Dem Injuns are Angry,Sir!

Political Cartoon by Steve Kelley

“The president’s heart is in the right place,” Sanders said. But “I think he has not fully understood that the American people are prepared for a fight. The American people do not want to give tax cuts to billionaires.”–Sen. Bernie Sanders (Socialist-VT).

So how many times do you have to tell Democrats that if the tax cuts expire your taxes go UP, but if they stay you’re taxes go NOWHERE. They don’t go down at all.

Probably until the end of time.

After all, what’s been gored here is the most sacred cow of the Progressive Liberal Left – Class Warfare. There is nothing more sacrosanct to the far left than Class Warfare.

And their own God has committed Heresy and struck a pact with the Devil’s minions, The Republicans. Nothing could violate the religion of Class Warfare more than this.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (Calif.) was among those who emerged unconvinced. “I’m just staggered by the enormity of this package,” she said.

But not “staggered” by Health Care, Finanacial Reform, Bailouts, and 4 Trillion in spending in 2 years. No. This “staggers” her. 🙂

And NOW the Democrats are worried about spending, when it gores their sacred cow.

Now that’s partisan politics for you.

“I understand the desire for a fight. I’m sympathetic to that. I’m as opposed to the high-end tax cuts today as I’ve been for years,” he said. “But in the meantime, I’m not here to play games with the American people or the health of our economy.”-President Obama

And besides I may get some people to believe I’ve changed and I’m more “moderate” now.

This leopard hasn’t changed his spots. He just saw the train coming at the end of the tunnel and he blinked.

Better to look like he chose “the people” over the “the party” because he can spend the next year convincing them he’s still their guy while looking better for his re-election to independents and moderates.

Remember, it’s always about him and no one else.

Democrats were cool by comparison. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) ignored the deal in a statement that lambasted Republicans, saying they have “held the middle class hostage for provisions that benefit only the wealthiest 3 percent.” She concluded tersely, “We will continue discussions with the president and our caucus in the days ahead.”

The President better check his seat for explosives and his drinks for poison. Pelosi as Brutus? 🙂

“This is only a framework. It’s up to the Congress to pass it,” Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (Nev.) said after the Biden meeting. The Senate could take up the package next week. But, Reid said, “I think we’re going to have to do some more work on it.”

Like gut the whole thing and re-do it as a Class Warfare document, maybe even ADD some taxes in their for “the rich”.

And when that doesn’t pass and Congress goes home having done absolutely nothing about the issue at all, the smug little Democrats can feel their superiority swell as EVERYONE’s TAXES go up, even the lower and middle classes.

The question really is, do they have the balls for it.

The Representatives and The Senators up for re-election in 2012 who would be BBQ’d for this in their re-elections?

So do they want to kiss their asses goodbye so soon?

Good Question.

I suppose we’ll find out very soon who blinks first, Reid-Pelosi or Obama-Republicans.

The Lame Duck Grudge Match is on.

So much for “bi-partisan”. 🙂

“This President negotiates down from a position of strength better than any politician in our recent history,” –Uber Progressive Leftist MSDNC’s Keith Olbermann.

It took him this long to figure that out?

Putin, Ahmadinejad ,Kim Jon Ill, Hugo Chavez, et al  had that figured out long ago.

But Olbermann reserved his greatest ire for what he perceived as the administration’s arrogant and dismissive attitude towards the base of the Democratic party.

Well, he’s already done it to the American People in general, so why not just redistribute the wealth. 🙂

And of course, Mr. President how we totally betrayed your Administration by not concluding our prayers every night by saying “Thank you for preventing another Great Depression, you are entitled to skate along on your own wonderfulness indefinitely and if you get less than you could have on health care reform or taxes, well, that’ll be okay, we’re happy to pay $10,000 for a $300 car because hey, it could’ve been $20,000, right? And because we only expect you to do one thing correctly during a presidency and you had pretty much cleared that obligation when it proved that you were, indeed, not John McCain.”

Olbermann, Axe. Scalp. White House. Now. Kimosabe!! 🙂

The Democrats: the Party of  OH NO YOU DON’T! 🙂


Political Cartoon by Bob Gorrell


The Obama Administration has quietly granted even more waivers to one provision of the new federal health reform law, doubling the number in just the last three weeks to a new total of 222.

One of the more recognizable business names included on the newly-expanded list of waivers issued by the feds is that of Waffle House, which received a waiver on November 23 for health coverage that covers 3,947 enrollees.

Another familiar name was that of Universal Orlando, which runs a variety of very popular resorts in the Orlando, Florida area.  Universal was given a waiver for plans that cover 668 workers.

This plan which was so great, just gets better doesn’t it folks. 🙂

The only people in the end who won’t be exempt will be the average individual American.

Yeah, it’s great. 😦

Gov. Mike Huckabee’s Petition to Repeal ObamaCare:

Sign it with Love for Big Brother. 🙂


The Extreme Healthcare Makeover

With 2010 being an election year, the political games have begun in earnest.

The Democrats are trying to figure out how to screw the Republicans into a corner so they can embarrass them.

The Republicans are trying to hold on to the anger at Washington, but not at them.

The Tea Party tries to figure out how to get the American People back in the process.

You thought 2008 and 2009 were a nightmare ride. Just wait until this roller coaster really picks up.

The Democrats are currently trying to salvage what they couldn’t do over the last year.

They still want it.

They can taste it.

They are the addict that doesn’t want to give up on their greatest and next hit.

From the bulliest pulpit of all — the Super Bowl pregame show — President Obama told CBS’ Katie Couric on Sunday that he wanted a “large meeting with Republicans and Democrats to go through, systematically, all the best (health care) ideas that are out there and move it forward.”

On Saturday, in what one news agency said was one of his feistiest speeches since the 2008 campaign, the president vowed that he was “not going to walk away from health insurance reform.”

It’s been three weeks since Massachusetts voters elected Scott Brown to the Senate, in large part because of his opposition to the health care confusion Democrats have sown. It’s been even longer since Americans at tea parties and lawmakers’ town hall meetings plainly told Washington they wanted no part of the health care elixir that Congress was peddling.

Still, our political elites, impressed by their own intellects, insist that the public will get the health care system they want the public to have, not the health care the public wants. (IBD)

They just have to package this broken down old horse with a makeover and proclaim it a Kentucky Derby Hopeful.

You’ll love this broken down old thing eventually, we The Democrats guarantee it! 🙂

And to do that, they need to publicly embarrass their opposition.

This is their great plan.

Let’s win by embarrassing the opposition and by branding them in public as the reason this process failed for the last year.

Not the people’s opposition to the takeover, but that’s it was THE REPUBLICAN’S FAULT!.

Those nasty, old partisans with “no ideas”. They just wanna say “no” to everything!

Wah! 😦

So Ignoring them, belittling them and “the teabaggers”, and shutting them out didn’t work, so let’s try painting this horse a different color.

And we can still get what we want.

Let’s invite the Republicans to  “bi-partisan” dog and pony shows so as to paint them as “The Party of No” and show that they are the obstructionist that Liberal believe they are and by doing that they will win.

And the “republicans have no ideas” will be trumped out again.

And even if the Republicans have “ideas” it’s not like the Democrats are actually listening.

This is a show.

Nothing more.

The same magnum opus that the majority of Americans hate is still there. The Democrats won’t give up on it.

So my advice to the Republicans is to know that this is all Style and no Substance. It is the worst kind of dog and pony show.

And it’s even more cynical that I can be.  And that folks, is really bad.

This was confirmed by the president when he told Couric he would not throw out the proposals that are stalled in Congress and start over, even though public opinion strongly indicates that he should.

67% of Americans are tired and fed up with Democrats grand plan. They want it gone.

The Democrats won’t give it up.

So their new strategy is to use the Ministry of Truth (Mainstream Media) to embarrass the Republicans.

Problem is, they have no idea what is REALLY going on.

Because, The Agenda is The Agenda.

Ideology uber alles!

Let’s just put a different lipstick on this pig.

They don’t get it. They don’t wanna get it.

Instead of hitting the reset switch, the starting point for the renewed push will be with the proposals that passed the House and Senate, according to the New York Times.

But poor policy is poor policy, whether bundled or unbundled. Each piece would extend government meddling in health care and take decisions out of the hands of Americans. They are not solutions but seeds that will grow into deeper problems.

Death by a thousand cuts instead of having your head chopped off in one big swing of the scimitar.

I’m game, how about you?  😦

It’s the slow boil of the frog approach  instead of throwing it in the boiling water really fast so it jumps out.

Problem is, it’s still the same water!

Let’s massage it a little.

Make this broken down old horse into that loveable old horse.

And send the American people off to the glue factory in the process.

The loyal opposition has to offer ideas that work, that put the patient in control. These include health savings accounts, fair tax treatment of individual insurance policies, interstate sales of individual policies, legal reform that will cut doctors’ malpractice insurance costs and encourage reductions in over-treatment, and an end to coverage mandates so more people can afford insurance.

If the Democratic majority rejects such ideas that promote better care and lower costs, then it — not minority Republicans — should be labeled “the party of no.”

Mind you virtually everyone of these “ideas” have been proposed repeatedly over the last year and ever single one of them has been shot down by the Democrats.

It’s not what THEY want.

The Democrats are the party “no” to what the American People want.

The Democrats fervently cling to the idea that if they can just cram this monster down your throat that eventually you’ll love it.

You’ll take that broken down old nag to heart and love it like they do.

Or as one Liberal columnist put it after a story about a long, nasty fight with a Kitchen remolding analogy, “that Americans won’t experience any of the benefits of health care reform until Congress actually puts a new system in place.”

Democrats can finish the kitchen. Or they can face the wrath of voters who will wonder why the contractors they sent to Washington left all the wires hanging, and the plumbing disconnected and useless. (IBD)

Or they could fire the incompetent Contractor who didn’t do what the client wanted and get one that will! 🙂

Because  this is the same horse (or kitchen) that has massive taxes up front and doesn’t actually start running or working for you (allegedly) until 3 to 4 years later remember.

This is still the kitchen with the built in Cornhusker Kickback and The Louisiana Purchase.

Same Kitchen. They just want to give it a Makeover.

So going back to our loveable old nag, this horse is so ill euthanasia is the only humane thing to do now.

But the Democrats won’t give it up.

They can’t.

They were soooo close!

So all they have to do is figure out how to get you to love it enough so that you jump in and buy it.

Sounds like a Used Car Salesman, doesn’t it.

And they want you to buy their Total Loss vehicle that they salvaged for the torrent of bad blood.

And they are going to put that on C-Span. 🙂

How could you Resist it then! 🙂

And you might even get a set of Ginzu knifes free if you buy now! 🙂

Just don’t kick the tires or check under the hood.

You won’t like what you see.