] What’s the $500 billion in cuts for? Preserving Medicare or funding the health-care law?

Sebelius’ reply? “Both.”

The Obama administration and HHS have been criticized previously for double-counting. In a report last summer, HHS claimed a provision in the health-care law would extend the Medicare trust fund by 12 years. The Congressional Budget Office released a memo that said HHS’s math was more than a little off.

“[…] They cannot be set aside to pay for future Medicare spending and, at the same time, pay for current spending on other parts of the legislation or on other programs … To describe the full amount of HI trust fund savings as both improving the government’s ability to pay future Medicare benefits and financing new spending outside of Medicare would essentially double-count a large share of those savings,” said the CBO memo.

“I was shocked to hear the secretary admit that $500 billion is double-counted in the health-care law,” said Shimkus after Thursday’s hearing. “We knew the health-care law’s actual cost was much greater than originally told to the public.  And now, the truth is slowly coming out in administration reports and testimony.”

Rep. Joe Pitts of Pennsylvania , the chairman of the subcommittee added, “The same dollar can’t be used twice. This is the largest of the many budget gimmicks Democrats used to claim Obamacare would reduce the deficit.”

When contacted by The Daily Caller, Richard Sorian, Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs had this to say:

“The scoring of the Affordable Care Act is entirely consistent with how legislation has been scored for the 30 years, under Presidents of both parties, and Congresses of both parties.  Savings in programs like Medicare and Social Security are scored as improving the solvency of those programs and reducing the deficit.”

Which to my mind means, “We’ve been lying our asses off for 30 years and we’ll continue to lie our asses off and cook the books because that’s how things are done in Washington”.

So there! 😦


Just to prove how Green-wise and pound foolish the Obama administration is and how committed to crushing the use of Oil at all in this country and making wind and solar the only options we have this:

The Obama administration has appealed a judge’s order requiring regulators to act on seven drilling permit applications.

Who cares if Case is $4 a gallon. They want it to $10 like in Europe to deter you from using your car anyhow.  Screw what that would do to the economy, the green agenda is vastly more important.

And above all, it’s more moral, in their minds. So what if it kills the economy.

That way there high speed rail boondoogles, electric cars (a measly 300 were sold last month by Government Motors) and solar panel (made in China) will be all you can get.

The Agenda is The Agenda!!

Remember, if the Liberal wants you to do something for your own good, it’s for their satisfaction only and they will have no problem forcing you to do it or else!

After all, they are vastly superior to you and they know better. Trust Mama Government.

Trust in Me…..Trust in Me……Trust in Me…..

Trust in me, just in me
Shut your eyes and trust in me
You can sleep safe and sound
Knowing I am around

Slip into silent slumber
Sail on a silver mist
Slowly and surely your senses
Will cease to resist

Trust in me, just in me
Shut your eyes and trust in me….



Better Civility Through Ignorance

MSNBC’s (and NBC in general since there was also a CNBC host in the following also) brain trust strikes again.

Ah, those layers of fact-checkers and editors in the mainstream media come in handy, don’t they? Thank goodness NBC imposes news standards for its cable channel; otherwise, MSNBC would just spew misinformation and smears to advance a political agenda. Perish The Thought. 🙂

DONNY DEUTSCH: Reverend, I just want to, it’s Donny. Hey buddy, I want to ask you a question. We’re in the year 2011. We’re coming off the horrific, horrific event in Tucson. Yet as we celebrate Dr. King’s day, there’s still this very strange state, Arizona, that does not recognize it. I mean, maybe is there a time for a shift here? Should they secede from the nation? I, with all that’s going on, it’s just almost bizarre at this point.

SHARPTON: Well, I think on today they have seceded. I mean, this is a federal holiday. This is something that the country can celebrate the progress we’ve made.

As Ed Morrissey (also of MSNBC) notes, a little bit of fact checking by the MSNBC host prior to the program would have provided this information, but it would not have fit the standard media template.

What this sound bite shows is a willful desire on the part of some in the media to push a political agenda regardless of fact.

Viewers should be asking themselves if certain hosts at this strange media outlet have seceded from reality. (Examiner)

The fact that the state is the only who had a statewide vote to have the holiday means nothing to the snotty, elitist and childishly condescensing Left.

Or as Dennis Pager (Townhall. com) put it: Last week, following the murder of six people and the attempted murder of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in Arizona, the American people were given a vivid display of the single most important tactic of the left: libeling opponents.

That must be the New Tone of MSNBC as they Lean Forward! Perhaps their motto should be Better Civility Through Ignorance.


When people consider the connections between drugs and violence, what typically comes to mind are illegal drugs like crack cocaine. However, certain medications — most notably, some antidepressants like Prozac — have also been linked to increase risk for violent, even homicidal behavior.

A new study from the Institute for Safe Medication Practices published in the journal PloS One and based on data from the FDA’s Adverse Event Reporting System has identified 31 drugs that are disproportionately linked with reports of violent behavior towards others.

Please note that this does not necessarily mean that these drugs cause violent behavior. For example, in the case of opioid pain medications like Oxycontin, people with a prior history of violent behavior may seek  drugs in order to sustain an addiction, which they support via predatory crime. In the case of antipsychotics, the drugs may be given in an attempt to reduce violence by people suffering from schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders — so the drugs here might not be causing violence, but could be linked with it because they’re used to try to stop it.

Nonetheless, when one particular drug in a class of nonaddictive drugs used to treat the same problem stands out, that suggests caution: unless the drug is being used to treat radically different groups of people, that drug may actually be the problem. Researchers calculated a ratio of risk for each drug compared to the others in the database, adjusting for various relevant factors that could create misleading comparisons.  Here are the top ten offenders:

10. Desvenlafaxine (Pristiq) An antidepressant which affects both serotonin and noradrenaline, this drug is 7.9 times more likely to be associated with violence than other drugs.

9. Venlafaxine (Effexor) A drug related to Pristiq in the same class of antidepressants, both are also used to treat anxiety disorders. Effexor is 8.3 times more likely than other drugs to be related to violent behavior.

8. Fluvoxamine (Luvox) An antidepressant that affects serotonin (SSRI), Luvox is 8.4 times more likely than other medications to be linked with violence

7. Triazolam (Halcion) A benzodiazepine which can be addictive, used to treat insomnia. Halcion is 8.7 times more likely to be linked with violence than other drugs, according to the study.

6) Atomoxetine (Strattera) Used to treat attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Strattera affects the neurotransmitter noradrenaline and is 9 times more likely to be linked with violence compared to the average medication.

5) Mefoquine (Lariam) A treatment for malaria, Lariam has long been linked with reports of bizarre behavior. It is 9.5 times more likely to be linked with violence than other drugs.

4) Amphetamines: (Various) Amphetamines are used to treat ADHD and affect the brain’s dopamine and noradrenaline systems. They are 9.6 times more likely to be linked to violence, compared to other drugs.

3) Paroxetine (Paxil) An SSRI antidepressant, Paxil is also linked with more severe withdrawal symptoms and a greater risk of birth defects compared to other medications in that class. It is 10.3 times more likely to be linked with violence compared to other drugs.

2) Fluoxetine (Prozac) The first well-known SSRI antidepressant, Prozac is 10.9 times more likely to be linked with violence in comparison with other medications.

1) Varenicline (Chantix) The anti-smoking medication Chantix affects the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, which helps reduce craving for smoking. Unfortunately, it’s 18 times more likely to be linked with violence compared to other drugs — by comparison, that number for Xyban is 3.9 and just 1.9 for nicotine replacement. Because Chantix is slightly superior in terms of quit rates in comparison to other drugs, it shouldn’t necessarily be ruled out as an option for those trying to quit, however. (TIME)

So can you imagine quiting smoking, being depressed and having ADHD you’ll be the next Jeffrey Dahlmer! or Jared Lee Loughner.

But don’t worry, it will be Talk Radio’s, Limbaugh,Beck,Bush, or Right-Wingers fault. 🙂

Political Cartoon


Obama Inc. saw the rather mild reinforcement of immigration law in Arizona coming and saw the opening that could create the contrast they want to present. By highlighting a border state’s decision to do what the federal government has refused to do – enforce immigration laws – led by a Republican legislature and Republican governor, they saw the opportunity to paint us as a wild bunch of xenophobes harassing minorities simply for the color of their skin. The rhetoric of the Al Sharptons, Shakiras (incidentally not an American citizen) and myriad angry and dishonest demagogues is over-the-top, phony, and embarrassing. (Daily Caller)

Then add in the Ministry of Truth that can’t tell the truth to save itself, because it doesn’t want to or is too lazy to care and you have a perfect storm of Orwellian proportions.

We cannot and must not take the bait and be conscious not to allow them to define us. And this will be very complicated because as mobs of activists protest in Arizona, the media will portray them as an appropriately outraged oppressed minority expressing their outrage over statutory racism while those Tea Party activists, well they are a violent bunch of white bigots burning crosses and preaching anarchy.

The Arizona law is not about race it is about the Rule of Law. You know the thing that differentiates right from wrong. To the Left, ignoring laws inconvenient to your political coalition is acceptable and the Right must be wise to keep the debate focused on the law and law-breaking.

The same with Independents. It’s a very Alinsky thing to do, what the left is doing.

They bait you, you take it, suddenly you’re what they say you are.

Sure, it’s childish, but that the Left for you.

San Jose, CA: Downtown business owners spent Sunday repairing shattered windows and doors after a May Day rally Saturday night turned into a riot with approximately 250 people marching along Pacific Avenue, some carrying makeshift torches, throwing large rocks and paint bombs, and spray-painting walls with graffiti.

Was it a Tea Party Rally? 🙂

At least 18 businesses suffered damage during the rally in honor of international workers that began at 9 p.m. and escalated into mayhem around 10:30 p.m., police said. Investigators estimated damage at $100,000, though some business owners said it could be more. No injuries were reported.

No!  It was Liberals! The Left celebrating the Communist May Day and Protesting Arizona.

Bet this wasn’t on CBS News with Katie Couric, or ABC or NBC.

It certainly would be on with the gusto and “outrage” if it had been a Tea Party.

But at least the San Jose Mercury News called it what it was, a riot.

That must have been a tough call.

You expect something diminutive like a “disturbance”.

Not a riot, that’s only reserved for Tea Parties.

Problem is, there never is one.

Clarence  B. Jones (Scholar in Residence, Martin Luther King, Jr. Institute at Stanford University): All of the protest is misdirected and at the wrong parties. Massive demonstrations should take place in front of the White House, Congress the Pentagon and the Embassy of Mexico in Washington demanding once and for all that our border with Mexico be closed, now; in lieu of immediate legalization of illegal immigrants. As Ross Douthat, columnist for the New York Times, wrote, “If you don’t like what Arizona just did, the answer isn’t to scream “fascist!” It’s to demand that the federal government do its job, so that we can have the immigration system that both Americans and immigrants deserve.”

And, now comes the irony or all ironies: The Government of Mexico has now issued an “advisory warning” to its citizens about the “risks” and potential “dangers” of traveling to Arizona. Hello! Did they ever issue such an “advisory warning” before the recent Arizona legislation about entering into Arizona or other parts of the United States as an illegal immigrant?

That is if you can get through the corrupt cops and the drug cartel shootouts. Then you really hit the dangerous part, Arizona! 😦

Byron York, Washington Examiner:

The New York Times and CBS have released results of a new poll about the Arizona immigration law.  This is how CBS reported its findings:

Despite their expectation that it will burden police departments and disproportionately affect certain ethnic groups, a slim majority of Americans believe the controversial illegal immigration measure recently signed into law in Arizona is “about right” in its approach, according to a newly-released CBS News/New York Times poll.

The Times reported the story this way:

[D]espite protests against Arizona’s stringent new immigration enforcement law, a majority of Americans support it, even though they say it may lead to racial profiling.

Both excerpts suggest that Times/CBS pollsters asked the question in a way that either incorporated criticism of the bill or mischaracterized its content, and sure enough, when you look up the question, you find this:

As you may know, the state of Arizona recently passed a law that gives the police the power to question anyone they suspect is in the country illegally, requires people to produce documents verifying their status if asked, and allows officers to detain anyone who cannot do so. Do you think this law goes too far in dealing with the issue of illegal immigration, doesn’t go far enough, or is it about right?

The question did not say that the law specifies that police questioning can take place only in the context of a “lawful stop, detention, or arrest.”  The question did not touch on the law’s use of the phrase “reasonable suspicion,” nor did it say that “produce documents” means producing a driver’s license, which is a familiar experience for most Americans.

Nevertheless, 51 percent of respondents said the bill is about right, while nine percent said it doesn’t go far enough, 34 percent said it goes too far and five percent didn’t know.  So while the 51 percent who believe the bill is about right is indeed a slim majority, it is only a slim majority when you don’t consider the nine percent who believe it doesn’t go far enough.  You could just as accurately say that 60 percent of those questioned say the bill is about right or doesn’t go far enough, while just 34 percent say it goes too far.

Breaking the question’s results down by party, solid majorities of both Republicans and independents either support the law or say it doesn’t go far enough.  For Republicans, the numbers are 67 percent support and nine percent doesn’t go far enough.  For independents, it’s 51 percent support and ten percent doesn’t go far enough.  Even among Democrats, there is significant support for the bill; 38 percent support it, while nine percent say it doesn’t go far enough.

As for the poll’s other results: 78 percent say the U.S. “could be doing more” to stop the flow of illegal immigrants into the country; 89 percent say U.S. immigration policy should be fundamentally changed or completely rebuilt; 65 percent say illegal immigration is a very serious problem; and 74 percent say the presence of illegal immigrants weakens the U.S. economy.

The message of the poll is that people support the Arizona law, even when it is described to them in a negative way.  Given what we have heard in the last week, critics of the law may conclude that they will have to yell “Nazi,” “fascist” and “police state” even louder to get their message across.

So don’t take the Bait.

Stand your ground.

Refuse to be Alinsky’d.