Do You Have an Appointment??

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Eight Southern California hospitals have signed up for a system called InQuickER that lets patients pay a fee of $14.99 to $24.99 to set up an appointment online for emergency care. If they’re not seen within 15 minutes, they get their money back.

Is anyone disturbed by this?

Emergency Care takes 12 hours or longer??

I guess it’s ObamaCare to the rescue! 🙂

“It does not interfere with treating true emergencies on a priority basis; and charging a modest fee discourages tampering,” said Jim Lott, spokesman for the Southern California Hospital Assn., of offering appointments to patients who want to use emergency rooms for “an urgent, but non-emergency condition.”

Oh, you mean Illegals! Isn’t that racist? 🙂

Or the uninsured. But ObamaCare was supposed to fix that.

But not until 2014. 🙂

But you have to pay for insurance then or else the IRS will come and beat you up financially.

Gee, is this grand?

Critics, however, worry that letting people pay to secure appointments may just encourage patients who do not need immediate care to use emergency rooms anyway.

I’m sorry, I have an appointment at 3:45 to have my nail done, toe nails that is.

And just how do you schedule an “emergency” anyhow?

Those with life-threatening symptoms such as chest pains are told to proceed directly to the emergency room.

Without an appointment! How rude. Cutting in line! I have a hair appointment at 4:30!

Hospital officials agreed to pay $3,000 a month for the service. They charge patients $14.99 and expect to recoup that money over time as appointments increase, said spokesman Patrick Houston. One appointment is available each hour, and patients reserve an appointment at least two hours in advance. Houston said the hope is that offering appointments will attract more patients with private insurance.

Well, ObamaCare will kill that though off dead. After all, that was ObamaCare’s ultimate goal, to kill off all health insurance except the Governments graces.

Unless, of course, you are in with the apparatchiks of the Democrat Party, then you’ll most likely be exempt by then anyhow.

After all, you’re far more important than the non-party peasants who aren’t.

“I’m having medical directors from across the country call me almost on a weekly basis now” to ask how the appointment system is working, Dr. Robert Steele, division chief for adult services of Loma Lina University Hospital said. ” I think this is one of those things that’s going to sweep the country.”(LA Times)

My all this ferengi capitalist exploitation of the sick is unseemly. It must be stopped. Someone call Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Geraldo Rivera!

The mean ole capitalists are exploiting people, especially Illegals (who use ER’s as primary care by the way) and we can’t have that.

So all we need now is a Maitre D’ at the front doors of the ER, “Do you have an appointment?”

Now there’s a new Jobs program for you! 🙂

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