Only The Politically Correct Job Will Do

It’s January. It’s time for Obama to have that “laser like focus” on Jobs for his big speech, then he can go off and do something else for the rest of the year, like focus on his re-election because ,after all, that’s the most important thing in the universe to him.

But this year, it’s different.

Not because of the Republican House. No, no that, silly.

Not Because of over 9% unemployment for more than a year and not expected to be go any lower than 8% by his re-election.

Nope, not that either.

It’s the kind of job created. It has to be a feel good liberal “green” job or nothing.

So let’s hire and puff up the Chairman of a struggling company who has laid off 10’s of thousands of people, got a huge government bailout by morphing into a  “bank”. He’s a close friend and ally and it makes me look more “pro-business” than I am.

He also will stand to benefit from the end of Thomas Edison Incandescent Light bulb (see:

He’s a big Defense Contractor.

He has a web of TV networks now 49% owned by his company because Comcast took over the reins of the majority. But still there…

Meet Jeffrey Immelt, The Chairman of General Electric.

Soon to be Government Electric.

And oh, look, gas Prices are expected to hit $5 a gallon  (partially because of Obama’s crushing of the Oil Industry) and Government Motors (GM) has a fake electric car that they will gladly sell you (or you can buy a legitimate one from the Japanese!-funny that)

Oh, and the charging stations for that car, by GE.

Gee, isn’t that a coincidence!!! 🙂

So, you see, Obama wants to promote job growth for his re-election. But he only wants the kind of job that suits the Left.

You must have a Politically Correct Job, or you can just stay on unemployment for 99 weeks.

Hu Cares. 🙂

Especially if you graduate from college with a “green” education and there’s no job for you.

But hey, you have ObamaCare. You can suck off your parents Health Care until you’re 26 and unemployment for 3 years.

Isn’t life grand!

Rick Manning from Americans for Limited Government told TheDC that if the Obama administration was serious about job creation, it would loosen the restrictions its agencies and administrations have on the private sector energy companies.

“If this administration wanted to jump employment, they could re-open drilling, end the EPAs attack on the Texas oil refineries, and stop killing jobs in the coal sector, and millions of jobs would be created,” Manning said in an e-mail.

These “renewable energy” programs are not sustainable industry drivers though, because they start falling apart once the government funding dries up. (Daily Caller)

So, cue GE. Sorta.

Immelt actually eliminated 18,000 GE jobs in 2009, despite receiving untold millions in government stimulus and subsidies — like $60 million to build a “technology center” (office building?) in Michigan and $55 million to build a hybrid locomotive battery plant in New York.

As to competitiveness, consider the rather tawdry August 2009 e-mail solicitation of GE employees by GE’s political action committee (GEPAC), which read in part:

“The intersection between GE’s interests and government action is clearer than ever. GEPAC is an important tool that enables GE employees to collectively help support candidates who share the values and goals of GE. … We have made great strides toward convincing key lawmakers that GE Capital should remain a part of (GE). … On climate change, we were able to work closely with key authors of the Waxman-Markey climate and energy bill. . .. (It) would benefit many GE businesses. … GE is working relentlessly to ensure funding for F136 Engine, which is a critically important program for GE Aviation.”

One hundred years ago, Thomas Edison innovated to earn profit for GE.

Now Jeff Immelt lobbies for profit because there is no market for failed businesses, higher energy prices and duplicative military hardware.

That GE is so dependent on government largesse should raise the specter of Immelt’s obvious conflict of interest. Will he advise the president on what’s good for America or what’s good for GE?

The Obama-Immelt partnership is best envisioned as two drowning men clinging to each other in order to stay afloat. The failed CEO needs the president’s central planning policies and favor to keep his job. The struggling politician needs the mega-company CEO to camouflage and smooth over his anti-business beliefs and tendencies.

This symbiotic relationship may work out for Obama and Immelt as individuals, but we ought not hold our collective breath waiting for two men without track records of nonpersonal success to create jobs, increase our competitiveness or to fix what’s ailing our troubled economy. (IBD)

But don’t worry, Barack is on it, “focused like a laser beam”. Until February when his interests will wonder off like they have the last 2 years.

Time to spend more time in Chicago with the machine (and the hopefully new Mayor- his pal Rahm) raising more $$$ than he did last time (the most in history) so he can crush his opponents into dust with 24/7 attack ads and GE’s NBC and it’s affiliates coming along for the slobbering love affair that they already had.

And pushing his agenda through regulations rather than legislation. Much easier and much more productive for his Agenda.

EPA anyone.

This administration isn’t just attempting to regulate what it can’t legislate; it is in open rebellion against the idea of representative government. This administration’s reckless, politically motivated response to the oil spill has crippled offshore drilling, destroyed jobs and undercut economic recovery. Today’s regulatory uncertainty leaves permitting for offshore energy exploration at a virtual standstill.

This administration also continues to twist the Clean Air Act, the National Environmental Policy Act, and the Endangered Species Act into a back door cap-and-trade program. Cap-and-trade’s job-crushing mandates couldn’t even pass in the Democrat-controlled Senate, and it shouldn’t be pushed by Washington regulators. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in particular has a history of pushing through regulations that defy the will of the American people.

This kind of Washington overreach destroys jobs, drives up gas prices and raises the cost of energy. Getting rid of these policies is only the first step on the road to regulatory reform.

The president should also take a second look at the thousands of unnecessary new rules that were part of last year’s job-crushing health spending law. He also should reconsider older regulations whose effects have been just as damaging. Nearly two decades ago, President Clinton said “the era of big government is over.”

Somehow, Washington still hasn’t gotten the message.

In his op-ed, the president wrote that he wants to eliminate “absurd and unnecessary paperwork requirements that waste time and money.” He might as well have been talking about one of the worst provisions in his own new health spending law.

This provision requires business owners to submit individual 1099 reporting forms for each business-to-business transaction of more than $600 a year. This is the definition of an “absurd and unnecessary paperwork requirement,” and the president should stop it before it has a chance to do more damage to the economy.

The president has promised to stop imposing “burdens that have stifled innovation and have had a chilling effect on growth and jobs.” I hope he is prepared to be held to account. (IBD)

But we know the answer already, don’t we.

It’s time for Obama to be distracted by a new shiny object and wonder off to collect money for his Re-Coronation in 2012.

And the peasants are left with their crust of bread, underwater mortgage, $5 a gallon gas, inflated prices for goods and rampant unemployment.

They just have to wait for the touchy-feely “green” jobs to magically appear and save us all.

But if you try to repeal job killing ObamaCare, the Universe will come to an end!

Welcome to the 2012 election cycle.

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