
“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of Progressive Liberalism, and to the Dictatorship for which it stands, one Nation under Government, divisible, with  liberty and social justice for the faithful only.”

Oh, am I going to get labelled a homophobe and a “hater” again for this one. 🙂
Oh well. They’d do it anyways. Reality doesn’t matter, the Narrative does.
But the Liberal’s favorite cudgel of social and legal enforcement was used again this week when the Federal Government overturned a voter approved State Constitutional Amendment on gay marriage.
The Court of Social Justice & Liberalism has struck again.
I wonder if this applies to all the Illegal Aliens the Feds say we aren’t allowed to catch also? 🙂
Am I against gay marriage? Nope.
Am I against liberals “supremacy” clause and their need to destroy you in court if you cross them, HELL YEAH!
But since the Leftist  Gay Narrative is that they are next great Civil Right struggle and they are the oppressed and their cause is righteous and “moral”, rational thought is not possible. So you’re a “hater” if you disagree with, period.
So will Wedding venues that refuse to hold a Gay Wedding be subjected to the Gay Mafia Hammer?
Businesses already have to watch out for the  Gay Thought Police prowling around to destroy them if they do or say the wrong thing.
That’s my objection.
But I’m evil automatically in Big Gay Brother’s eyes, so don’t bother listening to me. 🙂
A little history, that an irrational gay pride activist will not even comprehend in their haze of righteousness, so here goes.
Back in the early 1980’s when I was a freshmen in college I encountered my first gay people ever and you know what I thought– So what, I don’t care. They were good people and that matters more than their sexual proclivities. 
I truly didn’t care.
Actually, they were more accepting and better people than a lot of heterosexuals were back in the day to be honest.
My college roommates for a time consisted of a Gay Man, a Witch, and a Satanist, all under one roof. All friends. No political agenda AT ALL!
And well before it was “fashionable”.
Hell, it was considered I must be gay because I keep hanging around with gays.
So you see, I am not a “hater”. (I can here the leftist snark “Oh, he had a few gay friends…”)
But to the modern gay rights activist I must be a “hater” because I disagree with their need to FORCE their life style and your acceptance of it at the point of a Law Book and destroy good and decent people for the simple fact that they don’t want to kow-tow to them. Those filthy peasants!
I think they were winning in general without being so heavy-handed and impatient. Their indoctrination techniques over the last generation or so were having the desired effect. But their secular hatred for the “Christian Right” and their own self-aggrandized Sanctimony gets the better of them.
They’d been working on it for decades, just like Obamacare took 90 years, many were patient.
But the squeaky activist gets the law greased.
So I can accept gay marriage because I always have, BUT the activist, no, sorry, you’re just another bunch of totalitarian social justice liberals who want what they want, when they want it, because they want it, and if you object you must therefore, by default be EVIL.
The oppressed become the oppressor, but because of righteous blindness can’t and won’t see it that way.
They are the triumphant aggrieved sackers of Christian Right “extremism”, after all.
Arizona’s governor, Jan Brewer, who has clashed with President Barack Obama over immigration and border security, said in a statement that federal courts have gone against the will of voters and eroded the state’s power. “Simply put, courts should not be in the business of making and changing laws based on their personal agendas,” Brewer said. (AP)
But personal agendas is the only thing The Left understands. They want it, you’re evil, you must be crushed! Period.
The federal court decision bars Arizona officials from enforcing a 1996 state law and a 2008 voter-approved constitutional amendment that outlawed gay marriage.
The Feds are The Supreme Law of The Land and you peasant will do as you are told or else!
So who’s next on their target list. Who do they want to crush next in their crusade to FORCE you do things their way or else??
Among the couples there were Bailey and Majors (outside the courthouse). Though marriage never seemed possible to them in their youth, they began to get hope in recent years as the nation started to debate the legality of same-sex unions.

Despite all the joy they felt Friday, Bailey said it was still hard to express her feelings about such a sweeping social turn-around that she witnessed in her lifetime.

There was no sweeping “social change”. There was a LEGAL hammer slammed into the State’s nuts and then they were cut off. That is not “social change” that is Legal ENFORCEMENT of one’s agenda regardless of any “social” feelings to the contrary.

It’s a LEGAL victory, not a “social” victory.

As The Doctor in “Doctor Who” last week said:

People with guns to their heads cannot mourn”

Big Gay Brother is watching you citizen, and you better not step out of line or else the Thought Police will come down on you…
Next up, Polyamory!!! 🙂
Political Cartoons by Henry Payne

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