Excuses, Excuses…

One of the lamest excuses for doing nothing is that we can’t do everything. Such excuses have been repeated endlessly, even by some conservatives, when it comes to illegal immigration.

We can’t deport millions of illegal immigrants already living in the country, some say, so the wise thing is to just learn to live with them, according to the supposedly sophisticated crowd.

This completely sidesteps the plain, obvious and galling fact that we are not deporting those illegal immigrants who are arrested by the police for violating other laws — and are then turned loose back into American society.

In so-called “sanctuary cities” across the country, local police are under orders not to report illegal immigrants to the federal authorities.

Nobody has a right to obstruct justice when it comes to federal laws — not even the president of the United States, as Richard Nixon discovered when he had to resign after Democrats threatened him with impeachment and Republican senators told him that they would not defend him.

Today, any mayor of any city of any size across the country can publicly announce he is going to obstruct federal laws against illegal immigrants — and then bask in a glow of self-satisfaction and the prospect of winning votes.

Even people who are gung-ho to punish employers who do not take on the role of immigration police, for which they have neither training nor authority, are often ready to overlook elected officials who do have both the duty and the authority to uphold the laws, but openly refuse to do so.

The federal government itself, under the Obama administration, has refused to enforce immigration laws, and has ordered its own agents to back off when it comes to enforcing some laws that President Obama happens not to like.

Then there is also what might be called the pretense of enforcement — when people who have been caught illegally entering the country are turned loose inside the country and told to report back to a court later on. How surprised should we be when they don’t?

One of the most widely known abuses of the immigration laws is the creation of “anchor babies” to get automatic citizenship when a pregnant woman simply crosses the border to have her child born on American soil.

This is not limited to people who cross the Mexican border. Some are flown in from Asia to waiting posh facilities.

Not only do their children get automatic American citizenship without having to meet any requirements, this also increases the opportunities for other family members to gain admission later on, in the name of “family reunification.”

This is such an obvious racket, and so widely known, for so long, that you might think our “responsible” leaders would agree that it should be stopped. But, here again, there are excuses rather than action.

One distinguished conservative commentator even said recently that this is such a small problem that it is not worth bothering with.

The anger of Americans who feel betrayed by their own elected officials is not a small thing. It goes to the heart of what self-government by “we the people” is supposed to mean. To say that it is a small thing is even worse than saying that we can’t do anything about it. We certainly can’t do anything about it if we won’t lift a finger to try.

Some legal authorities say the 14th Amendment confers automatic citizenship on anyone born on American soil. But the very authors of that amendment said otherwise. And some distinguished legal scholars, including Professor Lino Graglia of the University of Texas Law School, say otherwise.

Even if it were necessary to revise the 14th Amendment, it is sheer Progressive-era dogma that constitutional amendments are nearly impossible to revise, repeal or create. There were four new constitutional amendments added in just eight years, during the height of the Progressive era in the early 20th century.

But it is indeed impossible if you are just looking for excuses for not trying. Republicans who are worried about Donald Trump should be. But their own repeated betrayals of their supporters set the stage for his emergence. This goes all the way back to “Read my lips, no new taxes.” (thomas Sowell)

Boehner: Elect us and we’ll stop ObamaCare

Boehner: Elect us and we’ll stop the Unconstitutional Executive Amnesty

We’ll hold them accountable for Benghazi, The IRS, and more.

Then they don’t.

So comes the Iran Deal…Trust them? 🙂

The Addicts In Charge of The Asylum

When it comes to serious, lasting budget constraints, our leaders in Washington have the escape talents of Houdini. The ominous approach of the fiscal cliff put Democrats in a position to extract a lot more revenue and Republicans to force real spending cuts. That prospect drove the two sides to agree that the only reasonable option was neither.

And you know it was a purely political decision made by addicts when you consider the following:

Statement 1: The Payroll Tax was increase 50% by the deal.

Statement 2: The Payroll Tax is the same as it was 2 years ago.

Both statement are ABSOLUTELY 100% Truth.

That’s how you know it was political decision and not an economic one and as a political decision the addicts put it right down the yellow line in the middle of the road so that no one got hit by political “fallout” cars and no one did anything of actual substance but everyone looked like they did and made the other guy look bad.

They looked like they did something good, but in reality it wasn’t. But they can both hide the facts behind baffling BS and the fact that the majority of the nation is now made up of the ill-formed, the mal-informed, and the just plain I-don’t -wanna-know -and-I-don’t cares.

A perfect solution. 🙂

They fixed the budget the same way they always fix it: wrapping it up with a big red bow and shipping it to the taxpayers of the future. As Robert Bixby of the fiscal watchdog group The Concord Coalition puts it, the deal “requires no hard choices and solves no difficult problems.” It neatly postpones that painful, necessary work till another day, when we can expect it to be postponed again.

This is what happens when the drug addict is in charge of his own intervention.

Nothing. But it sounds like progress because the addict said so.

Over the next decade, says CRFB, the U.S. government debt was on track to reach a staggering 81.5 percent of GDP, up from 72.8 percent today. Thanks to this noble display of statesmanship, it may hit only 78.9 percent.

Wow! That’s progress. I’m prevented 3.6% of my rising addiction today so that  I am less addicted than I would have been. See, that’s progress! 🙂

Call it an “addiction cut” because politicians these days always call a lessening of an increase “a cut”.

It’s like the smoker line “I quit smoking every time I  have one”.

What we got instead was not a grand bargain. It was an exercise in evasion. That is no accident. The reason we got into the current fiscal pit is that politicians follow the path of least resistance. They prefer not to antagonize constituents by trimming back benefits that are widely cherished (That they created so people would vote for them- read: bribe). But they also know better than to compel taxpayers to cover the entire cost of those programs (because making them pay the real cost would get them tossed out). So spending mushrooms, tax revenues lag behind, and the debt soars.

And it’s SEP, Somebody Else’s Problem.

So here’s the payoff for weeks of fear and anguish about the looming fiscal cliff: higher taxes, higher spending and a bigger debt. Funny how that worked out. (Steve Chapman)

Especially, when the addicts are in charge of the asylum.

Nancy Pelosi: “You’re going to say, ‘I’m not going to pay my bills unless you stop buying stuff?’ Well, then stop buying stuff so you don’t have future bills. But right now we to pay the bills that have been incurred. And if you want to say cut spending for what we do next, fine. But don’t tie it to the debt ceiling.

The flaw in that slaw is that the Democrat addicts won’t stop spending. That part was missing from this equation.

Pelosi’s solution to the impasse is for the president to — as some scholars have proposed — bypass Congress and invoke the 14th Amendment, which states that “[t]he validity of the public debt … shall not be questioned.”

Shut up, sit down, and F*ck off! You are not allowed to question us. We are the government and we do whatever we want, whenever we want, because we are the government and we can do it just because we are.  :)-
We can do, or not do, anything we like and you just have to shut up and sit down.
But she finished off by saying it was less Partisan when she was Speaker.
Addiction is a ugly thing.
The National Debt of this writing: $16,433,283,000,000
December 31st, 2012- a mere week ago: $16,329,089,300,000
$104 Billion dollars in new debt.
But don’t worry we don’t have a spending problem, we have a Spending Addicts problem! 🙂
A Country is a terrible thing to waste.

Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden

The Liberal Goebbels Constitution

Political Cartoon

The hysterical Left has hit a new low of silliness. And you thought that was impossible. 🙂

ObamaCare is now not only a “Civil Right” it is also “Unconstitutional” and will kill people if we repeal it!


Yes, really!

Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX): Arguing that the Commerce Clause provides the constitutional basis for ObamaCare, Jackson Lee said repealing the law by passing Republicans’ H.R. 2 violates both the Fifth Amendment’s right to due process and the Fourteenth Amendment’s equal protection clause.

“The Fifth Amendment speaks specifically to denying someone their life and liberty without due process,” she said in a speech on the House floor moments ago. “That is what H.R. 2 does and I rise in opposition to it. And I rise in opposition because it is important that we preserve lives and we recognize that 40 million-plus are uninsured.”

“Can you tell me what’s more unconstitutional than taking away from the people of America their Fifth Amendment rights, their Fourteenth Amendment rights, and the right to equal protection under the law?”

House Majority Whip James E. Clyburn called health-care reform “the Civil Rights Act of the 21st century”

So it’s a Civil Right now!! And we all know what taking away civil rights means?


You are guaranteed the right to have the government Mandate you must  buy Health Insurance or you will be fined by the IRS!!


It’s a Civil Right for the Government to decide who lives and who dies! And whether your life is of sufficient “benefit” to society!


It’s Unconstitutional for you to be responsible for your own life. The Democrats have to run it for you!!

To paraphrase our new favorite whacko Leftist, Rep. Cohen and his friend Josef Goebbels tell a lie often enough and people will start to believe it:
Hmmmmmmm..you mean like;
“Global Warming is caused by man”? Or maybe ” Obamacare will lower insurance costs”?  or “reduce the deficit” Or how about, ” We will have the most Transparent Congress ever”? and Let’s Not forget “If you like your doctor , you can keep your doctor”

And the all-time champ, the Health Care Mandate is “not a tax” but it is always defended by the Commerce Clause which means it’s a TAX! 🙂

“I guess they don’t advance civility per se, but I believe telling lies is uncivil. I think somebody needs to stand up to the lies that are being told.”– Rep Cohen.

And speaking of our favourite Whacko in Congress, he just can’t stop himself. Like most of the extreme Left who just can’t control their urges, The Nazi references come first, so what’s next in line: THE KKK.

Also in the interview Cohen stood by equally uncivil remarks he made last April when he compared the Tea Party to the KKK. (“The tea party people are kind of without robes and hoods. They have really shown a very hardcore angry side of America that is against any type of diversity. We saw opposition to African-Americans, hostility towards gays, hostility towards anyone who, you know, just wasn’t a clone of George Wallace’s fan club.”) He said the two movements arose from similar circumstances because both wanted “their power back.”

Rep. Cohen on Anderson Cooper 360 (CNN): “There were people who were out of power and they wanted their power back. The Klan after the Civil War was upset that the African Americans had been given the right to vote and many of them were in office and they didn’t like it. And they wanted to form to get back their own government. They wanted to take back their government. And the Tea Party feels like they are out of power with President Obama, that’s where they started, and they want to take back their government. Now without robes and hoods they’re not out doing things like the Klan did, but they got formed the same kind of way. They were people who had been disposed from being the power group and wanted to take it back.”

The Democrats from 1996 to 2008 when they were “out of power” are exempted of course!! 🙂

Cooper rebutted, “You can compare them to any populist movement, comparing them to the KKK seems incendiary. It seems deeply offense to hundreds of thousands of people who are in the Tea Party”

Like Rep. Cohen cares! He wants to repeat his lies often enough so you’ll believe them!

And don’t tell him that the Republican Party was born as an anti-slavery party and that the KKK was mostly Southern DEMOCRATS.

Oh no! Facts are holy water to Liberal vampires who just want to perpetuate their uncivil hatred of those who oppose their greatness.

“I won’t say it again, but I was right,” he said. -Rep Cohen

You just can’t make this stuff up.

Rep.  John Lewis (D-GA): “Well, when you start off with the Preamble of the Constitution, you talk about the pursuit of happiness,” said Lewis. “You go to the 14th Amendment–it’s equal protection under the law and we have not repealed the 14th Amendment. People have a right to have health care. It’s not a privilege but a right.”

The Preamble of the Constitution states, “We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

IT IS NOT IN THE CONSTITUTION YOU LOON! (anyone seeing the 14th Amendment talking point yet, BTW?)

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”


But I’m sure we have “misquoted” him. 🙂

Then he trotted out the thouroughly ridiculous “well you are required to have auto insurance” canard too!

That was thoroughly discredited by me over a year ago in 1 sentence!

If you don’t have a car, you don’t need or are required by law to have auto insurance!


For More: https://indyfromaz.wordpress.com/2009/10/01/the-bad-analogy/

But truth,facts, and lies never stop the LEFT from trying to perpetuate itself and insinuate itself in every aspect of your life and tell you they can do it better than you and if you don’t believe them, well, they’ll just force it on you for your own good.

So just keep repeating it to yourself until you believe it.

Now don’t you feel better! 🙂

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