September 29th.

Apparently, the radical “Pro-Choice” crowd was enraged by the House passing a bill to defund Planned Parenthood. Even though, the spineless Senate will not pass it. Obama sure as hell won’t sign it. So it has no chance of passing. They’ll do it anyways.

Just to show you how ideologically rigid they are and how threatening they can be. Must like the Gay Mafia and #BlackLivesMatter.

Anti-abortion activists hold a rally opposing federal funding for Planned Parenthood in front of the U.S. Capitol on July 28 in Washington, D.C.

Abortion is one of those very thorny issues, especially Planned Parenthood, because it’s a linchpin in the Left’s definition of themselves . The linchpin in the “women’s rights” propaganda of the last 42 years.

They are rarely more extreme in the demonstration of their views.

Personally, if you want to play God and end a life because “it’s your body” and “I can do anything I want with it”, go ahead but be aware of the consequences and responsibilities of playing God.

But then again, GOD himself, is politically incorrect.

You’ve granted yourself, selfishly, the power to decide who lives and who dies.

What could be more Leftist than that. 🙂

But Leftists do THAT all the time. It’s one of their main “powers” in their own minds.

It’s a righteous power that says they are all-powerful and no one can mess with them on it.

Though, the first words out of their mouths when Planned Parenthood’s federal funding is threatened is that “no abortions” are performed with this money (which not strictly true, as always with political organizations).

But yet, it is where Planned Parenthood makes most of it money. Especially, in light of the selling of body parts scandal. Which the Left predictably says is fake and when no one but them buys that they go back to the Pre- Roe Vs Wade “coat hanger” horror analogies and “rape” and “incest” defenses (Less than 1% are from rape or incest according to government statistics).

It’s mother defending her turf. But her turf isn’t the baby. Her turf is her Politics.

The #1 recipient of Planned Parenthood lobbyist money (yeah, I know, if they aren’t about abortions why do they need lobbyists?) is President Obama. John Kerry and Hillary Clinton are in the Top 5.

$1.6 million in 2014.

They are a special interest group.

They are also a Democrat Party fundraising tool.

They received $568 million in Federal funds last year.

That’s 40% of their annual budget.

The overwhelming majority of federal funding to Planned Parenthood comes from Medicaid — 75 percent, according to a Planned Parenthood spokesman.

So why do they need to sell body parts from aborted fetuses in the first place?

Because, Liberals can never get enough money! They also need to pay their lobbyists.

That’s where the real power lies, and what is threatened. What they are protecting.

The Money. (even though they are anti-capitalist, the irony is delicious).

States receive a 90 percent federal reimbursement on Medicaid family planning spending, for example. So when Washington politicians talk about “defunding” Planned Parenthood, they generally mean cutting off federal money. States could continue to spend as they please.

If Abortion is 3% of their business, as they claim, why then is it the most revenue? Politifact says it’s closer to 12%, 4 times what the Left claims it is.

And 40+ years of “hands of my womb” and “my body” propaganda has made this more about the power than the body.

The child in this equation is virtually non-existent.

So it’s the Leftist Feminist Political Power that they are protecting, not the baby.

But they are not even remotely threatened by the symbolic vote from The House but yet they are swarming like a hive mind of very aggressive killer bees.

After all, if Planned Parenthood, which is supposed to be a non-profit health care (almost ObamaCare like), has no Federal Funds it will fold so the Leftist Feminist seem to indicate by their hostility.

The fact that it’s not true is irrelevant, for again, The Narrative is more important than the truth.

They say no federal funds are used for abortion. But…

Title X does not allow federal funds to be used for abortions. Medicaid, however, does allow government money to be spent on them — in very restricted cases.

The 1977 Hyde Amendment dictated that federal Medicaid funds could only be used to fund abortions in cases of rape, incest or to protect the life of the mother. However, some states have expanded cases in which they will provide funds. Currently, 17 states allow funds to be used for “medically necessary” abortions. In those cases that these states count as medically necessary but that are not permitted by the federal guidelines, states cover the cost alone. (NPR)

And what’s more “medically necessary” than Leftist Political Propaganda and Power? 🙂

That’s at the heart of the matter.

And that’s why the angry bees will buzz loud and proud on September 29th, even though the “defund” will never happen. They have to show their political power and be aggressive about their “right to choose” to play God and to secure their stake in political power.

The baby is just a pawn in the game.

But what do I know, I’m just an evil male impregnator who prays and inflicts this on women, after all, so I’m just not worth listening to.

As one, lovely Leftist derisively said I was “Pro-Birth” and she was “Pro-Choice” and we know which one is more important, don’t we. 🙂

Agree with me or else! drive thru peanuts pro choice Planned_Parenthood_Pro_Choice retail the past