I’m Laughing at Your Superior Intellect

The NAACP partnered with Media Matters (socialist Billionaire George Soros and others), Think Progress and New Left Media (where two guys pose as “journalism students”) to launch  a website that will specifically publish and monitor “racism and other forms of extremism within the Tea Party movement.”

Media Matters and Think Progress representatives said their content and reporting haven’t changed and that the NAACP approached their organizations seeking only to republish select content they’ve produced. The NAACP’s new website  is aimed specifically at highlighting “racism” in the Tea Party.

But don’t worry, if they can’t find it, they’ll invent it. They have to, it’s their core belief and they can’t possibly be wrong. After all, they are way smarter, more moral, and more sensitive than you can ever dream of being! 🙂

So they can’t possibly be wrong!

One “extremist” button they photographed, “I stand with Arizona”.


So it’s going to work like this. Tea Partiers are “extremists”. All Tea partiers are Republicans. So all Republicans are “extremists”.

See, doesn’t that just make total sense. 🙂

“It’s called projection,” Media Resource Center’s Andrew Breitbart said. “The alliance of the left, the Think Progress, the Media Matters and the NAACP are projecting onto the Tea Party. The accusations are a projection of who the coordinated, well-funded left is. They are manufacturing the racism. They are the ones who are fomenting the violence, the ones who are the only perpetrators of violence over the last year.”
True. But it’s not like the Media or these nuts care about that.
AP’s Liz Sidoti writes about the extent to which the tea is becoming the “new Grand Old Party.”

Obviously, this is a meme that Democrats hope to exploit to their advantage; take the fringiest elements of the tea party (and yes, as with all movements, there are some) and attempt to portray them as the face of the party as a whole.

Remember yesterday’s scribe about over-generalization to paint your opponents “nuts”  as out of the  mainstream  and your “nuts” as mainstream?
And remember, the AP is supposed to be a news organization, not a propaganda factory. 🙂
Supposed to be.
Arizona State University’s Morrison Institute for Public Policy found 81 percent of registered voters approved of requiring people to produce documents that show they’re in the country legally.

It found that 74 percent believe police should be allowed to detain anyone who’s unable to verify their legal immigration status, and 68 percent say police should be allowed to question anyone suspected of being in the country illegally.

“A nation without borders is not a nation.” -Ronald Reagan

Oh No! More extremists! Someone call the NAACP!! 🙂
Now for a more “mainstream” view 🙂  MSDNC’s Rachael “Mad Cow” Maddow on the ‘end’ of the Iraq War and Obama’s Not-Victory speech…
“I think we shouldn’t get past how remarkable it is, how much the proponents of the Iraq war are getting off easy here.”
“To have in this speech, as combat operations are ending, to have…the President not only not addressing the circumstances in which we went to war, but these kind words for President Bush, describing his “commitment to our security” despite the recklessness with which President Bush discarded that national security  in favor of this war of choice, which only diminished our security, and is responsible, probably, for the Afghanistan war still going on today, for the deaths of people who have died in Afghanistan after the time after which that war would have ended had we not gone to Iraq — not to mention all of the people who died in Iraq.
After finally taking a breath, she continued:
To talk about him having a demonstrated “commitment to our security,” having started this war on the terms on which he started it, I mean, it’s beyond restraint from President Obama and anybody in the pro-Iraq war, pro-Bush camp who doesn’t feel like they’ve been given the greatest political present they never deserved, was not listening to this speech.” (MRC)
But don’t  think they aren’t the extremists. The Tea party and conservatives and anyone who disagrees with them are the radical extremists!
And the Media will be happy to go along with it, because they believe it too.
Happy. Happy. Joy. Joy!
From the Liberal Left  who brought you “Is America Islamophobic?” (TIME Aug 30, 2010)  Here’s the sequel:

These are the smarter than you, better than you, more moral and sensitive, more “mainstream” than you, Liberal Leftists.
Don’t you just feel stupid right now at how bigoted and ignorant you are? 🙂
And the Leftist Huffington Post asks of this cover, “So, the question is, how much more is this desperate-to-stay-in-business “news” publication going to pander to the haters and the far-right crazies as we hurtle through the mid-term sprint?”
Mind you the article is written by a Progressive Liberal. But this cover is supposed to “pander” to the “haters”.
Get it! 🙂
If one is asked to name five defining issues the Republican Party stands for, it would be easy: Lower taxes (for the rich), Pro-business (corporate welfare), Discrimination (gays, blacks, Muslims immigrants, etc.), Family Values (undermining separation of church & State) and a strong defense (dumb wars we can’t afford). I know it can be difficult to dumb down the rhetoric. But, it is better than feeling stupid on Election Day, watching Republicans trick the American people into voting against their own interests.(Wayne Besen, Huffington Post)
Gee, don’t you just feel stupid and ignorant! 🙂
These are the smarter than you, better than you, more moral and sensitive, more “mainstream” than you, Liberal Leftists.
They are your intellectual superiors and you should bow down to their vastly over-your-head superiority. 🙂
Michael Ramirez Cartoon

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