Mi Casa Su Casa

Surprise! The Pro-Illegal Justice Department thinks Sheriff Joe is being mean to Hispanics. Gee, you needed years for Pro-Illegal liberals to come up with a report that says that?

This is the Justice Department that is actively suing the State of Arizona for wanting to enforce Federal Immigration Laws (much less than what they accuse their favorite Hispanic ‘Nazi’ of). The very same Justice Department that is trying Fast and Furiously to cover up as much of “Fast & Furious” as possible.

The very same that refused to sentence already convicted Blank Panthers of Voter intimidation.

Oh, by the way, it’s been a year now since Agent Brian Terry was killed by a gun the ATF not only let be walked into Mexico, be demanded that it be walked into Mexico!

This is the Pro-Illegal Justice Department that refuses to even arrest most illegals, thus “arrests of illegals are down at the border” they’ll tout as there accomplishment.

It’s “down” so much that they can drop the number of troops on the border to virtually nil.

After all, “it’s more secure now than it has ever been” according to Big Sis.

Have you tossed your cookies yet?

Then you hear this:

Department of Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano has directed ICE to prepare for a mass influx of immigrants into the United States, calling for the plan to deal with the “shelter” and “processing” of large numbers of people.

“The Department of Homeland Security wants a plan to deal with sudden mass migrations of immigrants to the U.S.,” reports Government Security News .

“DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano, according to a statement by Immigration and Customs Enforcement, recently directed ICE to develop a national-level mass migration plan. The plan will outline how to address the health care, sheltering, processing, transition and disposition of large numbers of undocumented individuals who might arrive in the U.S. as the result of a mass migration, said ICE on Dec. 13.”

Part of the preparations for sheltering and processing an influx of people includes the construction and manning of detention camps.

Anyone smell rotten bovine fecal matter? And you know that something disgustingly political is coming.

Vote for Democrats, We aren’t Racists!

We’re going to crush the major resistance to our ignoring of border protection so get ready to rush the border and get your freebies.

“Discrimination undermines law enforcement and erodes the public trust,” Napolitano said

Willfully refusing to enforce the law and actively working do just that erodes “public trust” also Janet? But you don’t care about that now do you?

And don’t forget to vote Democrat! 🙂

Welcome all illegals to your United States. Our home is your home.”-Sherriff Joe on Obama’s Justice Department

Mi Casa Su Casa! 🙂

Border we don’t need no stinkin’ borders. Borders are for violent, discriminatory racists!

And you think you’re safe if your already here (and not in the Democrat’s demographics):

The White House is signing off on a controversial new law that would authorize the U.S. military to arrest and indefinitely detain alleged al Qaeda members or other terrorist operatives captured on American soil.

Terrorist? Someone who disagrees with his the Government? 🙂

“By signing this defense spending bill, President Obama will go down in history as the president who enshrined indefinite detention without trial in U.S. law,” said Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch. “In the past, Obama has lauded the importance of being on the right side of history, but today he is definitely on the wrong side.”

But they can come over the border without any enforcement.

So you may be a “terrorist” for advocating we enforce the Border. After all, only racists want to enforce it.

Vote for Democrats, We aren’t Racists!

It is no surprise Democrats, led by Barack Obama and his Attorney General Eric Holder are against voter i.d. laws. After all, dead people can’t vote if you ask them to identify themselves. Voter fraud in every election is a concern, but with Obama’s past ties to ACORN and Holder’s abuse of Justice Department power, 2012 is looking like a battle for the ages when it comes to voting requirements and preventing abuse.

In the name of “civil rights,” he’s declared war on a nationwide movement to ensure the integrity of the electoral process.

Just this year, eight states have passed new photo-ID laws; more than half now have some form of ID requirement for voting. But Holder has already sicced Justice’s Civil Rights Division on new voter-ID laws in South Carolina and Texas to see if there’s any “disproportionate impact” on minorities. He’s also objecting to reforms in “early voting” in places like Florida, which recently tightened its electoral window.

Liberals have long insisted that voter fraud is a “myth,” and voter-ID laws a plot to suppress turnout among “people who are more likely to vote Democratic, particularly the young, the poor, the elderly and minorities,” in the words of The New York Times.

Now that’s chutzpah coming from New York City, where the organized-crime ring known as Tammany Hall regularly and proudly stole municipal and statewide elections well into the 20th century with its army of “repeaters” — men who altered their appearances by shaving or changing their clothes so they could “vote early and often” — and other tactics.

Nor is it history. Just this week, the chairman of the Indiana Democratic Party resigned in the wake of election-fraud allegations involving forged ballot-petition signatures that are now under investigation.

Nor is it “merely” registration fraud. The Commission on Federal Election Reform, created after the 2004 election and co-chaired by Jimmy Carter and James Baker, uncovered examples of vote-buying, repeat voting and absentee-ballot fraud. As Justice John Paul Stevens wrote in upholding Indiana’s voter-ID law in 2008, “flagrant examples of such fraud have been documented throughout this nation’s history by respected historians and journalists.”

So, while Holder intones that unfettered access to the ballot box “must be viewed not only as a legal issue but a moral imperative,” his real agenda is surely politics: Fraud generally benefits Democratic candidates.

From this point forward, we will here the argument that “Republicans want to prevent minorities from voting and want to go back to the days of slavery. Republicans wanting you to show i.d. at the polls is proof! Minorities in poor communities don’t have access to identification. They’re taking away your right to vote.” (Katie Pavlich)

Vote for a Democrat, We aren’t a Racist!

The Janet Principle

“In a Hierarchy Every Employee Tends to Rise to His Level of Incompetence.” — Peter Principle

So it’s time for me to be called a Racist, again.

You see, I’m against Illegal Immigration. I am against people coming here illegally and staying a squatting and taking jobs from actual americans. And for sullying the hard work and dedication of hundreds of years of Legal Immigrants.

But, you see, this an absolutely totally KKK racist attitude, according to our friends the liberals and the “immigration activist” who always say it’s not about race. Until you disagree with them that is.

They love  to use their Orwellian term, “racial profiling”.

But it’s not about race.

But disagree with them and you’re a racist.

Orwell would be proud.

“Until justice is blind to color, until education is unaware of race, until opportunity is unconcerned with the color of men’s skins, emancipation will be a proclamation but not a fact.” -Remarks of Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson Memorial Day, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania May 30, 1963

TIME May 17, 2006: “I have no doubt that some of those involved in the debate have their position based on fear and perhaps racism because of what’s happening demographically in the country,” says Ken Salazar, Democratic Senator from Colorado. A Senate Democratic leadership aide is more blunt: “A lot of the anti-immigration movement is jingoistic at best and racist at worst. There is a fear of white people being over run by darker-skinned people.”

I have no such fear. But because I am white I must have that fear.

The advocates for illegal immigrants are the ones who are obessed by the race of the vast majority of illegals. But I’m the racist for opposing it.

Funny how that works out.

Otherwise, why would I oppose people coming to my country illegally and squatting. Eating up resources we don’t have and taking jobs from legal americans, many immigrants also–just that they were legal.

TIME again: But if the U.S. is trying to stop primarily undocumented Mexican workers rather than terrorists from crossing the border, is there anything wrong with that? Just because there are some racists influencing the debate doesn’t mean anyone who is for immigration control is a racist. Figuring out just how many immigrants, Hispanic or otherwise, to let into the country each year is exactly what lawmakers ought to be trying to do as they undertake immigration reform. Setting immigration targets that are in the country’s interest is, after all, the point of having an immigration policy to begin with.

But the politically correct can’t even say “illegal alien” or “illegal immigration” without their Thought Crime Filters going off and having their brains seize up. They must be just “immigrants” no distinction between Legal and illegal.

And one of those is our Former Governor, who left the state 2 Billion Dollars in debt, by the way, who is now Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano.

She never met an illegal aliens she didn’t want to kiss up to more than her own actual citizens.

Examiner: Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano says the U.S. border is more secure and it’s time to change the law.

The comments were made today (Friday) before the liberal think tank, Center for American Progress.

Napolitano referred to progress made since Congress passed tough immigration enforcement legislation in 2006 that called for building 700 miles of border fences and barriers. But immigration critics point out that the fence has not been built with double layers as the law required and is not all fencing.

When I first read this my very first thought of George W. Bush’s “Mission Accomplished” speech that the Liberal mocked incessantly for years.

Ms. Napolitano said members of Congress and voters who balked at an immigration bill two years ago, fearing a repeat of the 1986 amnesty that only made the problem worse, can be assured this time is different. She said in those two years, the flow of illegal immigrants across the border has dropped dramatically and the government is doing more to catch fugitive aliens inside the U.S.

“The security of the southwest border has been transformed from where it was in 2007,” she said in a speech to the Center for American Progress, a liberal think tank. “The federal government has dedicated unprecedented resources to the Mexican border in terms of manpower, technology and infrastructure – and it’s made a real difference.”

“How can they claim that enforcement is ‘done’ when there are more than 400 open miles of border with Mexico, hundreds of thousands of criminal and fugitive aliens and millions of illegal immigrants taking American jobs?” asked Rep. Lamar Smith of Texas, the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, which oversees immigration and border issues.

Ms. Napolitano said both a slowing economy and better enforcement account for the changes, which she said creates a window for Congress to act.

Rep. Steve King of Iowa, ranking Republican on the Judiciary Committee’s immigration subcommittee, said Ms. Napolitano “contradicted herself by claiming the downturn in our economy has reduced illegal immigration but then advocated for an amnesty policy that allows millions of illegal aliens to take American jobs.”

“This is exactly the wrong time to be giving a pro-amnesty speech since we just received news that the national unemployment rate hit 10.2 percent,” Mr. King said.

So we have the highest unemployment in a generation, so let’s legalize 12 million new Democrats.

So what happens if the economy turns around and the illegals start flowing again?

Oh, right, I will be racist for pointing that out.

So we better make them citizens before that happens.

If that happens.

That’s Janet for you. She was an incredibly incompetent Governor. Now she’s even more so.

Immigrant rights advocates said they’ll be watching to see how much muscle Mr. Obama puts behind the effort. Some have said Mr. Obama betrayed them by embracing E-Verify, the voluntary employee verification system, and revamping but not ending local police enforcement of immigration laws.

In other immigration-related news, The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday asked the Solicitor General to comment on the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s challenge to an Arizona immigration law.

The law, which was passed in 2007, imposes penalties on businesses that hire illegal immigrants and requires all employers to use an online verification system known as E-Verify.

The sanctions law allows the state’s attorney general and county attorneys to file civil complaints against employers suspected of hiring illegal workers. Employers found to have “knowingly or intentionally” hired illegal workers face having their business licenses suspended or revoked. In the nearly two years since the law took effect in January 2008, not a single complaint has been filed against an employer anywhere in the state. Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, however, has raided about two dozen businesses under the law, resulting in the arrests of scores of suspected illegal workers on identity-theft and fraud charges but no complaints against employers.

Both the district court and the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco ruled that the Arizona statute did not interfere with federal law. The Supreme Court has not said that it will take the case but wants the administration’s view on whether further review is warranted.

And guess who signed it, in a Campaign tactic, Then-Gov Janet Napolitano!

Napolitano has stated that she believes the law is constitutional, but business groups and immigration reform advocates generally in President Barack Obama’s camp are asking the Supreme Court to strike down the statute. “It is awkward, given the fact that she signed the law,” said Glenn Hamer of the Arizona Chamber of Commerce and Industry, one of the organizations asking the Supreme Court to take up the issue. “It’s got to be a difficult situation for the administration.”

Glenn Hamer of the Arizona Chamber of Commerce and Industry noted that Napolitano signed the state law reluctantly amid widespread voter anger about a surge in illegal immigration. “It was a powder keg,” he said. “I received death threats. There was a lot of e-mail with capital letters. … I don’t think anyone would write a profile in courage on how she handled that issue.”

AZ Republic: Napolitano’s signature comes just days after the failure of a comprehensive immigration reform measure being considered by the U.S. Senate. She again lamented that proposal’s collapse and blasted Congress anew in saying Arizona could no longer afford to wait.

“We’re dealing somewhat in uncharted territory right now – uncharted territory because of the inability of the Congress to act,” Napolitano said. “The states will take the lead, and Arizona will take the lead among the states.”

But opposition to the new law was swift, led by Latino activists and the business community. Eight minutes following the governor’s announcement that she had signed the bill, the Arizona Chamber of Commerce issued a statement calling it “a crippling blow to Arizona business.”

Issues that Napolitano says need to be corrected in the new law include:

  • Insufficient funding for enforcement.

Now she wants it gone because she has sealed the border.

Mission Accomplished.

Fascinating… 🙂

Salvador Reza, a community leader (aka Pro-Illegal Hispanic who calls anyone a racist if they disagree with him) in Phoenix, issued the following statement: “Secretary Napolitano has the legal authority and the moral obligation to end (Maricopa County Sheriff Joe) Arpaio’s reign of terror in her hometown of Phoenix.”

The fact that not one business has been prosecuted under the law is not the point, of course.

“They can’t hurt us any more than they already do when they deport us, separate our families, exploit us without paying us because they call us ‘illegals.'”- Mr Reza.

They can’t hurt us legal Americans (including legal Mexican immigrants) any more than they already do when they invade our land, destroy our property, raise our crime rates, bog down our schools, exploit our health care and legal systems without paying for them, all because they spit on the rule of law and any distinction between ‘legal’ and ‘illegal.

Just go to any Home Depot in Phoenix, you’ll have no problem spotting them. Our Mayor, a Hispanic, has a “Sanctuary Policy” in place that says you can’t see them, right? 🙂

LA Times: Despite Napolitano’s optimism about passing reform next year, the 2010 congressional elections remain an obstacle.
“Congress does not want to debate amnesty during an election year,” said Jon Feere, a legal policy analyst at the Center for Immigration Studies, which favors “low-immigration” policies. “The year after that, Obama is looking at reelection himself, and he’s not going to want to make immigration an issue.”

Politics first, Janet. Politics, first.


I’ll leave you with little ditty: The 2nd highest income source for Mexico is money sent to families in Mexico by Illegal aliens.

Do you think they are interested in doing something about it?